Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Guides for World of Warcraft
Antorus, the Burning Throne, is a raid instance introduced in the World of Warcraft: Legion expansion. There are a total of 11 new bosses available within Antorus. The raid is available in the following difficulties and sizes:
- Raid Finder;
- Normal mode (between 10 and 30 players, using the flex system);
- Heroic mode (between 10 and 30 players, using the flex system);
- Mythic mode, the hardest difficulty in the game (available only in 20-man size).
This is Tier 21, in terms of PvE progression, and is the third raid to feature Tier sets and bonuses in Legion. It is the fifth and final raid instance to be released as part of World of Warcraft: Legion. It houses 11 bosses.
Currently, we offer you the following strategy guides:
Bosses in Antorus can drop relics, and we have a comprehensive guide covering these relics. We also have a comprehensive guide covering the trinkets that drop in Antorus.
Boss Order
Antorus, the Burning Throne, is a largely non-linear raid instance with 11 total bosses. The order of the bosses is as follows:
- Garothi Worldbreaker
- Felhounds of Sargeras
- Antoran High Command
- Eonar
- Portal Keeper Hasabel
- Imonar the Soulhunter
- Kin'garaoth
- Varimathras
- The Coven of Shivarra
- Aggramar
- Argus the Unmaker
Overview of the Instance
Antorus can be found on the planet Argus, near the Felfire Armory. The entrance itself can be found at the end of lava river, but is currently blocked by debris until the raid launches.
The Garothi Worldbreaker is the first encounter available in Antorus, the Burning Throne. The Garothi Worldbreaker must be defeated before any of the other bosses may be attempted. The boss has a single main phase and a short pseudo-intermission, where one of his artillery weapons must be destroyed in order to resume the encounter.
The Felhounds of Sargeras, F'harg and Shatug, are the second encounter in Antorus. This is a 2-target fight for the entire encounter, and the bosses share a health pool. The two bosses must be kept apart, and both of them use abilities from separate spell schools. This is primarily a control style fight, where patient execution prevails.
The Antoran High Command is comprised of Admiral Svirax,
Chief Engineer Ishkar, and General Erodus. The raid will deal
with only one boss at a time, however, they all share a health pool. This
encounter also features a variety of add waves that engage the raid while
one of the main bosses is active. Controlling the environment is an important
feature of this encounter, as many of the abilities (such as the
Entropic Mines) will limit the area the group has available to them.
Portal Keeper Hasabel is an interesting boss that will force the raid to split into teams to succeed. While Hasabel herself never leaves the main platform, 3 portals to other platforms will be accessible to the raid at all times. At varying points in the encounter, Hasabel will summon demons through the portals as well as spawning a mini-boss on one of the extraneous platforms. There are varying buffs and debuffs available within each portal that counter abilities used by a mini boss in another portal. This fight focuses on strong spatial awareness and coordination.
Eonar the Life-Binder is a unique encounter within World of Warcraft history. It is most similar to a "Tower Defense" game, with the raid defending the Essence of Eonar from waves of demons. There are several lanes and vertical levels to the encounter, which can be accessed by players by using the Extra Action Button, granting temporary flight. Just like "Tower Defense" games, successfully defending Eonar stems from intelligently dividing your forces so that each lane has a measured helping of damage, crowd control, and sustainability.
Imonar the Soulhunter stands at the foot of a long bridge, which he will occasionally traverse while laying traps for the raid as they attempt to follow. This encounter revolves heavily around environmental awareness, as Imonar lays mines, tosses grenades, and summons space ships to blast the raid — all of which can hit everyone in the raid if dealt with improperly. Overall, triumph over Imonar lies in spatial awareness and control, as there is no significant damage check.
Kin'garoth can only be accessed after Imonar has been defeated. He has 2 distinct phases; an "up" phase where he engages the raid, later joined by powerful adds, and a "down" phase where is immune to damage and the raid must attempt to destroy latent constructs before they can join the fray. Kin'garoth is a very intense encounter where both damage and mechanical prowess are important. A raid with very high damage will be able to nullify many of the mechanics before they can even become active in the fight, as the adds must first be "built" before they engage the raid.
Varimathras is a straightforward encounter with a high penalty for mistakes. Any Shadow damage suffered negates any and all healing for 7 seconds, and, predictably, all of his direct abilities deal Shadow damage. The raid also cannot stray any further than 8 yards from an ally, or Varimathras will strike from the shadows and deal heavy damage. Many of Varimathras' abilities are simple in nature, and therefore the key to success lies in keeping a cool head, as panic and mistakes result in immediate failure.
The Coven of Shivarra is comprised of Noura, Mother of Flames, Asara, Mother of Night, and Diima, Mother of Gloom (as well as Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos on Mythic difficulty). This is a council style encounter, with several types of adds joining the encounter periodically as well. The bosses share a health pool, and each perform a different style of attack. Naturally, there are a plethora of mechanics present in the fight, and the different ways they can overlap often present formidable challenges for the group.
Aggramar is the penultimate malevolence housed within Antorus, the Burning Throne. Aggramar is a 3-phase encounter, with an intermission between each phase. As the encounter progresses, the boss gains new abilities and occasionally empowers existing ones. Aggramar will test many aspects of your team, from group cohesion and reaction time to whether or not your raw numbers can keep up with what the encounter demands.
Argus the Unmaker is the final boss of Antorus, and of the Legion expansion. On Heroic and other lesser difficulties, Argus is a 3-phase encounter with 2 intermission phases, however, on Mythic difficulty there are an undetermined amount of secret phases that begin at 40%. Argus is a fast-paced and straightforward encounter, but mistakes often lead to instant death and the collapse of the raid. Argus the Unmaker is a pulse pounding and intense encounter which will surely take your team to its limit.
- 28 Oct. 2017: Added links to Antorus relic and trinket guides.
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