Classic Druid Goldmaking Guide: The Best Ways to Make Gold
Welcome to our Goldmaking guide for Druids, where you will learn the best ways to make Gold with a Druid in WoW Classic.
Earning gold is an incredibly important part of Classic WoW and will be very important for many things. There are large purchases that you will want to make, such as getting your epic mount or getting better gear from the Auction House. You will also have lots of reoccurring purchases, such as consumables for raiding and PvP. The bottom line is that gold is important, both for quality of life and for getting important items to help your gameplay. One of the most important things to do once you hit Level 60 for the first time, or even before that, is to work to establish a gold making source.
Best Professions for Druids
In Classic, there are no passive combat bonuses for choosing specific professions. This means that you are free to choose whatever you would like. Despite this, professions can be incredibly important for lots of things, and it is important to consider the possible benefits before choosing. Some professions are great for making gold, while some are more suited to helping you in actual gameplay.
Gathering Professions
Especially at the start, materials will be expensive. This is especially true for minerals, herbs, and skins that come from higher level zones and enemies. Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning are all great choices early on, as they allow you to farm much needed crafting materials yourself without having to buy them. This is a great way to level up a profession that uses those materials, such as going Mining and Engineering.
One of the single most expensive materials in the game is
Devilsaur Leather from the Devilsaurs in Un'Goro Crater. This is an
important crafting material because it is used to craft
Devilsaur Gauntlets and
Devilsaur Leggings, which are
best-in-slot items for many classes, including Feral Druids. If you choose to go
Skinning and are able to reach Level 60 quickly, you can go farm these before
they become heavily contested. After more people start to reach Level 60,
Devilsaurs will be farmed by many people, and it will be extremely difficult to
reliably find them. If you are on a PvP server, this can be especially
dangerous, due to the groups that will form to find them on both
Crafting Professions
Tailoring, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, and Alchemy are all excellent choices for professions and can be quite profitable. Tailoring, Blacksmithing, and Leatherworking all craft important gear that people will want, while Enchanting and Alchemy can make consumables that are important for raiding and PvP. Alchemy especially has tons of important potions, elixirs, and flasks that are high in demand.
While not a profitable profession, Engineering can be very important for PvP
and raiding. The different bombs and trinkets are very strong, making the profession
worth considering if you want to be competitive at either PvP or raiding. Some
higher-end guilds will actually require their members to have Engineering, with some
even going as far as requiring Physical damage dealers to be Gnomish Engineers
because of how good Gnomish Battle Chicken is.
Vendor Sniping
Certain vendors, such as Ghok'kah, sell very valuable recipes, or even raw materials, on a limited stock, which slowly replenishes over time. Being aware of this and reselling the recipe or materials to other players can generate high profits, although it is difficult to buy these items consistently.
Solo Farming as a Druids
Druids are one of the better solo classes in the game, making solo farming a decent way to making gold. There are many enemies and dungeons that can be very profitable to farm.
Stealth Soloing Dungeons
Druids and Rogues are the only
two classes in WoW Classic that have access to permanent invisibility abilities,
specifically Prowl and
Stealth. There are elite packs and even
some bosses that are easily doable in lots of dungeons, specifically Maraudon
and Dire Maul. You can easily stealth your way through these, avoiding most of the
dungeon. Then you can either disenchant the drops or sell the bind on equip items
on the Auction House for gold.
Maraudon is a great place to farm
all kinds of valuable materials, but one of the easiest (and most profitable) farms
is to enter from the Orange
entrance and run all the way to the Purple
entrance of Maraudon, picking up
a ton of Ghost Mushroom,
Blindweed and
Mithril Ore along
the way!
This method requires no killing of enemies whatsoever, only running / positioning to avoid pulling aggro through the dungeon. You can see it being masterfully done by Timira in this video.
Blackrock Depths (BRD) Gor'Shak Farming
One of the fastest ways to level / boost others as a H Horde player
is by picking up the quest Commander Gor'shak. This quest's follow up,
What Is Going On?, will instantly spawn 7 elites to attack you inside the dungeon,
which you can kill quickly with a good party or high level characters. You can then
abandon the quest and start it again at the NPC as many times as you want for an
infinite number of elites to kill.
While it is recommended that you bring as many area of effect classes as possible for this farm, you can still clear it with a normal group, if required.
Check out an example of this farm being done in practice here, by Asher.
Tyr's Hand
Tyr's Hand is an encampment in the Eastern Plaguelands that can be a very
profitable farming spot for solo farmers. The Scarlet Archmages there have a
chance to drop Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader, which is the formula for
the most sought after weapon enchant that most melee use. The formula itself
will sell for lots of gold, or if you are an enchanter, you can learn it to be
able to use the enchant. Having the enchant is rare, enabling you to charge
people decent amounts of gold to enchant their weapons. The enemies at Tyr's
Hand also drop
Major Healing Potion, and other
useful items.
Essences, specifically Essence of Fire and
Essence of Water,
are a valuable resource for many crafting professions early on in WoW Classic. These
can be a nice, relatively low effort way of farming gold if you are worried about
being too under-geared to use some of the other methods. Essence of Fire can
be farmed in Un'Goro Crater, Felwood, and Blackrock Depths from Fire Elementals in
the zones. Similarly, Essence of Water can be farmed in Felwood, Winterspring, and
Eastern Plaguelands from Water Elementals.
- 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 15 Jul. 2019: Page added.
Classic Dungeon Guides
Classic Profession Guides
Classic Reputation Guides

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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