Season of Discovery Mage: Rune Slots and Rune Locations
On this page, you will find all information about the Mage Runes in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery.
The single largest new feature of Season of Discovery is the addition of Rune Engravings for your gear. Runes will allow you access to new abilities, the ability to augment your current spells, and in some case unlock entirely new possibilities for your class, such as being able to Heal as a Mage.
When we list specific races for the unlocks below, they are the races most commonly associated with the area the Rune is found in, rather than hard requirements for the Rune unlock. If you are someone of another race (and often even of a different faction) you can still use the listed method to unlock if you follow the listed steps.
You can now purchase all runes for a symbolic amount in the starting zones, but the quests to obtain them manually are still available and listed in the guides below, if you are interested.
Quality of Life Skill Locations
You can also find extra base skills and quality of life improvements to existing skills in consumable items dropping around the world, which do not count as a Rune but still need to be discovered in order to be learned.
Mages can currently obtain:
Tome of Expanded Intellect — can drop from any boss in high level dungeons.
Listed below are all of the currently available Rune Engravings for Mage.
Rune Engravings
Rune Description
Rewind Time — Your current target with your Temporal Beacon
instantly heals all damage taken over the last 5 seconds. Ineffective on targets
that did not have a Temporal Beacon 5 seconds ago. This is meant to be one of Mage
Healer's cooldowns, and currently has a short cooldown of 30 seconds.
Unlock Information
You will need to be at least level 20 and maybe also have a decent amount of
gold on you to get Grizzby, found in Ratchet in the Barrens to talk to you
and offer three quests: turn in 24 Fish Oil, looted from fish and Murloc
enemies, 20
Dark Iron Ordinance looted from Dark Iron Dwarves in Dun Morogh
or north Wetlands, and 16
Shredder Turbocharger obtained by using
Shredder Autosalvage Unit on Shredder NPCs in Ashenvale. The pattern for
this Engineering craft drops from Sneed in Deadmines.
Once the quests are finished, you can buy the
Rewind Time Rune for 5 gold.
Rune Description
Living Bomb — Causes the target to become a Living Bomb, taking moderate Fire damage
over 12 seconds. After 12 seconds or when the spell is dispelled, the target explodes dealing high Fire damage
to all enemies within 10 yards. This is a new core Fire damage over time and area effect spell.
Unlock Information
Horde players can obtain this by completing the Wand to Bethor
quest and A Token of Gratitude follow-up. You can start this quest by going
to Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forest and farming Rot Hide Brutes for the item
A Talking Head which starts the quest. You can also obtain it by completing
the Blink puzzle Path of no steps in Southern Barrens, around the
45,80 map coordinates.
For Alliance Mages, this was reported as dropping from Stonesplinter
Seer enemies in Loch Modan, and alternatively you can combine Elemental Core
from Dust Devil with
Spare Reaper Parts from Harvest Golem
in order to create
Prototype Engine which can be used on an inactive reaper
in the southwest corner of Saldean's Farm to spawn a mob that drops the Rune when
Arcane Blast — Blasts the target with energy, dealing high Arcane damage. Each time
you cast Arcane Blast, the damage and healing of all other Arcane spells is increased by 15% and
mana cost of Arcane Blast is increased by 175%. This effect stacks up to four times and lasts 6 seconds
or until any other Arcane damage or healing spell is cast. This will be a new core Arcane spell
which is useful for single-target damage.
Unlock Information
In the Zoram Strand, killing Nagas will eventually drop a Naga Manuscript.
In order to get the Rune and solve the manuscript's riddle, move from crystal location
to crystal location as shown in the manuscript, south to north, and cast Arcane Explosion
next to each crystal.
Ice Lance — Deals low Frost damage to an enemy target, but also causes triple
damage against Frozen targets. This is a great instant cast which can be used alongside
Frostbolt for a shatter combo where both of your spells hit as if the target was
frozen, even though the first cast is already likely to remove the freezing effect.
Unlock Information
You can learn the Engrave Gloves - Ice Lance as all Mage races by picking
up the Level 2 quest, Spell Research, in the starting zone and completing it.
For Orc and Troll players, inside the Burning Blade cave, look deep inside the
big pools of water at the bottom of the cave for it!
Mass Regeneration — Heals all of target player's party members within 15
yards of target player for a moderate health amount over 3 seconds and applies Temporal Beacon
to each target for 15 seconds. After casting this spell, you will also suffer from Tangled
Causality for 5 minutes, reducing your Fire and Frost spell damage done by 50% and preventing
the use of Ice Block. This is an area healing spell for the new Mage healing spec.
Unlock Information
Head to the Raven Hall Cemetery and enter the Crypt at 23.5,35. Turn left and
look to your right inside the room to find a Decrepit Phylactery.
Now head to the Crypt at 15.5,38 and go right at the end of the path. You will
find a skeleton which you can click to spawn a Lich enemy. Kill it and loot it for
the Mass Regeneration Rune!
