Season of Discovery Druid: Rune Slots and Rune Locations

Last updated on Jan 26, 2025 at 00:00 by Seksixeny 12 comments

On this page, you will find all information about the Druid Runes in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery.



The single largest new feature of Season of Discovery is the addition of Rune Engravings for your gear. Runes will allow you access to new abilities, the ability to augment your current spells, and in some case unlock entirely new possibilities for your class.

When we list specific races for the unlocks below, they are the races most commonly associated with the area the Rune is found in, rather than hard requirements for the Rune unlock. If you are someone of another race (and often even of a different faction) you can still use the listed method to unlock if you follow the listed steps.

Druids could already perform all roles in the game and that has not changed, but their viability when doing so is drastically increased by many of the Runes!

You can now purchase all runes for a symbolic amount in the starting zones, but the quests to obtain them manually are still available and listed in the guides below, if you are interested.


Quality of Life Skill Locations

You can also find extra base skills and quality of life improvements to existing skills in consumable items dropping around the world, which do not count as a Rune but still need to be discovered in order to be learned.

Druids can currently obtain:

  • Leaflet of Revive  Icon Leaflet of Revive
  • Leaflet of Deeper Wilds  Icon Leaflet of Deeper Wilds
  • Leaflet of Enhanced Restoration  Icon Leaflet of Enhanced Restoration

All of these can drop from any boss in high level dungeons.


Rune Engravings

Gloves Pants Chest Belt Boots Helm Wrists Back Ring

Rune Description

Sunfire Icon Sunfire — Burns the enemy for small Nature damage and then deals additional moderate Nature damage over 12 seconds. This is another Moonfire Icon Moonfire-like ability, which increases Balance's damage capabilities.


Unlock Information

For Taurens, it is found near the 36,70 map coordinates in Mulgore. Cast Moonfire Icon Moonfire on the three white Lunar Stones nearby and a chest will appear with the Sunfire Icon Sunfire Rune inside.

For Night Elves, it is found around the 52,79 map coordinates in Teldrassil. The conditions to obtain are the same as Tauren; use Moonfire Icon Moonfire on the three white Lunar Stones nearby and loot the chest.


Rune Description

Skull Bash Icon Skull Bash — Charge and interrupt a target within 13 yards, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 2 seconds. Shares a cooldown with Feral Charge. This is a standard interrupt, which Feral Druids previously lacked.


Unlock Information

Reach Friendly reputation with the new Durotar Supply and Logistics faction on Horde, or equivalent Azeroth Commerce Authority in the Alliance and buy the rune for 2 gold.

You can increase your reputation with these factions by turning in Supply Shipment  Icon Supply Shipment green items randomly looted from world content, preferably after combining them with the profession materials requested in their description in order to increase the reputation and amount of currency awarded.


Rune Description

Wild Growth Icon Wild Growth — Heals all of target player's party members within 40 yards of target player for a moderate amount over 7 seconds. The amount healed is applied quickly at first, and slows down as Wild Growth reaches its full duration. This is a great ability for area healing, which is something Restoration lacked before.


Unlock Information

Careful: multiple level 25 enemies! You need to perform three tasks. First, go to Ashenvale at the 86,43 map coordinates and click the Owl statue, followed by killing multiple waves of enemies. Secondly go to Duskwood and click the Owl statue to the right of Twilight Portal around 50,35, use the buff you get to kill Agon at 66,23. Finally go to Hillsbrad where you need to click two statues within 2 minutes. This is meant to be done with the help of Aquatic Form Icon Aquatic Form, and the statues are at 54,81 and 36,75. Turn in the looted items at your trainer in Moonglade for the Wild Growth Icon Wild Growth Rune.


Rune Description

Mangle Icon Mangle — Replaces your Claw ability with Mangle, which deals high damage and causes the target to take 30% more damage from bleed effects for 1-minute. This ability benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Claw and Maul. This is a powerful new attack for Feral Druids.


Unlock Information

Looted from random enemies past the starting zone in Mulgore for Tauren, and guaranteed drop from Rageclaw for Night Elves. Once you loot the Idol of Ursine Rage you need to stay at above 50 Rage for a minute while in Bear Form Icon Bear Form in order to be able to learn Mangle Icon Mangle.


