Classic Warlock DPS Spec, Builds, and Talents
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Warlock DPS in WoW Classic.
If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Warlock talentss:
Warlocks are exceptionally strong damage dealers, but are sadly limited in
raids. Corruption,
Curse of Agony, and even
Immolate are damage increases to use, but they take up debuff slots.
In WoW Classic, you can only put a maximum of 16 debuffs on an enemy at any
given time, meaning you need to carefully choose what debuffs to use. For
Warlocks, this means that you cannot use most of your DoT abilities since they
simply are not valuable enough for the raid's DPS. Some Warlocks will be in
charge of putting a curse such as
Curse of the Elements on the target,
and leftover debuff slots are usually given to some Warlocks to use
Corruption, but that is the extent of how much you can DoT. Instead,
your damage will be based around
Shadow Bolt.
Since your damage is based almost entirely around Shadow Bolt, your
talent build will reflect that. There are two main builds that Warlocks will
play in raids, known as DS/Ruin and SM/Ruin.
Warlock Leveling Builds
If you were looking for leveling builds, please refer to our leveling guide for Warlocks.

This is the most popular Warlock raiding build, known as DS/Ruin. The build
is named for the two main talents you take, Demonic Sacrifice and
Ruin. Demonic Sacrifice allows you to sacrifice your Succubus to get
a +15% shadow damage buff, which is great since your rotation is entirely built
Shadow Bolt. Ruin increases your critical strike damage bonus by
100%, meaning your spells will critically hit for 200% of their normal damage
instead of the standard 150%.
Most of the points in this build are not open to change due to a lack of
better options. Your 21 points in the Demonology tree are purely to pick up
Demonic Sacrifice, with the first 20 points being not nearly as
important. However, the talents not taken in the Demonology tree are all
related to making your pets stronger, which will be useless to you since you
will be sacrificing your pet for the buff that Demonic Sacrifice gives.
Fel Domination is also quite useful since it effectively gives your a
defensive cooldown when you need it. You can use Fel Domination to quickly
summon a Voidwalker to use
Sacrifice, putting a large shield on
yourself that could potentially save your life. If you want to move points
around at all here, you can move
Fel Stamina and
Unholy Power
since they provide no benefits.
The points placed in Destruction are also quite rigid. Remember that you
will only be casting Shadow Bolt for damage on a single target, making
all of the talents that affect your fire spells useless. You could choose to
move the 2 points in
Suppression from the Affliction tree to
Cataclysm for better Mana efficiency, but this is only worth doing if
you do not have an assigned curse and if you are not going to be allowed to use
Corruption. The points in Affliction are again very rigid since
Improved Life Tap is absolutely required for raiding as
Life Tap is your main source of mana during fights.

This is the second most popular Warlock raiding build, known as SM/Ruin. The
build is named for the two main talents you take, Shadow Mastery and
Ruin. Unlike DS/Ruin, this build goes deep into the Affliction tree
to pick up
Shadow Mastery instead of going for
Demonic Sacrifice. Shadow Mastery is only a 10% shadow damage increase
instead of the 15% offered by Demonic Sacrifice, but you do not have to
sacrifice your pet to get the buff. This build is always run by at least 1
Warlock per raid since it allows your to use an Imp, which has
Blood Pact. Blood Pact provides a nice Stamina buff to your party, so
the Warlock playing SM/Ruin with an Imp can be in the tank group to buff them,
which is especially important early on.
Traditionally SM/Ruin is considered to be less damage than DS/Ruin build
since the 15% damage buff from Demonic Sacrifice is greater than the
10% buff from
Shadow Mastery. However, this is not always true. As
SM/Ruin, you have two small advantages that can potentially result in more
damage. First, you have
Nightfall, which sometimes will make your
Shadow Bolt instant when
Corruption ticks. If you are
one of the Warlocks allowed to cast Corruption, then this can be a nice
benefit. More importantly though, SM/Ruin Warlocks can still use their pets. In an
ideal situation, your pet will do more than the 5% damage difference,
especially early on when you do not have a ton of Spell Power on your gear.
This ends up not working in practice because keeping pets alive is incredibly
hard on lots of fights since pets take full damage from boss abilities in WoW
Classic. Additionally, your Imp is your highest damage pet, but it does fire
damage. This will be a problem early on since many bosses and enemies in the
first few raids have significantly higher fire resistance than normal, with
some even being immune to fire damage.
As for talents, this build offers a bit more room for movement.
Improved Drain Soul and
Fel Concentration are both optional,
and can be traded for
Improved Curse of Weakness if your raid needs
Curse of Weakness placed on the boss.
Curse of Exhaustion is
also optional for raids, but can be nice to have for farming out in the world
and for PvP if you do not want to swap builds. One of the other benefits of
SM/Ruin is that it is better for solo farming and PvP since you get
Siphon Life, which is strong in both. In the Destruction tree you can
choose to take the points out of
Improved Firebolt if you are not
using an Imp, and can move them to either
Cataclysm for better mana
efficiency or
Improved Lash of Pain if you want to use a Succubus for
damage instead. Lastly, if you are a fresh 60 stepping into Molten Core and
your tanks really need the boost of health, you could take 3 points out of
Shadow Mastery to get
Improved Imp for the extra Stamina from
Blood Pact, but this would be a big damage loss and should only be
done as a last resort.
Master Demonologist

This is the last build that you will see Warlocks use in raids, and is the
least common. This is a last resort build for when you are simply doing too
much threat and need to do less. Master Demonologist reduces your
threat by 20% while you have your Imp out, which could potentially be necessary
if you are doing too much threat.
Shadow Bolt is a hard hitting spell
that generates a ton of threat, which is a problem that Warlocks will deal with
for a majority of WoW Classic. If you are generating too much threat, then
this build is worth considering since being able to do some damage is better
than not being able to cast spells while you wait for the tank to generate more
threat. This will be a much bigger issue for Horde Warlocks since Alliance
Warlocks have access to
Blessing of Salvation from Paladins which
reduces their threat by 30%. Horde Warlocks can get
Tranquil Air Totem
from Shamans, but it is much less common since Shamans are usually put into the
melee groups to drop
Windfury Totem for them instead.
- 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 23 Aug. 2019: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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