Classic Rogue DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Rogue DPS in both single-target and multiple-target PvE situations in WoW Classic. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS.
If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Rogue DPS rotation.
If you have not already, please read the spells summary page. Knowing how each spell and ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this page.
When it comes to choosing between Dagger and Sword builds for Rogue, the choice is completely up to you. The Sword build is an easier build to play for beginners, so you may want to try this out once you have the gold to afford Weapon Mastery. The Dagger Build is a little bit more advanced, but is still competitive. In early game and lower gear levels, it is slightly below Sword Rogue in terms of DPS output.
Pre-Pull Strategy for Rogues
If you can, you want to start off every fight in Stealth, since some
of your most powerful abilities can only be used from Stealth.
Rotations for Sword Rogue Build
This rotation assumes that you are using the sword build, as described on the link below.
Opener for Sword Rogue
- Cast
Sinister Strike.
- Cast
Sinister Strike.
- Cast
Slice and Dice.
- Use
Adrenaline Rush.
- Cast
Sinister Strike to build combo points.
- Cast
Slice and Dice at 5 combo points.
- Cast
Sinister Strike to build combo points.
- Cast
Eviscerate to use extra combo points.
Single-Target Rotation for Sword Rogue
- Maintain the
Slice and Dice buff.
- Cast
Eviscerate when you have extra combo points.
- Cast
Vanish if your threat is too high and you are in danger of pulling aggro.
- Cast
Sinister Strike to build combo points.
Multi-Target Rotation for Sword Rogue
As a Rogue, the multi-target rotation is very simplistic. Rogue does not have
any AoE abilities, however the cooldown Blade Flurry allows your abilities
to cleave for 15 seconds. You can also look into Engineering, as it gives you access
to bombs which are great for AoE. It is also recommended that, in AoE scenarios, you
Blade Flurry and
Adrenaline Rush together in order to
maximize your AoE output.
Rotations for Dagger Rogue Builds
This rotation assumes that you are using a dagger build, either the generic dagger build or the Horde-optimized Seal Fate dagger build (when playing with a Shaman).
Opener for Seal Fate Dagger Rogue
- If you are stealthed, you want to open with an
- If you are not stealthed, you want to open with a
- If
Ambush did not crit then use
Backstab to generate 2 combo points.
- Cast
Slice and Dice.
- Use
Adrenaline Rush.
- Cast
Backstab if you can get behind your target to build to 5 combo points.
Sinister Strike if you cannot get behind your target.
- Cast
Slice and Dice at 5 combo points.
- Cast
Backstab if you can get behind your target to build to 5 combo points.
Sinister Strike if you cannot get behind your target.
- Cast
Eviscerate at 5 combo points (combine this with
Cold Blood).
Single-Target Rotation for Dagger Rogue
- Maintain the
Slice and Dice buff.
- Cast
Eviscerate at 5 combo points.
- Cast
Ambush if you are stealthed.
- Cast
Vanish if your threat is too high and you are in danger of pulling aggro.
- Cast
Backstab to build combo points.
When playing solo with daggers, you can pool Energy and use Gouge to
get behind your target in order to
Backstab. This can be be done
later in the leveling process with
Kidney Shot as well.
Multi-Target Rotation for Dagger Rogue
As a Rogue, the multi-target rotation is very simplistic. Rogue does not have
any AoE abilities, however the cooldown Blade Flurry allows your abilities
to cleave for 15 seconds. You can also look into Engineering, as it gives you access
to bombs, which are great for AoE.
Cooldown Usage for Rogue
Rogues do not have many cooldowns that are available outside of the talent
tree. The baseline options are Sprint,
Evasion, and
From the talent tree, you will usually end up getting
Blade Flurry and
Adrenaline Rush for PvE. While leveling, you want to use these as often as
possible to get as much usage out of them as you can.
Sprint is very helpful for getting around before Level 40. You want
to use it as much as possible to maximize how many times you use it while leveling.
