Season of Discovery Retribution Paladin DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your DPS Retribution Paladin, in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, and others in order to minmax your damage efficiency.
As a Retribution Paladin in Season of Discovery there have been some major changes made to greatly improve your damage output and also lessen the downtime that typical accompanies Paladin's rotation. Retribution operates off a list of priorities as opposed to a DPS rotation, but we have updated this list below to reflect what your rotation should look like now, including abilities added in Season of Discovery via the Runic Engraving system.
While it is not required, Engineering is a great tool to have as a Paladin. This is not
only because of the many toys and gizmos associated with it, but bombs such as
Solid Dynamite can are essentially free damage and help with the issues
Paladins deal with due to a lack of consistent AoE damage outside of
Consecration. Bombs are typically best
used on the pull as soon as your tank has established aggro so you can get multiple
uses in an encounter, however if you know a fight will have multiple targets
always try to keep the cooldown ready for when there are multiple targets to hit.
The priority list below is assuming you are using our recommended talent build which can be found on the talents page.
Seal Twisting has been added back to Season of Discovery though at this moment in time Seal Twisting DPS
is a bit behind the faster weapon focused Retribution builds. You may ask, what is seal twisting?
Seal twisting is gaining the benefit of two seals on an auto-attack swing. In Season of Discovery this
would be done with Seal of Martyrdom and
Seal of Command. This is done by activating
the non-active seal within the last .4 seconds of your Swing timer so for example if you have
Seal of Martyrdom
active you would press
Seal of Command when you are in that .4 second window right before you swing and if
done successfully your auto attack would benefit from both seals. It is important to have some way to track your
swing timer should you decide to try twisting though at this time the guild recommended below focused on the fast-two
handed build which does not twist.
- Ensure you have
Sanctity Aura active.
- Ensure you have a Blessing active.
- If the mob will survive longer than 20 seconds, use
Seal of the Crusader and unleash it with
Judgement to apply the debuff.
- Keep
Seal of Martyrdom up.
- When your tank has established threat, use
Avenging Wrath.
- When your tank has established threat, use
Aura Mastery.
- Use
Exorcism on cooldown.
- Use
Crusader Strike on cooldown.
- Use
Divine Storm on cooldown.
- Use
Judgement on cooldown.
- Use
Consecration on as mana allows or when fighting 3 or more enemies.
- When the mob is below 20% health cast
Hammer of Wrath on cooldown.
- When the mob is below 10% health, cast
Exorcism on cooldown, if
Exorcism is not available you should only be casting
Hammer of Wrath with your seal still active.
Crusader Strike as needed to generate mana.
- Make sure you are meleeing the boss for damage and keeping
Sheath of Light active.
Mana issues can be quite prevalent, especially early on. This can
be mitigated by taking advantage of consumables like Mana Potions and always making sure
to use Crusader Strike as often as possible. The Mana returned from using
this ability is a crucial part of the rotation and needs to be prioritized any time you
are below full Mana.
As a Retribution Paladin you will pretty much only be using Seal of Martyrdom.
As it has become baseline the damage benefit from it greatly outweighs other options and the utility found
in other seals such as
Seal of Light or
Seal of Wisdom unfortunately
do not offer enough in small format content like 20-man to even consider using them.
Blessings are incredibly powerful buffs unique to Paladin. Each Paladin
is able to have one blessing active per friendly target, so make sure if you are
playing with another Paladin to coordinate who is giving what blessing to each
party member. Remember with utility abilities like Blessing of Freedom and
Blessing of Protection this will remove the buffs so make sure to
reapply them after using either of these.
Blessing of Freedom removes all snare/slow effects and makes the target
immune to them for the duration of this buff. This is an incredibly powerful tool both for
avoiding slows and in some cases completely ignoring boss mechanics.
Blessing of Protection makes the target immune to all Physical damage. It can also
be used to remove pesky stuns like
Kidney Shot. This blessing shines especially on
caster DPS who either pulled aggro or find themselves in the middle of a pack of mobs.
Blessing of Might increases the Attack Power of the friendly target for 5 minutes, increased to 10 minutes with
Enhanced Blessings.
Blessing of Wisdom increases the Mana per 5 of the friendly target for 5 minutes, increased to 10 minutes with
Enhanced Blessings.
Blessing of Salvation Reduces the threat the the friendly target generates by 30% for 5 minutes, increased to 10 minutes with
Enhanced Blessings.
Blessing of Light Increases the amount of healing the target receives with
Holy Light and
Flash of Light for 5 minutes, increased to 10 minutes with
Enhanced Blessings.
Auras are passive buffs the Paladin can choose which will benefit allies within 30 yards, these range from
extra resistances against specific schools of magic to less spell casting push back. Each Paladin may only
have one Aura active at a time so make sure to coordinate if there is another Paladin in your group.
As a Retribution Paladin you will almost exclusively have Sanctity Aura active as it will
greatly increase your personal DPS.
Sanctity Aura increases Holy damage dealt by party members by 10%.
Concentration Aura gives a 35% chance to ignore spell push back when taking damage.
Frost Resistance Aura increases Frost resistance of all party members.
Fire Resistance Aura increases the Fire resistance of all party members.
Devotion Aura increases the Armor value of all party members.
Retribution Aura causes Holy damage to anyone who attacks a friendly target this aura active.
Avenging Wrath Increases all damage and healing caused by 20% for 20 sec.
Forbearance and cannot be used while Forebearance is active. This is a massive DPS
increase that should be used on cooldown to maximize our DPS output but be careful to ensure you use
it at a time you are unlikely to need your
Divine Shield.
Lay on Hands is a massive heal that heals a friendly target for the Paladin's total max health. This cost
all of your current mana so make sure only to use this in an absolute emergency.
Divine Protection renders the Paladin immune to all physical damage for 8 seconds, during this time the Paladin
will not be able to cast any physical attacks or melee swing. This is a weaker version of
Divine Shield and should only
really be used in a situation where
Divine Shield is unavailable.
Divine Shield protects the Paladin from all incoming damage and spells for 10 seconds but increases attack speed by 100%
while it is active. This is an incredibly strong cool down that can be used not only to mitigate damage but in some cases completely
trivialize mechanics.
Divine Intervention the Paladin sacrifices themselves to shield an ally from all attacks and spells. This effect will
render the target completely immune for 3 minutes, though they will not be able to move or act while the buff is active. This ability
only really should be used as wipe protection in a situation where your group is certainly going to die.
Hammer of Justice stuns the target. This can act as a psuedo interrupt and should be used often to mitigate
as much damage as possible.
Cleanse cleanses a friendly target, removing 1 disease, poison and magic effect.
Purify purifies a friendly target, removing 1 disease and poison effect.
Turn Undead fears an Undead target for 15 seconds.
Sense Undead shows the location of all nearby Undead on your mini map.
- 07 Jul. 2024: Updated for Phase 4.
- 02 Apr. 2024: Updated for Hammer of Wrath change.
- 30 Mar. 2024: Updated for Phase 3.
- 11 Feb. 2024: Updated for Phase 2.
- 16 Dec. 2023: Guide updated.
More Classic Paladin Guides
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This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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