Living Flame — Summons a spellfire flame that moves toward the target,
leaving a trail of spellfire. This trail deals high Spellfire damage every second to
nearby enemies. Lasts 10 seconds. This is a powerful area damage ability if the targets
do not move away from it.
Unlock Information
For Undead players, Living Flame is looted off Scarlet Warriors
in Tirisfal Glades. Troll Mages were reported looting it from Burning Blade
enemies inside Skull Rock in Durotar.
Humans get it from killing Kobold Geomancer enemies in the Jasperlode Mine, while Gnomes get it from killing Frostmane Shadowcaster or Frostmane Seer enemies at the Frostmane Hold area in Dun Morogh, 25,50 map coordinates.
Arcane Surge — Unleashes all of your remaining Mana in a surge of energy
focused at the target dealing very high Arcane damage, increased by up to 300% based on
your Mana remaining. Afterward, your normal Mana regeneration is activated and increased
by 300% for 8 seconds. This is the new Arcane damage cooldown.
Unlock Information
Reach Friendly reputation with the new Durotar Supply and Logistics faction on Horde, or equivalent Azeroth Commerce Authority in the Alliance and buy the rune for 2 gold.
You can increase your reputation with these factions by turning in Supply Shipment
green items randomly looted from world content, preferably after combining them
with the profession materials requested in their description in order to increase
the reputation and amount of currency awarded.
Icy Veins — Hastens your spellcasting, increasing spell casting speed
by 20% and reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting by 100%.
Lasts 20 seconds. This is the new Frost damage cooldown.
Unlock Information
You need to collect 10 out of the many books listed below and return them to a NPC marked as a Librarian, such as Owen Thadd at 73,33 in the Undercity and Garion Wendell at 38,81 in Stormwind.
Horde location books:
- Inside Brill's Alchemy Shop, The Apothecary's Metaphysical Primer (Tirisfal Glades 59,52)
- Inside the Sepulcher, Ataeric: On Arcane Curiosities (Silverpine Forest 40,39)
- In the Valley Of Spirits, The Lessons Of Ta'zo (Orgrimmar 38,80)
Books both factions have similar ease in obtaining:
- At the top of a Barrens Oil Rig, Arcanic Systems Manual (Barrens 56,8)
- Outside Wailing Caverns portal, Secrets Of The Dreamers (Barrens 53,55)
- Small hut near Kaya Flathoof, Fury Of The Land (Stonetalon Mountains 74,86)
- Inside Ratchet house near Gazlowe, Baxtan: On Destructive Magics (Barrens 63,35)
- Inside Ambermill main building, Dalaran Digest (Silverpine Forest 63,63)
- Inside an urn at the excavation site, Goaz Scrolls (Wetlands 34,48)
- Inside main cave in elite ogre area, Runes Of The Sorcerer Kings (hug left side inside cave, Loch Modan)
- Inside the ruins, Nar'thalas Almanac (Darkshore 58,22 down the stairs)
- Inside a Raven Hill Crypt, Crimes Against Anatomy (Duskwood inside left crypt, go straight and check the table at 16,35)
- In Moonbrook on a small house near town's east entrance, Bewitchments And Glamours (Westfall 45,71)
- Defensive Magics 101 can be found in 49,58 Alterac Mountains
- Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth can be found in 34,41 Thousand Needles
- RwlRwlRwlRwl can be found in 57,21 Dustwallow Marsh
- Demons and You can be found in 54,29 Desolace
- A Web of Lies: Debunking Myths and Legends can be found in 72,65 Arathi Highlands
- Basilisks: Should Petrification be Feared? can be found in 41,51 Stranglethorn Vale
- A Ludite's Guide to Caring for Your Demonic Pet can be found in 61,22 Swamp of Sorrows
- The Liminal and the Arcane can be found inside the Nightmare in 51,16 Feralas
- A Mind of Metal can be found in 37,49 Searing Gorge
- Legends of the Tidesages can be found in 73,48 Tanaris on a bookshelf inside the building
- Venomous Journeys can be found at 36,73 in the Hinterlands
- Everyday Etiquette can be found in Azshara 20,61
- Stonewrought Design can be found at 48,64 in Blackrock Mountain
- Conjurer's Codex can be found at 55,32 in Blasted Lands
- Sanguine Sorcery can be found at the top of the Sunken Temple around 70,51 in Swamp of Sorrows
- Ka-Boom! can be found in Winterspring, around 61,38
- Undead Potatoes can be found in Western Plaguelands, around 38,55
- Necromancy 101 can be found in Western Plaguelands, around 53,26
- Magma or Lava? can be found just outside the Blackrock Depths dungeon, around 48,64
- Scourge: Undead Menace or Misunderstood? can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 31,21
- The Knight and the Lady can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 54,51
- A Study of the Light can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 82,58
Regeneration — Heals the target for a moderate amount of Health over 3 seconds
and applies Temporal Beacon for 30 sec. After casting this spell, you will suffer from Tangled
Causality for 5 min, reducing your Fire and Frost spell damage done by 50% and preventing the
use of Ice Block. This is the critical spell of a Mage healer and main way to apply Temporal
Beacon to the targets for damage to healing conversion.
