Classic Alchemy Profession Guide
Alchemy creates many of the important consumables in Classic, including Flasks. Its transmutes are also required for high level crafts of other professions, such as Blacksmithing's Lionheart Helm. In this guide, we focus on the important items that this profession offers.
In Season of Discovery Alchemy also gained new crafts, including some that are critical in order to progress through new quest content that unlocks best in slot gear.
Alchemy in Season of Discovery
Alchemy received new crafts in Season of Discovery, including the
Elixir of Coalesced Regret which is critical in order to unlock Season of Discovery Profession Crafting
for new best in slot bind on pickup epic gear for the early Phases.
Revered reputation with the Supply Shipment
factions unlocks the bind on equip
Recipe: Lesser Arcane Elixir recipe, which
is very valuable in Phase 2.
In Phase 2 you will also now be able to create the Insulating Gniodine
reagent used in level 40 epic gear crafting and
Mildly Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion,
which uses the rarely crafted
Minor Rejuvenation Potion to make a powerful
temporary power potion, sure to be a hit with raiders everywhere!
Alchemy allows you to create some of the most popular and powerful consumables in WoW Classic. Getting many of these consumables is critical if you want to be competitive in PvP or PvE, and it will be convenient to be able to make them yourself.
Potions, such as Free Action Potion or
Major Healing Potion, grant you many different sorts of benefits
instantly, and have a very short duration, if they have a duration at all.
Elixirs, such as Greater Arcane Elixir, typically grant you a
powerful stat buff for a prolonged amount of time. If you die, you lose this
buff, however.
Oils, such as Blackmouth Oil, are used as raw materials for
other crafts, such as the aforementioned
Free Action Potion, and
usually made from fish.
Flasks, such as Flask of Supreme Power, work similarly to
elixirs, but last longer, persist through death, have bigger effects, and are
extremely expensive, due to requiring a lot of materials and one
Black Lotus each. They also require an Alchemy Lab to create, such as
Ras Frostwhisper's room in Scholomance.
Transmutes, such as Transmute: Arcanite, allow you to convert
raw materials into different, much rarer, raw materials. Using the transmute
mentioned as an example, the resulting
Arcanite Bar is used to craft
the best gear, and is involved in many of the steps necessary to obtain
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros and
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker!
Almost all of Alchemy's items are consumed when used. The profession mostly
requires herbs and fish, such as Stonescale Eel, to craft. It is
expensive to level and maintain it through the Auction House alone, so pairing
it with Herbalism and Fishing is very beneficial, allowing you to farm some of
the materials yourself.
Alchemy Trainers and Where to Find Them
You can learn Alchemy from any Alchemy trainer, which are generally found near starting zones and in capital cities. When you arrive at a major city, you can ask any city guard for directions and pick the Alchemy trainer option. This will mark its location on your map, allowing you to easily find them and get your Alchemy skills up to date.
Horde Alchemy Trainers
- Miao'zan: Durotar, around 55,74.
- Yelmak: Orgrimmar, around 57,33.
- Bena Winterhoof: Thunder Bluff, around 39,24.
- Carolai Anise: Tirisfal Glades, around 59,52.
- Doctor Herbert Halsey: Undercity, around 48,73.
- Serge Hinott: Hillsbrad Foothills, around 62,19.
- Rogvar: Swamp of Sorrows, around 49,56.
Alliance Alchemy Trainers
- Ghak Healtouch: Loch Modan, around 37,49.
- Tally Berryfizz: Ironforge, around 67,56.
- Alchemist Mallory: Elwynn Forest, around 40,48.
- Lilyssia Nightbreeze: Stormwind City, around 46,80.
- Kylanna: Ashenvale, around 51,67.
- Cyndra Kindwhisper: Teldrassil, around 58,61.
- Ainethil: Darnassus, around 55,24.
- Kylanna Windwhisper: Feralas, around 33,44.
Neutral Alchemy Trainers
- Jaxin Chong: Stranglethorn Vale, around 28,78.