You get Sprint at Level 10.
Evasion is very helpful during solo leveling when you accidently pull too many mobs. There are also times in dungeons when the tank dies and using Evasion can save the group from a wipe.
Vanish is a great ability for threat management in groups. It is also great
for getting out of a slow or other movement impairing effects. You can use
this while in a group, without aggro, to go into stealth, allowing you to use
one of the stealth-only abilities, such as
Garrote or
Blade Flurry
Blade Flurry is your only AoE ability, so when you use it while leveling,
you want to have at least 2 targets if you can. Blade Flurry is still very strong
for single-target, since it increases your attack speed by 20%, so you should try to use it
along with
Adrenaline Rush.
Adrenaline Rush
Adrenaline Rush is a very powerful cooldown. You want to use this in
conjunction with
Blade Flurry. You should make sure you have this cooldown
for bosses, tough mob packs, and strong quest mobs, since it is one of your
strongest cooldowns.
Ability Usage for Rogues
Kick is your interrupt ability as a Rogue. This should be used to interrupt
a cast. In a dungeon or raid group, make sure to call out your interrupt ahead of time to
prevent overlapping your interrupt with another, as interrupts can be the difference
between wiping and killing a boss.
Cheap Shot does not do any DPS, but does offer a great form of CC. This is
very useful in dungeons and raids, but it is only be usable from stealth, so
either use this on the opener or when you
Vanish. You can save your
Vanish in order to Cheap Shot CC a mob, but you are usually using your Vanish in
order to lower your own threat.
Expose Armor with the talent
Improved Expose Armor will end up
reducing the targets armor (when at 5 combo points) more than
Sunder Armor,
however this ability does overwrite Sunder Armor. This means that, unless you do not have a
Warrior tank in your group, you want to avoid using this ability.
Kidney Shot is a finishing move that does not do any DPS, but instead
stuns the target depending on how many combo points you consumed when using it. This
is not usable on most boss encounters, however it is very useful when leveling and in
a group to prevent adds or trash from hurting non-tank players, or if the tank is taking
too much damage from adds or trash at that point. This is an ability that you want to
use at your own discretion.
Maximizing your Resources as a Rogue
Combo Points
Combo points are a resource that are required in order for a Rogue to use their
Finishing Moves. The abilities that generate combo points are: Sinister Strike,
Garrote, and
Cheap Shot. The
abilities that spend combo points are
Slice and Dice,
Kidney Shot,
Rupture, and
Expose Armor.
When it comes to spending combo points, there are some times where you want to use
a finishing move with less then 5 combo points. The main instance of this is using
Slice and Dice in your opener after you use your first combo point generating
ability. You do this in order to gain the Slice and Dice buff as early as possible, since
the uptime of it is so valuable. When it comes to moves such as
Eviscerate, you
want to use this at 5 combo points at all times, except when the target is about to die.
In that instance, you would use Eviscerate at any amount of combo points.
Make sure that you plan out your combo point usage as you play, in order to make sure that you have enough combo points coming up to refresh your Slice and Dice buff. This will take practice so do not be frustrated if you mess this up at first.
Energy Generation
Rogue's primary resource is Energy. It is a very simple resource, but you should make sure you know how it works.
Energy has a maximum capacity of 100 and you generate 20 Energy every 2 seconds.
The only thing that affects Energy regeneration is the cooldown Adrenaline Rush,
which doubles your Energy regeneration for 15 seconds. The Assassination talent
Vigor increases your maximum Energy by 10, however this is not a
commonly used talent due to the lack of impact that it has on the spec, compared
to other talents.
You want to make sure not to waste any Energy. Prioritize spending Energy on abilities when you have higher than 80 Energy (60 if you have Adrenaline Rush active).
- 16 Nov. 2024: Updated for Classic re-release.
- 02 Dec. 2020: Updated for Phase 6, improved the Rotation section to be more optimized.
- 16 Aug. 2019: Improved rotation.
- 20 Jun. 2019: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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