Classic Enhancement Shaman DPS Enchants and Consumables
On this page, we list the best enchants, flasks, potions, and food you can get for your Enhancement Shaman DPS in WoW Classic for PvE content.
If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Enhancement Shaman gems and enchants.
WoW Classic Phases
The 6 phases WoW Classic cycles through are the following:
- Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair
- Honor System, World Bosses, Warsong Gulch, and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds
- Blackwing Lair and Darkmoon Faire
- Zul'Gurub, Arathi Battleground, and Nightmare Dragons
- AQ40 and updated Rank 14 rewards
- Naxxramas and Scourge Invasions
As not all enchants and consumables are available in every phase, we have a few tabs below for you to pick which phase you want to consult, with more tabs coming as we reach the next phases. Naxxramas phase is there from the start because it is the state of Classic Era servers.
Best Enchants and Consumables
Best Enchants for Enhancement Shamans
Slot | Enchantment |
Head | ![]() ![]() |
Shoulders |
Back |
Chest | ![]() |
Wrists |
Hands | ![]() |
Legs | ![]() ![]() |
Feet | ![]() |
Weapon | ![]() |
Shield | ![]() |
World Buffs
World buffs have at least one hour of duration and are not related to any profession. Generally, these are buffs that you will try to get immediately before doing a raid. As some of them are applied to every nearby player of your faction, it can be a good idea for your realm's guilds to plan dates and times to activate them, so that all guilds can raid immediately after and reap the benefits of the buffs.
Warchief's Blessing (Horde only) increases your max health by 300, your melee Haste by 15%, and your Mana per 5 seconds by 10. Everyone in Orgrimmar will receive this buff once someone turns in the
Head of Rend Blackhand, which drops off of Warchief Rend Blackhand in Upper Blackrock Spire.
Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer increases your chance to critically hit with spells by 10%, with melee or ranged attacks by 5%, and your attack power by 140. Everyone in Stormwind or Orgrimmar will receive this buff once someone turns in the
Head of Onyxia, which drops off of Onyxia in Onyxia's Lair, or
Head of Nefarian/
Head of Nefarian, which drops from Nefarian in Blackwing Lair. They are the exact same buff and they do not stack.
Songflower Serenade grants 5% extra Critical Strike Chance and 15 extra points to all stats for 1 hour. To be able to receive this, you must first complete the Cleansing Felwood quest, after which you can do some repeatable quests that grant
Cenarion Plant Salve. Use this item on a Corrupted Songflower in Felwood and loot the cleansed plant to gain the buff.
Resist Fire grants 83 Fire Resistance for one hour. To gain this buff, have a Priest first use
Mind Control on a Scarshield Spellbinder inside Upper Blackrock Spire, and then proceed to cast this spell on the desired party / raid members.
Fengus' Ferocity,
Mol'dar's Moxie, and
Slip'kik's Savvy are all 2-hour buffs that can be obtained from Dire Maul North by talking to the various ogre bosses after successfully completing a tribute run. You do not actually need to complete the run yourself, you just need to run into an instance where a run was completed and talk to Guard Fengus, Guard Mol'dar, and Guard Slip'kik. The buffs will give you 200 AP, 15% Stamina, and 3% spell crit chance, respectively.
Spirit of Zandalar increases all of your primary stats by 15% and your movement speed by 10% for 2 hours. This buff works the same way as the
Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, but is gained from being in Booty Bay when someone turns in the
Heart of Hakkar from Hakkar in Zul'Gurub.
Traces of Silithyst increases your damage dealt by 5% for 30 minutes and is obtained by turning in Silithyst at your faction's base in Silithus when the PvP event is active.
- Finally, whenever the Darkmoon Faire is active, talk to the fortune teller Sayge in the Faire grounds to get a 10% damage buff (answer all questions with the first option) or, with different answers, a 10% stat buff to a specific stat or +25 to all resistances.
