Arcane Mage DPS Spec, Builds, and Talents — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Dutchmagoz 70 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find out the best talents for each tier for your Arcane Mage in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0). We also have default talent lists for various types of content, such as raiding or Mythic+. If you play with Warmode on, we have your PvP talents covered as well.

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Arcane Mage talents.


Best The War WithinTalents for Arcane Mage

Note that these builds are generic recommendations for various content. For more specific recommendations for the Raid and Mythic+, check out the dedicated pages below.


Best Talents for Arcane Mage

Delve Talents Spellslinger Single Target Talents Spellslinger (Raid) Cleave Talents Spellslinger Mythic+ Talents Sunfury Single Target Talents Sunfury Mythic+ Talents Sunfury (Raid) Cleave Talents Picking Arcane Mage Talents

Best Delve Talents for Arcane Mage

This build is focused primarily on doing Delve content. It is very similar to the Mythic+ tree, however, it focuses a bit more on defensives and kiting since you do not have a dedicated healer. Although Brann does provide some healing, the enemies can hit relatively hard, and additional defensives and kiting are very valuable in Delves.


Best Spellslinger Single-Target Talents for Arcane Mage

The build below is great for pure (or almost pure) single-target content, like a large number of raid bosses. However, a lot of changes can be made, especially in the Mage tree, to tune for specific encounters or damage types, so we strongly suggest reading Talent Choices section for more information.

Both the Sunfury and Spellslinger trees do nearly identical single-target damage, so you can pick either based on your preference.

We list the Spellslinger variant as recommended purely because it does better cleave and AoE damage than Sunfury, so you only have to learn one Hero Talent for all situations, but you can play Sunfury at no damage loss on single-target.

You can easily import the talent tree below into the game by using the "Export Talents" button below.


Best Sunfury Single-Target Talents for Arcane Mage

The build below is great for pure (or almost pure) single-target content, like a large number of raid bosses. However, a lot of changes can be made, especially in the Mage tree, to tune for specific encounters or damage types, so we strongly suggest reading Talent Choices section for more information.

Both the Sunfury and Spellslinger trees do nearly identical single-target damage, so you can pick either based on your preference.

You can easily import the talent tree below into the game by using the "Export Talents" button below.


Best Spellslinger AoE/Mythic+ Talents for Arcane Mage

Both Sunfury and Spellslinger are good in Mythic+ content. However, the Spellslinger build does do more overall AoE DPS while doing the same single-target damage, making it generally the favoured spec for Mythic+.

You can easily import the talent trees below into the game by using the "Export Talents" button below.

For more information on Mythic+ talents, you can check out our dedicated Mythic+ page below.


Best Sunfury AoE/Mythic+ Talents for Arcane Mage

Both Sunfury and Spellslinger are good in Mythic+ content. However, the Sunfury build a bit less AoE damage, without providing more boss damage, making it generally a slightly weaker Mythic+/AoE spec.

You can easily import the talent trees below into the game by using the "Export Talents" button below.

For more information on Mythic+ talents, you can check out our dedicated Mythic+ page below.


Best Spellslinger Raid Cleave Talents for Arcane Mage

This tree is relatively close to the single-target build, making only some minor changes, allowing you to do cleave damage on primarily single-target fights, like raid bosses with adds.

The Spellslinger variant is better than the Sunfury variant when it comes to doing cleave DPS while gaining single-target damage at the same time, making it the preferred cleave spec.

You can easily import the talent tree below into the game by using the "Export Talents" button below.


Best Sunfury Raid Cleave Talents for Arcane Mage

This tree is relatively close to the single-target build, making only some minor changes, allowing you to do cleave damage on primarily single-target fights, like raid bosses with adds.

The Sunfury variant does less damage than the Spellslinger variant when it comes to doing cleave DPS.

You can easily import the talent tree below into the game by using the "Export Talents" button below.

This section is about picking the standard Arcane Mage Talents. For an overview of the Hero Talent Trees, and which one to play in what scenario, check out the page below.


Picking Mage Class Talents

The general Mage tree is extremely flexible. It is almost entirely personal preference, apart from a couple of key DPS nodes. You have many more points available than you need to get all of the DPS nodes, leaving you with many options in terms of survivability, crowd control, and utility. Below, we will highlight some of the key nodes that are important for DPS and suggest some of the best non-DPS nodes. However, even after that, you can assign a bunch of points as you see fit.


Tier 1 (Rows 1-4) Mage Class Talents For Arcane Mage


Talents for all situations

Talent Reason for taking
Overflowing Energy Icon Overflowing Energy A large DPS boost.
Incanter's Flow Icon Incanter's Flow A large DPS boost.
Shifting Power Icon Shifting Power A large DPS boost.
Ice Block Icon Ice Block One of the best defensives in the entire game.
Mirror Image Icon Mirror Image A great defensive tool useful in all content.
Alter Time Icon Alter Time A very strong defensive and mobility tool in one, useful in all content.

Optional / flexible talents

Talent Reason for taking
Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal A good pick if there are buffs you can steal that are either beneficial to you, or make the content easier by removing it from the target.
Remove Curse Icon Remove Curse A good pick if there are curses you can dispel.
Winter's Protection Icon Winter's Protection Can be useful if you need the reduced cooldown to be able to solo soak a specific raid mechanic. If combined with Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold and Cryo-Freeze Icon Cryo-Freeze it also becomes a very strong damage reduction tool.
Incantation of Swiftness Icon Incantation of Swiftness Can be useful for skipping content, like trash packs in dungeons, or open-world enemies
Tempest Barrier Icon Tempest Barrier A minor defensive tool useful in all content.
Arcane Warding Icon Arcane Warding A minor defensive tool useful in almost all content.