How to Quickly Level Alchemy from 1 to 300
In order to level Alchemy efficiently, you will want to craft orange items in your Alchemy menu whenever it is cheap to do so, as it guarantees a skill up per craft. If you cannot craft something orange, yellow is an acceptable alternative, as these usually give skill ups.
Green recipes will rarely grant you a skill point, making them only worth it when the alternatives are scarce or expensive. Also, keep in mind that gray recipes cannot give you a skill point at all.
If you want a more concrete guide on what to level to get from 1-300, check out this Alchemy leveling guide over at
Apprentice and Journeyman
Any Alchemy trainer can train you on these levels of Alchemy. The herbs required are also generally pretty easy to find and cheap.
To level past 150, you need to train at one of these trainers:
- [H] Doctor Herbert Halsey: Undercity, around 48,73;
- [H] Rogvar: Swamp of Sorrows, around 49,56;
- [A] Ainethil: Darnassus, around 55,24;
- [A] Kylanna Windwhisper: Feralas, around 33,44.
In order to unlock 225-300 Alchemy you need to train at one of these trainers:
- [H] Rogvar: Swamp of Sorrows, around 49,56;
- [A] Kylanna Windwhisper: Feralas, around 33,44.
Notable Craft List and Usage Tips
The full list of Alchemy crafts is extremely extensive, but because their effects do not always stack with higher versions of the same effect, only a few of them are very useful in the end game. We will give a short description of those that meet this criteria.
In the many sub-sections that follow, we will cover many of the recipes you can learn as an alchemist, and go over of a lot of useful information for many of them.
Alchemy Drop and Vendor Recipe List
Due to the sheer amount of Alchemy recipes available in WoW Classic, we will list the main end-game Alchemy items first and foremost, with a full explanation.
Flask List and Recipe Locations
Flask of Distilled Wisdom's recipe drops from Balnazzar in Stratholme. It is used by healers during progress raiding.
Flask of Supreme Power's recipe drops from Ras Frostwhisper in Scholomance. Mages, Warlocks, and all other damage dealing casters use it to drastically boost their damage in most high stakes content.
Flask of the Titans's recipe drops from General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire. Its health increasing effect is mostly used by tanks, but is of use to all other classes in difficult content, such as progression raiding or when PvP ranking.
Flask of Petrification's recipe is a random Bind on Equip world drop. Its effect is hard to use adequately, but it has been used to soak up Princess Huhuran's enrage, for example.
Flask of Chromatic Resistance's recipe drops from Gyth in Upper Blackrock Spire. While generally not useful relative to alternative flasks, if you are direly lacking resistances, it is an option.
Other Alchemy End-Game Consumables
These Alchemy consumables are all part of an end-game WoW Classic player's life and all of them can be found in our recommended consumables lists, for PvE and for PvP when applicable.
For PvP, the following consumables are useful.
Recipe: Free Action Potion is sold by [H] Kor'geld and [A] Soolie Berryfizz / Ulthir. Free Action Potions are one of the most sought-after items in WoW Classic, due to making you almost immune to most crowd control for 30 seconds.
Recipe: Living Action Potion is sold by Rin'wosho the Trader once you hit Exalted with the Zandalar Tribe. It has the same effect as Free Action Potions, but can be used to break the crowd control effects, only lasts 5 seconds, and is much more expensive. Use it in emergencies.
Restorative Potion is a reward from the Badlands Reagent Run II quest, which is only available for Alchemists. It combines perfectly with the
Free Action Potions mentioned above, as its effect will remove most types of crowd control Free Action Potion does not prevent.
Recipe: Limited Invulnerability Potion is a Bind on Equip world drop, which is very sought after for its physical immunity effect, especially for Horde casters who lack
Blessing of Protection.
Recipe: Swiftness Potion is also a Bind on Equip world drop, and a very sought after item for its speed-boosting properties, especially for Warsong Gulch flag carriers.
For general stat-buffing, the following are useful.
Recipe: Elixir of the Mongoose drops from Satyrs in Felwood's area, Jadefire Run. It is the best physical damage elixir in the game, widely used by all physical classes.
Recipe: Elixir of Giants drops from enemies all around the world and is commonly used by melee damage dealers and tanks.
