Warlock PvP BiS Gear, Trinkets, and Switch Items
This page lists the best DPS gear you can currently get in WoW Classic for your Warlock. Also very important, we list the best switch items you can use, including Engineering trinkets.
For our more information about Warlock talents for PvP as well as consumables, please refer to our Classic Warlock PvP Guide.
PvP Best in Slot List for Warlocks
This is the gear we recommend for PvP encounters such as World PvP and Battlegrounds. As a general rule for this list, while this does represent the ultimate end-game BiS setup, several of the pieces are quite difficult to obtain and require a significant time investment. For most slots, the Tier 1 Felheart Raiment set will provide an excellent alternative in almost every armor slot.
In general, you will want to prioritize Stamina in PvP. Burst damage in WoW Classic is extremely high relative to player health pools, so having a higher health pool reduces the chance that you get bursted down before you have a chance to react to incoming damage. For damage stats, you will follow a similar priority to PvE stats, just with a lower reliance on hit.
As a reminder, while the set below is the ultimate BiS setup for this phase, it can be extremely time intensive to get, especially for the rank 12+ PvP pieces. Tier 1 and tier 2 are excellent alternatives that should be much easier to acquire, or even just dungeon gear if nothing else. PvP is less about following a strict BiS setup and more about making use of the gear that is available to you to do the best in a given situation. Do not be afraid to swap pieces around depending on whether you want to be prioritizing damage, defense, a high health pool, or a combination of multiple things.
As a specific note for the list below, all of the rank 12 and 13 Epic set pieces can be substituted out for their Rare counterparts if you do not have the higher rank. Additionally, your best weapon between staffs and One-Handed weapons will mostly be determined by whatever you have access to.
Slot | Item | Source |
Helm |
Neck |
Shoulders |
Back |
Chest |
Wrists |
Hands |
Waist |
Legs |
Feet |
Rings |
Trinkets |
Staffs |
Weapons |
Off-hands |
Wands |
Switch Items
Switch Items are items that you do not normally wear since they do not give very good stats, but offer an on-use effect that is very good for certain scenarios. So, you switch to them for their effect.
Skull of Impending Doom is one of the most powerful item switches you can have. This can be used to break many different CC abilities such as
Freezing Trap,
Sap, Seduce, and many more. It also has a niche use by helping you suicide which causes no item durability loss which can save you outside of PvP situations. In Battlegrounds this is only truly useful in Warsong Gulch since it is a battleground with a flag mechanic. This can be used to catch a flag carrier or run a flag since movement speed as a flag carrier is incredibly important (if you are attempting to use this in a battleground it is a good idea to have a healer put a HoT on you to negate the DoT effect ESPECIALLY if you are using it as a flag carrier). This is a reward from the level 40 quest Forbidden Knowledge in the Badlands.
Furbolg Medicine Pouch is sold by Gorn One Eye when you reach Honored status with Timbermaw Hold. This is a great item that you can swap during combat to provide you with a significant 1000 heal over 10 seconds. For comparison's sake,
Heavy Runecloth Bandage heals you for 2000 over 8 seconds, but requires you to channel it, and you cannot take any sort of damage in the channel duration.
Tidal Charm is one of the strongest PvP trinkets in the game. It is very annoying to farm for so do not be discouraged if it takes you a while to obtain one. Tidal Charm has an estimated 30-yard range, making it very strong for stopping mounted people in world PvP. This trinket has a cooldown of 15 minutes though so make sure to use it wisely. Tidal Charm is a drop from Prince Nazjak in Arathi Highlands.
Nifty Stopwatch provides a 40% run speed increase for 10 seconds when used, which can be invaluable for escaping or running someone down in PvP. This is a reward from the quest This Is Going to Be Hard in the Badlands.
Barov Peasant Caller is a reward from a questline in Scholomance that summons 3 servants to deal damage for you. The duration is unclear but seems to be very short. This trinket is incredible against casters since the 3 servants attacking will continually push back the cast time of enemy casters' spells. These peasants can also break a Rogue's Vanish if the Rogue attempts to vanish while the servants are fixated on them. They also do a good amount of damage putting extra pressure on your target. All in all, this is a very easy trinket to obtain that has many good uses in PvP. This item is a reward from The Last Barov in Western Plaguelands.
