Season of Discovery Warrior: Rune Slots and Rune Locations

Last updated on Jan 26, 2025 at 00:00 by Seksixeny 13 comments

On this page, you will find all information about the Warrior Runes in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery.



The single largest new feature of Season of Discovery is the addition of Rune Engravings for your gear. Runes will allow you access to new abilities, the ability to augment your current spells, and in some case unlock entirely new possibilities for your class.

When we list specific races for the unlocks below, they are the races most commonly associated with the area the Rune is found in, rather than hard requirements for the Rune unlock. If you are someone of another race (and often even of a different faction) you can still use the listed method to unlock if you follow the listed steps.

Warrior was already the best tank and DPS at maximum level in WoW Classic before Runes, and many of these are leveling and PvP oriented, where Warriors have traditionally struggled.

You can now purchase all runes for a symbolic amount in the starting zones, but the quests to obtain them manually are still available and listed in the guides below, if you are interested.


Quality of Life Skill Locations

You can also find extra base skills and quality of life improvements to existing skills in consumable items dropping around the world, which do not count as a Rune but still need to be discovered in order to be learned, regardless.

Warriors can currently obtain:

  • Handbook of Commanding Shout  Icon Handbook of Commanding Shout — can drop from any boss in high level dungeons.

Listed below are all of the currently available Rune Engravings for Warrior.


Rune Engravings

Gloves Pants Chest Belt Boots Helm Wrists Back Ring
Victory Rush Devastate Single-Minded Fury Quick Strike
Consumed By Rage Furious Thunder Frenzied Assault
Flagellation Blood Frenzy Warbringer Raging Blow
Blood Surge Focused Rage Precise Timing
Enraged Regeneration Intervene Rallying Cry Gladiator Stance
Endless Rage Shield Mastery Taste for Blood Vigilance
Rampage Sword and Board Wrecking Crew
Fresh Meat Shockwave Sudden Death
Defense Specialization Dagger Specialization Fist Weapon Specialization Axe Specialization Mace Specialization Pole Weapon Specialization Sword Specialization Ranged Weapon Specialization

Rune Description

Victory Rush Icon Victory Rush — Causes you to instantly attack the target, dealing moderate damage and healing you for 30% of your maximum health. Only usable within 20 seconds after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. This is a fantastic leveling / mob grinding Rune which allows for significant self-healing while doing solo content!


Unlock Information

Races that start in the Valley of Trials (Orc and Troll) can find their Rune inside a chest in a cliff behind the starting position. You can jump to it by following the cliffs past the Sarkoth NPC spawn location.

Taurens can find it inside a chest up on a hill in the Brambleblade Ravine, around the 61,76 map coordinates in the Mulgore area. The path to go up starts at 60,75.

Dwarf and Gnomes can get theirs by killing Frost Trolls near their starting area for the The Lost Rune quest, while Humans get it from a chest in the back of the Echo Ridge Mine.

Night Elves can get it from the Amidst the Shadowed Webs early quest.


Rune Description

Endless Rage Icon Endless Rage — Causes you to generate 25% more Rage from all damage you deal. A simple, yet powerful damage increasing Rune.


Unlock Information

Horde gets Endless Rage from the Horde Warbanner in the Crossroads, Barrens. Take it to Northwatch Hold and replace the Alliance banner at the top of the hill with the Horde one, summoning a fearing enemy that will give you the Rune once defeated.

Alliance gets Endless Rage Icon Endless Rage from killing rare / named mobs in early leveling zones past the 1-6 starter zone. We have reports of it dropping from Lady Sedonax in Darkshore, or Old Murk-Eye in Westfall, for example.


Rune Description

Devastate Icon Devastate — Causes Sunder Armor Icon Sunder Armor to also deal 150% weapon damage, increased by 10% per application of Sunder Armor already on the target. This is a nice damage and threat increase for tanking Warriors.


Unlock Information

Orcs and Trolls get it by killing Centaur, Harpy, and Quillboar for their heads, which can be turned in at NPCs in Razor Hill for the Rune components.

Taurens get it by killing Gnolls (south), Harpy (north), and Quillboar (northeast) in Mulgore.

Undead kill Gnolls at Garren's Haunt, Bats, and Murlocs, and hand them in to Dorac Graves in the Apothecarium, near the alchemists, in the Undercity.