Rune Description

Starsurge Icon Starsurge — Deals high Arcane damage and benefits from and triggers most talents and effects that trigger or benefit from Wrath Icon Wrath or Starfire Icon Starfire. Although it has a lengthy 10-second cooldown, this is a powerful new instant cast for Balance.


Unlock Information

Talk to a Dwarf in a cave around 35,14 in the Wetlands to get a Marshroom, which you can use to see a frog on a stump in a pond around 31,18, which gives you the Rune.


Rune Description

Lacerate Icon Lacerate — Debuffs the enemy target, making them bleed for moderate damage over 15 seconds, plus 20% weapon damage per existing application of Lacerate on the target. Causes a high amount of threat and stacks up to five times on the same target. This is a great ability to generate high single target threat on any enemy for a relatively low Rage cost.


Unlock Information

Taurens get this Rune in the Barrens, by taking the eggs at 44,22 to the 48,40 location.

Night Elves, get this Rune in Darkshore: either kill Furbolgs for Crab Treats or fish the treats, and then feed these treats to a crab on the beach. You can also get it in Loch Modan by buying Rainbow Fin Albacore Chum  Icon Rainbow Fin Albacore Chum from Khara Deepwater at 40,39 and feeding it to a nearby thresher in the lake.


Rune Description

Lifebloom Icon Lifebloom — Heals the target for a moderate amount over 7 seconds. When Lifebloom completes its duration or is dispelled, the target instantly heals for a significant amount and the Druid regains half the cost of the spell. This effect can stack up to three times on the same target. This is a new heal over time for Restoration Druids.


Unlock Information

For Taurens, in Mulgore 60,33 there is a corpse which you can interact with to start a summoning ritual. If someone else in your party clicks you will get the Rune.

For Night Elves, on the North side of Teldrassil there is a Skeleton on the floor where the Harpies are, around the 33,35 map coordinates. Click it and a summoning portal will come out which another player needs to help click, causing a spirit to spawn that gives you the Rune.


Rune Description

Savage Roar Icon Savage Roar — A finishing move that increases Physical damage done by 30% while in Cat Form. It also lasts longer per combo point, from 14 seconds at one combo point to 34 seconds at five. This is a new maintenance buff for Feral DPS Druids.


Unlock Information

Taurens get this Rune by opening Kolkar's Booty chests in the Barrens. After equipping the item you get from them, you need to deal 20 ticks of bleeding damage to humanoids, upon which you can learn the Rune from the item.

Night Elves get the Rune by killing and looting the Den Mother in Darkshore. The conditions for learning the Rune after getting the Ferocious Idol drop are the same as described for Taurens above.


Rune Description

Fury of Stormrage Icon Fury of Stormrage — Reduces the mana cost of Wrath Icon Wrath by 100%. Each time you deal damage with Wrath, you have a 12% chance for your next cast of Healing Touch Icon Healing Touch within 15 seconds to be instant and castable in all shapeshift forms. No-mana Wrath is amazing for caster Druids and the instant Healing Touch provides significant self-healing or group utility.


Unlock Information

For Tauren, you pick up the early quest Relics of the Tauren for this Rune and loot a Lunar Idol from a chest up on a hill in the Brambleblade Ravine, 61.76 map coordinates in the Mulgore area. Path to go up starts at 60,75. After you got the idol, kill six enemies affected by Moonfire Icon Moonfire and click the idol, which will give you the Rune.

For Night Elf, the quest is the same once you get the Lunar Idol, but in order to loot it you need to pick up the early quest and then kill Grell enemies until you get it.


Rune Description

Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest — Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks by 6% and reduces all damage taken by 10%. Damage taken reduced by an additional 10% while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form. This talent single-handedly makes Feral tanks very strong and viable in all forms of content.


Unlock Information

You will need to be at least level 20 and maybe also have a decent amount of gold on you to get Grizzby, found in Ratchet in the Barrens to talk to you and offer three quests: turn in 24 Fish Oil  Icon Fish Oil, looted from fish and Murloc enemies, 20 Dark Iron Ordinance  Icon Dark Iron Ordinance looted from Dark Iron Dwarves in Dun Morogh or north Wetlands, and 16 Shredder Turbocharger  Icon Shredder Turbocharger obtained by using Shredder Autosalvage Unit  Icon Shredder Autosalvage Unit on Shredder NPCs in Ashenvale. The pattern for this Engineering craft drops from Sneed in Deadmines. Once the quests are finished, you can buy the Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest Rune for 5 gold.


