Arcane Mage DPS Nerub-ar Palace Raid Guide — The War Within (Season 1)

Last updated on Sep 09, 2024 at 18:00 by Dutchmagoz 62 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Arcane Mage for each boss of the following raid: Nerub-ar Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (Season 1).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Nerub-ar Palace. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Nerub-ar Palace guides.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Arcane Mage and how you can deal with each fight as best as possible.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Nerub'ar Palace Boss Guides for Arcane Mage


Nerub'ar Palace Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Arcane Mage

Ulgrax the Devourer The Bloodbound Horror Sikran Rasha'nan Broodtwister Ovi'nax Nexus-Princess Ky'veza The Silken Court Queen Ansurek

Tips for Ulgrax the Devourer for Arcane Mage

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.


Defensive Tips

  • Using Mass Barrier Icon Mass Barrier can be a great option right after Venomous Lash Icon Venomous Lash goes out. It will reduce the damage taken by your allies, but it will also heal you during the damage over time effect that comes out after the initial hit, via Diverted Energy Icon Diverted Energy. However, you can also use it for Carnivorous Contest Icon Carnivorous Contest. Use it depending on which mechanics your group is struggling with more.
  • If you are full health before Hungering Bellows happens, use Alter Time Icon Alter Time and then re-activate it after Hungering Bellows has gone out and you are low hp. You can delay it a bit for the damage over time ticks that follow, but do not delay it too long as it might cause healers to waste heals on you when you can make yourself hull health again.
  • In general, you have many defensives to deal with the various types of mechanics happening; do not be afraid to use them often; you do not need to hold any specific defensive for any specific mechanic.

Cooldown Usage

  • It is not generally worth using CDs on the Add Phase unless you are attempting to parse. Simply use cooldowns on pull and then again when the boss returns.

Mechanical Tips

  • Nothing fancy here yet, but do check back in after the Season has been out for a couple of weeks to see if any tricks or tips have been found.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Bloodbound Horror for Arcane Mage

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.


Defensive Tips

  • Mass Barrier Icon Mass Barrier is great for Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge as it lowers the damage allies take and heals you during the damage over time portion via Diverted Energy Icon Diverted Energy.
  • Although generally not advisable, if you really need to take Gruesome Disgorge Icon Gruesome Disgorge twice in a row (for example, if other people died and you do not have enough people left in the other group to kill the adds), you can use Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold + Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility to survive the hit of taking Gruesome Disgorge while having Unseeming Blight Icon Unseeming Blight up.
  • Using Alter Time Icon Alter Time right before Crimson Rain Icon Crimson Rain can be a good insurance policy in case healers are not able to remove the debuff quickly, as Alter Time can still heal you to full health even while the heal absorb is up.
  • You can cast Alter Time Icon Alter Time before Goresplatter Icon Goresplatter goes out, while still on the inside platform, then Shimmer Icon Shimmer to the outside platform. After the damage has gone out, and the inside platform is safe again, re-activate Alter Time to heal to full and place yourself safely on the inside platform again. If you do not have Alter Time ready, simply position yourself normally for this mechanic and use either Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility or Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold.

Cooldown Usage

  • I do not recommend using cooldowns on the add waves if you do not have to. Try to use your cooldowns as they come up on the boss.

Mechanical Tips

  • You can cast Alter Time Icon Alter Time before Goresplatter Icon Goresplatter goes out, while still on the inside platform, then Shimmer Icon Shimmer to the outside platform. After the damage has gone out, and the inside platform is safe again, re-activate Alter Time to heal to full and place yourself safely on the inside platform again.
  • You can Shimmer Icon Shimmer through Spewing Hemorrhage Icon Spewing Hemorrhage (Heroic and up only) to avoid having to move in circles around the boss. Just make sure to watch your range to your healers if you drop low.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Sikran for Arcane Mage

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.


Defensive Tips

  • If you get either Phase Blades Icon Phase Blades or Decimate Icon Decimate, use Alter Time Icon Alter Time before running away from the group. After Phase Blades or Decimate has gone out, re-activate Alter Time to heal back to full health and get back into the group.
  • There are no specific defensive tips aside from that. Simply use your defensives for any mechanic if you are not full health. You have plenty of available defensives compared to the amount of mechanics that go out, so do not be stingy with them.

Cooldown Usage

  • On cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • Nothing fancy here yet, but do check back in after the Season has been out for a couple of weeks to see if any tricks or tips have been found.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Rasha'nan for Arcane Mage

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.


Defensive Tips

  • Use Mass Barrier Icon Mass Barrier for Web Reave Icon Web Reave to lower the damage taken by the group soaking it. Depending on the number of people soaking it, you might also want to pop another defensive while soaking it, like Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility.

Cooldown Usage

  • Keep an eye on the energy of the boss. If the energy is almost full, delay your cooldowns until after the boss has teleported away. You can use Evocation Icon Evocation while moving towards the new location so you can immediately start burning as you get there.
  • Do not delay your cooldowns for the adds; they are not worth using cooldowns for.

Mechanical Tips

  • If you get targeted by Spinneret's Strands Icon Spinneret's Strands, activate Alter Time Icon Alter Time before running out of the raid (or Shimmer Icon Shimmer). Then, re-activate it after the web is placed to immediately break the web and avoid all damage. You can also simply Shimmer out of it instead of using Alter Time, but Alter Time also prevents you from taking any damage and avoids you having to spend both Shimmer charges.
  • Shimmer Icon Shimmer away with Corrosion Icon Corrosion. Make sure to Shimmer to the correct side so that the waves that follow move away from the raid.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Broodtwister Ovi'nax for Arcane Mage

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.