Humans must trade Murloc and Kobold heads in Stormwind's Old Town area, while Dwarves and Gnomes need a Wendigo Paw to turn in at Kharanos.

Night Elves must hunt Tiger, Owls, and Spiders and trade their heads to Delwynna around 63,22 in Darnassus.


Rune Description

Single-Minded Fury Icon Single-Minded Fury — While dual-wielding, your movement speed is increased by 10% and you gain 2% attack speed each time your melee auto-attack strikes the same target as your previous auto-attack, stacking up to 5 times. Lasts 10 sec or until your auto-attack strikes a different target. A fine damage increase for dual-wielding Warriors.


Unlock Information

Reach Friendly reputation with the new Durotar Supply and Logistics faction on Horde, or equivalent Azeroth Commerce Authority in the Alliance and buy the rune for 2 gold.

You can increase your reputation with these factions by turning in Supply Shipment  Icon Supply Shipment green items randomly looted from world content, preferably after combining them with the profession materials requested in their description in order to increase the reputation and amount of currency awarded.


Rune Description

Quick Strike Icon Quick Strike — An instant melee attack with your two-handed weapon dealing moderate Physical damage. This ability benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Heroic Strike Icon Heroic Strike, such as Improved Heroic Strike Icon Improved Heroic Strike, and is a great leveling ability while you lack instant attacks to spend Rage on.


Unlock Information

Horde players can get this Rune by talking to Kilxx in the Ratchet docks in the Barrens zone. Purchase a Fishing Harpoon, head into the bay area and find the shark Bruuz near a boat at the bottom. Use the Harpoon to weaken him and kill him for the Rune.

Alliance players get this by farming Troggs around the 26,50 map coordinates in Loch Modan for a locked skull, which can be opened by getting hit by the knockdown ability from the nearby Stonesplitter Skullthumper around 36,80.


Rune Description

Consumed By Rage Icon Consumed By Rage — Enrages you (activating abilities which require being Enraged) for 12 sec after you exceed 60 Rage. In addition, Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind also strikes with off-hand melee weapons while you are Enraged. This is a great bonus for dual-wield builds, which also benefit from the Whirlwind bonus.


Unlock Information

Dropped by Carrodin, a level 25 elite mob inside a spider cave in the Wetlands with entrance at 54,64. Once inside follow the bottom route to find it.


Rune Description

Furious Thunder Icon Furious ThunderThunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap now increases the time between attacks by an additional 6%, can be used in any stance, deals 100% increased damage, and deals 50% increased threat. This is a fantastic area effect threat generator and damage reduction effect for tanking Warriors!


Unlock Information

Orcs and Trolls can can loot it from named mobs in the starting areas, such as Sarkoth or Zalazane. Humans loot it from Goldtooth, while Night Elves loot it from the Gnarlpine Cache inside the Barrow Den.

Finally, Gnomes and Dwarf Warriors can loot Furious Thunder Icon Furious Thunder from Fyodi in Dun Morogh, around the 28,42 map coordinates.


Rune Description

Frenzied Assault Icon Frenzied Assault — Increases your attack speed by 20% while wielding two-handed weapons. This is a great damage increase for two-handed playstyles.


Unlock Information

Orc and Trolls can speak to Zamja in Orgrimmar, and afterwards kill Gru'ark outside of the cooking hut to get the Rune.

Tauren talk to Netali Proudwind in the Spirit Rise in Thunder Bluff and beat Mooart for the Rune.

Undeads can instead speak to Penny Hawkins at the Inn in Brill, followed by killing Blueheart at the bottom of the inn.

Dwarves and Gnomes get it from talking to the Innkeeper, Bruuk Barleybeard in Ironforge, followed by killing Bruart, on the way to the exit.

Finally, Night Elf Warriors talk to the Dolanaar innkeeper and also kill the requested NPC for it.


Rune Description

Flagellation Icon Flagellation — You gain Rage from Physical damage taken as if you were wearing no armor. While this effect can be very useful for tanks, it represents a massive fall from grace from its old damage boosting effect.


Unlock Information

Head to the Raven Hall Cemetery and enter the Crypt at 23.5,35. Turn left and look to your right inside the room to find a Decrepit Phylactery  Icon Decrepit Phylactery.