Unlock Information
The closest acquisition source for Undead players are the Dalaran Apprentices in Silverpine Forest. Horde players going into the Barrens reported finding it inside Kolkar's Booty chests, also.
For Humans, the closest drop source are the Defias Pillagers in Westfall, while Gnomes can find it in a hut on the northern island in Loch Modan, specifically the South Hut on the top island; make sure to look for stack of books inside.
Burnout — Increases your spell critical strike chance with all
spells by 15%, but your non-periodic spell critical strikes now have an additional
Mana cost of 1% of your base Mana. This is a nice damage increase, especially for
Fire which values critical strikes highly due to
Unlock Information
Kill a frozen mob with Fire spells and abilities from multiple players who
don't all need to be Mages: can use Warlock Imps and Immolate,
Flame Shock, and other Fire abilities.
Trolls can get it from a Frozen Makrura, found around the 58,44 map coordinates in Durotar. Undead players can get it from a Frozen Murloc, around the 66,41 coordinates on Tirisfal Glades, instead.
Gnomes kill the Frozen Trogg at the Dun Morogh 69,58 map coordinates, in the middle of Gol'Bolar Quarry, while Humans get it from a Frozen Murloc on the east side of Stone Cairn Lake in Elwynn Forest.
Enlightenment — You deal 10% more damage while you have more
than 70% Mana. While below 30% Mana 10% of your Mana regeneration continues while
casting. This is a damage increase for Arcane.
Unlock Information
Horde Mages can get this in Solliden Farmstead in Tirisfal, by using Polymorph
on the odd melons spawning in it and looting the notes left behind six times.
Alliance Mages get this in Elwynn Forest, by using Polymorph on critters
that don't belong in the zone and have a Wild Polymorph debuff. Again, loot
six of the notes in order to get the Rune.
Fingers of Frost — gives your Chill effects a 15% chance to grant
you the Fingers of Frost effect, which treats your next two spells cast as if the
target were Frozen. Lasts 15 seconds. This is an increase in damage for Frost due
Shatter and Ice Lance allowing you to get a lot of extra damage on
Frozen targets.
Unlock Information
Drops from rare or named mobs in the leveling areas immediately past the starting 1-6 leveling zones. Confirmed drop from Warlord Kolkanis, but there's also reports of drops from Goldtooth, Hogger, Timber, and Zalazane.
Rune Description
Frostfire Bolt — Launches a bolt of Frostfire at the enemy, causing
Frostfire damage, slowing movement speed by 40% and causing additional Frostfire
damage over 9 sec. This spell will be checked against the lower of the target's
Frost and Fire resists and counts as both Frost and Fire damage. This is a great
talent for builds wishing to specialize deeply into both the Fire and Frost trees.
Unlock Information
Drops randomly as the Spell Notes: TROFF IRESTBOL item from Skullsplitter
Mystic NPCs found around 45,34 in Strangethorn Vale. Use a
Comprehension Charm
(sold at reagent vendors or awarded as a quest reward) to learn the rune.
Rune Description
Hot Streak — Any time you score 2 non-periodic spell criticals
in a row using
Fire Blast,
Scorch, or
Living Bomb, your next
Pyroblast spell cast within 10 sec will
be instant cast. This rune allows you to occasionally mix in high damage instant
Pyroblasts, although its reliability heavily depends on your total critical strike
Unlock Information
Go near 60,47 in Alterac Mountains and use Flamestrike on the forge
bellows outside the blacksmith building until they are glowing. That will summon
an Ancient Fire Elemental which you can kill for the
Hot Streak
Rune Description
Missile Barrage Gives your
Arcane Blast a 40% chance, and
Fireball and
Frostbolt spells a 20% chance to reduce the
channeled duration of your next
Arcane Missiles spell by 50%, reduce the
Mana cost by 100%, and missiles will fire every 0.5 secs. This is a fantastic rune
for most Mages, saving Mana and increasing DPS in a single package!
Unlock Information
Begin by traveling to Deadwind Pass and interact with the Dalaran Agent
NPC near 52,35 to obtain Ariden's Sigil. By wearing and using this trinket
you can make 7 Dark Rider enemies show themselves at certain spots in the
world, which you must kill and loot to receive the rune. You will know the Dark
Rider is close enough to be revealed when you gain the
Dark Presence
- The closest rider can be found near 42,30 in Deadwind Pass;
- Next, go towards nearby Swamp of Sorrows, where a rider can be found around 69,29;
- Trace back your steps and head towards 23,48 in Duskwood, where a rider awaits;
- Head south towards Booty Bay and take the boat to the Barrens, where you will find another rider around 52,36;
- Move towards nearby Desolace where a rider patrols around 65,26;
- Change continent and head to 60,40 in Arathi Highlands where another rider can be found;
- Finally, head towards the Badlands, where the final rider can be found around 58,53.
