Classic Engineering Profession Guide
Engineering is perhaps the most popular and most important profession in WoW Classic. In this guide, we focus on the important items that this profession offers.
In Season of Discovery Engineering also gained new crafts, including some that are critical in order to progress through new quest content that unlocks best in slot gear.
Engineering in Season of Discovery
Engineering received many new crafts in Season of Discovery, including
best in slot bind on pickup gear for the early Phases, such as the new
Hyperconductive Goldwrap.
It is also required in order to craft bombs that can be used to increase PvE
and PvP damage, such as the new High-Yield Radiation Bomb and a special
bomb usable by non-Engineers,
Ez-Thro Radiation Bomb.
Engineering is perhaps the most popular and most important profession in WoW Classic. If you want to be competitive in PvP or PvE, it is a necessity for most classes and specs. Engineers get access to numerous bombs, trinkets, and gadgets that have wide and varied effects, ranging from grenades that stun enemies in a small area to a battle chicken. Many of these items provide situationally useful effects in both PvE and PvP, with some items being game changing, especially in PvP. Below you will find a full list of all of the unique and useful items that Engineering offers, with the locations of the recipes needed to craft them.
Engineering uses ores, metals, and stone to craft. It can be quite expensive to level and maintain, so pairing it with Mining can be quite beneficial, especially early on when materials will be more expensive. Mining will allow you to farm your own materials without needing to buy them on the Auction House.
Leveling any profession comes down to using the profession, usually to craft items. Engineering is no different. You will want to craft items that are hard, which means they will be color coded as orange in your Engineering menu. If you cannot craft something orange, yellow is an acceptable alternative. Green recipes will very rarely level you up, while Grey recipes will never level you. There is not strictly one way to leveling Engineering, and the best choices for what items to make to level can vary depending on what materials you have available.
If you want a more concrete guide on what to level to get from 1-300, check out this Engineering leveling guide over at
For 1-75, you will be an Apprentice. You will want to find Journeyman Engineers, who can be found in any major city along with other bigger towns in some early zones, such as Bronk Guzzlegear in Dun Morogh and Tinkerwiz in Ratchet. Early levels and skills are not hard to come by, just visit a major city to find a trainer if you find yourself stuck.
For 75-150, you will be a Journeyman. You will want to find Expert Engineers, who can be found in Undercity, Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Ironforge. You also can learn from Buzzek Bracketswing in Tanaris, the only NPC with all ranks of Engineering available.
To level past 150, you must be learn Expert Engineer. As you go up
in levels, trainers become more scarce. For Expert, you have three options.
- [A/H] Buzzek Bracketswing — Tanaris
- [H] Roxxik — Orgrimmar
- [A] Springspindle Fizzlegear — Ironforge
The final levels of Engineering, 225-300, require Artisan Engineer.
To become an Artisan, you must go to Buzzek Bracketswing in Tanaris.
Buzzek Bracketswing
If you looked at the sections above, you will notice that Buzzek is mentioned in every category. You could consider Buzzek to be the ultimate end game Engineering trainer since he is the only Engineering trainer who has all of the levels of Engineering, as well as many end game recipes that are only trainable from him. Below is the list of important items that you can find from Buzzek.
Dense Dynamite — The best dynamite available. This is a solid damage increase if you use these during boss fights when possible, in between other abilities.
Iron Grenade — Cheaper and weaker version of a grenade, stuns enemies in a small, targeted area for 3 seconds when thrown.
Thorium Grenade — Higher damage version of the Iron Grenades, with the same effect.
Green Lens — Helm with random stats that can be quite strong as a fresh level 60.
Engineering is one of the select few professions in WoW Classic that offers specializations within the profession. As an Engineer, you can choose to specialize in Gnomish Engineering or Goblin Engineering. Once you are 200 in Engineering, you can pick up the quest for whichever specialization you want to choose from an Engineering trainer.
Gnomish Engineering focuses more on utility devices and gadgets, many of
which are very useful in PvP. It also offers some powerful PvE items, specifically
the Gnomish Battle Chicken, which when attacking has a chance to proc
a buff that grants melee haste to all party members. This is considered by many
melee DPS to be a must have in raids if you want to be as competitive as possible.
It is worth noting that you should be careful when using some of these devices,
as many of them have the potential to backfire, either causing the effect to you
instead of the enemy or doing something else bad. Read the tooltip of the item to
see if there is a chance of it backfiring or failing.
There are two Gnomish Engineering trainers, Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Stranglethorn Vale and Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge. They both teach the same recipes.
Gnomish Battle Chicken — Creates a battle chicken that fights for you for 2 minutes. Each attack it does has a chance to enrage it, which causes it to grant a melee haste buff to all party members.
Gnomish Death Ray — You slowly channel your health into the trinket, losing some health, before blasting the target with your death ray, dealing massive damage.
Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt — You can activate this belt to put a shield on you that absorbs 500 damage.
Gnomish Mind Control Cap — This helmet mind controls the target for 20 seconds when used, making them follow you around as an ally during that time.
Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector — Throws a net at the target, rooting them for 10 seconds. Sometimes it backfires however, rooting you instead.
Gnomish Rocket Boots — These boots significantly increase your run speed for 20 seconds when used.
Gnomish Shrink Ray — Reduces the target's attack power by 250.
Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan — Teleports you to Gadgetzan in Tanaris.
Goblin Engineers focus more on the destructive side of Engineering, building
advanced bombs and other explosive devices. The most important of these devices
would be Goblin Sapper Charge, which deals a huge amount of AoE damage
and is commonly used by raids in the open world to quickly wipe groups of people.
There are two Goblin Engineering trainers, Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan and Vazario Linkgrease in Ratchet. They both teach the same recipes.
Goblin Bomb Dispenser — Creates a bomb that run towards the nearest enemy, exploding for a moderate amount of damage.
Goblin Construction Helmet — This helmet absorbs 300-500 fire damage when used.
Goblin Dragon Gun — Fires a cone, dealing a small amount of fire damage to all enemies in front of you for 10 seconds.
Goblin Rocket Helmet — This helmet lets you charge an enemy, disorienting them for 30 seconds.
Goblin Sapper Charge — Instantly triggers an explosion for a massive amount of fire damage to all enemies in the area. You do not need to be Goblin Engineering to use these.
Goblin Rocket Boots — These boots significantly increases your run speed for 20 seconds when used.
The Big One — This big bomb explodes when thrown, dealing damage and stunning enemies in the area for 5 seconds.
Goblin Mortar — An on-use trinket that deals a burst of damage and stuns targets in an area for 3 seconds.
Goblin Mining Helmet — A mail helmet that gives +5 Mining skill.
Dimensional Ripper - Everlook — Teleports you to Everlook in Winterspring.
Other Vendors
Some recipes are unique and harder to come by. Below is a list of all the different Engineering Vendors that offer important items, and where to find them.
- Gearcutter Cogspinner in Ironforge — has
Thorium Grenade, which does damage and stun targets in an area for 3 seconds when thrown, and
Gnomish Universal Remote, which lets you control a mechanical target for a short time.
- Gnaz Blunderflame in Stranglethorn Vale — has
Mechanical Dragonling, which summons a mechanical dragonling to fight for you for 1 minute.
- Jinky Twizzlefixxit in Tanaris — has
Gnomish Universal Remote, which lets you control a mechanical target for a short time.
- Jubie Gadgetspring in Azshara — has
Deepdive Helmet, which is a helmet that allows you to breathe underwater while worn.
- Rizz Loosebolt in Silverpine Forest — has
Ice Deflector, which puts a shield on your when used that will absorb 600 frost damage.
- Ruppo Zipcoil in The Hinterlands — has
Mithril Mechanical Dragonling, which summons a mechanical dragonling to fight for you for 1 minute that is more powerful than the base version.
- Xizzer Fizzbolt in Winterspring — has
Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector, which is a trinket that reflects frost spells for 5 seconds when used. He also has the plans for the
Powerful Seaforium Charge, which can be used to blast locks open.
- Zan Shivsproket in Hillsbrad Foothills — has
Gnomish Cloaking Device, which makes you invisible for 10 seconds.
- Rin'wosho the Trader in Stranglethorn Vale is part of the Zandalar Tribe reputation.
He offers some excellent schematics for Bloodvine pieces, such as
Bloodvine Lens and
Bloodvine Goggles.
Other Useful Devices
These are other incredibly useful Engineering devices whose recipes drop off of enemies instead of being sold by vendors.
Arcane Bomb — a unique bomb that drops as a random world drop. When it explodes, it drains Mana, deals damage based on the Mana drained, and silences for 5 seconds.
- Parachute Cloak — is a cloak that you can use to slow-fall. The schematic is a world drop.
Flame Deflector — similar to the
Ice Deflector, except it absorbs fire damage instead of frost. Drops from Mekgineer Thermaplugg in Gnomeregan.
Gnomish Alarm-O-Bot — summons a bot that can detect nearby stealthed enemies. Drops from Weapon Technicians in Blackrock Depths.
Goblin Jumper Cables XL — can be used to sometimes bring a dead player back to life. Drops from Plugger Spazzring in Blackrock Depths.
Field Repair Bot 74A — drops a repair bot on the ground that you and your group can use to repair wherever you happen to be, and absolutely invaluable tool for PvE. The schematics can be found on the ground in Blackrock Depths in the room where Golem Lord Argelmach is.
Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector — trinket that reflects all fire spells used for 5 seconds. Drops from Solakar Flamewreath in Blackrock Spire.
Arcanite Dragonling — the most powerful version of the Dragonling trinkets, this will summon a Dragonling to fight for you for 1 minute. Drops from Cobalt Mageweavers in Winterspring.
Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector — trinket that reflects all shadow spells used for 5 seconds. Drops from Crimson Inquisitors in Stratholme.
Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope — the best scope available, and a must have for all Hunters. The schematic drops from bosses in Molten Core.
Core Marksman Rifle — an excellent epic gun for Rogues and Warriors to use as a stat-stick. The schematic drops from bosses in Molten Core.
Force Reactive Disk — an excellent epic shield for tanks. The schematic drops from bosses in Molten Core.
- 03 Feb. 2024: Updated for Season of Discovery Phase 2.
- 15 Apr. 2020: Updated for Phase 4.
- 29 Jul. 2019: Page added.
Classic Class Guides
Classic Dungeon Guides
Classic Profession Guides
Classic Reputation Guides

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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