Now head to the Crypt at 15.5,38 and go right at the end of the path. You will find a skeleton which you can click to spawn a Lich enemy. Kill it and loot it for the Flagellation Icon Flagellation Rune!


Rune Description

Blood Frenzy Icon Blood FrenzyRend Icon Rend can now be used in Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance, Rend's damage is increased by 100%, and Rend deals additional damage equal to 3% of your Attack Power each time it deals damage. This Rune converts Rend into a fine damage over time effect.


Unlock Information

Warriors of all races can challenge the Wandering Swordsman NPC to get the Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy Rune. These are found roaming the area past the initial leveling zone for all races.


Rune Description

Warbringer Icon Warbringer — Your Charge Icon Charge, Intercept Icon Intercept, and Intervene abilities are now usable while in combat and in any stance, and will all remove movement impairing effects when activated. This is a great PvP rune, and occasionally also used by tanks for mobility.


Unlock Information

You will need to be at least level 20 and maybe also have a decent amount of gold on you to get Grizzby, found in Ratchet in the Barrens to talk to you and offer three quests: turn in 24 Fish Oil  Icon Fish Oil, looted from fish and Murloc enemies, 20 Dark Iron Ordinance  Icon Dark Iron Ordinance looted from Dark Iron Dwarves in Dun Morogh or north Wetlands, and 16 Shredder Turbocharger  Icon Shredder Turbocharger obtained by using Shredder Autosalvage Unit  Icon Shredder Autosalvage Unit on Shredder NPCs in Ashenvale. The pattern for this Engineering craft drops from Sneed in Deadmines. Once the quests are finished, you can buy the Warbringer Icon Warbringer Rune for 5 gold.


Rune Description

Raging Blow Icon Raging Blow — A ferocious strike that deals 100% weapon damage, but can only be used while Enrage, Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage, or Bloodrage Icon Bloodrage is active. Each other melee ability used while Enrage, Berserker Rage, or Bloodrage is active reduces Raging Blow's remaining cooldown by 1 sec. While this is a powerful attack, it also has significant limitations on when it can be used.


Unlock Information

Gather three special items and turn them at Alonso in Ashenvale, near the Stonetalon Mountains entrance at 42,70.

You can get the Dragonslayer's Shield  Icon Dragonslayer's Shield from the wall behind Gath'Ilzogg, the Dragonslayer's Lance  Icon Dragonslayer's Lance is bought from the Dark Iron Entrepreneur in Dun Modr, Wetlands 47,18 map coordinates. Finally, the Dragonslayer's Helm  Icon Dragonslayer's Helm can be found in Shadowfang Keep behind Commander Springvale.


Rune Description

Blood Surge Icon Blood SurgeHeroic Strike Icon Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst Icon Bloodthirst, and Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind have a 30% chance to make your next Slam Icon Slam within 15 second instant, strike with both melee weapons, and cost no Rage. This is a nice damage increase for dual-wield builds without major downsides.


Unlock Information

Start by killing ogres around 50,58 on deeper into the ruins in Alterac Mountains. Alternatively, kill ogres on the ruins found around 22,65 in Arathi Highlands. Eventually you will loot Illegible Recipe  Icon Illegible Recipe, at which point you should head to Skonk, who can be found on the top of the mountain starting at 57,72.

Skonk will ask for 4 items:

  • Smuggler's Spice Blend  Icon Smuggler's Spice Blend can be found in the bottom part of a sunken vessel found around 20,82 in Arathi Highlands;
  • Hybrid Haunch  Icon Hybrid Haunch, which you can obtain by killing Wild Gryphon enemies found around 83,36 in Hillsbrad Foothills;
  • Balmy Brew  Icon Balmy Brew is in the basement of Angor Fortress, which you can enter around 44,31 in the Badlands;
  • Finally, Viscous Venom  Icon Viscous Venom drops from Deathstrike Tarantula and other spiders found around 55,55 in the Swamp of Sorrows.

Turn these 4 items to Skonk and he will become hostile, at which point you can kill him for the Blood Surge Icon Blood Surge rune.


