Classic Enchanting Profession and Leveling Guide
Enchanting focuses on imbuing weapons and armor with magical empowerments. To
do that, they Disenchant already empowered items and turn them into usable
Dusts, Essences and Shards to be the materials for their Enchantments.
Because of this skill, it is strongly suggested to learn this profession as early
as you can, so you can start to Disenchant any Uncommon (green) or better
items you find to obtain the necessary materials.
In Season of Discovery Enchanting also obtained new crafts, including new consumables which increase the power of players with this profession.
In this guide, we will go over how to take advantage of this profession, how to quickly level it up, and how to use your enchants effectively.
Enchanting in Season of Discovery
Enchanting received new crafts in Season of Discovery, such as the
Blackfathom Mana Oil which helped cap Spell Hit in Blackfathom Deeps,
or the new personal benefit
Enchanted Sigil: Innovation consumable in Phase
In Phase 2 you will also now be able to create two new enchants: Enchant Weapon - Dismantle
Enchant Chest - Retricutioner, both of which are sure to have multiple
uses, especially inside the Gnomeregan raid!
Professions to Pair With Enchanting
If you are a Cloth Armor user, you should consider Tailoring,
which, just like Enchanting, does not rely on
gathered materials, making the two professions easy to pair. This also has the
advantage of being able to Disenchant
Tailoring products either crafted during leveling your profession, or intentionally
made to be
Disenchanted, which we have
listed in the Obtaining Enchanting Materials from Tailoring
If you are not a Cloth Armor user, Enchanting can also be paired with any of the other gathering professions such as Herbalism, Skinning or Mining to make a nice earning on the side.
Enchanting Trainers and Where to Find Them
You can learn Enchanting from any Enchanting trainer, who you can find in most capital cities (usually that of your race, such as Orgrimmar for Orcs or Ironforge for Dwarves and Gnomes).
When you arrive in your city, you can ask any City Guard for directions. After asking for the Enchanting trainer, it will be marked on your map, allowing you to go to them and learn Enchanting, as well as new formulas as you level it up.
Below is a select list of Enchanting trainers that we have compiled for you. All capital cities have a Journeyman and an Expert trainer, except Darnassus, so we listed the highest level trainer of each capital city. To learn Artisan Enchanting, you will need to go to Uldaman Dungeon, see our Artisan section for details.
- Alliance Enchanting Trainers
- Alanna Raveneye (Journeyman): Teldrassil, The Oracle Glade (36,34 on the wider map)
- Lucan Cordell (Expert): Stormwind City, Mage Quarter (42,64)
- Gimble Thistlefuzz (Expert): Ironforge, Great Forge (59,45)
- Xylinnia Starshine (Expert): Feralas, Feathermoon Stronghold (31,44)
- Kitta Firewind (Artisan): Elwynn Forest, The Tower of Azora (64,70)
- Horde Enchanting Trainers
- Godan (Expert): Orgrimmar, The Drag (53,38)
- Lavinia Crowe (Expert): Undercity, The Apothecarium (62,61)
- Mot Dawnstrider (Expert): Thunder Bluff, central bluff (45,38)
- Hgarth (Artisan): Stonetalon Mountains, Sun Rock Retreat (49,57)
- Neutral Enchanting Trainers
- Annora (Master): Inside UldamanDungeon, in a cave south of the Temple Hall.
You should note that, to learn Expert and Artisan Enchanting, you will need to speak to special trainers (see our Expert and Artisan sections for details).
How to Enchant and Disenchant Items
Enchanters need a special crafted Runed Rod to apply their enchants to
items. When you learn this profession, you will also learn how to craft your
first one, a Runed Copper Rod. As you increase your skill in Enchanting,
you will also craft stronger ones to apply higher level enchants.
To provide the materials, you will use the Disenchant skill on
armor and weapons which are at least Uncommon (green) quality level. By disenchanting
an item, you will turn it into enchanting materials such as Dusts, Essences, Shards
or Crystals, and by doing so, you will destroy that item permanently. Take care
with what you choose to
Disenchant, so you do not regret it later.
