Arakkoa Outcasts Reputation Farming Guide (WoD 6.1.2)
Table of Contents
The Arakkoa Outcasts is one of two Neutral factions introduced in the Warlords of Draenor expansion. Their main area of operation is the Spires of Arak.
As with many Warlords of Draenor factions, you will obtain most of the reputation required to reach Exalted status through normal questing in Draenor. The final push from Revered to Exalted must be done through the killing of certain mobs.
In this guide, we will present you the rewards you can obtain from this faction, as well as how to go all the way from Neutral to Exalted.
Most of the Arakkoa Outcasts rewards can be purchased from the faction's Quartermasters: Shadow-Sage Brakoss, who is located in Stormshield, for Alliance players, and Ravenspeaker Skeega, who is located in Warspear, for Horde players. Two Garrison followers are received as rewards for completing achievements related to this faction. Among the other rewards, a mount will probably be of most interest.
In addition to these many items, reaching
Exalted and finishing the Legacy of Terokk
questline in Spires of Arak also rewards you with the
Mantle of the Talon King achievement and the
Talon King/Talon Queen title.
Below, we present you all of the rewards that can be obtained from the Arakkoa Outcasts, sorted by reputation level.
Once you reach Friendly status, you can
purchase Arakkoa Elixir from your faction's Quartermaster for 1
and 5
. This is an
Elixir that grants you a 30-minute buff. The buff gives your attacks a chance
to deal Fire damage, and increases your movement speed by 5%. It can only be
used in Spires of Arak.
Once you reach Honored status, you can purchase
Saberon Protector from your faction's Quartermaster for 500
. It is a trinket that summons a Saberon Bodyguard
to fight by your side.
Once you reach Revered status, you can purchase two rewards from your faction's Quartermaster.
Wings of the Outcasts costs 2,000
. It is an item with 5 charges, each of which grants you a 2-minute slow fall buff.
Son of Sethe is a battle pet that costs 2,000
and 1,000
Once you reach Exalted status, you can purchase two rewards from your faction's Quartermaster.
- The
Shadowmane Charger mount can be purchased for 5,000
and 5,000
- The
Arakkoa Outcasts Tabard can be purchased for 100
. The tabard only serves cosmetic purposes.
Additional Rewards
Completing all the Spires of Arak questlines rewards you with the
Between Arak and a Hard Place (Alliance) or
Between Arak and a Hard Place (Horde) achievement, and the
Talonpriest Ishaal Garrison follower, a level 100 Shadow Priest.
Obtaining the Mantle of the Talon King achievement (for which you must
be Exalted and have completed the Legacy of
Terokk questline) rewards you with the Talon Guard Kurekk Garrison
follower, a level 100 Arms Warrior.
Gaining Reputation
Gaining reputation with the Arakkoa Outcasts is very straightforward. You can reach Revered status (and a good deal of the way towards Exalted) simply by questing.
- A great many quests in Spires of Arak will reward you with Arakkoa Outcasts reputation.
- A number of quests in Talador also reward you with Arakkoa Outcasts reputation.
In order to reach Exalted status, however, you will need to kill level 100 mobs. These can be found in two areas of Spire of Arak.
- in Skettis, in the north of the Spires of Arak;
- in Lost Veil Anzu, on the eastern coast of the Spires of Arak.
In addition to these methods, completing the Bloodmane Scrolls
Garrison mission will reward you with Relic of Rukhmar, a one-use,
Bind to Account item
that increases your reputation with the Arakkoa Outcasts by 2,500. Note that
this is not a reliable means of farming reputation with this faction, given
the rarity of the mission.
- 19 Nov. 2014: Updated the amount of reputation rewarded by
Relic of Rukhmar to 2,500.
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