Once you finally take down the final rider, return to the Dalaran Agent
and turn all relics to obtain the Missile Barrage rune!
Rune Description
Spellfrost Bolt — Launches a bolt of Spellfrost at the enemy,
causing Spellfrost damage and slowing movement speed by 40% for 9 sec. This spell
will be checked against the lower of the target's Frost and Arcane resists and
counts as both Frost and Arcane damage. Essentially
Frostfire Bolt but
with Arcane instead of Fire. Arcane talents tend to be much weaker than Fire for
DPS, and Missile Barrage is incredible for Arcane, making this a weak-looking rune.
Unlock Information
Drops randomly as the Spell Notes: PELFRB STOLLOTS item from Skullsplitter
Mystic NPCs found around 45,34 in Strangethorn Vale. Use a
Comprehension Charm
(sold at reagent vendors or awarded as a quest reward) to learn the rune.
Rune Description
Brain Freeze — Your Frost damage spells with chilling effects
have a 15% chance to cause your next Fireball, Spellfrost Bolt, or Frostfire Bolt
spell to be instant cast and cost no Mana. Assuming this can proc off itself, it
can be a nice way to get more casts in for no Mana, making it fairly decent.
Unlock Information
Once you are Level 30 or higher, find the extinguished campfire on a hill northwest of the kodo graveyard in Desolace, around the 47,55 map coordinates. Follow up by talking to Bibbly F'utzbuckle around 62,39, by Kormek's hut.
Travel to Booty Bay and speak to Tokal in the Salty Sailor Tavern, at the 27,77 coordinates in Stranglethorn Vale and buy cherry grog from the Food and Drink vendor next to her.
Follow up by traveling to Arathi Highlands, where you should head to the broken
bridge, go down to the water and click the rowboat at 53,91. Head north after traveling
in the rowboat to find Illari Duskfeather at 94,71. Loot a key from her bag
to open a cache by the shack on dock for the Brain Freeze rune!
Rune Description
Chronostatic Preservation — Fuses Arcane, Fire, and Frost magic
to freeze chronomantic energy into a stored state for later use. You can hold this
energy for up to 20 sec before it combusts and expires. When unleashed, heals a
friendly target. This spell is considered Arcane, Fire, and Frost for interactions
with other spells, talents, and effects. Essentially this rune allows you to pre-cast
a big single target heal and have it be ready to instantly cast whenever you want
for the next 20 seconds, making it a fantastic emergency heal if you can foresee
such healing being needed within the near future.
Unlock Information
You need to have at least two players using frost school spells on three NPCs found in these Thousand Needles map locations. Take note that one of them is in a cage that requires a key, but luckily you can get the key as a drop from a nearby Galak Mauler NPC.
Rune Description
Spell Power — Increases the critical strike damage bonus of all
spells by 50%. This allows for more (burst) damage without any drawbacks, making
it a fairly useful rune for most Mages, and especially so for Fire users.
Unlock Information
You need to collect 20 out of the many books listed below and return them to a NPC marked as a Librarian, such as Owen Thadd at 73,33 in the Undercity and Garion Wendell at 38,81 in Stormwind.
Horde location books:
- Inside Brill's Alchemy Shop, The Apothecary's Metaphysical Primer (Tirisfal Glades 59,52)
- Inside the Sepulcher, Ataeric: On Arcane Curiosities (Silverpine Forest 40,39)
- In the Valley Of Spirits, The Lessons Of Ta'zo (Orgrimmar 38,80)
Books both factions have similar ease in obtaining:
- At the top of a Barrens Oil Rig, Arcanic Systems Manual (Barrens 56,8)
- Outside Wailing Caverns portal, Secrets Of The Dreamers (Barrens 53,55)
- Small hut near Kaya Flathoof, Fury Of The Land (Stonetalon Mountains 74,86)
- Inside Ratchet house near Gazlowe, Baxtan: On Destructive Magics (Barrens 63,35)
- Inside Ambermill main building, Dalaran Digest (Silverpine Forest 63,63)
- Inside an urn at the excavation site, Goaz Scrolls (Wetlands 34,48)
- Inside main cave in elite ogre area, Runes Of The Sorcerer Kings (hug left side inside cave, Loch Modan)
- Inside the ruins, Nar'thalas Almanac (Darkshore 58,22 down the stairs)
- Inside a Raven Hill Crypt, Crimes Against Anatomy (Duskwood inside left crypt, go straight and check the table at 16,35)
- In Moonbrook on a small house near town's east entrance, Bewitchments And Glamours (Westfall 45,71)