If you choose the wrong item to Disenchant, do not panic: simply press
the "Escape" key or move your character before you complete the
cast and it will cancel, saving the item.
Also, you can apply enchants to other players via the Trade interface. When a player wants you to apply an enchant to their items, they or you will open a Trade and put their items on the "Will not to be traded" slot. Apply the enchant to that item by first choosing the desired formula and apply it to the item there.
How to Quickly Level Enchanting from 1 to 300
In order to level Enchanting efficiently, you will want to craft orange items in your profession menu whenever it is cheap to do so, as it guarantees a skill up per craft. If you cannot craft something orange, yellow is an acceptable alternative, as these usually give skill ups.
Green recipes will rarely grant you a skill point, making them only worth it when the alternatives are scarce or expensive. Also, keep in mind that gray recipes cannot give you a skill point at all.
The profession level brackets for Enchanting are as follows:
- Apprentice Level: Can be learned at character Level 5, starts from 1 skill level, goes up to 75;
- Journeyman Level: Can be learned at character Level 10, when you reach 50 skill level, goes up to 150;
- Expert Level: Can be learned at character Level 20, when you reach 125 skill level, goes up to 225;
- Artisan Level: Can be learned at character Level 35, when you reach 200 skill level, goes up to 300 and that is the highest Enchanting Level.
The following list is the materials required to Level from 1 to 300, assuming you are not unlucky with skill-ups. You may require more materials if you fail certain skill-ups.
- 205x
Strange Dust
- 70x
Soul Dust
- 160x
Vision Dust
- 300x
Dream Dust
- 82x
Illusion Dust
- 15x
Lesser Magic Essence
- 20x
Greater Magic Essence
- 12x
Lesser Astral Essence
- 2x
Greater Astral Essence
- 25x
Lesser Mystic Essence
- 2x
Greater Mystic Essence
- 12x
Lesser Nether Essence
- 7x
Greater Nether Essence
- 50x
Purple Lotus
- *25x
Crystal Vial
- 4x
Greater Eternal Essence
- 4x
Small Brilliant Shard
- 2x
Large Brilliant Shard
- 1x
- 1x
Iridescent Pearl
- 1x
Black Pearl
- 1x
Golden Pearl
- *1x
Copper Rod
- **1x
Silver Rod
- **1x
Golden Rod
- **1x
Truesilver Rod
- **1x
Arcanite Rod
*Can be bought from the Trade vendors.
**Crafted via Blacksmithing.
Step 1: 1-75 Skill (Apprentice)
You will earn your first skill point by crafting your first Runed Rod:
- 1
Runed Copper Rod, using 1
Strange Dust and 1
Lesser Magic Essence.
After that, until you reach 75 skill, you will need to make:
- 1
Enchant Bracer - Minor Health, using 1
Strange Dust each time for an approximate amount of 74 times.
Once you have passed 50 or reach 75 skill, you can go learn Journeyman Enchanting and new formulas from the trainers.
Note that Disenchanting items also awards skill points from 1 skill level to 20 and at 40 it becomes
less effective and beyond 60 it will not give
you a skill point at all. So, you can use it to help your leveling between
1-50 if you have a lot of items you can
Step 2: 50-130 Skill (Journeyman)
For this step, you need to make these:
- Between 75-85: 10
Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflect, using 1
Strange Dust, 3
Lesser Magic Essence, each time;
- Between 85-100: 15
Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina, using 3
Strange Dust each time;
- Between 100-101: Craft
Runed Silver Rod, using 1
Silver Rod, 6
Strange Dust, 3
Greater Magic Essence, and 1
- Between 101-105: 4
Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina, using 3
Strange Dust each time;
- Between 105-120: 15
Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility, using 2
Strange Dust and 1
Greater Magic Essence each time;
- Between 120-130: 10
Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina, using 2
Strange Dust and 1
Lesser Astral Essence each time.
