Classic Paladin PvP Guide
This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to play a Paladin in a PvP environment in WoW Classic, with a focus on Battlegrounds but also including World PvP and Dueling. The guide will cover everything from talent choices, gameplay and rotation, and useful racial bonuses.
Paladins are juggernauts clad in plate armor, that use the power of the light
to heal themselves and bless others. In PvP, this translates to incredibly durable
fighters who can heal themselves. As Holy, you can make use of your powerful
single-target healing and array of cooldowns to support other players in the heat
of battle without worrying about your own safety. As Ret, you are a slow-moving force
that will aim to auto-attack enemies to death with your Holy damage from your
Seal of Command and your
Judgement. Paladins do not offer the same
flashy, fast-paced playmaking style that Rogues and Mages might, but make up for
it with their durability and recovery.
While Retribution Paladins are not considered a "meta" spec for PvE, they can
be quite fun and strong in PvP. Your rotation in PvP is going to be the same as
in PvE, but with the added bonus of chasing your target around. Use your cooldowns
to keep yourself going, along with your Flash of Light and
Holy Light
to recover when you need to. While you do not need to play super defensively all
the time, it is important to recognize the dangerous times where it is good to keep
yourself topped and safe as opposed to just chasing someone down for the kill.

This build is designed to pick up 31 points in the Retribution tree for Repentance
while also putting 7 points into Protection for
Guardian's Favor. Your cooldowns
are incredibly important to your success as a Paladin, and lowering the cooldown
of important abilities like
Blessing of Protection and increasing the duration
Blessing of Freedom is too good to pass up. Most of the other talents
fall in line with the standard PvE damage talents, but there are some additions,
such as
Eye for an Eye to help you against casters and
Spiritual Focus
to enable you to get heals off without needing to worry as much about spell pushback.
Aside from keeping the 31 points in Ret and 7 points in Protection, there is lots
of room for personal preference in this build, especially with
Improved Lay on Hands.
One area many Paladins will choose to shift points into is Improved Hammer of Justice.
Hammer of Justice is one of the most powerful stuns in the game and is
going to be critical to setting up kills in PvP. Reducing its cooldown by 15 seconds
can be a worthwhile investment, depending on what type of PvP you are
looking to get into.
If you do decide to play Retribution, you can find more on the required and recommended gear in our dedicated PvP Best in Slot and Gear guide below.

This is a standard Holy build that is designed for control. Hammer of Justice
is an incredibly powerful control too and will help your allies set up kills on
a defenseless target. This build opts to take
Improved Hammer of Justice
to give Hammer of Justice a shorter cooldown, allowing you to set up kill windows
more often for your allies.
The main tree in the build is, of course, Holy, with the full 31 points used to
pick up Holy Shock. Holy Shock will be one of the only damage spells that
you will have, making it incredibly important if you choose to solo in the open world.
There is not much room for change with the Holy points since the only talents that
you do not take are useless to you as a Holy and will never be useful in PvP. An
argument could be made for
Improved Seal of Righteousness if you wanted
better damage options, but as a healer, this will not help you normally.
The main area of personal preference comes with the extra points in Protection
needed to pick up Improved Hammer of Justice. These are not particularly
strong talents, and you could choose to instead put some points into Retribution
to pick up
Improved Judgement for more frequent Judgements.
If you choose to play Holy, you can find more information on their gearing requirements in our gear guide below.
PvP Gameplay Tips for Paladins
Use Your Cooldowns
One of the biggest mistakes that new players make is being too frugal with
their abilities. Spells like Lay on Hands can be intimidating to use since
they have a 1-hour cooldown and it is understandable to be scared of using them
incorrectly. But, it is important to remember that until you become an expert
at your class limits, it is always better to be more generous than conservative
with your cooldowns. You will always regret not having used a cooldown more than
using it at a not optimal time.
Mana Usage
Remember that the 5-second rule is something to pay attention to. Your Mana will not start naturally regenerating until 5 seconds after casting a spell that costs Mana, meaning you should try to use your Mana in bursts. If you are going to heal yourself, heal yourself to full quickly before going back to chasing your target around while auto-attacking as Ret.
Playing Defensively
Part of mastering Paladin is understanding when you need to play defensively,
which means recognizing dangerous situations. This holds true for PvP in general,
but especially Paladin due to your lack of mobility. If a Rogue is about to open,
or if you are fighting multiple enemies, make a greater effort to keep yourself
close to full health if possible. This reduces the likelihood of you getting burst
down before you have a chance to react, which is the main source of danger. Do not
be afraid to use something like Divine Shield if someone opens and you
think large damage is incoming. Lots of times the best uses of your immunity is
to prevent damage, not to recover after the damage has been dealt.
Consumables for PvP as a Paladin
Consumables are an important part of PvP in Classic. While they are not required, and you can win fights without them, they definitely will give you the edge in fights. If you use as many consumables as possible all the time, you will quickly drive yourself bankrupt, but having some of the more important ones in your bags for when you need to win an important fight is highly recommended. Some of the most important consumables for PvP are listed below:
Major Healing Potion
Major Mana Potion
Heavy Runecloth Bandage
Limited Invulnerability Potion
Free Action Potion
Living Action Potion
Invisibility Potion
Swiftness Potion
Magic Dust
Clutch of Foresight
Wail of the Banshee
Noggenfogger Elixir is also a popular consumable used for PvP. When
you drink it, it will do one of three things: make you smaller, turn you into
a skeleton, or cast a slow fall spell on you. The shrink effect can be useful
to make it harder for players to see and target you, and the slow fall can allow
to jump off high places and not die, while attackers will not be able to follow.
Limited Invulnerability Potion, often called "LIP", and
Free Action Potion,
often called "FAP", are especially powerful. They can easily save a fight
against a melee when used properly.
Engineering is a powerful profession for PvP. There are many consumables and trinkets that are very strong in PvP, which is why Engineering is such a common profession for PvP-focused players. Some of the useful consumables and items from Engineering are listed below:
Arcanite Dragonling
Dense Dynamite
Goblin Sapper Charge
Goblin Land Mine
Dark Iron Bomb
Iron Grenade
Thorium Grenade
- 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 10 Dec. 2019: Added note about gearing and BiS for Holy and Retribution in PvP.
- 14 Aug. 2019: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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