Healer Rankings / Tier List for WoW Classic Season of Discovery
The Season of Discovery is aiming to completely disrupt the established meta of WoW Classic by including new Runes that drastically increase the power available to all classes. These runes even allow Mages to heal as well! Keep reading on to find out our early findings on Healers in SoD, power levels and rankings so far.
Summary of Healer Class and Specialization Rankings
January 28th, Naxxramas release update: under the current balance conditions, Mages dominate damage output while still being able to output significant healing, making them the top pick. Priests are also very strong and popular, as are the critical buffs brought by Shamans and Paladins, with Druids being slightly less useful than the rest, overall.
Below is a quick summary of the full healer rankings for Season of Discovery WoW Classic. This summary is intended to give a quick outline of the standings of specializations in comparison to one another, and we recommend reading the full rankings to understand why specializations are ranked as they are:
- Healer Mage (S-Tier)
- Discipline Priest (S-Tier)
- Holy Paladin (A-Tier)
- Restoration Shaman (A-Tier)
- Restoration Druid (B-Tier)
- Holy Priest (B-Tier)
DPS and Tank Class Rankings
If you are interested in our other rankings for WoW Classic, please click the links below.
Full Healer Class and Specialization Rankings
All healer classes have their unique perks and bring valuable buffs, which makes ranking them on a Tier format very difficult as, depending on group composition, all of them can be considered invaluable. Thus, we will be valuing their throughput (including damage, for Mage, specifically) and ability to get effective healing in single and AoE incoming damage scenarios.
S-Tier Classes and Specializations
Healer Mage
January 28th, Naxxramas release update: Healer Mages might not be very popular, but do great healing numbers while also having DPS potential close to that of a pure DPS specialization, making them a powerhouse in the right hands.
Healer Mages can now
be healers, due to their new healing spells, such as Regeneration,
Rewind Time, and
Mass Regeneration. While all of these spells
can do some healing on their own, they rely on a unique mechanic,
Temporal Beacon,
which causes some of the Mage's Arcane damage to be converted to healing
to all friendly targets with the Mage's beacons.
Spellfrost Bolt counts as both Frost and Arcane damage, and is a good
alternative to full Arcane for dealing both high damage and healing when used alongside
Soul of the Cryomancer or the full Zul'Gurub set, which grants
the same 65% bonus to Spellfrost Bolt.
Even with this powerful effect, there are two weaknesses to Mage healing: very
high Mana costs on heals and the need to apply timed beacons before the damage to
healing conversion can occur, but fortunately Evocation plus Mana gems
help with Mana and Spell Batching allows you to apply your
Temporal Beacons
on targets of opportunity just as damage spells are hitting, cutting reaction time
to damage a lot when used properly!
This means Healer Mage is the one of the few healers that can do high DPS while healing, but also that it is a class that requires a specific fight profile to do well and is not easy to play. Also, due to targeting limitations, you will still almost always want to bring non-Mage healers as well to a raid group, in order to cover unpredictable damage on random raid members and high tank healing fights.
Discipline Priest
January 28th, Naxxramas release
update: Priests continue to be the most versatile healer, with the most
healing-dedicated amount of runes, allowing them to quickly swap their focus between
single and area healing, and also enabling multiple damage reduction cooldowns on
demand, such as Pain Suppression and
Power Word: Barrier. Furthermore,
they have the highest raw healing throughput out of all healers, and Discipline
in particular does most of its healing as absorbs which are usually more valuable
than regular heals, as they do not overheal and can prevent deaths from one shot
Discipline Priests are strictly superior to Holy Priests but both can be viewed as one single spec for tier ranking, as the runes that define their playstyle are freely interchangeable.
Priests are the iconic healing class of WoW Classic. With Power Word: Shield,
Renew, and
Flash Heal, they have the most complete healing toolkit
out of any healer, and also the most healing-focused rune options, which cover any
kind of healing style, including absorb-focused healing, which no other healer can
Thus, while their kit might not be the very best for a single scenario, they
earn their high ranking through their unmatched versatility and ability to adapt
to any healing requirements. Between Strength of Soul,
Circle of Healing,
Prayer of Mending,
Power Word: Barrier,
Pain Suppression, and other powerful runes,
you can bring a healing team composed of only Priests are be absolutely fine in
any situation.
A-Tier Classes and Specializations
Holy Paladin
January 28th, Naxxramas release
update: tank healing is a very strong point of Paladins, especially with Divine Light
combined with
Beacon of Light.