Best Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Maximizing your performance in WoW Classic is all about consumables. There are a lot of them (usually they stack) and using them all can have a bigger impact than a full tier of gear upgrades.
Despite this, getting all of the consumables we will mention in this page is extremely expensive, and as such, we will provide a quick list of the best, cheapest and most reliable consumables first, ordered by the priority you should use and buy them in. Enhancement Shamans can easily struggle with Mana if they are Totem Twisting, therefore using Mana regeneration consumables is very important in this case.
Major Mana Potions,
Demonic Runes and
Dark Runes (these will ease your Mana concerns);
Nightfin Soup (cheap for the amount of Mp5 they grant);
Heavy Runecloth Bandage (very cheap, can easily save your life in an emergency);
Elixir of the Mongoose (very powerful for its cost);
Elixir of Giants (weaker than mongoose, but cheaper);
Smoked Desert Dumplings (expensive, but strong);
Greater Fire Protection Potion /
Fire Protection Potion for Fire damage bosses;
Greater Nature Protection Potion /
Nature Protection Potion for Nature damage bosses;
Greater Shadow Protection Potion /
Shadow Protection Potion for Shadow damage bosses;
Greater Frost Protection Potion /
Frost Protection Potion for Frost damage bosses.
Exhaustive Consumable List for Enhancement Shamans
This list will explain what each possible consumable does, and how to get it.
Long Buff Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Elixir of the Mongoose increases your Agility by 25 and your Critical Strike Chance by 2% for 1 hour. This is crafted through Alchemy.
Elixir of Giants increases your Strength by 25 for 1 hour. It can be crafted with Alchemy.
Smoked Desert Dumplings increase your Strength by 20 for 15 minutes, making them a very strong food buff option for DPS.
Blessed Sunfruit increases your Strength by 10 for 10 minutes. This is bought from the Argent Dawn quartermaster after hitting Revered reputation.
Scroll of Agility IV (decent Agility gain, and is usually cheap)
Scroll of Strength IV (decent Strength gain, and is usually cheap)
Juju Power increases your Strength by 30 for 30 minutes when used. This is a repeatable quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.
Juju Might increases your Attack Power by 40 for 10 minutes. All types of Juju can be farmed in a party or raid group for maximum efficiency, as they drop for all players in the group when enemies are killed. This is a repeatable quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.
Juju Flurry increases your attack speed by 3% for 20 seconds, but diminishes your DPS by the same amount when used. All types of Juju can be farmed in a party or raid group for maximum efficiency, as they drop for all players in the group when enemies are killed. This is a repeatable quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.
Winterfall Firewater increases your size and Attack Power by 35 for 20 minutes when used. This is obtained by killing Winterfall Furbolgs, which are also needed for the
Juju Power quest. Does not stack with
Juju Might.
Ground Scorpok Assay increases your Agility by 25 for 1 hour. While using this item triggers a 1 hour cooldown on similar items (such as
R.O.I.D.S.), you can still stack the different buffs together by logging out, which will make the cooldown go down, but not the duration of the buff on your character. You get this item from completing Salt of the Scorpok (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
R.O.I.D.S. increases your Strength by 25 for 1 hour. While using this item triggers an 1 hour cooldown on similar items (such as
Ground Scorpok Assay), you can still stack the different buffs together by logging out, which will make the cooldown go down, but not the duration of the buff on your character. You get this item from completing Rage of Ages (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
Cerebral Cortex Compound increases your Intellect by 25 for 1 hour. While using this item triggers a 1-hour cooldown on similar items (such as
Gizzard Gum), you can still stack the different buffs together by logging out, which will make the cooldown go down, but not the duration of the buff on your character. You get this item from completing Infallible Mind (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
Grilled Squid increases your Agility by 10 for 10 minutes. This is crafted with Cooking.
Flask of the Titans increases your health pool by 1200 for two hours, and persists through death, making it one of the most powerful consumables for survival. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to create, and you can only have 1 flask active at any given time.
