Classic Warrior DPS Guide
Welcome to our Warrior DPS guide for WoW Classic, tailored for PvE content. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play the Warrior class as DPS. Click the links #below to navigate the guide or read this page for a short introduction.
If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Warrior guides:
Warriors are, for the most part, topping WoW Classic DPS meters. While the leveling part is very tough, due to the lack of end game gear and weak early skills (which lead to constant starvation of their main resource: Rage), Warriors are more than compensated at max level, with the best scaling DPS and gear loop in the game. Better gear makes Warriors generate more Rage, which in turn allows them to land more special attacks, which also hit harder due to the better gear.
Highest damage potential in game when geared due to great scaling.
Can become an off-tank on some fights with little effort.
Due to the way Rage works, you will never run out of resources, and the more damage you take, the more Rage you get to deal damage with.
Can be squishy against non-Physical damage, as many of the core abilities require taking extra damage (
Berserker Stance,
Recklessness, and
Death Wish).
Gearing can be difficult, due to the high popularity of Warriors in groups.
Solo leveling is slow and dangerous; dying is a constant possibility and dropping combat can be hard.
DPS Warrior Viability
DPS Warriors are the best PvE DPS in WoW Classic, as they scale the best with gear and can also perform top tanking duties whenever needed with minimal changes to their gear and talents.
They are also one of the best PvP classes due to Mortal Strike and
very high single and area damage output, but require a lot of support to work,
as they lack crowd control or ways to remove crowd control and self-sustain while
Warrior's Unique Resource: Rage
Rage is a Warrior's main resource and the main reason why they dominate in WoW Classic. It builds up from damage dealt and damage taken, causing Warriors to overflow on resources when using high end gear, and also when taking damage on some fights. As DPS Warriors also have multiple abilities that can convert Rage into damage, they are able to deal much more damage than other DPS once geared.
Best Races for DPS Warriors
The following is a list of best to worst race choices for Warriors when engaging in PvE content.
The following is a list of best to worst race choices for Warriors when engaging in PvP content.
Best Races for DPS Warriors
Warriors are the only class that can be played by any race in WoW Classic. While racials are important, look and feel is even more important for many players. These should be your main consideration when picking a race!
Best Races for Alliance DPS Warriors
Human is the best race for PvE. Gnome and Dwarf are the best races for PvP. Night Elf is slightly behind, but has its own perks, which you can read about below.
Human Warrior DPS
The Human Spirit increases your Spirit by 5%.
Diplomacy increases your reputation earned by 10%.
Sword Specialization increases your skill with Swords by 5.
Mace Specialization increases your skill with Maces by 5.
Perception is a 3-minute cooldown that greatly increases your Stealth detection for 20 seconds when used.
Human is the best race for PvE, as the extra weapon skill from
Sword Specialization and
Mace Specialization is a huge damage
increase, leading to more Rage to use on abilities.
Gnome Warrior DPS
Expansive Mind increases your Intellect by 5%.
Escape Artist is a 1-minute cooldown that lets you escape any root, snare, or slow when used.
Engineering Specialization increases your Engineering skill by 15.
Arcane Resistance increases your arcane resistance by 10.
Gnome is the best race for PvP alongside Dwarf, due to Escape Artist,
which is a deal breaker in PvP, where rooting effects are the bane of Warriors.
They also have
Engineering Specialization, which is quite useful in WoW
Classic, due to the power of this profession.
Dwarf Warrior DPS
Find Treasure allows you to sense nearby treasure (chests mainly), making it appear on the minimap.
Frost Resistance increases your Frost Resistance by 10.
Gun Specialization increases your skill with Guns by 5, which increases your chance to hit with a gun.
Stoneform makes you immune to all bleed, poison, and disease effects, and instantly removes them, which is great against
Blind! Is also increases your armor for 8 seconds, on a 3-minute cooldown.
Dwarf are also amazing for PvP, as Stoneform breaks
Blind and the other Rogue poisons, allowing you to dominate them. Dwarf's
starting stats are also very strong for Warriors, but this starter advantage is
quickly diluted as your level and overall stats increase.
Night Elf Warrior DPS
Nature Resistance increases your Nature Resistance by 10.
Quickness increases your Dodge Chance by 1%.
Shadowmeld is an ability that allows you to become stealthed while standing still when used, on a 10 second cooldown. This cannot be used in combat.
Wisp Spirit causes you to transform into a wisp upon death, increasing your movement speed by 50% while dead.
Night Elf has Quickness for slightly increased dodge
chance, and
Shadowmeld, which has its uses, especially in PvP where you
can sometimes surprise enemy players with it.
The following is a list of best to worst race choices for Warriors when engaging in PvE content.
The following is a list of best to worst race choices for Warriors when engaging in PvP content.
Best Races for Horde DPS Warriors
Orc is the best race for PvE and PvP. Tauren have a range advantage that makes them great for PvP. Troll and Undead are slightly behind, but both have their own unique perks, which you can read about below.