- Defensive Magics 101 can be found in 49,58 Alterac Mountains
- Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth can be found in 34,41 Thousand Needles
- RwlRwlRwlRwl can be found in 57,21 Dustwallow Marsh
- Demons and You can be found in 54,29 Desolace
- A Web of Lies: Debunking Myths and Legends can be found in 72,65 Arathi Highlands
- Basilisks: Should Petrification be Feared? can be found in 41,51 Stranglethorn Vale
- A Ludite's Guide to Caring for Your Demonic Pet can be found in 61,22 Swamp of Sorrows
- The Liminal and the Arcane can be found inside the Nightmare in 51,16 Feralas
- A Mind of Metal can be found in 37,49 Searing Gorge
- Legends of the Tidesages can be found in 73,48 Tanaris on a bookshelf inside the building
- Venomous Journeys can be found at 36,73 in the Hinterlands
- Everyday Etiquette can be found in Azshara 20,61
- Stonewrought Design can be found at 48,64 in Blackrock Mountain
- Conjurer's Codex can be found at 55,32 in Blasted Lands
- Sanguine Sorcery can be found at the top of the Sunken Temple around 70,51 in Swamp of Sorrows
- Ka-Boom! can be found in Winterspring, around 61,38
- Undead Potatoes can be found in Western Plaguelands, around 38,55
- Necromancy 101 can be found in Western Plaguelands, around 53,26
- Magma or Lava? can be found just outside the Blackrock Depths dungeon, around 48,64
- Scourge: Undead Menace or Misunderstood? can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 31,21
- The Knight and the Lady can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 54,51
- A Study of the Light can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 82,58
Rune Description
Advanced Warding — Increases the magnitude of your Mana Shield,
Frost Ward, and Fire Ward by 100%, and decreases mana drained by Mana Shield by
50% per damage done. A useful defensive benefit which is generic enough to be used
by any builds not interested in the other head rune options.
Unlock Information
Pick up the The Wild Gods quest from the Shadowtooth Emissary NPC
found around 51,85 in Felwood. Unless someone in your group already has it, kill
elite Trolls in Jinth'Alor around 63,66 in the Hinterlands until Wildwhisper Draught
Follow up by going to Razorfen Downs and killing the final boss, Amnennar the Coldbringer.
Anyone in your group can use the Draught near where the boss was standing once all
nearby enemies are cleared to spawn the Spirit of Agamaggan. Talk to it for
a follow up quest and the Agamaggan's Roar quest item.
You can use this item at various dungeons to fight Delirious Ancients
for Wild Offerings (one per dungeon id, can reset and go again repeatedly),
which can be used as currency for the rune and other useful items such as
Breadth of the Beast:
- The easiest way is to head to Zul'Farrak, kill three bosses
(Theka the Martyr, Hydromancer Velratha, and Gahz'rilla
are the fastest), find the spectral spider patrolling near Gahz'rilla's
pool and use
Agamaggan's Roar near it. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a
Wild Offering, reset and repeat until done;
- Alternatively, you can kill Princess Theradras at the end of Maraudon
and use
Agamaggan's Roar near the spectral dinosaur that appears in the shallow water nearby. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a
Wild Offering;
- Finally, a third option is to defeat the three boss encounters in the Prison
area of Blackrock Depths (High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster
Grebmar and the Ring of Law) and the emote You feel a shadowed presence
will appear in the chat. Once it does, find the spawned spectral incendosaur on
the highway leading to Bael'Gar and use
Agamaggan's Roar near it. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a
Wild Offering.
Once you have the Wild Offerings necessary for the quest, turn them in
to the Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood for the
Advanced Warding rune.
Rune Description
Deep Freeze — Stuns the target for 5 sec. Only usable on Frozen
targets (or with
Fingers of Frost). Deals high damage to targets permanently
immune to Stun. This is a great Frost rune capable of dealing high damage in PvE
and enhancing your control abilities in PvP.
Unlock Information
You need to collect 25 out of the many books listed below and return them to a NPC marked as a Librarian, such as Owen Thadd at 73,33 in the Undercity and Garion Wendell at 38,81 in Stormwind.