Rumsey Rum Black Label increases your Stamina by 15 for 15 minutes. This is obtained through Fishing.
Elixir of Fortitude increases your max health by 120 for 1 hour. This is crafted through Alchemy.
Lung Juice Cocktail increases your Stamina by 25 for 1 hour. While using this item triggers a 1-hour cooldown on similar items (such as
Cerebral Cortex Compound), you can still stack the different buffs together by logging out, which will make the cooldown go down, but not the duration of the buff on your character. You get this item from completing Spirit of the Boar (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
Health and Mana Recovery Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Potions all share a cooldown in Classic. You cannot use multiple potions at the same time, and when you use a potion, it will start the cooldown for all potions. That being said, it is still useful to have multiple potions in your bags for different situations. Being in combat does not affect your potion cooldown or availability.
Major Healing Potion (and its weaker, lower level counterparts) restores health when used. Crafted through Alchemy.
Major Mana Potion restores Mana when used. Crafted through Alchemy.
Demonic Rune restores Mana in exchange for health, is bind on pickup and drops from demons in the world, such as Azshara and Felwood Satyrs, or Felguard Elites in Blasted Lands.
Dark Rune also restores Mana at the cost of health, but is not bind on pickup, meaning it can be bought from other players. You can farm it in Scholomance.
Nightfin Soup increases your Mana regeneration per 5 seconds, which has full benefit inside combat. It is crafted with Cooking.
Mageblood Potion regenerates 12 Mana every 5 seconds for 1 hour and is crafted through Alchemy.
Major Troll's Blood Potion regenerates 20 Health every 5 seconds for 1 hour and is crafted through Alchemy.
Major Healthstone restores health when used and is created by Warlocks.
Whipper Root Tuber also restores health. Get it from cleansed plants in Felwood.
Night Dragon's Breath works and is obtained in the same way as
Whipper Root Tuber, but also restores Mana.
Heavy Runecloth Bandage restores health when used, but requires a channeling period for the full heal, which is interrupted by damage. It is crafted through First Aid.
Fire Resistance Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Greater Fire Protection Potion (and the weaker / cheaper
Fire Protection Potion) gives you a buff that absorbs a significant amount of Fire damage for one hour, but is depleted once enough damage is taken. This is crafted through Alchemy.
Frozen Rune is used to create Frost Resistance gear, but also doubles as a consumable you can use for some Fire Protection.
Juju Ember increases your Fire Resistance by 15. All types of Juju can be farmed in a party or raid group for maximum efficiency, as they drop for all players in the group when enemies are killed. This is a repeatable quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.
These will mostly be useful during early Molten Core progression, especially on Ragnaros.
Nature Resistance Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Greater Nature Protection Potion (and the weaker / cheaper
Nature Protection Potion) gives you a buff that absorbs a significant amount of Nature damage for one hour, but is depleted once enough damage is taken. This is crafted through Alchemy.
These will be useful for tackling the Dragons of Nightmare, certain Zul'Gurub bosses and in the AQ40 raids.
Shadow Resistance Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Greater Shadow Protection Potion (and the weaker / cheaper
Shadow Protection Potion) gives you a buff that absorbs a significant amount of Shadow damage for one hour, but is depleted once enough damage is taken. This is crafted through Alchemy.
These will be useful on C'Thun, as the mind flay attacks from small tentacles can easily kill you before heals arrive, especially when in combination with other sources of random damage.
Frost Resistance Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Greater Frost Protection Potion (and the weaker / cheaper
Frost Protection Potion) gives you a buff that absorbs a significant amount of Frost damage for one hour, but is depleted once enough damage is taken. This is crafted through Alchemy.
These will be useful for Naxxramas, the final raid of WoW Classic.
Damage Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Engineering bombs share a general cooldown of 1 minute, which means you should focus on the harder hitting ones that you can afford.
