WoW Classic Druid Leveling Guide 1-60

Last updated on Jan 05, 2025 at 14:13 by Seksixeny 19 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Classic leveling guide for Druids. Here, you will learn how to efficiently level your Druid all the way to Level 60.

If you were looking for TBC Classic advice, please refer to our TBC Classic Druid leveling guide.



Druids are exceptionally fast levelers, only slightly falling behind Hunters in speed. However, Druids also require much more work and finesse to play at peak efficiency. With multiple forms, healing spells, utility spells, and damaging spells, Druids have the largest toolkit out of any class, allowing you to adapt to any situation. Feral is the best Druid leveling spec, and allows the use of different animal forms, such as Cat Form Icon Cat Form and Bear Form Icon Bear Form. These animal forms use Energy and Rage to deal heavy melee damage while letting their Mana regenerate, allowing them to make heavier use of natural Mana regeneration than any other Mana user. This natural efficiency is what gives Druids their leveling speed, allowing them to heal quickly, pull new mobs, and keep regenerating Mana, with very little downtime required.


Spec Options

Druid has many potential specs, but Feral will be your fastest leveling spec if you plan to play solo. Feral allows you to regenerate Mana passively while efficiently killing enemies in Bear Form Icon Bear Form and Cat Form Icon Cat Form.

Balance allows you to level as a caster, focusing on using your Nature and Arcane damage spells to kill enemies. While leveling will be slower than Feral, the gearing will allow you to easily heal dungeons while leveling, which can be better in a group.

Druids can also level as Restoration, but it is by far the worst option if you plan to level alone. In groups, Restoration will do quite well, but you do not need the Restoration talents to heal; Balance will serve you better while allowing you to also quest and deal damage when needed.


Leveling Quests

To guide you in your class-specific quests, we have a specialized guide that you may find useful linked below, which detail how to obtain Bear Form Icon Bear Form, Aquatic Form Icon Aquatic Form, the Abolish Poison Icon Abolish Poison ability, and other special Druid perks.


Best Weapons for Leveling

While all gear is relevant while leveling, the weapons are particularly important as they carry more stats than other pieces of gear. Thus, knowing which weapons are the best and how to acquire them is an important part in the path to success.


Weapons for Leveling Druids

Leveling Weapon Suggestions Weapon Type Details Weapon Trainers

As stated above, look for weapons that have good stats, such as Agility and Strength for Feral or + Nature/Arcane Damage for Balance. Check the auction house for BoE weapons if you can spare the gold, but do not spend too much. Remember that weapons are no different than any other gear upgrade, thus are not worth spending tons of gold on.

While you will change weapons many times during your 1-60 journey, some interesting weapons you might find / procure as you level up are as follows.

  • Crescent Staff Icon Crescent Staff (Horde) and Staff of Westfall Icon Staff of Westfall (Alliance) are dungeon quest rewards, from Leaders of the Fang and The Defias Brotherhood respectively. Because they are quest rewards, you are guaranteed to get them from your first full dungeon run, and they can last you for a very long time.
  • Manual Crowd Pummeler Icon Manual Crowd Pummeler from the Crowd Pummeler 9-60 in Gnomeregan is best in slot for Feral specializations for the whole of WoW Classic, so farming it a lot while leveling can make sense if you enjoy dungeons! Its baseline stats are also fairly strong for its level.
  • Thornstone Sledgehammer Icon Thornstone Sledgehammer and Blanchard's Stout Icon Blanchard's Stout are also great leveling option which can be bought on the Auction House.
  • Finally, Crystal Spiked Maul Icon Crystal Spiked Maul has great baseline stats if you can afford or find it in the later phases, as it comes from the Silithus Sack of Spoils Icon Sack of Spoils, being both a great leveling weapon and a great pre-raid weapon.


Druids can use Staves, but weapons are all about stats. This means your most likely upgrades will just be random weapon drops that happen to have good stats, such as Agility and Strength for Feral or + Nature Damage for Balance.



Druids can use Daggers, but weapons are all about stats. This means your most likely upgrades will just be random weapon drops that happen to have good stats, such as Agility and Strength for Feral or + Nature Damage for Balance.



Druids can use Maces, but weapons are all about stats. This means your most likely upgrades will just be random weapon drops that happen to have good stats, such as Agility and Strength for Feral or + Nature Damage for Balance.


Fist Weapons

Druids can use Fist Weapons, but weapons are all about stats. This means your most likely upgrades will just be random weapon drops that happen to have good stats, such as Agility and Strength for Feral or + Nature Damage for Balance.


Unusable Weapons

The weapon types listed below can not be used by Druids.

  • Wands
  • Swords
  • Axes
  • Polearms
  • Crossbows
  • Bows
  • Guns
  • Thrown Weapons
  • Shields

Druid Weapon Trainers

Druids know how to use their starting melee weapons when created, but they can also learn how to use many other weapon types from Weapon Masters around the world.

Weapon Master location Weapon Skills available
Darnassus (around 57,46) Daggers, Fist Weapons, Staves
Ironforge (around 62,89) Fist Weapons, Daggers, Maces
Stormwind (around 57,57) Daggers, Staves
Orgrimmar (around 81,19) Staves, Daggers, Fist Weapons
Thunder Bluff (41,62) Staves, Maces
Undercity (57,32) Daggers

Melee classes use melee weapons, Hunters used ranged weapons, and casters use wands. Caster Druids, however, cannot make good use of any of these, making them have to rely mostly on daggers, maces, and staves.