Recipe: Mighty Rage Potion drops from Blackrock Orcs (such as Blackrock Slayer) in the Burning Steppes. It is commonly used by tank Warriors to gain burst threat when
Recipe: Greater Stoneshield Potion is not required, and always used by DPS Warriors to
Execute even harder in the final 20% of a boss's health.
Recipe: Great Rage Potion can be bought from Hagrus (Horde) or Ulthir (Alliance). It is a weaker version of the Mighty Rage Potion, but is much cheaper to create.
Recipe: Greater Arcane Elixir is a Bind on Equip world drop. It is the best general spell damage elixir in the game, widely used by all DPS caster classes. Use the trainer-learned
Arcane Elixir instead, if you cannot afford it.
Recipe: Elixir of Frost Power is a reward from the You're a Mean One... Winter Veil quest and is commonly used by Frost Mages.
Recipe: Elixir of Greater Firepower drops from Dark Iron Dwarfs (such as Dark Iron Taskmaster) in the Searing Gorge. This is a Fire Mage's elixir of choice.
Recipe: Elixir of Shadow Power is sold by [H] Algernon and [A] Maria Lumere. It is commonly used by Warlocks and Shadow Priests.
Recipe: Mageblood Potion is sold by Rin'wosho the Trader once you hit Revered with the Zandalar Tribe. It is typically used by healers to boost their Mana regeneration.
If you are a tank, you will also require the following recipes.
Recipe: Greater Stoneshield Potion is a bind on equip world drop, often found in the Auction House. It grants an extra shield's worth of armor to tanks, and because of its low 2 minute duration, is always in demand.
Recipe: Elixir of Superior Defense is sold by [H] Kor'geld and [A] Soolie Berryfizz. It is great for tanks, as the added armor provides a significant physical damage reduction boost.
Recipe: Gift of Arthas drops from Skeletons in southern Western Plaguelands. It is commonly used by tanks in order to drastically increase the damage bosses take from the physical damage dealers on your group.
Recipe: Major Troll's Blood Potion can be bought from Rin'wosho the Trader once you hit Honored with the Zandalar Tribe. While its impact is low, every little bit of health regen helps when tanking.
Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth is a special elixir, mostly used for
its unique cosmetic effect, which makes you grow physically larger.
Finally, the list would not be complete without Health and Mana recovery potions.
Recipe: Major Healing Potion is sold by Evie Whirlbrew, in Winterspring. When you are about to die and heals are not incoming, this will save your life. You can never have too many!
Recipe: Major Mana Potion is sold by Magnus Frostwake, near the entrance of Scholomance in the Western Plaguelands. Because he is a ghost, you will need to find a way to see him in order to talk to him. The recipe also rarely drops from Darkmaster Gandling. Similarly to the Healing Potion, if your Mana is running low, pop this to get a second lease at casting. You might want to start popping these early on in an encounter, if that will allow you to use it another time during the fight.
- Because Major Mana Potions tend to be very expensive, consider buying
Recipe: Superior Mana Potion from Algernon (Horde) or Ulthir (Alliance), which also restore a lot of Mana, for a much more affordable price. Buying
Greater Mana Potion can be a last resort for poor healers, but these are rarely profitable to craft due to their frequent drop rate in Stratholme.
- Consider using
Recipe: Greater Dreamless Sleep, which can be bought from Rin'wosho the Trader once you hit Friendly with the Zandalar Tribe. These potions restore nearly as much Mana as a perfectly rolled Major Mana Potion guaranteed while costing much less to craft. Their major disadvantage is requiring you to "channel" them for 12 seconds, which can be too long sometimes. Great risk, great potential!
Alchemy Transmutes
The most important transmute of WoW Classic is Transmute: Arcanite,
which allows you to create an
Arcanite Bar every 2 days. This allows
you to make gold passively, as long as you remember to use it on cooldown.
The value of the other transmutes (which mostly have 1-day cooldowns) is completely dependent on the market value for each of the raw materials and resulting materials, but is often higher than that of the Arcanite transmute, when taking into account its 2-day cooldown, so make sure to make your calculations every so often to understand where to use your transmute cooldown!
