Hunter DPS Season of Mastery Phase 5 Gear

Last updated on Apr 30, 2022 at 22:40 by Impakt 1 comment

On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items from Tier 2.5 / AQ40 for your Hunter DPS in WoW Classic's Season of Mastery. For pre-raid BiS, please refer to our Hunter DPS Gearing and Best in Slot guide for the Season of Mastery.


Hunter Season of Mastery Best in Slot (BiS) List for Phase 5 (Ahn'Qiraj)

This is the gear we recommend you to chase while doing the phase 5 content, specifically the newly added raid AQ40.

Hunter's Tier 2.5, Striker's Garb, is a rather poor set overall and is not recommended. Both the stats and the set bonuses are lackluster at best, and should be avoided. There are simply better options, even for Hunters looking to catch up in gear.

The list below contains gear from: raids, epic PvP sets (above rank 11) and world bosses, as well as some gear from dungeons and quests, when warranted.

Slot Item Source
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapon
Quiver BiS: Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina Icon Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina From the same quest chain as Rhok'delar

*While we are only listing the Horde versions of the PvP set and PvP reputation gear, equivalent versions can be found on the Alliance side, with the same requirements, cost and stats.

**You craft the shells using Engineering and exchange them for the arrows at an NPC in Orgrimmar or Ironforge.


Other Best in Slot Lists

As this list is meant to be used for Hunters in WoW Classic's Season of Mastery, we have created separate gear lists for those interested in optimizing themselves for the "main" branch of Classic instead. If you are not playing in the Season of Mastery, it is recommended that you consult this gear hub instead. In case you still need them, we have also included links to other phases of our Season of Mastery gear lists.



  • 30 Apr. 2022: Page added for Season of Mastery Phase 5.
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