Horde location books:
- Inside Brill's Alchemy Shop, The Apothecary's Metaphysical Primer (Tirisfal Glades 59,52)
- Inside the Sepulcher, Ataeric: On Arcane Curiosities (Silverpine Forest 40,39)
- In the Valley Of Spirits, The Lessons Of Ta'zo (Orgrimmar 38,80)
Books both factions have similar ease in obtaining:
- At the top of a Barrens Oil Rig, Arcanic Systems Manual (Barrens 56,8)
- Outside Wailing Caverns portal, Secrets Of The Dreamers (Barrens 53,55)
- Small hut near Kaya Flathoof, Fury Of The Land (Stonetalon Mountains 74,86)
- Inside Ratchet house near Gazlowe, Baxtan: On Destructive Magics (Barrens 63,35)
- Inside Ambermill main building, Dalaran Digest (Silverpine Forest 63,63)
- Inside an urn at the excavation site, Goaz Scrolls (Wetlands 34,48)
- Inside main cave in elite ogre area, Runes Of The Sorcerer Kings (hug left side inside cave, Loch Modan)
- Inside the ruins, Nar'thalas Almanac (Darkshore 58,22 down the stairs)
- Inside a Raven Hill Crypt, Crimes Against Anatomy (Duskwood inside left crypt, go straight and check the table at 16,35)
- In Moonbrook on a small house near town's east entrance, Bewitchments And Glamours (Westfall 45,71)
- Defensive Magics 101 can be found in 49,58 Alterac Mountains
- Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth can be found in 34,41 Thousand Needles
- RwlRwlRwlRwl can be found in 57,21 Dustwallow Marsh
- Demons and You can be found in 54,29 Desolace
- A Web of Lies: Debunking Myths and Legends can be found in 72,65 Arathi Highlands
- Basilisks: Should Petrification be Feared? can be found in 41,51 Stranglethorn Vale
- A Ludite's Guide to Caring for Your Demonic Pet can be found in 61,22 Swamp of Sorrows
- The Liminal and the Arcane can be found inside the Nightmare in 51,16 Feralas
- A Mind of Metal can be found in 37,49 Searing Gorge
- Legends of the Tidesages can be found in 73,48 Tanaris on a bookshelf inside the building
- Venomous Journeys can be found at 36,73 in the Hinterlands
- Everyday Etiquette can be found in Azshara 20,61
- Stonewrought Design can be found at 48,64 in Blackrock Mountain
- Conjurer's Codex can be found at 55,32 in Blasted Lands
- Sanguine Sorcery can be found at the top of the Sunken Temple around 70,51 in Swamp of Sorrows
- Ka-Boom! can be found in Winterspring, around 61,38
- Undead Potatoes can be found in Western Plaguelands, around 38,55
- Necromancy 101 can be found in Western Plaguelands, around 53,26
- Magma or Lava? can be found just outside the Blackrock Depths dungeon, around 48,64
- Scourge: Undead Menace or Misunderstood? can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 31,21
- The Knight and the Lady can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 54,51
- A Study of the Light can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 82,58
Alliance location books:
- Tower Of Azora, Archmage Theocritus (Elwynn Forest 65,70)
- Thelsamar Or Westfall Inn, Rumi Of Gnomeregan (Loch Modan 36,49 or Westfall 53,54)
- Ironforge library, Archmage Antonidas (Ironforge 76,11)
Rune Description
Temporal Anomaly — Launches an orb of temporal energy which slowly
moves forward and every 2 sec grants all nearby party members a shield absorbing
damage for 15 sec. This is a useful stacked area healing ability on a relatively
short cooldown.
Unlock Information
Pick up the Level 42 quest A Lesson in Literacy from Owen Thadd
at 73,33 in the Undercity or Garion Wendell at 38,81 in Stormwind.
To complete this quest, you will need to loot Farraki Papyrus from any
mob inside Zul'Farrak,
Zukk'ash Resin from mobs in the Writhing Deep on
74,60 Feralas, and
Pristine Owlbeast Quill from Owlkin in the Hinterlands.
Once all quest items are collected, return to Owen Thadd or Garion
Wendell to receive the Temporal Anomaly rune and
Personal Spellbook
Rune Description
Balefire Bolt — Unleash a reality-distorting burst of raw magic
at your enemy, dealing Chimeric damage. Each time you cast Balefire Bolt, the damage
of your next Balefire Bolt within 30 sec will be increased by 10% and your Spirit
will be decreased by 10% for 30 sec, both stacking up to 10 times. If your Spirit
reaches 0 as consequence, you will immediately die. This spell will be checked against
the lower of the target's Arcane, Fire, and Frost resists. This is an excellent
single target damage ability for most Mages, although it comes with a inherent limit
preventing it from being chain cast to the exclusion of all else.
Unlock Information
Buy Scroll of Spatial Mending from the Auction House or find some randomly
when deciphering high level Mage scrolls and use them to close Fel Portals found
across the world, if lucky you will get the notes that teach you the
Balefire Bolt
Rune Description
Displacement — Teleports back to where you last cast Blink from
and resets the cooldown on Blink. Only usable within 10 sec of casting Blink. A very
useful ability for PvP and in niche PvE situations.
Unlock Information
Make sure to have 4 Worldcore Fragment or
Scroll of Geomancy
(any combination works since each leyline requires the usage of one of these) and
use them at the leylines in the following spots:
- Around 57,61 in Feralas;
- Around 54,65 in Searing Gorge;
- Around 22,78 in Azshara;
- Around 48,59 in the Hinterlands.
Once all 4 are activated, an elite will spawn, kill it for the Displacement
Rune Description
Molten Armor — Causes Fire damage when hit, increases your spell
critical strike chance by 5%, and reduces the chance you are critically hit by 5%.
Only one type of Armor spell can be active on the Mage at any time. Lasts 30 min.