After you pass 125 or reach 130, you can go learn Expert Enchanting and new formulas from these special trainers:
- Alliance: Kitta Firewind (Artisan): Elwynn Forest, The Tower of Azora (64,70);
- Horde: Hgarth (Artisan): Stonetalon Mountains, Sun Rock Retreat (49,57).
Step 3: 130-200 Skill (Expert)
For this step, you need to make the following recipes:
- Between 130-150: 20
Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina, using 2
Soul Dust each time;
- Between 150-151: Craft
Runed Golden Rod, using 1
Golden Rod, 2
Soul Dust, 2
Greater Astral Essence, and 1
Iridescent Pearl;
- Between 151-160: 9
Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina, using 2
Soul Dust each time;
- Between 160-165: 5
Enchant Shield - Lesser Stamina, using 1
Soul Dust and 1
Lesser Mystic Essence each time;
- Between 165-180: 15
Enchant Bracer - Spirit, using 1
Lesser Mystic Essence each time;
- Between 180-200: 20
Enchant Bracer - Strength, using 1
Vision Dust each time.
After you reach 200 skill, you can go learn the highest available skill level, Artisan Enchanting, from Annora inside the Uldaman Dungeon. She will be in a cave south of the Temple Hall and will appear after you clear the trash.
Step 4: 225-300 Skill (Artisan)
For this step, you need to make the following recipes:
- Between 200-201: Craft
Runed Truesilver Rod, using 1
Truesilver Rod, 2
Vision Dust, 2
Greater Mystic Essence, and 1
Black Pearl;
- Between 201-205: 4
Enchant Bracer - Strength, using 1
Vision Dust each time;
- Between 205-225: 20
Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense, using 3
Vision Dust each time;
- Between 225-235: 10
Enchant Gloves - Agility, using 1
Vision Dust and 1
Lesser Nether Essence each time;
- Between 235-245: 10
Enchant Chest - Superior Health, using 6
Vision Dust each time;
- Between 245-250: 5
Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength, using 2
Dream Dust and 1
Greater Nether Essence each time;
- Between 250-265:
- Between 250-265: 15 more
Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength, using 2
Dream Dust and 1
Greater Nether Essence each time;
- Or (After 1.9 Phase): 15
Lesser Mana Oil, using 3
Dream Dust, 2
Purple Lotus, and 1
Crystal Vial each time;
- Between 250-265: 15 more
- Between 265-290: You have two options for this level range:
- 25
Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina, using 10
Dream Dust each time;
- 25
Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina, using 10
Dream Dust each time;
- 25
- Between 290-291: 1
Runed Arcanite Rod, using 1
Arcanite Rod, 10
Illusion Dust, 4
Greater Eternal Essence, and 1
Golden Pearl;
- Between 291-300: 9
Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense, using 8
Illusion Dust each time.
How and Where to Find Enchanting Materials
Disenchanting has a chance to return the following materials.
Dust from Disenchanting
Strange Dust, from Level 5-25 Uncommon (green) items.
Soul Dust, from Level 25-35 Uncommon (green) items.
Vision Dust, from Level 35-45 Uncommon (green) items.
Dream Dust, from Level 45-55 Uncommon (green) items.
Illusion Dust, from Level 55-60 Uncommon (green) items.
Lesser Magic Essence, from Level 5-15 Uncommon (green) items.
Greater Magic Essence, from Level 15-25 Uncommon (green) items.
Lesser Astral Essence, from Level 20-25 Uncommon (green) items.
Greater Astral Essence, from Level 25-30 Uncommon (green) items.
Lesser Mystic Essence, from Level 30-35 Uncommon (green) items.
Greater Mystic Essence, from Level 35-40 Uncommon (green) items.
Lesser Nether Essence, from Level 40-45 Uncommon (green) items.
Greater Nether Essence, from Level 45-50 Uncommon (green) items.
Lesser Eternal Essence, from Level 50-55 Uncommon (green) items.