Rune Description

Living Seed Icon Living Seed — When you critically heal your target with any non-periodic healing spell you plant a Living Seed on the target for 50% of the amount healed. The Living Seed will bloom the next time the target takes damage or receives non-periodic healing. Lasts 15 sec. While generally weak, it would be best used alongside the high critical chance of talented Regrowth Icon Regrowth.


Unlock Information

For Tauren, after leaving the starting area, loot three Prairie Flowers and combine them into a Prairie Crown. Find the Wooden Effigy at the 38,49 map coordinates in Mulgore and use the crown on it, spawning a Level 7 Elite that drops the Rune.

For Night Elves, you can pick three Glade Flowers near Dolanaar, which are used to craft a Glade Crown which can then be used on the Wooden Effigy at the 67,58 map coordinates in Teldrassil, also spawning a Level 7 Elite which drops the Rune.


Rune Description

Wild Strikes Icon Wild Strikes — While you are in Cat Form, Bear Form, or Dire Bear Form, party members within 20 yards gain increased combat ferocity. Each melee hit has a 20% chance of granting the attacker an extra attack with 20% additional Attack Power. No effect if the party member is already benefiting from Windfury Totem Icon Windfury Totem. This is essentially Windfury for alliance, and also more convenient than the totem, making Feral DPS Druids a must in any group with a lot of melee.


Unlock Information

Drops from Grimtotem Taurens at the Barrens connection to Stonetalon Mountains for both Horde and Alliance players. You need to heal damaged Hunter pets or yourself in Bear Form in order to be able to convert the idol into the Rune, which can be easily done with healing over time effects or Mark of the Wild Icon Mark of the Wild on random pets that have heals over time on.


Rune Description

Berserk Icon Berserk — When activated, this ability causes your Mangle Icon Mangle (Bear) and Lacerate Icon Lacerate abilities to hit up to three targets, Lacerate to cost no Rage, Mangle (Bear) to have no cooldown, and reduces the Energy cost of all your Cat Form abilities by 50%. Lasts 15 seconds. Requires Bear Form Icon Bear Form, Cat Form Icon Cat Form, or Dire Bear Form Icon Dire Bear Form to activate. Clears the effect of Fear Icon Fear and makes you immune to Fear for the duration. This is a great DPS and threat cooldown, and also notable for allowing Bear tanks to generate area threat, which is usually their main weakness.


Unlock Information

Use Challenging Roar Icon Challenging Roar on an effigy in southern Thousand Needles around 69,55 to spawn an NPC that drops Idol of the Heckler  Icon Idol of the Heckler. Kill enemies taunted by Challenging Roar three times in order to be able to learn Berserk Icon Berserk.


Rune Description

Eclipse Icon EclipseStarfire Icon Starfire increases the critical strike chance of your next two Wrath Icon Wraths by 30%, and Wrath reduces the cast time of your next Starfire by 1 second, both effects stacking up to 4 charges. Both spells gain 70% chance at all times to not lose casting time when you take damage. This talent single-handedly allows Balance Druids a chance to show up on the meters, increasing DPS drastically and also providing a ton of cast time reduction resistance.


Unlock Information

Once you are Level 30 or higher, find the extinguished campfire on a hill northwest of the kodo graveyard in Desolace, around the 47,55 map coordinates. Follow up by talking to Bibbly F'utzbuckle around 62,39, by Kormek's hut.

Travel to Booty Bay and speak to Tokal in the Salty Sailor Tavern, at the 27,77 coordinates in Stranglethorn Vale and buy cherry grog from the Food and Drink vendor next to her.

Follow up by traveling to Arathi Highlands, where you should head to the broken bridge, go down to the water and click the rowboat at 53,91. Head north after traveling in the rowboat to find Illari Duskfeather at 94,71. Loot a key from her bag to open a cache by the shack on dock for the Eclipse Icon Eclipse rune!


