All The New Mounts From Patch 8.3: Visions of N'Zoth
Players will gain access to twenty-six mounts in Visions of N'Zoth. In this guide, you are going to learn where to get them and how they look.
All Visions of N'Zoth Mounts
The following section contains all mounts added to the game in Patch 8.3. Some of the information is incomplete and we will be updating the guide with more information as they become available.
Awakened Mindborer
You can get Awakened Mindborer by completing
Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season Four.
It may look menacing right now, but it is actually kind of cute when it is asleep.
Black Serpent of N'Zoth
Black Serpent of N'Zoth is rewarded from
Through the Depths of Visions.
The black serpents of N'Zoth are the harbingers of his ultimate vision becoming reality. Only those servants or enemies that can tread this space have any chance of wrangling them.
Caravan Hyena
Caravan Hyena is the Vulpera racial mount, awarded by the
Allied Races: Vulpera achievement.
The canopy atop this dune-wanderer can be stored at your campsite, should you desire to feel the wind in your fur.
Clutch of Ha-Li
Clutch of Ha-Li has a chance to drop from Ha-Li (30, 38) in Vale of
Eternal Blossoms during Mogu Assaults.
The brood of Ha-Li are comfortable in the blue skies of Pandaria, hunting unsuspecting prey.
Corrupted Gladiator's Proto-Drake
Corrupted Gladiator's Proto-Drake is rewarded from
Gladiator: Battle for Azeroth Season 4.
They say that proto-drakes can smell fear. This iron-bound monster FEEDS off of it.
Ivory Cloud Serpent
Ivory Cloud Serpent is a 100% drop from Ivory Cloud Serpent in
Vale of Eternal Blossoms if you have the
Zan-Tien Lasso which has a small
chance to drop from various mobs during Mogu Assaults on
Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Once you have
Zan-Tien Lasso, use it on the friendly
Ivory Cloud Serpent that is roaming the skies to get the mount.
Ivory Cloud Serpents are often mistaken for roaring thunder as they tear through the skies with blistering speed.
Mail Muncher
Mail Muncher is a 100% drop from a mob with the same name which has
a chance to spawn by opening mailboxes in Horrific Visions.
Worming its way through the Postmaster's network, this serpent of N'Zoth deprived Azeroth of its primary magical correspondence.
Malevolent Drone
Malevolent Drone has a chance to drop from Corpse Eater (30, 50)
in Uldum during Aqir Assaults.
The Aqir drones feast on heroes and cowards alike to grow their ranks.
Mechagon Mechanostrider
Mechagon Mechanostrider is the Mechagnome racial mount, awarded by the
Allied Races: Mechagnome achievement.
The best mount, logically, serves multiple purposes. Sometimes, you need to get places AND reach something high up once you get there.
Ny'alotha Allseer
Ny'alotha Allseer drops from Mythic N'Zoth the Corruptor in
Ny'alotha. It is a guaranteed drop until the release of the Shadowlands
Rajani Warserpent
Rajani Warserpent can be purchased from Zhang Ku, the
Uldum Accord Quartermaster for 1
Pristine Cloud Serpent Scale,
which has a small chance to drop from Rei Lun, a Rare Elite that spawns
in Guo-Lai Halls when the Vale is under assault by the Warring Clans. The entrance
to Guo-Lai Halls can be found at 22, 24. The Rare Elite spawns at 22, 12.
Fierce companions of the followers of Ra-den, the Rajani Warserpents are a force to be reckoned with.
Reins of the Drake of the Four Winds
Reins of the Drake of the Four Winds has a small chance to drop from
Ishak of the Four Winds (75, 84) in Uldum during Black Empire Assaults.
Rocks erode, fires sputter, but wind remains powerful regardless of the passage of time.
Reins of the Elusive Quickhoof
Reins of the Elusive Quickhoof can be obtained in Vol'dun. The alpaca
has multiple spawn points and you must feed
Seaside Leafy Greens Mix to the
Elusive Quickhoof to receive the mount, so make sure to have the item in your inventory.
The kind nature of alpacas makes them perfect as companions for the intrepid adventurer.
Reins of the Springfur Alpaca
Reins of the Springfur Alpaca is a quest reward from Alpaca It In
in Uldum. The alpaca has multiple spawn points and you will receive the mount
after 7 days of feeding her with
Gersahl Greens that can be collected
in Uldum without Herbalism.
The kind nature of alpacas makes them perfect as companions for the intrepid adventurer.
Ren's Stalwart Hound
Ren's Stalwart Hound has a chance to drop from Houndlord Ren (10, 32)
during Warring Clans Assaults on Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Houndlord Ren used his strongest quilen to carry him across Pandaria to subjugate the Vale for the Mogu empire.
Sandy Nightsaber
Sandy Nightsaber can be purchased from Warfront vendors for
7th Legion Service Medals (Alliance) or 350
Honorbound Service Medals after completing the Darkshore
Warfront on Heroic difficulty.
A rare color for a nightsaber, and rarely seen, they are prized amongst huntresses.
Shadowbarb Drone
Shadowbarb Drone is a obtained by completing a thirty-day quest line
in Uldum. Look for Voidtouched Eggs to get started.
Void, jelly, and a very full belly is all this drone needs.
Slightly Damp Pile of Fur
Slightly Damp Pile of Fur drops has a chance to drop from Dunegorger
Kraulok (44, 56) in Uldum.
The kind nature of alpacas makes them perfect as companions for the intrepid adventurer.
Uncorrupted Voidwing
You can obtain Uncorrupted Voidwing by defeating N'Zoth the Corruptor
in Ny'alotha on Heroic difficulty or higher before the release of
Shadowlands. It is the Ahead of the Curve mount of Battle for Azeroth.
This spawn of Vexiona, cleansed by Wrathion, comes from a flight with a fractured past and uncertain future.
Vicious White Bonesteed
Vicious White Bonesteed is the Battle for Azeroth: Season 4 Rated
Arena and Rated Battleground Season Reward for Horde players.
There are few other ways to ride in to battle that feature as many spikes and bones.
Vicious White Warsaber
Vicious White Warsaber is the Battle for Azeroth: Season 4 Rated Arena
and Rated Battleground Season Reward for Alliance players.
If you try to give it a belly scratch, you are asking for trouble.
Waste Marauder
Waste Marauder has a chance to drop from Rotfeaster (68, 32) in
Uldum during Amathet Assaults.
Larger than most of its kin, this vulture has shown sick and strong beasts alike why they need to fear the skies.
Wastewander Skyterror
Wastewander Skyterror can be purchased from Provisioner Qorra, the
Uldum Accord Quartermaster for 24,000 Gold at Exalted
with the faction.
Doubting a Wastewander Skyterror's capabilities is a quick way to find yourself missing a limb.
Wicked Swarmer
Wicked Swarmer can be purchased from Wrathion in the Chamber
of Heart for 100,000
Corrupted Mementos after you gain access to
Horrific Visions.
When the Void reached out, the Aqir were formed in its terrible image.
Wriggling Parasite
Wriggling Parasite is rewarded from
Glory of the Ny'alotha Raider.
It is so wiggly! Just looking at it move is chaotic and unnerving.
Xinlao has a chance to drop from Anh-De the Loyal (34, 68) in Vale of
Eternal Blossoms during during Warring Clans Assaults.
The only thing stronger than a quilen's loyalty is its fierce devotion to making sure it covers its owner in kisses.
- 25 Jan. 2020: Fixed multiple mount sources and added clarifications.
- 22 Jan. 2020: Added Rajani Warserpent source.
- 21 Jan. 2020: Added Xinlao's location.
- 15 Jan. 2020: Page added.
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