Rogue Quests in WoW Classic

Last updated on Oct 04, 2019 at 21:19 by Sellin 4 comments

There is one major questline for Rogue in WoW Classic. This quest rewards you with the ability to train and use Poisons, which is a key class component of being a Rogue. This questline requires you to have 75 Lockpicking to complete.


Poison — Thistle Tea

This quest rewards you with the ability to train and use Poisons, which is a key class component of being a Rogue. This questline requires you to have 75 Lockpicking to complete.


Horde Poison — Thistle Tea Questline

The questline starts with the The Shattered Salute quest, which becomes available from Shenthul in The Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar at Level 20. Make sure you have at least 75 Lockpicking before starting this questline, as you will need it later on. After completing that quest, Shenthul will give you the Deep Cover quest, which requires you to go to The Barrens and use the Flare Gun in the correct location. If you do, Taskmaster Fizzule will become friendly and offer you the Mission: Possible But Not Probable quest, which requires you to kill 2 of 3 different enemies and loot Gallywix's Head Icon Gallywix's Head, Silixiz's Tower Key Icon Silixiz's Tower Key, and Cache of Zanzil's Altered Mixture Icon Cache of Zanzil's Altered Mixture.

In order to get Silixiz's Tower Key, you must pickpocket him. At the top of the tower, you should find Grand Foreman Puzik Gallywix and his Lockbox, which contains Cache of Zanzil's Altered Mixture. In order to loot his Lockbox, you must kill him (since he is an elite, take advantage of Evasion Icon Evasion, First Aid + Gouge Icon Gouge and Health Potions). With those 3 items, go back to Shenthul in Orgrimmar and he will give you Recipe: Thistle Tea Icon Recipe: Thistle Tea. Then, accept the Hinott's Assistance quest from him, which requires you to go to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills and talk to Serge Hinott. Once you turn that quest in, pick up Hinott's Assistance from him and use the Hinott's Oil Icon Hinott's Oil in your inventory and you will gain the ability to use Poisons Icon Poisons.


Alliance Poison — Thistle Tea Questline

The questline starts with the Mathias and the Defias quest at Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind at Level 20. Make sure you have at least 75 Lockpicking before starting this questline, as you will need it later on. Once you accept the quest, go to Westfall and speak to Agent Kearnen.

Get the Klaven's Tower quest from Agent Kearnen, which will have you get the Defias Tower Key Icon Defias Tower Key from the Malformed Defias Drone with pickpocket and Klaven Mortwake's Journal Icon Klaven Mortwake's Journal from the top of the tower in the Duskwood Chest behind Klaven Mortwake (you can use Sap Icon Sap on him in order to safely open the chest). With those 2 items, go back to Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind City and hand in the quest items and you will get the Recipe: Thistle Tea Icon Recipe: Thistle Tea and the ability to use Poisons Icon Poisons.


Ravenholdt Questline

At Level 50, you can pick up the quest A Simple Request from any Rogue Trainer from any major city. This quest requires you to speak with Lord Jorach Ravenholdt in Ravenholdt Manor in Hillsbrad Foothills to the north of Durnhold Keep.

  • After turning in this quest to Lord Jorach Ravenholdt, he will give you the quest Sealed Azure Bag.
  • Go to Azshara and Pickpocket the Timbermaw Shamans (found around 45,21). When you receive the Sealed Azure Bag, go to 28,50 and a Night Elf should teleport you (he will have a blue question mark above his head).
  • Once he teleports, head up the road and into the tower. Turn in the quest to Archmage Xylem.
  • Then accept the quest Encoded Fragments from Archmage Xylem. This requires you to bring him 10 encoded fragments. To obtain these you need to pickpocket Forest Oozes in Azshara (64,25 is a good spot to start farming these). Then when you have 10 encoded fragments go back to Archmage Xylem and turn in the quest.
  • Lastly pick up the quest The Azure Key from Archmage Xylem, which requires you to return the Azure Key to Lord Jorach Ravenholdt. The Azure Key drops from Morphaz in Sunken Temple, making this a dungeon quest. Once you kill Morphaz and obtain the Azure Key simply go back to Ravenholt Manor and turn in the quest to Lord Jorach Ravenholdt.

From the rewards you get after turning in the final quest, Whisperwalk Boots Icon Whisperwalk Boots and Duskbat Drape Icon Duskbat Drape are unique items that have their own place in end gear sets. The third possible reward, Ebon Mask Icon Ebon Mask, is an item that will get replaced fairly early into endgame progression.



  • 04 Oct. 2019: Added Ravenholdt quest.
  • 29 Sep. 2019: Guide added.
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