Rune Description

Nourish Icon Nourish heals a friendly target with a fast cast time. Heals for an additional 20% if you have a Rejuvenation Icon Rejuvenation, Regrowth Icon Regrowth, Lifebloom Icon Lifebloom, or Wild Growth Icon Wild Growth effect active on the target. This spell benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Healing Touch Icon Healing Touch. Classic Restoration Druids usually rely on Healing Touch and in SoD they have mostly relied on Wild Growth. If you have a heal over time on the target, Nourish is a great spot healing tool, which can be easily activated by the likes of Wild Growth.


Unlock Information

Go to 45,51 in Dustwallow Marsh and kill the Rotting Ancient. Loot the Rotten Seed item, which starts a quest to go to Moonglade and talk to Orokai around 42,43. His follow up requires you to find four saplings:

  • 47,72 in Arathi Highlands
  • 33,65 in Stranglethorn Vale
  • 58,44 in Alterac Mountains
  • 10,39 in Swamp of Sorrows

As you only have one hour to complete the quest and will be marked as having failed if you ever gain the Honorless Target Icon Honorless Target buff while on your way, make sure to avoid any PvP and have PvP flag off when starting your journey.

Once you finally water all seedlings in time, turn in the quest at Orokai for the Nourish Icon Nourish rune.


Rune Description

Dreamstate Icon Dreamstate — Your damaging spell critical strikes grant you 50% of your mana regeneration while casting for 8 sec and increase Nature damage dealt to the target by 20% for 12 seconds. This is the perfect rune to combine with Eclipse Icon Eclipse, as you will get 30% critical strike for free, making it activate all the time.


Unlock Information

Kill Kolkar Centaurs around 69,44 in Desolace for Desiccated Seed Pod  Icon Desiccated Seed Pod. Swim on any pond water to hydrate it, for example near 71,71, to turn it into Satyrweed Bulb  Icon Satyrweed Bulb and plant this bulb on soil spots found around the 74,21 area to receive the Dreamstate Icon Dreamstate rune.


Rune Description

King of the Jungle Icon King of the JungleTiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury now increases all physical damage you deal by 15% instead of by a flat value, and instantly grants you 60 Energy. It is no longer on the global cooldown, but it now has its own 30 sec cooldown. This rune increases Feral DPS drastically on a small 30-second cooldown while also speeding up the rotation due to the extra Energy.


Unlock Information

Begin by traveling to Deadwind Pass and interact with the Dalaran Agent NPC near 52,35 to obtain Ariden's Sigil  Icon Ariden's Sigil. By wearing and using this trinket you can make 7 Dark Rider enemies show themselves at certain spots in the world, which you must kill and loot to receive the rune. You will know the Dark Rider is close enough to be revealed when you gain the Dark Presence Icon Dark Presence buff.

  • The closest rider can be found near 42,30 in Deadwind Pass;
  • Next, go towards nearby Swamp of Sorrows, where a rider can be found around 69,29;
  • Trace back your steps and head towards 23,48 in Duskwood, where a rider awaits;
  • Head south towards Booty Bay and take the boat to the Barrens, where you will find another rider around 52,36;
  • Move towards nearby Desolace where a rider patrols around 65,26;
  • Change continent and head to 60,40 in Arathi Highlands where another rider can be found;
  • Finally, head towards the Badlands, where the final rider can be found around 58,53.

Once you finally take down the final rider, return to the Dalaran Agent and turn all relics to obtain the King of the Jungle Icon King of the Jungle rune!


Rune Description

Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts — When activated, this grants you 30% of your maximum health for 20 sec. After the effect expires, the health is lost. Usable in any form. In addition, you regenerate 5 rage every time you dodge while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, 10 energy while in Cat Form, or 1% of your maximum Mana while in any other form. This is a strong defensive for all Druids, but especially good for Feral tanks, who will also benefit from extra rage after dodging.


Unlock Information

Start by going to 25,54 on Swamp of Sorrows and buy Entomology Starter Kit  Icon Entomology Starter Kit from Amaryllis Webb. Open the kit and go to 45,20 in Stranglethorn Vale to catch a bug on a tree stump with the net. You should also catch similar bugs on 30,27 Arathi Highlands and 51,60 Desolace. Once all 3 bugs have been caught, return to Amaryllis Webb for the Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts rune!


Rune Description

Gale Winds Icon Gale Winds — Increases the damage done by your Hurricane Icon Hurricane by 100%, it no longer has a cooldown, and its mana cost is reduced by 60%. This rune alone turns Balance from one of the worst to one of the best area damage dealers, at least in situations where enemies will reliably stand within Hurricane for its full duration.