Defensive Tips

  • If you are targeted by a Blood Parasite, use a defensive. Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold is very strong for this, although it is probably overkill depending on how quickly your group kills these adds. Simply using Alter Time Icon Alter Time right as you get, it works as well, but usually, healers will keep healing you during it, making it mostly useless unless you can communicate this clearly with your healers, or they actively check for Alter Time.
  • When the boss is about to cast Ingest Black Blood Icon Ingest Black Blood, activate Alter Time Icon Alter Time, if you drop low during this debuff, you can re-activate Alter Time to heal to full again, even through the heal absorb. Mass Barrier Icon Mass Barrier is also very good to use during this, as it will not only provide a safety blanket for nearby allies, it also heals you (and thus lowers the heal absorb) via Diverted Energy Icon Diverted Energy.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • You can Shimmer Icon Shimmer out with Sticky Web Icon Sticky Web until you get dispelled.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza for Arcane Mage

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.


Defensive Tips

  • If you get Queensbane Icon Queensbane (Heroic+ only), activate a defensive. Simply using Prismatic Barrier Icon Prismatic Barrier is usually enough, but you can also use Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility in an emergency.
  • If your group does not kill the boss before Eternal Night Icon Eternal Night, you need to cycle your defensives very aggressively, as this phase does a very large amount of damage. Generally, I suggest starting off with Alter Time Icon Alter Time until you drop very low and then use Prismatic Barrier Icon Prismatic Barrier + Mirror Image Icon Mirror Image into Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold into Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility into a final Alter Time. This will keep you alive for a decent amount of time, but you will eventually die in this phase as it is mostly unhealable.
  • There are limited other mechanics to use your defensives for, so just use them if you ever drop low.

Cooldown Usage

  • On cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • If you are targeted by Twilight Massacre Icon Twilight Massacre, use Alter Time Icon Alter Time at your current position, and then Shimmer Icon Shimmer to the image you are targeted by and aim it away properly. After it shoots the beam at you, re-activate Alter Time.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for The Silken Court for Arcane Mage

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.


Defensive Tips

  • If your group fails to properly Ensnare the boss when it is charging the wall, you can survive the hit via Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold on normal or heroic difficulty. On Mythic difficulty this will wipe the entire group regardless of your personal defensives, so there is not much point to even try to survive it.
  • There are limited mechanics that do significant burst damage to you that is not avoidable, so there is nothing specific you need to hold on to your defensives for. I suggest just rotating defensives as you get targeted by various mechanics.

Cooldown Usage

  • You will most likely want to align your cooldowns with Entangled Icon Entangled or Stinging Delirium Icon Stinging Delirium as both make the boss take double damage. However, the exact timings of these mechanics fluctuated during testing and have most likely changed since then. Check back shortly after the release of the raid for the exact timings to maximize these damage increases.

Mechanical Tips

  • Use Alter Time Icon Alter Time when webbed by Web Vortex Icon Web Vortex, before being pulled in. Then, after being pulled in, simply re-activate it to get back to your original position. If you do not have Alter Time ready, you can use Shimmer Icon Shimmer instead of being pulled in, but keep in mind that the circle is slightly bigger than the Shimmer range, you will still have to move a bit.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Queen Ansurek for Arcane Mage

Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.


Defensive Tips

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the first week for some tips.

Cooldown Usage

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the first week for some tips.

Mechanical Tips

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the first week for some tips.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


General Defensive Usage Notes

Arcane Mage has several defensive spells that you should plan to use and rotate throughout mechanics. You should opt to use the smaller cooldown spells often as needed with incoming mechanics and save bigger cooldowns like Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold for large incoming damage.

  • Prismatic Barrier Icon Prismatic Barrier
  • Mass Barrier Icon Mass Barrier
  • Alter Time Icon Alter Time, although technically does not reduce damage, it is an incredible tool to heal yourself to full health after a big hit
  • Mirror Image Icon Mirror Image
  • Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility
  • Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold / Ice Block Icon Ice Block

General Cooldown Usage

Arcane Mage has a few cooldowns to think about using optimally on the fights in Nerub-ar Palace:

  • Evocation Icon Evocation + Arcane Surge Icon Arcane Surge — Our main 1.5 minute cooldowns. Slightly lower in practice due to Shifting Power Icon Shifting Power
  • Touch of the Magi Icon Touch of the Magi — Our "mini-burn" 45 cooldown, slightly lower in practice due to Shifting Power Icon Shifting Power.

In addition to the general rotation, you want to keep in mind that your goal is to use your cooldowns as often as possible during an encounter. With that in mind, your secondary goal is to use them at the correct time.

I highly suggest using some Addon or WeakAura to track the estimated time to die of your target/boss target. Method Raid Tools has this as an option if you are already using this addon. By tracking time to die, if you know that you can only fit one more cycle of your cooldowns in before the boss dies, you can choose to hold these cooldowns to better line up with Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, your Potion, or even your other cooldowns, trying to look for opportunities to stack all of them.



  • 09 Sep. 2024: Guide added.
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