Season of Discovery Subtlety Rogue DPS Leveling
Welcome to our leveling guide for DPS Subtlety Rogue. Here, you will learn how to efficiently level your Rogue in Classic - Season of Discovery.
Subtlety Rogue Leveling Talents

The build we have recommended above focus primarily on maximizing your single
target kill speed, while Subtlety does less damage than the other two Rogue specs
you have tools such as Elusiveness that reduces the cooldown of life saving
abilities such as
Vanish and
Leveling Runes
- Chest —
Deadly Brew
- Hands —
- Legs —
- Waist —
- Feet —
Master of Subtlety
- Helm —
Combat Potency
- Wrist —
Unfair Advantage
- Back —
Fan of Knives
- Ring —
Dagger Specialization
- Ring —
Nature Specialization
Deadly Brew applies a stack of
Deadly Poison any time another poison is applied to the target, allowing
you to deal considerably more damage with your
Mutilate and
Envenom abilities.
Mutilate synergizes incredibly with talents found in the Subtlety like
Opportunity that provides
an additional 4% damage per point spent in the talent. It also benefits greatly from the constant application of
Deadly Poison from
Deadly Brew.
Envenom also pairs incredibly with
Deadly Brew as it deals bonus damage to targets with
multiple stacks of
Deadly Poison.
Shadowstep is one of the strongest mobility spells in the game instantly teleporting you behind
your target and granting you 70% movement speed for 3 seconds. Paired with
Preparation you can cover
a lot of distance very quickly.
Master of Subtlety increases your damage by 10% for 6 seconds after leaving stealth, this is another great
Rune due to how it synergizes with
Preparation and
Combat Potency greatly increases your incoming energy as each attack from your off-hand gives you a 20%
chance to generate 15 energy. The more energy you have the quicker you are able to kill enemies and the quicker
you are able to kill enemies the less health you will lose letting you continue fighting and minimizing your downtime
spent out of combat.
Unfair Advantage will trigger each time you dodge returning 100% of your main-hand weapon's damage
to the target whose attack you dodged. The high amount of Agility present on gear will cause this to
proc quite often while leveling.
Fan of Knives fills a massive void we have as Rogues allowing us to now have a spammable AoE ability.
This synergizes incredibly with the other talents we have opted for specifically
Mutilate as it deals
an additional 25% damage while you have Daggers equipped, totaling at 75% weapon damage instead of 50% of weapon
damage from other weapon types.
Dagger Specialization and
Nature Specialization increases our Dagger skill by 5 and
our chance to hit with Nature damage by 6%. This allows us, especially while leveling to hit much more often
allowing us to deal much more damage while leveling.
If you are unsure where to find these Runes or are just curious what other options may be available, feel free to check out our Rogue Rune guide listed included below to get a better idea of how to plan this all out in your leveling journey.
Leveling Rotation
The weapon you are using can also play a major factor in what abilities you will be using,
Subtlety at the current level band should be played with two Daggers with the highest damage
one being held in the main-hand to best take advantage of Mutilates damage multiplier.
- If level 20, ensure you have
Instant Poison applied to your weapons before entering combat.
- Approach the mob in
Stealth to ensure
Master of Subtlety procs and open with
Ambush if possible.
- use
Mutilate to build combo points.
- Maintain the
Slice and Dice buff as often as possible, auto attacks will be your primary source of damage while leveling.
- use
Envenom at 5 combo points if
Slice and Dice is already active.
- Use
Kick if the mob is casting an ability that is able to be interrupted.
- Do not hesitate to use
Kidney Shot to stun your target if they are dealing large amounts of damage or an important spell cast cannot be interrupted.
- Use
Gouge on cool down to minimize incoming damage and interrupt any spell casts.
Subtlety Rogue Leveling Stats
Stats while leveling your rogue as any specialization will grant you an identical increase to DPS and survivability so do not hesitate to switch specializations based off of the gear you currently have equipped. Agility is by far your best stat while leveling as it not only makes you deal more damage but increases the likelihood you'll be able to avoid incoming damage, listed below we have highlighted some of the other benefits that stats can provide while leveling your rogue.
- Agility;
- Spirit;
- Strength;
- Stamina.
Agility increases not only your Attack Power but your critical strike chance and dodge rating, Agility is the single largest damage increase per point of any stat and should be your primary focus as it greatly increases your damage output and even slightly helps your survivability thanks to the dodge chance.
Spirit is a powerful tool while leveling as it increases the amount of health you generate out of combat helping to limit the amount of time you spend out of combat regenerating.
Stamina increases your total health by 10 per point, while solo leveling you are consistently taking damage so this will allow you to pull more mobs before having to break to regenerate health, it also helps in group scenarios where unavoidable damage or threat issues may happen.
Strength is pure DPS stat, per point it provides less benefit than Agility as it does not provide the other benefits of increasing your critical strike chance or dodge rating. While this stat is certainly a DPS increase it should never be prioritized over Agility.
Rogue Quests and Weapons
At level 16 your class trainer will offer you a quest to unlock the
Pick Lock skill. In Season of Discovery this skill is required
to unlock some Runes so it is important to get this as soon as you can.
Weapons are a massive part of your leveling journey as a Rogue, while playing
Subtlety it is typical to expect that you will be using Daggers so constantly be on
the lookout for opportunities to equip yourself with the highest DPS daggers you can find,
the speed of the weapon is largely irrelevant though it is important to have the highest
damage of your weapons in your main-hand to best benefit from the damage multiplier in
Mutilate. At level 20 you will receive a quest from your
class trainer to unlock the ability to create poisons, this is a massive damage increase
and should be don as quickly as possible.
Leveling Professions while leveling can slow down your time if you are in a rush to max level however, working towards leveling them while you are out in the level appropriate zone will generally save you more time in the long run if you level as you go, this is especially true with Gathering professions such as Herbalism, Skinning and Mining. These can be used both to create supplies for the crafting profession of your choosing or simply to supplement your income by selling the material on the Auction House to help pay for things like new abilities and even a mount at level 40.
First Aid is crucial as a class that has no other self healing
you can easily Vanish or disengage in some other way and heal yourself up
using bandages while leveling, this will greatly reduce the downtime you may have otherwise
spent eating or possibly even running back to your body after dying.
- 02 Apr. 2024: Updated for Phase 3.
- 11 Feb. 2024: Updated for Phase 2.
- 15 Dec. 2023: Guide updated.
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This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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