Unlock Information

Start by going up to the top of the Grimtotem compound through the hidden trail at 67,50 in Feralas. You will find the elite Namida Grimtotem at 67,38 and looting her will give you the rune.


Rune Description

Gore Icon Gore — Striking a target with Lacerate Icon Lacerate, Swipe Icon Swipe, or Maul Icon Maul has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle Icon Mangle (Bear) and grant 10 Rage. Striking a target with Mangle (Cat) or Shred Icon Shred has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury. With the improved Tiger's Fury reset chance this is a strong Rune..


Unlock Information

Friendly reputation with the new Emerald Wardens faction and 1g60s to buy Rune of Bloodshed  Icon Rune of Bloodshed.


Rune Description

Improved Barkskin Icon Improved Barkskin — Your Barkskin Icon Barkskin can now be cast on allies, no longer penalizes melee combat speed or spellcasting time, and can be cast while shapeshifted. A nice improvement to Barkskin's functionality and enables its usage as an external cooldown for group members!


Unlock Information

You can get the Idol of the Raging Shambler  Icon Idol of the Raging Shambler from any enemy in the Tanaris zone. Once you have it, equip it and kill 5 enemies with Nature damage while affected by Barkskin Icon Barkskin to become able to learn the Improved Barkskin Icon Improved Barkskin rune.


Rune Description

Efflorescence Icon Efflorescence — Your Swiftmend Icon Swiftmend now also causes Efflorescence, healing all party members within 15 yards of the Swiftmend target's location for a significant amount every 1 sec for 15 sec. This can boost your healing significantly, as long as the fight allows for your group to be stacked within the same area for a long period.


Unlock Information

Pick up the Wisdom of the Guardians quest from Tyrisius found around 57,69 in Feralas. You can do the three steps of the quest in any order:

  • Head to 58,52 in Feralas and click the shrine. Head south and engage a Gordunni Warlock NPC around 62,56 in order to get cursed. Decurse yourself and proceed to 74,61 to engage a Zukk'ash Wasp. Wait until you are poisoned and cleanse that for the final buff needed. Return to the 58,52 shrine and kill the elite that appears when you click it to complete this step;
  • Next, head to 34,49 in Azshara and click the shrine. Find the Child of Apa'ro NPC around 43,30 and kill it with melee abilities as it is immune to magic. Turn in the Sacred Stag Heart  Icon Sacred Stag Heart on the shrine and kill the elite that appears to complete this step;
  • Finally, head to 66,53 in the Hinterlands and use Tranquility Icon Tranquility followed by Hurricane Icon Hurricane near the shrine to spawn the final elite. Defeat it to complete the quest.

Finally, return to Tyrisius to receive the Efflorescence Icon Efflorescence rune and Seed of Renewal  Icon Seed of Renewal trinket.


Rune Description

Elune's Fires Icon Elune's Fires — Some of your spells and abilities extend the duration of your damage and healing over time effects on their target:

Each effect can only be extended up to its initial duration. This rune provides a nice quality of life boost which will save you globals and lead to higher overall throughput.


Unlock Information

Loot the bag found at 21,62 in Azshara, open it for a mortar and pestle item and collect three Satyrweed Sample  Icon Satyrweed Sample plants nearby. Use the mortar and pestle to convert them into Satyrweed Tincture  Icon Satyrweed Tincture and head north to find a corrupted (green) Hippogryph. Hibernate Icon Hibernate it and use the tincture to receive the Elune's Fires Icon Elune's Fires rune.


Rune Description

Improved Frenzied Regeneration Icon Improved Frenzied Regeneration — Your Frenzied Regeneration Icon Frenzied Regeneration can now be used in all forms or while not shapeshifted. It now converts your active resource into health every second for 10 sec. Up to 10 Rage, 10 Energy, or 5% base Mana is converted per second into up to 10% health. Huge upgrade over the baseline Frenzied Regeneration effects for tanks and could see use in PvP due to being usable in all forms.


Unlock Information

Pick up the The Wild Gods quest from the Shadowtooth Emissary NPC found around 51,85 in Felwood. Unless someone in your group already has it, kill elite Trolls in Jinth'Alor around 63,66 in the Hinterlands until Wildwhisper Draught  Icon Wildwhisper Draught drops.