Goblin Sapper Charge instantly deals high area of effect Fire damage to enemies and yourself when triggered. It is crafted through Goblin Engineering.
Goblin Land Mine places a mine that deals Fire damage when triggered. It is crafted through Engineering.
Dense Dynamite deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast. It is crafted through Engineering.
Oil of Immolation deals pulsing AoE Fire damage for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Thorium Grenade deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast and incapacitates enemies hit for 3 seconds. It is crafted through Engineering.
Iron Grenade deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast and incapacitates enemies hit for 3 seconds. It is crafted through Engineering.
Crystal Charge deals Fire damage at a target location. This is a quest reward from Un'Goro Crater. This shares a cooldown with Engineering bombs, so is useful only if you are not an Engineer.
Stratholme Holy Water deals damage to Undead enemies in a targeted location and is extremely useful in area of effect situations, such as when Nefarian spawns a huge amount of skeletons in its final phase. This drops from Stratholme.
Utility Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Restorative Potion removes 1 magic, curse, poison, or disease effect from you every 5 seconds for 30 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Magic Dust puts the target to sleep for 30 seconds. It is dropped by Dust Devil in Westfall.
Limited Invulnerability Potion makes you immune to Physical attacks for 6 seconds, which also stops from pulling aggro from most enemies during its effect. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Free Action Potion makes you immune to stun and movement impairing effects for 30 seconds, but does not remove effects already on you. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Living Action Potion makes you immune to stun and movement impairing effects for 5 seconds, while also removing any such effects already present on you. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Invisibility Potion makes you invisible for 18 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Lesser Invisibility Potion makes you invisible for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Swiftness Potion increases your movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Best Enchants for Enhancement Shamans
Slot | Enchantment |
Head | ![]() ![]() |
Shoulders | ![]() |
Back | ![]() |
Chest | ![]() |
Wrists | ![]() |
Hands | ![]() |
Legs | ![]() ![]() |
Feet | ![]() |
Weapon | ![]() |
Shield | ![]() |
Best Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Maximizing your performance in WoW Classic is all about consumables. There are a lot of them (usually they stack) and using them all can have a bigger impact than a full tier of gear upgrades.
Despite this, getting all of the consumables we will mention in this page is extremely expensive, and as such, we will provide a quick list of the best, cheapest and most reliable consumables first, ordered by the priority you should use and buy them in. Enhancement Shamans can easily struggle with Mana if they are Totem Twisting, therefore using Mana regeneration consumables is very important in this case.
Major Mana Potion (these will ease your Mana concerns).
Nightfin Soup (cheap for the amount of Mp5 they grant).
Heavy Runecloth Bandage (very cheap, can easily save your life in an emergency).
Elixir of the Mongoose (very powerful for its cost).
Elixir of Giants (weaker than mongoose, but cheaper)
Blessed Sunfruit or 12 Stamina food (weak, but extremely cheap).
Greater Fire Protection Potion /
Fire Protection Potion for Fire damage bosses.
Exhaustive Consumable List for Enhancement Shamans
This list will explain what each possible consumable does, and how to get it.
Long Buff Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Elixir of the Mongoose increases your Agility by 25 and your Critical Strike Chance by 2% for 1 hour. This is crafted through Alchemy.
Elixir of Giants increases your Strength by 25 for 1 hour. It can be crafted with Alchemy.
Scroll of Agility IV (decent Agility gain, and is usually cheap)
Scroll of Strength IV (decent Strength gain, and is usually cheap)
Juju Power increases your Strength by 30 for 30 minutes when used. This is a repeatable quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.
Juju Might increases your Attack Power by 40 for 10 minutes. All types of Juju can be farmed in a party or raid group for maximum efficiency, as they drop for all players in the group when enemies are killed. This is a repeatable quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.
Juju Flurry increases your attack speed by 3% for 20 seconds, but diminishes your DPS by the same amount when used. All types of Juju can be farmed in a party or raid group for maximum efficiency, as they drop for all players in the group when enemies are killed. This is a repeatable quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.