Feral Druids use melee weapons, but do not benefit from them in the same way as other melee classes. Cat Form Icon Cat Form and Bear Form Icon Bear Form have normalized auto attacks based off their attack power, not their weapon damage. Ability damage is calculated using these normalized auto attacks, meaning weapon damage is meaningless for Feral Druids. You are hitting enemies with your paw and claws, not your weapon. bWeapons are only as good as the stats they have on them.


Leveling in a Group

Contrary to popular belief, leveling in a group can be extremely efficient, even better than solo leveling in some cases. While Druids are one of the faster solo leveling classes, they also perform very well with a partner or with a group. Druid in duos typically will level faster than playing solo, as Druid is exceptional at supporting other DPS. Druid performs very well when paired with high DPS classes like Warrior or Warlock. As an added benefit, this class can also opt to tank or heal dungeons, offering more options to your group.


Leveling Strategy as a Druid

As a Druid, your goal is to spend Mana in bursts before swapping into either Bear Form Icon Bear Form or Cat Form Icon Cat Form to finish enemies off. While in a form, your Mana will continue to regenerate, allowing you to swap out once enemies are dead and use it to heal, buff, or cast Moonfire Icon Moonfire or Wrath Icon Wrath to pull new enemies from range.

For Levels 1 through 10, you will be mainly focused on using Moonfire Icon Moonfire, Wrath Icon Wrath, and melee attacks. Keep in mind the 5 second rule, where your Mana only starts regenerating after not casting for 5 seconds. This means you should always try to front load your spells and finish enemies off with melee attacks.

Once you hit Level 10, you get Bear Form Icon Bear Form, which is your largest power spike that you will experience on your journey to 60. Once you have Bear Form, you now have a way to deal damage without using Mana. This is important because it allows you to front load your Mana to either do damage or heal yourself before switching into Bear Form to finish enemies off. You will be naturally resilient enough in Bear Form to tank multiple enemies, so do not be scared about pulling 2-3 enemies at a time, but any more and you will run into problems.

At Level 20, you get Cat Form Icon Cat Form, which is the form you will spend most of your time in up to 60. You will want to focus on using Claw Icon Claw and Rake Icon Rake to generate combo points before using Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite to finish enemies off. Prowl Icon Prowl is also a powerful tool and should be utilized whenever possible to sneak past enemies you do not want to fight.

Beyond Level 20, do not be afraid to use Bear Form Icon Bear Form sometimes whenever you feel like you might need to take less damage. While Bear Form is less damage than Cat Form Icon Cat Form, you take way less damage and will be at a lower risk of dying. In general, try to go Bear Form if you are dealing with multiple enemies at once, but use Cat Form for when you are only attacking one target. You can also make use of your crowd control abilities like Entangling Roots Icon Entangling Roots and Hibernate Icon Hibernate if too many enemies are being pulled to limit the number you need to deal with.


Other Tips

  • Teleport: Moonglade Icon Teleport: Moonglade - get used to using this ability whenever you need to train, vendor, or repair your gear. If you set your hearthstone to the inn closest to where you are currently questing, then you can teleport to Moonglade to take care of whatever you need before hearthing back to wherever you are questing.
  • Once you get your mount at Level 40, do not underestimate how valuable Travel Form Icon Travel Form and Cat Form Icon Cat Form can be when moving. Specifically, you need to be moving for more than 20 seconds for it to be worth using your mount and not just casting Travel Form, since it is an instant cast.
  • If you plan to do dungeons at all, keep a set of Intellect/Spirit gear in your bags. With some good pieces, you can heal through most dungeons while still having Feral talents, which could help you get into a dungeon group, since healers are harder to come by while leveling.
  • Only use Swipe Icon Swipe when you are attacking 3+ targets, which should only be happening if you are leveling in a group as more of a tank.

Professions While Leveling

If your goal is to hit Level 60 as fast as possible, it is not recommended to pick up Professions while leveling. However, some professions are very useful for either leveling or at Level 60, and can be worth the time investment to level early on. First Aid is a must have profession at max level due to the no Mana cost healing it provides, and learning it early on can be useful while leveling. Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning all are great choices for making gold towards your first mount, and can also be useful for helping to level other important professions later on, such as taking Mining to help level Engineering.

If you are going Restoration at Level 60, it might be advisable to take Professions that you can level without needing to kill enemies, such as Herbalism and Alchemy.


How to Advance as a Druid at Level 60

Well done on hitting maximum level in WoW Classic! Now that leveling is over, you can learn more about level 60 gameplay by reading our Druid Endgame Guides, which covers every facet of gameplay at 60 in detail.

In addition, you can also read the following guides.

  • Our PvP Druid Guide is where you can find PvP builds for all 3 specializations, as well as various tricks and tips for PvP combat.
  • Goldmaking Guide for Druids is a page with details on where / how to farm gold quickly as a Druid when you are Level 60.


  • 05 Jan. 2025: Minor leveling weapon suggestion fix.
  • 18 Nov. 2024: Added weapon information ahead of Classic Anniversary.
  • 01 Nov. 2024: Minor page enhancements.
  • 02 Sep. 2019: Improved description of Bear Form questline.
  • 29 Aug. 2019: Improved presentation of talent picks by level.
  • 15 Jul. 2019: Page added.
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