Arcane Mage DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.1.0)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Arcane Mage in both single-target and multiple-target situations. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Arcane Mage rotation.
Arcane Mage Rotation
Welcome to our Rotation page for Arcane Mages. On this page you will find everything you need to know about actually playing the spec in PvE scenarios.
Each of the sections below explain the rotation for Arcane Mage at different target counts. Click the boxes to switch to the desired damage type.
Arcane Mage Rotation
The buttons below can be used to select between curated Single-Target and AoE/Mythic+ loadouts. You can also use the switches below to add or remove individual talents you may also be using. Keep in mind, talents which are always picked because they are either critical to the spec's function, required to path the tree, or just such large DPS boosts, will not have a checkbox below because they will be assumed picked.
Manual Selection
Hero Talents | |
Talent Selections, etc. | ||
Arcane Basic Rotation
Arcane is largely focused around a couple of key concepts:
- Use cooldowns quickly. This is important for almost all specs in the
game, but Arcane really suffers when you sit on your cooldowns for a long time.
Not only are you losing damage from not gaining the damage benefits from your
cooldowns like
Arcane Surge, but your mana generation is directly tied to your cooldowns, further lowering your damage and making it much harder to remain at 4 Arcane Charges.
- Staying at 4 Arcane Charges as long as possible to cast hard hitting
Arcane Blasts and
Arcane Barrages, while ensuring you do not run out of mana until
Evocation is back up. This moves us onto the next point:
- Using
Arcane Barrage as much as possible when it does more damage or you can immediately gain Arcane Charges back, to avoid going out of mana while still keeping up high damage abilities, while avoiding low damage Arcane Barrages.
This leads us to the following basic rotation:
- Cast
Evocation into
Arcane Surge into
Touch of the Magi when all 3 are ready.
- If only
Touch of the Magi is ready, but not the other 2, cast Touch of the Magi. You can do this once in-between each Evocation + Arcane Surge usage.
- Cast
Arcane Missiles when you have
Clearcasting and you do not have
Nether Precision.
- Cast
Arcane Barrage in any of the following scenarios:
- You have
- You have 18 stacks of
Arcane Harmony.
- You have
Arcane Orb ready.
- You are out of mana.
- You have
- Cast
Arcane Blast as your filler. On multiple targets, cast
Arcane Explosion as your filler until 3 Arcane Charges, then Arcane Blast.
If you feel like you have a good understanding of the basics, we recommend checking out the other tabs for the full single-target and AoE rotations.
Single-Target Rotation for Arcane Mage
The rotation of an Arcane Mage is outlined in the following priority list. First, you go into a specific sequence of spells to activate your cooldowns, followed by a priority list.
Opener / Cooldown Sequence
You should go into the Cooldown Sequence whenever Evocation,
Arcane Surge
Touch of the Magi are ready.
The opener consists of a very specific sequence of spells into a standard priority system. The same sequence below applies any time you have your cooldowns ready, not just the opener.
- Cast
Evocation, for
Clearcasting and the Intellect buff.
- Cast
Arcane Missiles, consuming the
Clearcasting from Evocation and granting
Nether Precision;
- Activate any on-use items that provide stat increases, like trinkets or
Neural Synapse Enhancer.
- Activate any on-use Racials that provide stat boosts, like
Berserking or
Blood Fury.
- Cast
Arcane Surge;
- If you have 4 Arcane Charges, cast
Arcane Barrage. This will not be the case in the opener, but later in the fight, you will do this sequence while on 4 Arcane Charges;
- Cast
Touch of the Magi. If this is after Arcane Barrage, make sure you cast it while Arcane Barrage is traveling towards the target. Due to Touch of the Magi being off the global cooldown, it should apply before Arcane Barrage reaches the target.
This marks the end of the specific opener/cooldown sequence. After this, follow the priority list below:
Arcane Mage Priority List
- Go into the cooldown sequence above whenever
Arcane Surge and
Touch of the Magi are ready;
- Cast
Arcane Barrage if
Arcane Tempo or
Intuition would expire before you can finish your next cast.
- Cast
Shifting Power whenever it is ready and none of your cooldowns are currently active:
Arcane Surge,
Siphon Storm (the buff from
Evocation) or
Touch of the Magi;
- Cast
Arcane Missiles when you have
Clearcasting, and you do not have
Nether Precision, OR you have 3 Clearcasting stacks.
- You should interrupt
Arcane Missiles by casting your next spell as soon as your global cooldown is over unless the Arcane Missiles is impacted by
Aether Attunement.
- Cast
Arcane Orb when available and you have less than 3 Arcane Charges;
- Consume
Aether Attunement by casting
Arcane Missiles if you have Aether Attunement up, and you are about to do the
Arcane Barrage into
Touch of the Magi line below, since
Mage Arcane 11.1 Class Set 4pc guarantees Touch of the Magi gives Aether Attunement.
- Cast
Arcane Barrage into
Touch of the Magi if Touch of the Magi is ready,
Arcane Surge is not ready in the next 45 seconds, and you have 4 Arcane Charges.