Winterfall Firewater increases your size and Attack Power by 35 for 20 minutes when used. This is obtained by killing Winterfall Furbolgs, which are also needed for the
Juju Power quest. Does not stack with
Juju Might.
Ground Scorpok Assay increases your Agility by 25 for 1 hour. While using this item triggers a 1 hour cooldown on similar items (such as
R.O.I.D.S.), you can still stack the different buffs together by logging out, which will make the cooldown go down, but not the duration of the buff on your character. You get this item from completing Salt of the Scorpok (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
R.O.I.D.S. increases your Strength by 25 for 1 hour. While using this item triggers an 1 hour cooldown on similar items (such as
Ground Scorpok Assay), you can still stack the different buffs together by logging out, which will make the cooldown go down, but not the duration of the buff on your character. You get this item from completing Rage of Ages (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
Cerebral Cortex Compound increases your Intellect by 25 for 1 hour. While using this item triggers a 1-hour cooldown on similar items (such as
Gizzard Gum), you can still stack the different buffs together by logging out, which will make the cooldown go down, but not the duration of the buff on your character. You get this item from completing Infallible Mind (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
Nightfin Soup increases your Mana regeneration per 5 seconds, which has full benefit inside combat. It is crafted with Cooking.
Grilled Squid increases your Agility by 10 for 10 minutes. This is crafted with Cooking.
Flask of the Titans increases your health pool by 1200 for two hours, and persists through death, making it one of the most powerful consumables for survival. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to create, and you can only have 1 flask active at any given time.
Rumsey Rum Black Label increases your Stamina by 15 for 15 minutes. This is obtained through Fishing.
Elixir of Fortitude increases your max health by 120 for 1 hour. This is crafted through Alchemy.
Lung Juice Cocktail increases your Stamina by 25 for 1 hour. While using this item triggers a 1-hour cooldown on similar items (such as
Cerebral Cortex Compound), you can still stack the different buffs together by logging out, which will make the cooldown go down, but not the duration of the buff on your character. You get this item from completing Spirit of the Boar (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
Health and Mana Recovery Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Potions all share a cooldown in Classic. You cannot use multiple potions at the same time, and when you use a potion, it will start the cooldown for all potions. That being said, it is still useful to have multiple potions in your bags for different situations. Being in combat does not affect your potion cooldown or availability.
Major Healing Potion (and its weaker, lower level counterparts) restores health when used. Crafted through Alchemy.
Major Mana Potion restores Mana when used. Crafted through Alchemy.
Demonic Rune restores Mana in exchange for health and drops from demons in the world, such as Azshara and Felwood Satyrs, or Felguard Elites in Blasted Lands.
Major Healthstone restores health when used and is created by Warlocks.
Whipper Root Tuber also restores health. Get it from cleansed plants in Felwood.
Night Dragon's Breath works and is obtained in the same way as
Whipper Root Tuber, but also restores Mana.
Heavy Runecloth Bandage restores health when used, but requires a channeling period for the full heal, which is interrupted by damage. It is crafted through First Aid.
Fire Resistance Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Greater Fire Protection Potion (and the weaker / cheaper
Fire Protection Potion) gives you a buff that absorbs a significant amount of Fire damage for one hour, but is depleted once enough damage is taken. This is crafted through Alchemy.
Juju Ember increases your Fire Resistance by 15. All types of Juju can be farmed in a party or raid group for maximum efficiency, as they drop for all players in the group when enemies are killed. This is a repeatable quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.
These will mostly be useful during early Molten Core progression, especially on Ragnaros.
Damage Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Engineering bombs share a general cooldown of 1 minute, which means you should focus on the harder hitting ones that you can afford.
Goblin Sapper Charge instantly deals high area of effect Fire damage to enemies and yourself when triggered. It is crafted through Goblin Engineering.
