Shaman Class Overview

Last updated on Nov 19, 2023 at 11:10 by Lavender 1 comment

Shaman are the spiritual leaders of their tribes and clans. They communicate with spirits, have visions of the future, and guide their people through the darkest of times. Many mistake their wisdom and serenity for a pacifist nature. When challenged, though, shaman have a range of powers available for dealing with threats to the natural order.


Introduction to Shaman in Vanilla World of Warcraft

Shaman Class Crest Cataclysm Guide Spiritual warriors, fully attuned to nature and its elements, the Shaman is an incredibly versatile caster or melee-based class in World of Warcraft. Shaman has access to three different Specializations, two of which are meant for DPS (Elemental and Enhancement) and the third being dedicated to Healing (Restoration). Regardless of Specialization or playstyle, all Shaman use Mana as a resource.

Looking to dive right into the content? Head over to the Shaman Leveling Guide to start your adventure in Azeroth!

  • Elemental — This specialization commands the raw power of the elements to create intense magical devastation.
  • Enhancement — This specialization bolsters the melee capabilities of the Shaman, ensuring they can fight up close, powered by the elements.
  • Restoration — Using the spiritual power of the elements, this specialization focuses on aiding and healing allies.

Due to the differences between Classic and modern World of Warcraft, players won't spec completely into a specific Specialization. For Shaman, builds vary wildly depending on the role you're taking within your group. Most Talent Builds will take a varied amount of points from two or three of the specialization trees. For a more in depth look at what this looks like, head over to our detailed Shaman Guides linked below.

If you are still deciding if the Shaman class is the proper choice for you, feel free to check out the video below from WillE, an avid player and long time content creator for World of Warcraft! This video will give you a solid overview of what Shaman is like to level and what it excels at in endgame content and PvP.


Races for Shamans

Shamans can be played as Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren for the Horde. In Classic, you cannot play Shaman on the Alliance.


Gearing a Shaman

Shamans are able to wear Cloth and Leather, as well as Mail after reaching Level 40 andare able to use Axes (One-handed, as well as Two-handed with talents), Daggers, Fist Weapons, Maces (One-handed, as well as Two-handed with talents), and Staves. For best-in-slot lists, please head over to our Shaman Gearing Page, linked below.


Shaman Trainer Locations


In order to learn skills and skill ranks, you will need to go to a Shaman trainer. Below is a list of all the trainers available to the Horde.


Horde Shaman Trainers


Shaman Guides for World of Warcraft: Classic

For information on how best to play your Shaman in Classic, you can check out the following guides.


Shaman in Season of Discovery

Find our new guides for Shaman in WoW Classic Season of Discovery below! The new game mode will have players find and utilize Runes that can then be engraved onto their gear to provide them special bonuses that augment already existing abilities or allow the class to use entirely new spells.

With the introduction of new Runes in Season of Discovery, not only will old builds be increased in power, but Shaman now has the option of being played as a Tank.



  • 19 Nov. 2023: Updated for Season of Discovery.
  • 29 Sep. 2019: Fixed trainer locations.
  • 25 Aug. 2019: Guide added.
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