Greater Eternal Essence, from Level 55-60 Uncommon (green) items.
Small Glimmering Shard, from Level 15-25 Rare (blue) items.
Large Glimmering Shard, from Level 25-30 Rare (blue) items.
Small Glowing Shard, from Level 30-35 Rare (blue) items.
Large Glowing Shard, from Level 35-40 Rare (blue) items.
Small Radiant Shard, from Level 40-45 Rare (blue) items.
Large Radiant Shard, from Level 45-50 Rare (blue) items.
Small Brilliant Shard, from Level 50-55 Rare (blue) items.
Large Brilliant Shard, from Level 55-60 Rare (blue) items.
Nexus Crystal, from Level 55-60 Epic (purple) items.
Note that, some Uncommon (green) items may rarely disenchant into Shards too.
Obtaining Enchanting Materials from Tailoring
If you have chosen to pair these two professions, Tailoring can be used to craft items according to your Enchanting material needs.
Strange Dust comes from any low level Uncommon (green) armor you can craft.
Soul Dust comes from
Azure Silk Pants.
Vision Dust comes from
Red Mageweave Pants and
Red Mageweave Gloves.
Dream Dust comes from
Runecloth Belt.
Illusion Dust comes from
Runecloth Shoulders.
Important Enchanting Formulas and Where to Find Them
Important Enchanting Formulas Sold by Vendors
Many of the important formulas are sold by faction vendors and, after reaching certain levels of reputation, you can buy and learn them. You should target your reputation farming towards whichever enchants you would most like to have.
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Agility, from Meilosh when Honored with Timbermaw Hold
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Strength, from Lokhtos Darkbargainer when Friendly with Thorium Brotherhood
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spirit, from Lokhtos Darkbargainer when Honored with Thorium Brotherhood
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect, from Lokhtos Darkbargainer when Revered with Thorium Brotherhood
Formula: Brilliant Mana Oil, from Rin'wosho the Trader when Friendly with Zandalar Tribe
Formula: Brilliant Wizard Oil, from Rin'wosho the Trader when Honored with Zandalar Tribe
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance, from Kania when Friendly with Cenarion Circle
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance, from Kania when Honored with Cenarion Circle
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration, from Argent Dawn Quartermasters when Honored with Argent Dawn
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Healing, from Argent Dawn Quartermasters when Revered with Argent Dawn
Important Enchanting Formula Drops
The rest of the important formulas drop from either open world, Dungeon, or Raid bosses.
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader, from Scarlet Spellbinder, Western Plaguelands
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect, from Vilebranch Shadowcaster, Hinterlands
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking, from Spirestone Warlord, Lower Blackrock Spire
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing, from Spectral Researcher, Scholomance
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Unholy, from Thuzadin Shadowcaster, Stratholme
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon, from Pyromancer Loregrain, Blackrock Depths
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina, from Nathanos Blightcaller, Eastern Plaguelands or any 55-60 Dungeon or Raid trash
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance, from Atal'ai Witch Doctor, Sunken Temple
Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Superior Impact, from Blackhand Elite, Upper Blackrock Spire
Formula: Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength, from Spirestone Mystic, Lower Blackrock Spire
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Healing Power, from bosses in Molten Core
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spell Power, from bosses in Molten Core
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge, from bosses in AQ20 and AQ40
Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat, from Emperor Vek'nilash, AQ40
Formula: Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power, bosses in AQ20 and AQ40
Formula: Enchant Gloves - Healing Power, bosses in AQ20 and AQ40
Formula: Enchant Gloves - Frost Power, bosses in AQ20 and AQ40
Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fire Power, bosses in AQ20 and AQ40
Formula: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats, from Taerar/Onyxia/Azuregos, World Zones
- 06 Feb. 2024: Added new self-benefit consumable in SoD P2.
- 03 Feb. 2024: Updated for Season of Discovery Phase 2.
- 26 Aug. 2019: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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