Follow up by going to Razorfen Downs and killing the final boss, Amnennar the Coldbringer. Anyone in your group can use the Draught near where the boss was standing once all nearby enemies are cleared to spawn the Spirit of Agamaggan. Talk to it for a follow up quest and the Agamaggan's Roar  Icon Agamaggan's Roar quest item.

You can use this item at various dungeons to fight Delirious Ancients for Wild Offering Icon Wild Offerings (one per dungeon id, can reset and go again repeatedly), which can be used as currency for the rune and other useful items such as Breadth of the Beast Icon Breadth of the Beast:

  • The easiest way is to head to Zul'Farrak, kill three bosses (Theka the Martyr, Hydromancer Velratha, and Gahz'rilla are the fastest), find the spectral spider patrolling near Gahz'rilla's pool and use Agamaggan's Roar  Icon Agamaggan's Roar near it. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering Icon Wild Offering, reset and repeat until done;
  • Alternatively, you can kill Princess Theradras at the end of Maraudon and use Agamaggan's Roar  Icon Agamaggan's Roar near the spectral dinosaur that appears in the shallow water nearby. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering Icon Wild Offering;
  • Finally, a third option is to defeat the three boss encounters in the Prison area of Blackrock Depths (High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster Grebmar and the Ring of Law) and the emote You feel a shadowed presence will appear in the chat. Once it does, find the spawned spectral incendosaur on the highway leading to Bael'Gar and use Agamaggan's Roar  Icon Agamaggan's Roar near it. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering Icon Wild Offering.

Once you have the Wild Offering Icon Wild Offerings necessary for the quest, turn them in to the Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood for the Improved Frenzied Regeneration Icon Improved Frenzied Regeneration rune.


Rune Description

Improved Swipe Icon Improved Swipe — While in Cat Form, your Swipe Icon Swipe ability becomes Swipe Icon Swipe, and while in Bear Form, your Swipe ability strikes up to 7 additional enemies. This adds much needed area damage potential to Feral DPS and enables larger pulls for Bear Druids.


Unlock Information

First kill Ravasaur enemies in Un'goro Crater until they drop Idol of the Huntress Icon Idol of the Huntress. This idol requires you to kill 5 sleeping enemies while in Cat Form Icon Cat Form. Best way to do this task is to damage beast enemies to low health while building 5 combo points, sleep them with Hibernate Icon Hibernate and use Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite to finish them off.


Rune Description

Starfall Icon Starfall — You summon a flurry of stars from the sky over 10 sec, striking targets within 30 yards of your location, each dealing Arcane damage to its target and extra Arcane damage to all other enemies within 5 yards. Maximum 20 stars. Shapeshifting or mounting cancels the effect. Any effect which causes you to lose control of your character will suppress the Starfall effect. Benefits from and triggers most talents and effects that trigger or benefit from Moonfire Icon Moonfire. This is a great cooldown for Balance, especially in area of effect situations!


Unlock Information

This Rune drops from the Arcterris elite in Winterspring, found around 64,17. In order to reach him, either enter the cave around 65,20 or climb the mountain at 61,16 and descent into his location. Make sure to bring a group, especially if you are not yet close to Level 60!


Rune Description

Tree of Life Icon Tree of Life — Shapeshift into the Tree of Life. While in this form you increase healing received by 10% for all party members within 45 yards, Wild Growth Icon Wild Growth healing is increased by 60%, your heal over time spells cost 20% less, you gain 25% increased Spirit, you gain 200% increased armor, and you cannot cast harmful spells. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects. This will be the main form used permanently by Restoration Druids, as their healing potential is heavily nerfed without it.


Unlock Information

On the Northwest part of the Felwood road (around 46,20) you will find a Vengeful Wisp you can talk to. After going through the conversation and having the Wisp follow you, defeat nearby Satyr such as Jadefire Trickster around the 43,19 area until you get the Shimmering Light buff that looks like a blue wisp. Talk to the wisp following you again and it will create a chest you can loot the Rune from.


Rune Description

Arcane Specialization Icon Arcane Specialization — Chance to hit with Arcane spells increased by 6%. Not cumulative with other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading a book found in a Hearthglen tower in Western Plaguelands, around 47,14.