Sheath of Light and
Sacred Shield
are also fantastic healing runes which further boost your other spells, such as
Flash of Light. When combined with
Illumination, the amount of
Mana returned is extremely high, which enables much higher healing potential in
long fights.
Holy Paladins bring
some of the strongest raid buffs in the game (including previously unavailable
ones such as Horn of Lordaeron), along with having incredibly useful auras.
Their Mana is great at maximum level with Sacred Shield giving you 50%
extra crit on
Flash of Light by itself and thus making most casts free with
Illumination. This allows Paladins to finally make full usage of
Beacon of Light, which will ensure its target stays topped but is likely
to heavily overheal in most fights unless damage is heavily focused on a single
Paladins will also have access to either Inspiration Exemplar, which
compares favorably to
Tremor Totem, an interrupt in
Rebuke, or
Divine Sacrifice, a powerful group cooldown but also heavily situational.
While they heavily lack tools in the area healing department, their strong single
target healing and ability to splash constantly with Beacon of Light makes
Paladin a strong healer when properly piloted.
Restoration Shaman
January 28th, Naxxramas release
update: Shamans bring a huge threat increase for tanks with Spirit of the Alpha,
high damage reduction for a group with their resistance totems, short cooldown range
interrupts with
Earth Shock, and also massive Mana regeneration through
Shamanistic Rage,
Water Shield, and
Mana Tide Totem, much
of which splashes to the raid group.
Restoration Shamans
shine for their utility: they can bring almost every buff in the game, allowing
you to have most group buffs in even small groups such as dungeons or 10-man raids.
Their main weakness is that they specialize in large group healing with Chain Heal
Coherence and
Healing Rain, which can be powerful but requires
many damaged allies stacked closely together, which is not always easy to find in
every fight.
While Shamans struggled with Mana in WoW Classic, Season of Discovery introduces
many runes that alleviate such concerns when combined with baseline class abilities
and talents. Examples of these tools are Water Shield,
Shamanistic Rage,
Power Surge, and
Mana Tide Totem.
These allow Shamans to be able to afford to spend much more Mana than their healer counterparts, thus reducing the gap usually caused by Shamans having more expensive spells relative to their throughput.
B-Tier Classes and Specializations
Restoration Druid
January 28th, Naxxramas release update: Druids have a strong healing over time niche that no other healer can really fill, making them strong on specific encounters, but direct healing is generally stronger for SoD raiding.
Restoration Druids
in SoD can finally stop relying on Healing Touch as their heals over time
can now be applied freely without overwriting world buffs or important consumables.
This enables
Regrowth, and especially the new
Lifebloom and
Wild Growth to become much important to your healing.
Druids will also gain access to Mana-free damage with Fury of Stormrage,
which also enables instant
Healing Touch casts, and give out the
Mark of the Wild group buff. They also have unique utility with the only
combat resurrection in game,
This being said, healing over time requires time to fully run its course, and
targets can die before they are healed or be healed to full very quickly if there
are other healers present in the group, making Healing Touch or
usage important in such scenarios.
Holy Priest
Discipline Priests are strictly superior to Holy Priests and coexist in the same class, making Holy a rarely played specialization.
- 25 Jan. 2025: Phase 7 predicted healing rankings for the Naxxramas patch.
- 14 Nov. 2024: Phase 6 predicted healing rankings for the Ahn'Qiraj patch.
- 25 Sep. 2024: Phase 5 predicted healing rankings for Blackwing Lair and Zul'Gurub patch.
- 27 Jun. 2024: World First Molten Core clears adjustments.
- 07 Jun. 2024: Phase 4 predicted healing rankings before launch.
- 07 Apr. 2024: Adjusted healer ranking post world-first Sunken Temple.
- 09 Mar. 2024: Updated healer ranks for current meta.
- 09 Feb. 2024: Adjusted Shaman healer ranking up post world-first Gnomeregan.
- 05 Feb. 2024: Updated healer rankings with Phase 2 pre-launch predictions.
- 14 Dec. 2023: Revamped the original text of most classes to make it purely Level 25 relevant.
- 08 Dec. 2023: Ranking revamps now that BFD has been cleared many times over and all runes / raid compositions are being used.
- 01 Dec. 2023: Sent Priest back to S-Rank post world first BFD clear.
Classic Class Overviews
Classic Race Guides
Classic Profession Guides

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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