Rune Description

Focused Rage Icon Focused Rage — Reduces the rage cost of your offensive abilities by 3. Fantastic talent with great synergy with the likes of Improved Heroic Strike Icon Improved Heroic Strike and Improved Sunder Armor Icon Improved Sunder Armor, allowing for almost half-Rage costs!


Unlock Information

Start by killing Witherbark trolls while moving towards the Witherbark cave whose entrance is near 64,77 in Arathi Highlands. Once inside, move towards the Gong deep inside the cave while continuing to kill trolls for the Witherbark Mallet, which should be used on the Gong to summon the level 35 elite Witherbark Goliath. Killing him drops the Focused Rage Icon Focused Rage rune.


Rune Description

Precise Timing Icon Precise Timing causes Slam Icon Slam to be instant but also have a 6 sec cooldown. This rune enables reliable extra burst on demand, and is especially powerful for two-handed builds as Slam hits much harder with a two-handed weapon.


Unlock Information

Begin by traveling to Deadwind Pass and interact with the Dalaran Agent NPC near 52,35 to obtain Ariden's Sigil  Icon Ariden's Sigil. By wearing and using this trinket you can make 7 Dark Rider enemies show themselves at certain spots in the world, which you must kill and loot to receive the rune. You will know the Dark Rider is close enough to be revealed when you gain the Dark Presence Icon Dark Presence buff.

  • The closest rider can be found near 42,30 in Deadwind Pass;
  • Next, go towards nearby Swamp of Sorrows, where a rider can be found around 69,29;
  • Trace back your steps and head towards 23,48 in Duskwood, where a rider awaits;
  • Head south towards Booty Bay and take the boat to the Barrens, where you will find another rider around 52,36;
  • Move towards nearby Desolace where a rider patrols around 65,26;
  • Change continent and head to 60,40 in Arathi Highlands where another rider can be found;
  • Finally, head towards the Badlands, where the final rider can be found around 58,53.

Once you finally take down the final rider, return to the Dalaran Agent and turn all relics to obtain the Precise Timing Icon Precise Timing rune!


Rune Description

Enraged Regeneration Icon Enraged Regeneration — Heals you for 30% of your maximum health over 10 sec, but can only be used while Enrage Icon Enrage, Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage, or Bloodrage Icon Bloodrage is active. Usable while Stunned. As Warriors tend to lack self-healing capabilities, this is a useful defensive ability, especially in PvP situations or when combined with Last Stand Icon Last Stand!


Unlock Information

Once you are Level 30 or higher, find the extinguished campfire on a hill northwest of the kodo graveyard in Desolace, around the 47,55 map coordinates. Follow up by talking to Bibbly F'utzbuckle around 62,39, by Kormek's hut.

Travel to Booty Bay and speak to Tokal in the Salty Sailor Tavern, at the 27,77 coordinates in Stranglethorn Vale and buy cherry grog from the Food and Drink vendor next to her.

Follow up by traveling to Arathi Highlands, where you should head to the broken bridge, go down to the water and click the rowboat at 53,91. Head north after traveling in the rowboat to find Illari Duskfeather at 94,71. Loot a key from her bag to open a cache by the shack on dock for the Enraged Regeneration Icon Enraged Regeneration rune!


Rune Description

Intervene Icon Intervene — Run at high speed towards a party member, intercepting the next melee or ranged attack made against them as well as reducing their total threat by 10%. A situational movement ability with great PvP potential in the hands of a skilled player or for specific PvE encounters.


Unlock Information

You can find three Combat Dummy NPCs around 67,89 in Thousand Needles. In order to spawn a chest with the Intervene Icon Intervene rune, Execute Icon Execute the first dummy on the left, Taunt Icon Taunt the second, and Shield Bash Icon Shield Bash the third.


Rune Description

Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry — Let loose a rallying cry, granting all party and raid members within 40 yards 15% increased maximum health for 10 sec. A great group defensive which can increase everyone's health just in time for a hard-hitting mechanic to become non-lethal.


Unlock Information

Warriors can challenge the Wandering Swordsman NPC that roams the Badlands to get the Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry rune.


Rune Description

Gladiator Stance Icon Gladiator Stance — An aggressive stance that increases damage while you are wearing a shield by 10% and increases block chance by 10%, but reduces armor by 30% and threat generated by 30%. In addition, you gain 50% increased Rage when your auto-attack damages an enemy not targeting you. While wearing a shield in Gladiator Stance, you may use all abilities that are restricted to other stances. When used properly this stance allows for very high DPS even while wearing a shield.