Rune Description

Nature Specialization Icon Nature Specialization — Chance to hit with Nature spells increased by 6%. Not cumulative with other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book at the Felpaw Village in Felwood, found around 63,07.


Rune Description

Defense Specialization Icon Defense Specialization — Defense skill increased by 25. Not cumulative with other ring runes. A straightforward defense increase which passively improves your tanking capabilities.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book found on the ground near a flag close to the Lower Blackrock Spire dungeon entrance, past its meeting stone.


Rune Description

Dagger Specialization Icon Dagger Specialization — Skill with Daggers increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. Feral Druids use their paws making this a useless Rune.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on Silithus around 20,85.


Rune Description

Fist Weapon Specialization Icon Fist Weapon Specialization — Skill with Fist Weapons increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. Feral Druids use their paws making this a useless Rune.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on Silithus around 38,45.


Rune Description

Feral Combat Specialization Icon Feral Combat Specialization — Feral Combat skill increased by 5. Not cumulative with other ring runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book found inside a small rock formation in the Frostsaber Rock area, around 49,08.


Rune Description

Mace Specialization Icon Mace Specialization — Skill with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. Feral Druids use their paws making this a useless Rune.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book near Grim Batol in the Wetlands, found around 74,69.


Rune Description

Pole Weapon Specialization Icon Pole Weapon Specialization — Skill with Staves and Polearms increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. Feral Druids use their paws making this a useless Rune.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book at the Moonwell in the Temple of Arkkoran in Azshara, found around 77,38.


Rune Description

Healing Specialization Icon Healing Specialization — Increases Healing by up to 26. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward healing increase for healer specializations.


Unlock Information

This Rune can be found around 35,79 Arathi Highlands in the southwestern part of the zone near Faldir's Cove. Click on the book found atop a crate near the fire in the center of the cove to unlock Healing Specialization Icon Healing Specialization.


Rune Description

Meditation Specialization Icon Meditation Specialization — Increases Mana regenerated every 5 seconds by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward Mana sustain increase for healers.


Unlock Information

This Rune can be found around 80,77 Shimmering Flats in the southeastern part of Thousand Needles located inside of a goblin building near the Mirage Raceway. Click the book to unlock Meditation Specialization Icon Meditation Specialization.



  • 25 Jan. 2025: Updated guide for Phase 7.
  • 20 Dec. 2024: Added information on the starting zone rune vendors.
  • 30 Sep. 2024: Added the location of the new Healing and Meditation Specialization runes.
  • 25 Sep. 2024: Added the new Healing and Meditation Specialization runes.
  • 13 Jul. 2024: Final rune locations for Phase 4.
  • 12 Jul. 2024: Updated most missing Phase 4 Rune locations.
  • 07 Jul. 2024: Updated with Phase 4 changes and Rune additions.
  • 23 Apr. 2024: Updated for Mangle and Lacerate rune location swaps.
  • 07 Apr. 2024: Clarified Wild God rune and vendor unlock process.
  • 05 Apr. 2024: Added Improved Frenzied Regeneration, Elune's Fires, and Efflorescence rune sources.
  • 04 Apr. 2024: Added Gale Winds, Improved Barkskin, and Gore rune sources.
  • 30 Mar. 2024: Level 50 / Phase 3 runes added.
  • 18 Mar. 2024: Clarified Berserk rune unlock requirements.
  • 27 Feb. 2024: Rune descriptions updated for the multiple buffs happening this reset.
  • 15 Feb. 2024: Clarified location and level 30 requirement for Campfire rune.
  • 10 Feb. 2024: Added King of the Jungle rune location.
  • 09 Feb. 2024: Added Eclipse, Survival Instincts, Nourish, and Dreamstate rune locations.
  • 08 Feb. 2024: Added Berserk rune location.
  • 06 Feb. 2024: Added a new section with quality of life skill locations.
  • 05 Feb. 2024: Updated with new Level 40 Rune information.
  • 28 Jan. 2024: Fixed Night Elf Sunfire rune location.
  • 15 Dec. 2023: Added the cost of bought runes.
  • 14 Dec. 2023: Fixed Mangle tooltip.
  • 13 Dec. 2023: Runes coming from the new reputation vendors can now be bought at Friendly.
  • 02 Dec. 2023: Updated with the final rune locations!
  • 25 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
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