Classic Rogue Goldmaking Guide: The Best Ways to Make Gold
Welcome to our Goldmaking guide for Rogues, where you will learn the best ways to make Gold with a Rogue in WoW Classic.
In WoW Classic, professions are useful when leveling, as abilities cost money and, even if you are being careful about what abilities you buy, it will still cost a decent amount. Usually, you will want to pick up professions that will benefit your armor type later on, meaning, as a Rogue, Skinning and Leatherworking are very useful for crafting your own armor; however, when leveling, it is sometimes best to pick up 2 gathering professions in order to maximize your gold-making possibilities.
Best Gathering Professions for Rogue
If you are attempting to Level to 60 as quickly as possible, then you want to avoid some of the gathering professions that take a lot of time, such as Fishing. One of the quickest professions while leveling is Skinning, since it does not require you to go out of your way, as you will just be skinning what you kill. Pairing this with Herbalism or Mining will allow you to maximize your gold-making in a more passive way, since Herbalism and Mining usually will not require you to go out of your way much either.
Best Crafting Professions for Rogue
All of the crafting professions (Tailoring, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, and Alchemy) can be very profitable, however each is tied to the reagents gained from a gathering profession and do take time to level. Due to this, we recommend focusing on gathering professions early on and saving the crafting professions for later. If you do choose to pick up a crafting profession, then it is recommended that you pair it with a gathering profession that supports it, such as Herbalism and Alchemy.
Gold Farming Spots
Crusader Weapon Enchant
Scarlet Spellbinders have a chance to drop Formula: Enchant Weapon - Crusader,
which is the best weapon enchant for Rogues and most other melee classes. You can sell
this formula to players with Enchanting, or if you are one, learn it and sell the enchant to other
players. The enemies at Tyr's Hand also drop
Major Healing Potion,
and other profitable items.
Arathi Highlands
The elementals in Arathi Highlands drop Elemental Fire,
Elemental Earth, and
Elemental Water, which are used to craft
Fire, Nature, or Frost Protection potions. These potions are very useful for
raiding and in some encounters they are almost required. Due to how useful these
potions are, the reagents can be fairly profitable.
Rogue Exclusive Gold Making
As a Rogue, you have access to the Pick Pocket ability at Level 4.
Pickpocket is only usable from
Stealth, which is available at Level 1,
but it requires you to buy from the class trainer for 10 copper.
You can only Pickpocket from monsters that have pockets. If you attempt to
Pick Pocket a monster that does not have pockets, then the monster does not aggro
you. If the monster resists the Pickpocket, then the monster will detect you
and aggro. You can use Vanish to circumvent this from happening.
There are 3 talents that will help speed up your Gold per Hour, or at lower
level Pickpocketing, improve your stealthiness. If you plan on hours of gold
farming and are willing to change your talents to do so, it is recommended that
you choose the talents Master of Deception,
Elusiveness, and
Best Dungeons for Pick Pocketing
- Blackrock Depths;
- Razorfen Downs;
- Scarlet Monastery (Armory, Cathedral, Graveyard, and Library).
Although these dungeons are the best for gold per hour, it is still recommended that you pickpocket while leveling whenever you can.
When you successfully Pickpocket a monster, you will receive coins and a chance for a junkbox. These junkboxes require Lockpicking in order to open and are obtained at the following levels:
- NPC Level 22-32:
Battered Junkbox
- NPC Level 32-42:
Worn Junkbox
- NPC Level 42-52:
Sturdy Junkbox
- NPC Level 52-60:
Heavy Junkbox
These junkboxes can contain potions, junk items, gems, recipes, green gear, and many more items.
- 25 May 2020: Updated some of the gold farming location information.
- 20 Jun. 2019: Page added.
Classic Dungeon Guides
Classic Profession Guides
Classic Reputation Guides

This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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