Glimmering Mithril Insignia does not break fear, it prevents you from being feared. So, you must use it before being feared. This trinket is fantastic for engaging either a Shadow Priest or Warlock to negate their major CC mechanic. Using this in conjunction with your Insignia trinket to break fear to prevent a chain fear is a great combination that allows you to easily pressure Shadow Priests and Warlocks.
Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire is a more difficult trinket to obtain due to being an Onyxia drop from Onyxia's Lair. The trinket does not have very great stats on it, but just like
Barov Peasant Caller it will attack Rogues through Vanish making it very strong in mirror matchups to prevent your target from getting a restealth. The skeleton does do a significant amount of damage (between 100 and 200 usually) and can critically hit, this allows you to pressure any class with it from just the damage that it does. This item is dropped from Onyxia in Onyxia's Lair.
Arena Grand Master is difficult to acquire, but has an excellent on-use effect that gives you a roughly 1000 shield for 20 seconds. To get it, you must open the chest at the center of the Gurabashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale 12 separate times to get 12 of
Arena Masters. You turn in those Arena Master trinkets to Short John Mithril in the back of the arena for the reward.
Insignia of the Alliance/
Insignia of the Horde are both very easy to obtain trinkets simply requiring you to be Honor Rank 2 and then to purchase one in your major city. These are required in PvP since they break fears and stuns and are the only active way to break one of these effects while they are already on you. The only other way would be to use an item such as
Skull of Impending Doom before being feared or stunned but being able to break free from these effects is more powerful in our opinion.
Engineering Trinkets
Engineering is considered to be an almost required profession in PvP due to the exceptional trinkets and other on-use items that you can use in various situations. The strongest of those trinkets are listed below. For more information on Engineering, check out our Engineering profession guide linked below.
Arcanite Dragonling is an interesting trinket since the level of the Dragonling is your Engineering skill divided by 5 meaning as a Level 39 twink you can potentially have a Level 60 Dragonling (even higher if you are a gnome). This trinket has an absurd cooldown time of 1 hour so be very careful when using it. The Dragonling attacks normally but has a fire breath attack that deals much more damage (between 250-350 a hit) however this is pretty rare and only usually happens once during the uptime. If you are using Fire attacks (such as a Fire Mage or Destruction Warlock would) then this trinket's Fire Breath ability puts a debuff on the target that makes Fire spells against the target deal extra damage. This item is an Engineering item that requires 300 Engineering.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is similar to the
Arcanite Dragonling. The level of the summoned chicken is your Engineering skill divided by 5, meaning that this is very powerful for twink brackets and gnomes. The Battle Chicken occasionally squawks which gives 5% more attack speed for 4 minutes. This trinket, just like the Arcanite Dragonling, can see Rogues in stealth. If you use both the Battle Chicken and Arcanite Dragonling, it is recommended to alternate them, given that they both have very long cooldowns. This item is an Engineering that requires Gnomish Engineering and 230 Engineering to make.
Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector reflects any shadow spell cast on you for 5 seconds when used. The plans to craft this drop from Crimson Inquisitors in Stratholme.
Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector reflects any frost spell cast on you for 5 seconds when used. The plans to craft this are sold by Xizzer Fizzbolt in Winterspring.
Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector reflects any fire spell cast on you for 5 seconds when used. The plans to craft this drop from Solakar Flamewreath in Upper Blackrock Spire.
Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector will root your target in a net for 10 seconds, which will not be broken by damage. However, it occasionally backfires and will net you instead. The plans can be learned from Gnomish Engineering trainers.
Goblin Mortar will do some fire damage and stun all targets in a small radius for 5 seconds. The plans can be learned from Goblin Engineering trainers.
Gnomish Cloaking Device will make you invisible for 10 seconds. The plans drop from Mekgineer Thermaplugg in Gnomeregan.
Gnomish Death Ray can be channeled for a few seconds, draining your health some, to deal a huge burst of damage to your opponent at the end of the channel. The plans can be learned from Gnomish Engineering trainers.
Warlock PvP Guide
We hope this guide was helpful for your PvP exploits! Feel free to check out the general PvP Talent and Consumables guide as well in the link down below.
- 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
- 02 Dec. 2020: Updated for Phase 6.
- 27 Jul. 2020: Updated with phase 5 gear.
- 08 Jun. 2020: Overhauled to have more options.
- 14 Apr. 2020: Updated with Zul'Gurub gear.
- 23 Feb. 2020: Updated for Phase 3.
- 10 Dec. 2019: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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