Unlock Information

You need to have defeated the two Wandering Swordsman of Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy and Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry in order to start the questline below.

Start by picking up The Old Champ quest from Fizbuz Mithril who can be found around 52,28 at Gadgetzan in Tanaris. Follow up by turning in the quest at Kajind found at the top of the mountain you can climb by entering the path marked with Horde banners at 27,61 in Azshara.

To complete Kajind's quest, kill Ceruleos around 39,73 in Azshara and return to Gadgetzan with the Return to the Arena quest. Turn it in at Fizbuz for the final quest, Fight Night, which will award the Gladiator Stance Icon Gladiator Stance rune once completed and also the Blademaster's Fury  Icon Blademaster's Fury weapon!


Rune Description

Shield Mastery Icon Shield Mastery — Increases all physical damage you deal by 10% while you have a shield equipped, and reduces the duration of all Disarm effects used against you by 50%. This does not stack with other Disarm duration reducing effects. A significant passive damage buff for shield Warriors.


Unlock Information

Friendly reputation with the new Emerald Wardens faction and 1g60s to buy Rune of the Protector  Icon Rune of the Protector.


Rune Description

Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood — Whenever your Rend Icon Rend ability causes damage, your Overpower Icon Overpower ability will activate for 9 sec or 1 attack. This effect will not occur more than once every 6 sec. This effect is quite strong for PvP and a decent DPS increase in PvE, especially for two-handed playstyles.


Unlock Information

You need to kill Iodax the Obliterator found at 65,45 in Searing Gorge for the Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood rune. If lucky, you can join a group already able to summon him and save time, but otherwise the four pieces needed for the summoning are:

  • Loot the Giant Golem Arm found in the Incendosaur cave around 49,37;
  • Loot the Giant Golem Foot found in the back of the Incendosaur cave below the slag pits, around 43,30;
  • Loot the Giant Golem Foot found at 43,32 inside the slag pits;
  • Loot the Giant Golem Arm deep inside the slag spits around 42,44.

Bring the four pieces to 65,45 and make sure to have a party before using them, as he is a difficult elite.


Rune Description

Vigilance Icon Vigilance — Focus your protective gaze on a party or raid member, reducing their damage taken by 3% and transferring 10% of the threat they cause to you. In addition, each time they are hit by an attack your Taunt Icon Taunt cooldown is refreshed. Lasts 30 min. This effect can only be on one target at a time. A rather underwhelming ability in general, but perhaps it could be useful in niche PvE situations.


Unlock Information

Inside the Writhing Deep silithid cave complex in Feralas you will be able to find the Level 46 elite Tyrant of the Hive around 78,62. Kill him for the Vigilance Icon Vigilance rune.


Rune Description

Rampage Icon Rampage — Go on a rampage, increasing your attack power by 10% for 30 sec, with a 2-minute cooldown. This ability can only be used while Enraged. This is a small DPS cooldown with decent uptime.


Unlock Information

Go around 75,30 in Feralas and kill the Ohk'zi elite NPC found around 75,25 inside the cave for the Rampage Icon Rampage rune.


Rune Description

Sword and Board Icon Sword and Board — When your Devastate Icon Devastate and Revenge Icon Revenge abilities deal damage they have a 30% chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam Icon Shield Slam ability and reducing its Rage cost by 100% for 5 sec. When playing deep protection this rune can be a significant damage increase.


Unlock Information

Pick up the The Wild Gods quest from the Shadowtooth Emissary NPC found around 51,85 in Felwood. Unless someone in your group already has it, kill elite Trolls in Jinth'Alor around 63,66 in the Hinterlands until Wildwhisper Draught  Icon Wildwhisper Draught drops.

Follow up by going to Razorfen Downs and killing the final boss, Amnennar the Coldbringer. Anyone in your group can use the Draught near where the boss was standing once all nearby enemies are cleared to spawn the Spirit of Agamaggan. Talk to it for a follow up quest and the Agamaggan's Roar  Icon Agamaggan's Roar quest item.

