Ysondre Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot

Last updated on Nov 18, 2024 at 13:48 by Abide 2 comments

Ysondre is one of the four Dragons of Nightmare and can be found in one of the four random spawn locations at Feralas, The Hinterlands, Ashenvale, and Duskwood when the bosses are spawned.

This guide will help you prepare for his unique special abilities, explain a strategy to maximize your odds of success, and go into detail on his loot table.


Season of Discovery Changes

As with previous phases of SoD, all bosses will drop both new and improved loot for players to collect. The list below shows the new and original loot for a side-by-side comparison.


New Loot

Classic SoD
Acid Inscribed Pauldrons Icon Acid Inscribed Pauldrons Acid Inscribed Pauldrons Icon Acid Inscribed Pauldrons
Jade Inlaid Vestments Icon Jade Inlaid Vestments Jade Inlaid Vestments Icon Jade Inlaid Vestments
Leggings of the Demented Mind Icon Leggings of the Demented Mind Leggings of the Demented Mind Icon Leggings of the Demented Mind
Strangely Glyphed Legplates Icon Strangely Glyphed Legplates Strangely Glyphed Legplates Icon Strangely Glyphed Legplates
Hibernation Crystal Icon Hibernation Crystal Hibernation Crystal Icon Hibernation Crystal
Emerald Dragonfang Icon Emerald Dragonfang Emerald Dragonfang Icon Emerald Dragonfang

Ysondre Summary by Role



  • You will need at least 2 tanks so that Noxious Breath IconNoxious Breath can be prevented on the current tank most of the time, allowing for greater threat generation.
  • As usual with Dragon bosses, turn them away from the raid such that your raid group is standing to the side of the boss, as they will do a very dangerous breath attack from the front and also have a tail sweep attack from their backs.
  • Their breath attack, Noxious Breath IconNoxious Breath inflicts a damage over time effect, increases the cooldown on your abilities by 10 seconds and stacks up to 6 times. This all but requires a tank swap, as even one application of the breath will cause you to fall very behind on threat generation.


  • Make sure to avoid the green clouds that roam the encounter area, as they will sleep you for 5 seconds, possibly causing deaths in the process.
  • Spread out to avoid chaining Lightning Wave IconLightning Wave, which can be dangerous on its later bounces.


  • Make sure to avoid the green clouds that roam the encounter area, as they will sleep you for 5 seconds, possibly causing deaths in the process.
  • Spread out to avoid chaining Lightning Wave IconLightning Wave, which can be dangerous on its later bounces.
  • Use area of effect spells to quickly take down the Demented Druid Spirits that spawn from the boss at 75%, 50% and 25% health before they can spread out and wreck havoc on the raid.

Ysondre Important Abilities

  • Lightning Wave IconLightning Wave is Ysondre's area of effect damage ability. This can be dangerous if you let it hit all of its possible 10 targets and your group should be roughly spread out around the boss in order to minimize chaining. Remember that Mage and other area of effect heavy classes will need to be closer to the boss in order to quickly take the Demented Druid Spirits down.
  • As many Demented Druid Spirits as you have players in your raid are summoned from inside the boss whenever he loses 25% health. While these can easily be killed with area of effect abilities, failing to do so quickly could allow them to spread out and cause deaths.
  • Mark of Nature IconMark of Nature is cast on any player who dies during the fight, lasts for 15 minutes and causes them to fall asleep for the duration of the debuff if they re-engage Ysondre, thus preventing players from re-joining the fight if they die at any point.
  • Noxious Breath IconNoxious Breath is a breath attack in front of the boss and forces a tank swap by reducing the threat output of the affected tank significantly.

Strategy for Ysondre

Ysondre is the easiest Dragons of Nightmare fight as you only need a basic tank swap and raid spread in order to take him down, with his 25% health loss mechanic being easily handled by using area of effect abilities at the right times.

Start the fight by pulling the boss to the open area at the bottom of the ramp and have your main tank turn him sideways, such that the raid group can spread out around him.

Whenever the boss hits 75%, 50% and 25% health, have your DPS use their area of effect attacks to quickly kill the Demented Druid Spirits that spawn, and repeat until he is dead, and good luck with the loot!

You can see an example kill here, by Baron / Cstrike Gaming.


Ysondre Loot

Item Slot
Ancient Corroded Leggings Icon Ancient Corroded Leggings Legs
Acid Inscribed Pauldrons Icon Acid Inscribed Pauldrons Shoulder
Acid Inscribed Greaves Icon Acid Inscribed Greaves Feet
Strangely Glyphed Legplates Icon Strangely Glyphed Legplates Legs
Leggings of the Demented Mind Icon Leggings of the Demented Mind Legs
Hibernation Crystal Icon Hibernation Crystal Trinket
Dragonbone Wristguards Icon Dragonbone Wristguards Wrist
Emerald Dragonfang Icon Emerald Dragonfang One-Hand
Hammer of Bestial Fury Icon Hammer of Bestial Fury Main-Hand
Jade Inlaid Vestments Icon Jade Inlaid Vestments Chest
Trance Stone Icon Trance Stone Off-Hand
Staff of Rampant Growth Icon Staff of Rampant Growth Two-Hand
Dragonspur Wraps Icon Dragonspur Wraps wrist
Green Dragonskin Cloak Icon Green Dragonskin Cloak Back


  • 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for SoD P6 & Classic Anniversary.
  • 06 Aug. 2024: Guide reviewed and updated.
  • 16 Apr. 2020: Guide added.
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