Shaman Quests in WoW Classic
On this page, we cover the Shaman-specific quests in WoW Classic.
These are usually started by your trainer and send you across the world in search
for your four elemental totems (Earth,
Fire, Water
and Air) and into Sunken Temple
for the iconic Enamored Water Spirit, used throughout all of WoW Classic.
Earth Totems Quests
The quest for your Earth Totem starts at Level 4. It will be slightly
different depending on whether you are starting in Durotar (Call of Earth)
or Mulgore (Call of Earth), but the logic is similar.
You will be requested to kill some nearby enemies for two quest items that you
will turn at the quest giver. Then you are given Earth Sapta and a location
where to use it. This will allow you to view and interact with an Earth Elemental
which will give you Rough Quartz, which you turn in at the initial quest
giver for the
Earth Totem.
Fire Totems Quests
The quest for your Fire Totem starts at Level 10, with Call of Fire.
This quest takes you to Kranal Fiss, which will, in turn, send you over to
Telf Joolam, who is atop of a mountain in Durotar. To find him (not an easy
task!) start by heading to the 36,57 map coordinates,
and then go up the mountain from there.
Once you reach Telf Joolam, you will be requested to collect Fire Tar
(from Razormane Water Seeker) and
Reagent Pouch (from Burning Blade Cultist).
Return these to him, and you will soon get to the final step, which involves using
Fire Sapta and killing the summoned Minor Manifestation of Fire.
Turn in the resulting quest item
Torch of the Eternal Flame to Kranal Fiss
and you will receive your
Fire Totem.
Water Totems Quests
The quest for your Water Totem starts at Level 20, with Call of Water.
This quest takes you to Islen Waterseer, which will, in turn, send you over to
Brine, who is around 43,77, in The Barrens. She will ask for three tasks:
- Filling
Empty Brown Waterskin at the water hole just below her hut;
- Filling
Empty Red Waterskin at the well in Tarren Mill (62,20);
- Filling
Empty Blue Waterskin at the fountain in Ashenvale (33,67).
Once you are done with them all, Brine will give you Vial of Purest Water,
which you must turn in to Islen Waterseer. She will give you
Water Sapta
and the next quest step, which takes you to Silverpine Forest (38, 44), where you
will use the Sapta and face a Corrupt Minor Manifestation of Water. Kill it,
complete the quest nearby, and return to Islen to finally receive your
Water Totem.
Air Totems Quests
The quest for your Air Totem starts at Level 30, with Call of Air.
Ironically, after all the running you did for the
Water Totem, the only
thing you need to do to gain your final Totem is to talk to Prate Cloudseer
in the Thousand Needles (53,42 map coordinates).
Shaman Sunken Temple Questline (Enamored Water Spirit)
Enamored Water Spirit is used throughout all of WoW Classic for its strong
Mana boost, and you can make good use of it through group swapping, even if you
spend most of a boss on a melee group. It is even stronger for Restoration Shamans
Restorative Totems, as its effect is increased by this talent.
To get started on this quest chain, get Elemental Mastery from
a major city Shaman trainer and collect one of each: Elemental Fire,
Elemental Earth,
Elemental Water and
Elemental Air.
Turn these at Bath'rah the Windwatcher, whom you can find at the 80,65 map coordinates in Alterac Mountains.
Pick up Spirit Totem from him, and collect the required items from spiders and bears found around 34,59 in Western Plaguelands.
Finally, return to him to receive the final step in the quest: Da Voodoo. This quest can be completed in the Sunken Temple, by killing and looting the undead troll mini-bosses located in the elevated areas around the center ring.
- 27 Feb. 2020: Added Sunken Temple questline.
- 14 Sep. 2019: Guide added.

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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