You can use this item at various dungeons to fight Delirious Ancients for Wild Offering Icon Wild Offerings (one per dungeon id, can reset and go again repeatedly), which can be used as currency for the rune and other useful items such as Breadth of the Beast Icon Breadth of the Beast:

  • The easiest way is to head to Zul'Farrak, kill three bosses (Theka the Martyr, Hydromancer Velratha, and Gahz'rilla are the fastest), find the spectral spider patrolling near Gahz'rilla's pool and use Agamaggan's Roar  Icon Agamaggan's Roar near it. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering Icon Wild Offering, reset and repeat until done;
  • Alternatively, you can kill Princess Theradras at the end of Maraudon and use Agamaggan's Roar  Icon Agamaggan's Roar near the spectral dinosaur that appears in the shallow water nearby. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering Icon Wild Offering;
  • Finally, a third option is to defeat the three boss encounters in the Prison area of Blackrock Depths (High Interrogator Gerstahn, Houndmaster Grebmar and the Ring of Law) and the emote You feel a shadowed presence will appear in the chat. Once it does, find the spawned spectral incendosaur on the highway leading to Bael'Gar and use Agamaggan's Roar  Icon Agamaggan's Roar near it. Kill the spawned Delirious Ancient for a Wild Offering Icon Wild Offering.

Once you have the Wild Offering Icon Wild Offerings necessary for the quest, turn them in to the Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood for the Sword and Board Icon Sword and Board rune.


Rune Description

Wrecking Crew Icon Wrecking Crew — Your melee critical hits Enrage you (activating abilities which require being Enraged), and increase Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst Icon Bloodthirst, and Shield Slam Icon Shield Slam damage by 10% for 12 sec. Increasing Enrage uptime is always a great bonus, with synergy with multiple other Runes which require being Enraged to activate.


Unlock Information

Kill Trolls and Spiders in the Hinterlands until you loot Geode Hammer  Icon Geode Hammer. Use it in combat until it converts into Broken Geode Hammer  Icon Broken Geode Hammer, which can be opened for the Wrecking Crew Icon Wrecking Crew rune.


Rune Description

Fresh Meat Icon Fresh Meat — Damaging a target with Bloodthirst Icon Bloodthirst has a 100% chance the first time and a 10% chance each subsequent time to Enrage you (activating abilities which requiring being Enraged), and cause you to deal 10% increased Physical damage for 12 sec. This can be a nice ability whenever you constantly have a flux of new targets to hit for easy Enrage activation.


Unlock Information

The first step starts inside the Blackrock Stronghold of Burning Steppes, around 43,36. Kill 5 enemies in quick succession without droppnig combat to gain the Rhythm of War buff and perform a /salute at the altar in the back of the area around 39,27 to spawn an elite Revered Champion enemy whom you should Disarm Icon Disarm and use all cooldowns to beat.

Having a healer or group is very helpful, but make sure you get all the final hits and spawn the Champion or you will not get credit.


Rune Description

Shockwave Icon Shockwave — Sends a wave of force in front of the warrior, causing damage and stunning all enemy targets within 10 yards in a frontal cone for 4 sec. This is a nice crowd control ability, especially while tanking in dungeons or add fights!


Unlock Information

You will need Level 55 to do most of this quest but the final steps require Level 58 and have you fight a very powerful enemy so you might want to wait until you are Level 58+ to start!

Start by interacting with a Half-Buried Mech object found around 59,91 in Tanaris. Keep interacting until you get the Guided Buoyancy Accelerant Icon Guided Buoyancy Accelerant item. Use it and look out for the nearby Spike Lakeman NPC and swim in the same direction as him until you reach Sebastian Jurgens on a far away island.

Take his new quest to Numi who can be found around 61,37 in Winterspring. Her quest will take you to the Burning Steppes, where you will find her red bag around the 53,25 coordinates after climbing the mountain starting at 59,29. Interact with it and fight some level 59 enemies for more quest items which you should take back to Numi.

At this point Return to Sebastian Jurgens and interact / follow him until you are teleported to Westfall or Tirisfal Glades where you can interact with a new NPC and click a button to summon a hard boss with three Phases. Make sure to bring helpers, especially healers! Here is what you need to do on each phase:

  • First Phase: Kick casts;
  • Second Phase: Kite the boss until the armor stacks fall off;
  • Third Phase: Use Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall to survive the hits and nuke.