A powerful new Mage armor, especially for
Hot Streak gameplay!
Unlock Information
Friendly reputation with the new Emerald Wardens faction and 1g60s to buy
Spell Notes: Molten Armor.
Rune Description
Arcane Barrage — Launches several missiles at the enemy target,
causing Arcane damage. This spell also has a 20% to trigger
Missile Barrage.
This Rune adds a way for Arcane Mages to discharge their
Arcane Blast
stacks on demand, and deal significant damage while moving, which also translates
to healing on
Temporal Beacons.
Unlock Information
You need to collect 35 out of the many books listed below and return them to a NPC marked as a Librarian, such as Owen Thadd at 73,33 in the Undercity and Garion Wendell at 38,81 in Stormwind.
Horde location books:
- Inside Brill's Alchemy Shop, The Apothecary's Metaphysical Primer (Tirisfal Glades 59,52)
- Inside the Sepulcher, Ataeric: On Arcane Curiosities (Silverpine Forest 40,39)
- In the Valley Of Spirits, The Lessons Of Ta'zo (Orgrimmar 38,80)
Books both factions have similar ease in obtaining:
- At the top of a Barrens Oil Rig, Arcanic Systems Manual (Barrens 56,8)
- Outside Wailing Caverns portal, Secrets Of The Dreamers (Barrens 53,55)
- Small hut near Kaya Flathoof, Fury Of The Land (Stonetalon Mountains 74,86)
- Inside Ratchet house near Gazlowe, Baxtan: On Destructive Magics (Barrens 63,35)
- Inside Ambermill main building, Dalaran Digest (Silverpine Forest 63,63)
- Inside an urn at the excavation site, Goaz Scrolls (Wetlands 34,48)
- Inside main cave in elite ogre area, Runes Of The Sorcerer Kings (hug left side inside cave, Loch Modan)
- Inside the ruins, Nar'thalas Almanac (Darkshore 58,22 down the stairs)
- Inside a Raven Hill Crypt, Crimes Against Anatomy (Duskwood inside left crypt, go straight and check the table at 16,35)
- In Moonbrook on a small house near town's east entrance, Bewitchments And Glamours (Westfall 45,71)
- Defensive Magics 101 can be found in 49,58 Alterac Mountains
- Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth can be found in 34,41 Thousand Needles
- RwlRwlRwlRwl can be found in 57,21 Dustwallow Marsh
- Demons and You can be found in 54,29 Desolace
- A Web of Lies: Debunking Myths and Legends can be found in 72,65 Arathi Highlands
- Basilisks: Should Petrification be Feared? can be found in 41,51 Stranglethorn Vale
- A Ludite's Guide to Caring for Your Demonic Pet can be found in 61,22 Swamp of Sorrows
- The Liminal and the Arcane can be found inside the Nightmare in 51,16 Feralas
- A Mind of Metal can be found in 37,49 Searing Gorge
- Legends of the Tidesages can be found in 73,48 Tanaris on a bookshelf inside the building
- Venomous Journeys can be found at 36,73 in the Hinterlands
- Everyday Etiquette can be found in Azshara 20,61
- Stonewrought Design can be found at 48,64 in Blackrock Mountain
- Conjurer's Codex can be found at 55,32 in Blasted Lands
- Sanguine Sorcery can be found at the top of the Sunken Temple around 70,51 in Swamp of Sorrows
- Ka-Boom! can be found in Winterspring, around 61,38
- Undead Potatoes can be found in Western Plaguelands, around 38,55
- Necromancy 101 can be found in Western Plaguelands, around 53,26
- Magma or Lava? can be found just outside the Blackrock Depths dungeon, around 48,64
- Scourge: Undead Menace or Misunderstood? can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 31,21
- The Knight and the Lady can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 54,51
- A Study of the Light can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, around 82,58
Alliance location books:
- Tower Of Azora, Archmage Theocritus (Elwynn Forest 65,70)
- Thelsamar Or Westfall Inn, Rumi Of Gnomeregan (Loch Modan 36,49 or Westfall 53,54)
- Ironforge library, Archmage Antonidas (Ironforge 76,11)
Rune Description
Frozen Orb — Launches an orb of swirling ice which rapidly moves
forward over 16 sec. While it is moving, every 1 sec the orb deals Frost Damage
and applies a Chill for 30% movement speed reduction to all enemies it passes through.
The first time it damages an enemy, its movement will slow and it will have a 100%
chance to trigger the
Fingers of Frost rune. Besides doing massive damage
on its own, this Rune also provides a huge amount of Fingers of Frost on demand,
making it excellent for Frost Mages!
Unlock Information
Head to Felwood and kill Deadwood Furbolg enemies around 62,11 until one drops
a Mysterious Darnassian Scroll, decipher it with Comprehension Charm
and find Calyx Greenglow around 61,13 nearby, whom you should use the deciphered
scroll on. Pick up the resulting quest.
