Warrior DPS Season of Mastery Phase 1/2 Gear
On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items from Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair for your Warrior DPS in WoW Classic's Season of Mastery. For pre-raid gearing advice, please refer to our Warrior DPS Pre-Raid Gearing and Best in Slot guide for the Season of Mastery.
Gearing Strategy for DPS Warriors in the Season of Mastery
While a clear best in slot (BiS) list is always available in WoW Classic Season
of Mastery (SoM), the items contained might be extremely hard or expensive to get.
Depending on your race, you might want different items as well, as Swords or Maces
are more powerful for Humans, due to Sword Specialization
Mace Specialization, and Axes are more powerful for Orcs, due to
Axe Specialization.
Thus, we will try to give at least one alternative, for most slots in the list, so that you can pick where and how to farm them. If you are instead progressing through Tier 2 / Blackwing Lair, Tier 2.5 / AQ40, or Tier 3 / Naxxramas, see our updated lists for later phases instead.
DPS Warrior Pre-Raid Best in Slot (BiS) List
In order to get ready for raiding, it is recommended that you follow this guide
in order to learn which gear to gather for maximizing DPS before ever setting foot
in raids, and probably also before getting your first epic loot. Even so, expect
to get a few pieces that you will have a hard time replacing, such as
Diamond Flask and
Hand of Justice.
DPS Warrior Raid Best in Slot (BiS) List for Molten Core / Onyxia's Lair
This is the DPS Warrior gear we recommend you to chase while doing the first raids in the game: Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair. Remember to always adapt your gear to your 6% / 9% Hit cap requirements, as Hit gear will lose most of its value after hitting the cap, regardless of its position in the BiS list.
Tier 1 gear and its bonuses are mostly worthless for DPS Warriors, and meant for tanking Warriors, hence their absence from the BiS list.
While we are only listing the Horde versions of the PvP set and PvP reputation gear, equivalent versions can be found on the Alliance side, with the same requirements, cost and stats.
On a special note, Edgemaster's Handguards allow you to have a 6% Hit
cap with any race, as long as you are using Axes, Daggers, or Swords. This is a huge
benefit when it bumps you from 300 weapon skill to 307, but not worth it when you
were already at 305 or above to begin with. Plan your gear accordingly!
Fire Resistance Gear for DPS Warriors
As a Warrior, you might benefit from using a small amount of Fire Resistance gear for Ragnaros, in order to avoid an untimely death, especially if your Soul of Iron is still active! Read this guide to figure out where to find such gear, and which pieces to wear!
Warrior PvP Best in Slot Gear
If you would prefer to gear for PvP, you can find our Warrior PvP BiS guide below.
Special Gear for DPS Warriors
Some items, which are not powerful enough to be in the best in slot list, have special properties that make them very valuable to acquire for specific encounters or as a weapon swap mid-fight. We will list the most notable special items for the current phase, and their effects and application below:
Annihilator (or the less expensive, less powerful
Rivenspike and
Bashguuder) allows you to reduce an enemy's armor by up to 600 for your whole group, making it a very powerful weapon swap. Use it at the start of an encounter to quickly full debuff the boss, and then swap to your normal weapon to take advantage of the lowered armor.
Gnomish Battle Chicken summons a chicken that attacks your enemies for 1.5 minutes, with a cooldown of 30 minutes. The chicken scales with your Engineering skill (Level 60 at 300 skill), and buffs your group with 5% increased Attack Speed through Battle Squawk. This is what makes it well worth using while grouped.
Arcanite Dragonling summons a dragon that attacks your enemies for up to 1 minute, with a cooldown of one hour. The dragon scales with your Engineering skill (Level 60 at 300 skill) and causes a stacking debuff that increases Fire damage taken, which makes it worth using in later raids to boost Fire Mage damage.
Skull of Impending Doom is given as a quest reward from completing Forbidden Knowledge in the Badlands. While generally undesirable, if you need to run somewhere fast, it can be a useful item to have.
Furbolg Medicine Pouch is sold by Gorn One Eye when you reach Honored status with Timbermaw Hold. This is a great item that you can swap during combat to provide you with a significant 1000 heal over 10 seconds. For comparison's sake,
Heavy Runecloth Bandage heals you for 2000 over 8 seconds, but requires you to channel it, and you cannot take any sort of damage in the channel duration.
Tidal Charm allows you to instantly stun an enemy for 3 seconds. It has a 50% drop chance from Prince Nazjak, who spawns around 25,84 in Arathi Highlands. Due to his very high respawn timer it might be hard to get this trinket, but the stun it provides is a life saver and duel winner.
Linken's Boomerang allows you to potentially disarm or stun an enemy when used, which makes it useful in certain scenarios, especially in PvP. Its rewarded from the Un'Goro Crater quest It's Dangerous to Go Alone.
Luffa removes a bleed effect, such as
Garrote, from yourself when used. You get this item from the Searing Gorge quest Incendosaurs? Whateverosaur is More Like It.
- The Alliance-only
Crystal of Zin-Malor allows you to kill yourself easily, and you do not get durability loss if you die from its effect. This can occasionally be useful, such as when you regret getting on a fly path after you are already flying or if you need to talk with the Blackrock Depths key ghost NPC. You get it from starting the quest Tormented By the Past.
Other Best in Slot Lists
As this list is meant to be used for DPS Warriors in WoW Classic's Season of Mastery, we have created separate gear lists for those interested in optimizing themselves for the "main" branch of Classic instead. If you are not playing in the Season of Mastery, it is recommended that you consult this gear hub instead.
- 14 Dec. 2021: Added World Boss gear from Phase 2.
- 15 Nov. 2021: Guide added for the Season of Mastery.

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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