Upon finishing you will be able to loot the Mech Arm left on the ground for the Rune!


Rune Description

Sudden Death Icon Sudden Death — Your melee hits have a 10% chance to grant Sudden Death. Sudden Death allows one use of Execute Icon Execute regardless of the target's health state. When Execute is enabled by Sudden Death, you will retain 10 rage after using Execute. A solid damage increase, although Execute will still consume most of your Rage, which can occasionally be problematic.


Unlock Information

After you hit Level 55 or higher, interact with the Wandering Swordsman who roams Silithus and complete his challenge fight on medium difficulty (stand on black corners to avoid his Thunderclap) for the Rune.


Rune Description

Defense Specialization Icon Defense Specialization — Defense skill increased by 25. Not cumulative with other ring runes. A straightforward defense increase which passively improves your tanking capabilities.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book found on the ground near a flag close to the Lower Blackrock Spire dungeon entrance, past its meeting stone.


Rune Description

Dagger Specialization Icon Dagger Specialization — Skill with Daggers increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on Silithus around 20,85.


Rune Description

Fist Weapon Specialization Icon Fist Weapon Specialization — Skill with Fist Weapons increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on Silithus around 38,45.


Rune Description

Axe Specialization Icon Axe Specialization — Skill with Axes increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading a book found on the Burning Steppes around 40,34.


Rune Description

Mace Specialization Icon Mace Specialization — Skill with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book near Grim Batol in the Wetlands, found around 74,69.


Rune Description

Pole Weapon Specialization Icon Pole Weapon Specialization — Skill with Staves and Polearms increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring Runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book at the Moonwell in the Temple of Arkkoran in Azshara, found around 77,38.


Rune Description

Sword Specialization Icon Sword Specialization — Skill with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring runes. A straightforward damage increase which also makes gearing easier.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book in the Karazhan outdoor area in Deadwind Pass, around 47,77.


Rune Description

Ranged Weapon Specialization Icon Ranged Weapon Specialization — Skill with Bows, Guns, Crossbows, and Thrown weapons increased by 5. This effect is not cumulative with racial bonuses or other ring runes. Mostly useless for Warriors, but since you have two rings it can be useful for some DPS setups.


Unlock Information

You can learn this Rune by reading the book at the Marris Stead in Eastern Plaguelands, found around 26,74.



  • 25 Jan. 2025: Updated guide for Phase 7.
  • 20 Dec. 2024: Added information on the starting zone rune vendors.
  • 13 Jul. 2024: Final rune locations for Phase 4.
  • 12 Jul. 2024: Updated most missing Phase 4 Rune locations.
  • 07 Jul. 2024: Updated with Phase 4 changes and Rune additions.
  • 07 Apr. 2024: Clarified Wild God and Gladiator Stance runes and vendor unlock process.
  • 05 Apr. 2024: Added Vigilance, Wrecking Crew, Gladiator Stance, Taste for Blood, and Sword and Board rune sources.
  • 04 Apr. 2024: Added Rampage and Shield Mastery rune sources.
  • 30 Mar. 2024: Level 50 / Phase 3 runes added.
  • 02 Mar. 2024: Rune descriptions updated for the Devastate buff happening this reset.
  • 15 Feb. 2024: Clarified location and level 30 requirement for Campfire rune.
  • 11 Feb. 2024: Fixed Venom location for Blood Surge.
  • 10 Feb. 2024: Added Blood Surge and Precise Timing rune locations.
  • 09 Feb. 2024: Added Focused Rage, Intervene, Enraged Regeneration, and Rallying Cry rune locations.
  • 06 Feb. 2024: Added a new section with quality of life skill locations.
  • 05 Feb. 2024: Updated with new Level 40 Rune information.
  • 21 Dec. 2023: Added Tauren and Night Elf locations for Victory Rush.
  • 15 Dec. 2023: Added the cost of bought runes.
  • 13 Dec. 2023: Runes coming from the new reputation vendors can now be bought at Friendly.
  • 09 Dec. 2023: Fixed typo with Warbringer's description and author comments.
  • 02 Dec. 2023: Updated with the final rune locations!
  • 25 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
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