Orc Warrior DPS
Axe Specialization increases your skill with axes by 5, which increases your chance to land a blow on a target with axes.
Blood Fury is a 2-minute cooldown that increases your base melee attack power by 25% for 15 seconds and reduces healing effects on you by 50% for 25 seconds.
Command increases your pet damage by 5%.
Hardiness increases your chance to resist stuns by 25%.
Orc Warrior has the best PvE DPS potential out of all race /
class combinations in game, due to Axe Specialization,
Blood Fury
Windfury Totem. They are also great for PvP due to
providing a strong chance to fully resist stuns, which will often allow you to bypass
being crowd-controlled altogether.
Tauren Warrior DPS
Cultivation increases your Herbalism skill by 15.
Endurance increases your total health by 5%.
Nature Resistance increases your Nature Resistance by 10.
War Stomp is a 2-minute cooldown that stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yards for 2 seconds, with a 0.5 second cast time.
- Due to their large sizes, Tauren have a larger hitbox than other races, which allows you to hit, and be hit from further afar. This can be great when trying to chase a target or problematic when trying to flee from melee enemies.
Tauren has extra health from Endurance, and
a useful stun in
War Stomp, making it a solid choice for PvP. Due to their
large hitbox, Taurens (especially males) can hit, and be hit, from greater
distances than other races. Spells can also target Taurens from greater distances
due to this, but area of effect spells such as
Frost Nova will not
hit from further afar than usual, which is a huge PvP benefit for Taurens.
Troll Warrior DPS
Beast Slaying gives a 5% damage bonus against Beasts.
Berserking is a 3-minute cooldown that gives you between 10-30% increased attack and casting speed depending on your health, with the effect being greater the more hurt you are.
Bow Specialization increases your skill with Bows by 5, which increases your chance to hit with a bow.
Regeneration gives +10% passive health regeneration and allows you to regenerate 10% of your total health regeneration during combat.
Troll has the potential to do even more damage than Orc in PvE, but only
on a fight that lasts 30 seconds or less, allowing Berserking to overcome
an Orc's superior sustained damage. Since this type of situation is mostly likely to
occur when heavily overgearing an encounter, we cannot rate Troll highly for progression
Undead Warrior DPS
Will of the Forsaken is a 2-minute cooldown that makes your immune to all Fear, Sleep, and Charm effects for 5 seconds. This will also break you out of any current effects.
Cannibalize is a 2-minute cooldown that lets you channel to consume a nearby corpse, regenerating 7% of your total health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds for a total of 35% health.
Underwater Breathing allows you to breath underwater for 300% longer than normal.
Shadow Resistance increases your shadow resistance by 10.
Undead is a good PvP race, with Will of the Forsaken providing an
extra way to break out of crowd control effects. Still, a Warrior can use other means
to break fear (the most common crowd control besides roots), such as
Berserker Rage.
Best Professions for DPS Warriors
We started this guide by stating that DPS Warriors are the top dogs on the damage meters. The best way to ensure that you never leave the top is to spam as many Engineering crafts as you can afford. Take Mining along with it because, otherwise, you will be running out of gold very fast!
If mining the world to feed your insatiable need for more explosions is not your cup of tea, feel free to investigate our profession guides in order to understand what the other professions are capable of.
Season of Discovery
Find our new guides for Warrior in WoW Classic Season of Discovery below! The new game mode will have players find and utilize Runes that can then be engraved onto their gear to provide them special bonuses that augment already existing abilities or allow the class to use entirely new spells.
Warrior can function as both a DPS and a Tank, and while that isn't changing, the Season of Discovery will make new builds possible, and increase the power of already existing builds.
- 04 Jan. 2025 (gear page): Fully updated for Phase 2 and onwards.
- 18 Nov. 2024 (gear page): Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 18 Nov. 2024 (enchants page): Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 18 Nov. 2024 (stats page): Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 18 Nov. 2024 (rotation page): Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 18 Nov. 2024 (talents page): Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 18 Nov. 2024 (spells page): Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 18 Nov. 2024 (this page): Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 30 Oct. 2024 (this page): Added links for Season of Discovery and modernized formatting.
- 05 Dec. 2020 (gear page): Added the new Warsong Gulch Exalted legs.
- 01 Dec. 2020 (gear page): Reworked the BiS guide with Naxxramas and clarity in mind.
- 01 Dec. 2020 (enchants page): Added Phase 6 shoulder enchants, Frozen Runes, and the Silithus world buff.
- 12 Nov. 2020 (gear page): Added a note on anti-undead gear for Naxxramas.
- 11 Nov. 2020 (gear page): Updated with Phase 6 gear and related tips.
- 05 Nov. 2020 (gear page): Added a Frost Resistance gear list.
- 17 Oct. 2020 (gear page): Adjusted gear recommendations based on feedback.
- 28 Sep. 2020 (stats page): Added more information to weapon stats section.