- Cast
Arcane Barrage in any of the following situations:
- You have 18 or more stacks of
Arcane Harmony.
- You have
Arcane Tempo is about to expire.
- You have
Arcane Orb ready and 4 Arcane Charges.
- You have 18 or more stacks of
- Cast
Arcane Blast as your filler.
- Cast
Arcane Barrage if you are out of Mana.
Multi-Target Rotation for Arcane Mage
The AoE rotation for Arcane Mage
is relatively similar to the single-target rotation. You can be a bit more
aggressive with Arcane Barrage usage, generally dumping your charges
whenever you have any way to get back Arcane Charges, like
High Voltage,
Arcane Orb or
Arcane Explosion is used
minimally, only on low Arcane Charges while
Arcane Blast has a very slow
cast time.
When to do AoE Rotation as an Arcane Mage
Most of the AoE rotation already applies as low as on 2 targets. This is because the rotation is mostly a cleave based rotation, while gaining single target damage out of it. This makes it so that even for priority DPS, doing your AoE rotation is already worth it on 2 targets.
Arcane Mage AoE Opener/Burst Sequence
You should go into the Burn Phase sequence when Evocation,
Arcane Surge
Touch of the Magi are ready.
The opener consists of a very specific sequence of spells into a standard priority system. The same sequence below applies to any burn phase, not just the opener.
- Cast
Evocation, for
Clearcasting and the Intellect buff.
- Cast
Arcane Missiles, consuming the
Clearcasting from Evocation and granting
Nether Precision;
- Activate any on-use items that provide stat increases, like trinkets or
Neural Synapse Enhancer.
- Activate any on-use Racials that provide stat boosts, like
Berserking or
Blood Fury.
- Cast
Arcane Surge;
- If you have 4 Arcane Charges, cast
Arcane Barrage. This will not be the case in the opener, but later in the fight, you will do this sequence while on 4 Arcane Charges;
- Cast
Touch of the Magi. If this is after Arcane Barrage, make sure you cast it while Arcane Barrage is traveling towards the target. Due to Touch of the Magi being off the global cooldown, it should apply before Arcane Barrage reaches the target.
This marks the end of the specific opener/burn sequence. After this, follow the priority list below:
Arcane Mage AoE Priority List
- Go into the cooldown sequence above whenever
Arcane Surge and
Touch of the Magi are ready;
- Cast
Arcane Barrage if
Arcane Tempo or
Intuition would expire before you can finish your next cast.
- Cast
Shifting Power whenever it is ready and none of your cooldowns are currently active:
Arcane Surge,
Siphon Storm (the buff from
Evocation) or
Touch of the Magi;
- Cast
Arcane Missiles when you have
Clearcasting, and you do not have
Nether Precision, OR you have 3 Clearcasting stacks.
- You should interrupt
Arcane Missiles by casting your next spell as soon as your global cooldown is over unless the Arcane Missiles is impacted by
Aether Attunement.
- Cast
Arcane Orb when available and you have less than 3 Arcane Charges;
- Consume
Aether Attunement by casting
Arcane Missiles if you have Aether Attunement up, and you are about to do the
Arcane Barrage into
Touch of the Magi line below, since
Mage Arcane 11.1 Class Set 4pc guarantees Touch of the Magi gives Aether Attunement.
- Cast
Arcane Barrage into
Touch of the Magi if Touch of the Magi is ready,
Arcane Surge is not ready in the next 45 seconds, and you have 4 Arcane Charges.
- Cast
Arcane Barrage in any of the following situations:
- You have 4 Arcane Charges and
- You have 4 Arcane Charges and
Arcane Orb is ready.
- You have 18 or more stacks of
Arcane Harmony.
- You have
Arcane Tempo is about to expire.
- You have 4 Arcane Charges and
- Cast
Arcane Explosion whenever you have no Arcane Charges.
- Cast
Arcane Blast as your filler.
- Cast
Arcane Barrage if you are out of Mana.
Important Notes for Arcane Mage
Arcane Charges: Understanding Your Mana Pool
Arcane is unique among DPS specs, as it is one of the few who not only have to manage their Mana, but Mana itself is a key part of the spec identity. Arcane Charges are the main reason for this. Arcane Charges have the following effect:
- Increase the mana cost of
Arcane Blast by 100% per stack.
- Increase the damage of
Arcane Blast by 60% per stack and reduce the cast time by 8% per stack.
- Increase the damage of
Arcane Barrage by 30% per stack.
- The above effects are further increased by your Mastery.
- Arcane Charges stack up to 4.
As you can tell, Arcane Charges have a significant impact on the damage of some of your key abilities, but it also makes Arcane Blast cost significantly more Mana. Due to this, simply spamming Arcane Blast while on 4 stacks of Arcane Charges will cause you to go out of Mana very fast.
To deal with this, Arcane Barrage exists to drop your Arcane Charges
back to zero and make your
Arcane Blast more affordable.