Finish the quest by killing tree enemies around 54,22 until you get the Unusual Flask. Take it to Winterspring, around 30,36 and turn the quest at Calyx, who will turn into an enemy you can kill for the Rune!
Rune Description
Overheat —
Fire Blast will always deal a critical strike,
can be cast while casting another spell, and is not affected by the global cooldown,
but its cooldown is increased to 15 sec. This Rune significantly increases your
ability to get
Hot Streak procs, and is thus a huge damage increase!
Unlock Information
In order to get this Rune you have to unfreeze (use 5 different Fire spells quickly, multiple players help immensely) and decurse four Novice Frost Mage located in these coordinates in Western Plaguelands:
- Inside the the house in Felstone Field around 37,55;
- Lying in Dalson's Tears at 45,52;
- At Writhing Haunt around 53,65;
- In Gahrron's Withering around 64,58.
Once they are unfrozen and decursed talk to them to receive Torn Spell Notes
which, when combined, grant the Overheat Rune.
Rune Description
Frost Specialization — Chance to hit with Frost spells increased
by 6%. Not cumulative with other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase
which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book found inside the Owlbeast camp in Winterspring, around 59,59.
Rune Description
Fire Specialization — Chance to hit with Fire spells increased
by 6%. Not cumulative with other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase
which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book found near Overseer Maltorius elite inside the Slag Pit cave area, around 41,35.
Rune Description
Arcane Specialization — Chance to hit with Arcane spells increased
by 6%. Not cumulative with other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase
which also makes gearing easier.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading a book found in a Hearthglen tower in Western Plaguelands, around 47,14.
Rune Description
Dagger Specialization — Skill with Daggers increased by 5. This
effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. As Mages
do not rely on physical attacks for damage, this is a useless Rune.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on Silithus around 20,85.
Rune Description
Sword Specialization — Skill with Swords increased by 5.
This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. As Mages
do not rely on physical attacks for damage, this is a useless Rune.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book in the Karazhan outdoor area in Deadwind Pass, around 47,77.
Rune Description
Pole Weapon Specialization — Skill with Staves and Polearms increased
by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. As
Mages do not rely on physical attacks for damage, this is a useless Rune.
Unlock Information
You can learn this Rune by reading the book at the Moonwell in the Temple of Arkkoran in Azshara, found around 77,38.
Rune Description
Healing Specialization — Increases Healing by up to 26. This
effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward
healing increase for healer specializations.
Unlock Information
This Rune can be found around 35,79 Arathi Highlands in the southwestern part
of the zone near Faldir's Cove. Click on the book found atop a crate near the fire
in the center of the cove to unlock Healing Specialization.
Rune Description
Meditation Specialization — Increases Mana regenerated every
5 seconds by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring
Runes. A straightforward Mana sustain increase for healers.
Unlock Information
This Rune can be found around 80,77 Shimmering Flats in the southeastern part
of Thousand Needles located inside of a goblin building near the Mirage Raceway.
Click the book to unlock Meditation Specialization.
- 25 Jan. 2025: Updated guide for Phase 7.
- 20 Dec. 2024: Added information on the starting zone rune vendors.
- 30 Sep. 2024: Added the location of the new Healing and Meditation Specialization runes.
- 25 Sep. 2024: Added the new Healing and Meditation Specialization runes.
- 13 Jul. 2024: Final rune locations for Phase 4.
- 12 Jul. 2024: Updated most missing Phase 4 Rune locations.
- 07 Jul. 2024: Updated with Phase 4 changes and Rune additions.
- 07 Apr. 2024: Clarified Wild God rune and vendor unlock process and added more book options for Deep Freeze.
- 05 Apr. 2024: Added Advanced Warding, Deep Freeze, Temporal Anomaly, and Displacement rune sources.
- 04 Apr. 2024: Added Balefire Bolt and Molten Armor rune sources.
- 30 Mar. 2024: Level 50 / Phase 3 runes added.
- 13 Mar. 2024: Updated Living Flame description post hotfix.
- 04 Mar. 2024: Adjusted Chronostatic Preservation rune explanation post buffs.
- 15 Feb. 2024: Clarified location and level 30 requirement for Campfire rune.
- 10 Feb. 2024: Added Missile Barrage rune location.
- 09 Feb. 2024: Added Frostfire Bolt, Hot Streak, Spell Power, and Brain Freeze rune locations.
- 08 Feb. 2024: Added Chronostatic Preservation rune location.
- 06 Feb. 2024: Added Spellfrost Bolt location and a new section with quality of life skill locations.
- 05 Feb. 2024: Updated with new Level 40 Rune information.
- 04 Jan. 2024: Adjusted Brill Icy Veins book location.
- 15 Dec. 2023: Added the cost of bought runes.
- 13 Dec. 2023: Runes coming from the new reputation vendors can now be bought at Friendly.
- 02 Dec. 2023: Updated with the final rune locations!
- 25 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
In The Same Category

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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