Recipe: Philosopher's Stone is sold by Alchemist Pestlezugg,
and this allows you to craft
Philosopher's Stone, which is required in
order to perform any of the transmutes.
Recipe: Transmute Elemental Fire is sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer and requires Friendly reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood. It has only a 10-minute cooldown, making it an extremely fast way to obtain cheap
Elemental Fire in bulk.
Recipe: Transmute Arcanite, sold by Alchemist Pestlezugg, creates
Arcanite Bar on a 2-day cooldown; this is a fundamental raw material for most end-game epic crafts and legendary weapon quest chains.
Recipe: Transmute Elemental Fire is sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer once you reach Friendly with the Thorium Brotherhood. It allows you to create
Elemental Fire cheaply, which are a fundamental component for
Greater Fire Protection Potion.
Recipe: Transmute Earth to Life
Recipe: Transmute Earth to Water
Recipe: Transmute Water to Air
Recipe: Transmute Water to Undeath
Recipe: Transmute Fire to Earth
Recipe: Transmute Life to Earth
Recipe: Transmute Air to Fire
Recipe: Transmute Undeath to Water
Recipe: Transmute Iron to Gold
Recipe: Transmute Mithril to Truesilver
Alchemy Spell Protection Potions
These potions protect you from a specific damage type, making them very useful whenever fighting enemies that deal this type of damage. Use the Greater versions for stronger protection, at the cost of more expensive materials.
Recipe: Fire Protection Potion
Recipe: Frost Protection Potion
Recipe: Nature Protection Potion
Recipe: Shadow Protection Potion
Recipe: Holy Protection Potion
Recipe: Greater Fire Protection Potion
Recipe: Greater Frost Protection Potion
Recipe: Greater Nature Protection Potion
Recipe: Greater Shadow Protection Potion
Recipe: Greater Arcane Protection Potion
Alchemy Trainer Recipe List
The following recipes are all learned directly from the Alchemy trainers; among them there are a few important crafts to take note of. The list is ordered by the skill level at which you can learn each item, with lower skill items being listed first.
Alchemy Trainer Oil List
Blackmouth Oil is an important component in the
Free Action Potion craft.
Fire Oil is required in order to make
Elixir of Greater Firepower.
Oil of Immolation can be used to add a bit of extra area of effect damage in a fight.
Stonescale Oil is used to create the mighty
Flask of the Titans.
Shadow Oil gives you a small damage proc when consumed. More importantly, it is used to create
Greater Shadow Protection Potion, which is a critical consumable for Loatheb, in Naxxramas.
Alchemy Trainer Potion List
Minor Healing Potion
Weak Troll's Blood Potion
Minor Mana Potion
Minor Rejuvenation Potion
Lesser Healing Potion
Swim Speed Potion
Healing Potion
Lesser Mana Potion
Strong Troll's Blood Potion
Greater Healing Potion
Mana Potion
Lesser Invisibility Potion is great when sneaking around, or to lose pursuers
Greater Mana Potion
Superior Healing Potion
Dreamless Sleep Potion
Alchemy Trainer Elixir List
Elixir of Lion's Strength
Elixir of Minor Defense
Elixir of Minor Fortitude
Elixir of Wisdom
Elixir of Water Breathing
Elixir of Defense
Elixir of Firepower
Elixir of Agility
Elixir of Greater Defense
Catseye Elixir
Elixir of Greater Water Breathing
Elixir of Detect Undead
Arcane Elixir
Elixir of Greater Intellect
Elixir of Greater Agility
Elixir of Detect Demon
- 11 Feb. 2024: Added source for Lesser Arcane Elixir.
- 03 Feb. 2024: Updated for Season of Discovery Phase 2.
- 05 Dec. 2020: Updated the guide for Phase 6.
- 28 Jul. 2020: Updated the guide for Phase 5.
- 09 Oct. 2019: Added Elixir of Giants, Shadow Oil and removed Greater Holy Protection Potion as it is not currently available.
- 26 Aug. 2019: Guide added.
Classic Class Guides
Classic Dungeon Guides
Classic Profession Guides
Classic Reputation Guides

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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