Having said that, because casting Arcane Blast on low charges does
very little damage, you want to avoid casting those as much as possible. This
offers a unique challenge, where you try to limit your low stack Arcane Blasts
without running out of Mana and being completely unable to cast anything.
The main way we do this is by using other spells that do high damage and
then recouping our Mana during the time we are casting those spells. The biggest
factor for this is Arcane Missiles. This does high damage, provides
various other beneficial effects, and costs a few seconds to cast, giving us
valuable time to regenerate our Mana. However, this is locked behind the
Clearcasting proc.
There are also other ways we can recoup some mana, for example,
Arcane Barrage into
Arcane Orb into
Arcane Barrage
gives you a few precious seconds of mana regeneration without having to cast
these low-stack Arcane Blasts.
Intuition is another great way
to have a hard hitting Arcane Barrage while regenerating some mana.
As a
Sunfury Arcane Mage, we also get
access to
Glorious Incandescence.
Finally, our big mana regeneration tools are Evocation, which fully
regenerates our Mana, and
Arcane Surge, which, after fully draining
our Mana, grants us a very high amount of mana regen for some time,
during which we can cast anything we want without losing Mana.
Arcane Mage: Opening Sequence
At the start of the fight, simply pre-cast Evocation and then
immediately go into the cooldown sequence.
Keep in mind entering raid combat resets your Arcane Charges, so if you plan
to use
Arcane Orb (for example, on AoE), you wait until combat
has entered, or you will lose the stack gained from casting it.
- 02 Mar. 2025: Updated Arcane Barrage conditions slightly for High Voltage usage to be easier to understand and more consistent across different talent setups.
- 26 Feb. 2025: Updated Arcane Barrage usage slightly to ensure no dropping intuition/arcane tempo and make aoe rotation clearer on funnel vs pure aoe.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for 11.1 changes: New default setup set to Spellslinger, updated rotation for new optimal rotation due to changes, split rotation into basic - medium - advanced.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 27 Oct. 2024: Updated rotation based on latest theorycrafting findings, primarily simplifying barrage usage for spellslinger, while being slightly more DPS.
- 23 Oct. 2024: Small modification to AoE rotation for spellslinger and added arcane tempo conditions to single-target rotation under advanced section.
- 22 Oct. 2024: Moved various parts of the rotation to advanced to provide a more approachable default rotation and fixed spellslinger rotation showing some sunfury lines.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated single-target and AoE rotations for both hero talents 11.0.5 changes. Added Spellslinger presets now that it is a more viable hero talent setup.
- 25 Sep. 2024: Updated AoE rotation to list target counts.
- 16 Sep. 2024: Updated rotation slightly for latest improvements.
- 11 Sep. 2024: Update AoE rotation slightly to move the Arcane Blast line during ToTM to spellslinger rotation, as Sunfury automatically does it already.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Separated the hero talent selector and updated the rotation to include more advanced lines as an optional checkbox. Rewrote arcane barrage usage to be easier to understand.
- 02 Sep. 2024: Updated rotation for the removal of Burden of Power double-dipping.
- 22 Aug. 2024: Slightly change priority on single target rotation to clarify you should use missiles before dumping Burden of Power if you have it, and some small readability improvements on AoE.
- 22 Aug. 2024: Update AoE rotation to clarify funnel vs AoE rotation usage.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 26 Jul. 2024: Arcane in Arcane Tempo lines and slightly updated AoE rotation to make it more clear you always Arcane Barrage before Arcane Missiles with 4 charges. Further improved Nether Precision notes to apply more optimisations.
- 25 Jul. 2024: Add in Arcane Missiels interrupt conditions to the rotation, reorganized the burn phase into 2 separate parts, the initial burn phase sequence, into the priority list.
- 24 Jul. 2024: Clearcasting proc rates were changed on live, causing Arcane Blast to have 5% higher proc rate than Arcane Barrage. Updated rotation to incorporate this by removing the Arcane Barrage execute playstyle.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6. and fixed some typos and removed the "quiet movement" section as it was rather duplicate with other sections.
- 15 Mar. 2024: Remove no longer relevant Arcane Missiles clipping section.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Updated rotation with optimisations found.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated base rotation for 10.2, added season 3 tier set rotation, season 3 trinkets and other items to the rotation.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updated rotation for the reworked Arcane.
- 09 May 2023: Updated rotation to include further 4-set optimisations.
- 01 May 2023: Updated rotation to include Season 2 tier optimisations.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 18 Jan. 2022: Updated burst rotation based on latest theorycrafting and expanded on the AoE rotation.
- 13 Jan. 2022: Improve mana gem rotation and added talon usage.
- 13 Dec. 2022: Improve burn rotation slightly and add more clarity to end of the burn phase.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Added section explaining rotational changes due to the tier set.
- 30 Nov. 2022: Updated burst rotation slightly based on new theorycrafting.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Dutchmagoz. Dutchmagoz is a Mythic raider in one of the top raiding guilds, Turtles and the owner of the Mage Discord server, Altered Time, where he is involved in all things Mage, and you can reach out to him directly for feedback or questions about the guide.
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