Goblin Land Mine places a mine that deals Fire damage when triggered. It is crafted through Engineering.
Dense Dynamite deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast. It is crafted through Engineering.
Oil of Immolation deals pulsing AoE Fire damage for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Thorium Grenade deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast and incapacitates enemies hit for 3 seconds. It is crafted through Engineering.
Iron Grenade deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast and incapacitates enemies hit for 3 seconds. It is crafted through Engineering.
Crystal Charge deals Fire damage at a target location. This is a quest reward from Un'Goro Crater. This shares a cooldown with Engineering bombs, so is useful only if you are not an Engineer.
Stratholme Holy Water deals damage to Undead enemies in a targeted location and is extremely useful in area of effect situations, such as when Nefarian spawns a huge amount of skeletons in its final phase. This drops from Stratholme.
Utility Consumables for Enhancement Shamans
Restorative Potion removes 1 magic, curse, poison, or disease effect from you every 5 seconds for 30 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Magic Dust puts the target to sleep for 30 seconds. It is dropped by Dust Devil in Westfall.
Limited Invulnerability Potion makes you immune to Physical attacks for 6 seconds, which also stops from pulling aggro from most enemies during its effect. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Free Action Potion makes you immune to stun and movement impairing effects for 30 seconds, but does not remove effects already on you. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Living Action Potion makes you immune to stun and movement impairing effects for 5 seconds, while also removing any such effects already present on you. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Invisibility Potion makes you invisible for 18 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Lesser Invisibility Potion makes you invisible for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
Swiftness Potion increases your movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
World Buffs
World buffs have at least one hour of duration and are not related to any profession. Generally, these are buffs that you will try to get immediately before doing a raid. As some of them are applied to every nearby player of your faction, it can be a good idea for your realm's guilds to plan dates and times to activate them, so that all guilds can raid immediately after and reap the benefits of the buffs.
Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer grants 10% extra spell Critical Strike Chance, 5% extra melee/ranged Critical Chance and 140 extra Attack Power for two hours. Everyone in Stormwind or Orgrimmar will receive this buff, once someone turns in the quest started by
Head of Onyxia, which drops off of Onyxia in Onyxia's Lair.
Songflower Serenade grants 5% extra Critical Strike Chance and 15 extra points to all stats for 1 hour. To be able to receive this, you must first complete the Cleansing Felwood quest, after which you can do some repeatable quests that grant
Cenarion Plant Salve. Use this item on a Corrupted Songflower in Felwood and loot the cleansed plant to gain the buff.
Resist Fire grants 83 Fire Resistance for one hour. To gain this buff, have a Priest first use
Mind Control on a Scarshield Spellbinder inside Upper Blackrock Spire, and then proceed to cast this spell on the party/raid members.
Warchief's Blessing (Horde only) grants 300 extra maximum health, 15% extra melee Haste, and 10 extra MP5 for one hour. Everyone in Orgrimmar will receive this buff, once someone turns in the quest For The Horde!, which is a part of Onyxia's Lair attunement quests.
- 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 01 Dec. 2020: Added Phase 6 shoulder enchants, Frozen Runes, and the Silithus world buff.
- 14 Jul. 2020: Updated enchant and consumable list for Phase 5.
- 19 May 2020: Updated with current World Buffs as of Phase 4.
- 07 May 2020: Added Smoked Desert Dumplings.
- 15 Apr. 2020: Added Zul'Gurub consumables and enchants.
- 26 Jan. 2020: Added Arcanum of Rapidity as the best head / leg enchant and Strength for wrists.
- 11 Jan. 2020: Added a note on Juju Flurry lowering your DPS by 3% when used.
- 09 Oct. 2019: Elixir of Giants is now recommended on the essential consumables list.
- 29 Sep. 2019: Added a shortlist with the essential consumables for Enhancement Shamans, ranked by price vs effectiveness.
- 19 Aug. 2019: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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