- 06 Aug. 2020 (gear page): Transferred the Ahn'Qiraj gear into the main guide.
- 27 Jul. 2020 (gear page): Added a link to the Nature Resistance gear guide.
- 15 Jul. 2020 (enchants page): Changed glove enchant to subtlety.
- 14 Jul. 2020 (gear page): Added AQ40 BiS gear section.
- 14 Jul. 2020 (enchants page): Updated enchant and consumable list for Phase 5.
- 19 May 2020 (gear page): Added Silithus twilight boss summoning gear.
- 19 May 2020 (enchants page): Updated with current World Buffs as of Phase 4.
- 07 May 2020 (enchants page): Added Smoked Desert Dumplings.
- 07 May 2020 (stats page): Reworked some outdated sections.
- 16 Apr. 2020 (gear page): Added Girdle of the Fallen Crusader and Therazane's Link.
- 15 Apr. 2020 (enchants page): Added Zul'Gurub consumables and enchants.
- 14 Apr. 2020 (gear page): Updated with Zul'Gurub gear.
- 20 Mar. 2020 (enchants page): Added Lesser Arcanum of Constitution as a head / leg enchant option.
- 19 Mar. 2020 (stats page): Corrected some minor typos in the critical strike section.
- 11 Mar. 2020 (gear page): Updated with Arathi Basin gear.
- 04 Mar. 2020 (gear page): Added Cloudkeeper Legplates.
- 04 Mar. 2020 (rotation page): Added Slam into the rotation.
- 20 Feb. 2020 (gear page): Adjusted two-hand weapon priority.
- 12 Feb. 2020 (gear page): Updated BiS list for Phase 3 of WoW Classic and split the guide into multiple pages.
- 07 Feb. 2020 (enchants page): Added Gordok Green Grog and an additional list for expensive extra consumables you can use.
- 28 Jan. 2020 (gear page): Typo fixes and added Frostbite.
- 25 Jan. 2020 (gear page): Added PvP reputation gear and more ranked PvP gear.
- 11 Jan. 2020 (enchants page): Added a note on Juju Flurry lowering your DPS by 3% when used.
- 11 Jan. 2020 (rotation page): Elaborated on Heroic Strike / Cleave causing your off-hand attacks to always hit while queued.
- 11 Dec. 2019 (gear page): Added link to PvP BiS.
- 23 Nov. 2019 (gear page): Reworked the layout of the BiS list and added multiple new gear pieces, including the Black Dragonscale set.
- 21 Nov. 2019 (gear page): Updated BiS list for Phase 2 of WoW Classic.
- 13 Oct. 2019 (gear page): Added Phase One Molten Core / Onyxia gear bis list and Dire Maul gear.
- 09 Oct. 2019 (enchants page): Added Elixir of Giants to the essential consumables list.
- 30 Sep. 2019 (rotation page): Reworked the pre-combat rotation to make it clear that you should not swap stance if that will cause a Rage loss.
- 29 Sep. 2019 (enchants page): Added a section with the essential consumables, and added Major Healing Potions and regular Fire Protection Potions to the list.
- 27 Aug. 2019 (this page): Added a section for each race to make the guide easier to read.
- 24 Aug. 2019 (this page): Reworked race section and improved the professions section, adding more details, item links and tips.
- 16 Aug. 2019 (gear page): Added new special gear to the list and changed the position of this list to the bottom of the guide.
- 02 Aug. 2019 (rotation page): Clarified how Death Wish should be used in a raid for optimal value.
- 28 Jul. 2019 (stats page): Added information on the white hit critical strike cap.
- 28 Jul. 2019 (rotation page): Added more information on why Sunder Armor is a legitimate skill to use when DPSing.
- 20 Jul. 2019 (stats page): Corrected some theorycraft due to feedback.
- 20 Jul. 2019 (rotation page): Reworked the rotation due to feedback.
- 20 Jul. 2019 (talents page): Changed the Fury 2h build to include Improved Slam and added more information on the talent.
- 16 Jul. 2019 (gear page): Updated some gear recommendations.
- 16 Jul. 2019 (enchants page): Fixed a typo on the description of Goblin Sapper Charge and added Blessed Sunfruit.
- 15 Jul. 2019 (this page): Added more information on the available races, their strengths and weaknesses.
- 18 Jun. 2019 (this page): Added notes about Professions.
- 12 Jun. 2019 (gear page): Page added.
- 12 Jun. 2019 (enchants page): Page added.
- 12 Jun. 2019 (stats page): Page added.
- 12 Jun. 2019 (rotation page): Page added.
- 12 Jun. 2019 (talents page): Page added.
- 12 Jun. 2019 (spells page): Page added.
- 12 Jun. 2019 (this page): Page added.
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This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: March 4th
- Nightmare Dragons Update: March 4th
- Guild Reputation Set To Neutral Bug in Cata Classing Being Worked On
- Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes: February 21st
- New Cataclysm Classic Valor Cap Set to Week 2 Due to Bug
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