Tier 2 (Rows 5-7) Mage Class Talents For Arcane Mage

The tier 2 talents contain almost entirely utility/mobility talents.


Talents for all situations

Talent Reason for taking
Tome of Rhonin Icon Tome of Rhonin A straight up DPS boost
Tome of Antonidas Icon Tome of Antonidas A straight up DPS boost
Shimmer Icon Shimmer or Ice Floes Icon Ice Floes Both are extremely strong mobility tools. This choice is largely a personal preference. Ice Floes ultimately allows for more movement without losing DPS, but it comes at the cost of losing out on the burst movement (without having to give up a global cooldown like Blink Icon Blink does) that Shimmer provides. Generally, Shimmer is preferred because you can already cast multiple abilities while moving due to Slipstream Icon Slipstream.

Optional / flexible talents

Talent Reason for taking
Supernova Icon Supernova Very good crowd-control ability, especially useful in Mythic+ to interrupt spell casts.
Diverted Energy Icon Diverted Energy A decent survivability tool useful in all content.
Master of Time Icon Master of Time A decent survivability and mobility tool useful in all content.
Quick Witted Icon Quick Witted A good pickup in content where you need the reduced interrupt cooldown, like Mythic+ in a low interrupt group.
Slow Icon Slow A good pickup to assist in kiting, especially when solo. Generally not too much usage in group content, though.
Cryo-Freeze Icon Cryo-Freeze A very good self-healing tool when playing solo or a very strong defensive in all content when combined with Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold.
Reduplication Icon Reduplication Can be useful if it would give you an additional usage of Mirror Image for a specific high-hitting ability, but usually hard to proc this.
Reabsorption Icon Reabsorption Adds a relatively useful self-heal onto Mirror Image, but it is usually hard to proc this.
Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave Great crowd control that can be extremely useful in Mythic+ and open-world content, for its ability to AoE interrupt enemy spellcasts
Volatile Detonation Icon Volatile Detonation Used to further increase the ability to kite with Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave, but should be careful in grouped content to not knock enemies into additional enemies and pull more than planned.
Mass Slow Icon Mass Slow Can be used to kite packs of mobs in Mythic+, in some cases, or good for open-world content.
Ice Nova Icon Ice Nova For even more crowd control. Also, technically a minor DPS increase when moving as it can be used when on the move if you have no Ice Floes Icon Ice Floes / Shimmer Icon Shimmer ready and no other instants.
Ring of Frost Icon Ring of Frost For even more crowd control.

Tier 3 (Rows 8-10) Mage Class Talents For Arcane Mage

In this tier, we unlock some of the strong final nodes as a priority, whereas the rest is flexible.


Talents for all situations

Talent Reason for taking
Time Anomaly Icon Time Anomaly / Inspired Intellect Icon Inspired Intellect The strongest of the final nodes. We usually suggest picking Time Anomaly. However, if you do not like the randomness of Time Anomaly, you can pick Inspired Intellect for a minor DPS loss.
Greater Invisibility Icon Greater Invisibility One of the best defensive tools in the game.
Mass Barrier Icon Mass Barrier / Mass Invisibility Icon Mass Invisibility Provides quite a lot of defensive power for your group if you take Mass Barrier. Since the cooldown is not shared with Prismatic Barrier Icon Prismatic Barrier, it is a useful defensive tool even when solo. Mass Invisibility can be a very strong tool for Mythic+ to skip packs.
Temporal Velocity Icon Temporal Velocity A decent mobility tool. It is not that great of a talent on its own, but it is on the path to some very strong other nodes, so it's pretty much always taken.

Optional / flexible talents

Talent Reason for taking
Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold Turns Ice Block Icon Ice Block into a very strong defensive cooldown that does not come at the cost of any DPS but removes the immunity aspect from it. Generally, we suggest taking this if you do not need the immunity aspect of Ice Block, as it lasts 6 seconds, and you are unlikely to sit in Ice Block for that long. Additionally, when combined with Cryo-Freeze Icon Cryo-Freeze, it also becomes a very strong self heal that you do not need to sit in Ice Block for to get the benefit of.
Displacement Icon Displacement Provides mobility, but is usually pretty difficult to pick up without giving up one of the major nodes.
Barrier Diffusion Icon Barrier Diffusion A minor boost to your survivability that works in all content.
Accumulative Shielding Icon Accumulative Shielding A minor boost to your survivability that works in all content.
Displacement Icon Displacement A decent mobility and defensive tool. Difficult to take without giving up one of the capstone nodes, but if you are skipping a capstone node, it is a very useful mobility + defensive tool.
Frigid Winds Icon Frigid Winds + Ice Ward Icon Ice Ward These nodes give you even more kiting power. Not very useful in most group content, but strong when solo and on the way to Ice Cold Icon Ice Cold. If you are not taking Ice Cold, these two talents should be skipped for most group play.
Time Manipulation Icon Time Manipulation Can be useful if you are doing content where you really need the extra crowd control.

Arcane Mage Talents

In this section, we will go over the Arcane Mage Talents. The focus of this section will be PvE content.


Tier 1 (Rows 2-4) Arcane Mage Talents


Talents for all situations

We pick up all talents in Tier 1, as every single node is either very strong, or required to be picked up to path to the rest of the tree.

Talent Reason for taking
Improved Clearcasting Icon Improved Clearcasting Decent DPS increase and required to properly path the rest of the tree.
Nether Precision Icon Nether Precision Very strong DPS boost and interacts with many other talents deeper in the tree.
Amplification Icon Amplification / Reverberate Icon Reverberate This choice node is always picked to be able to pick up Arcane Surge Icon Arcane Surge. Generally Amplification is picked for all situations, as Reverberate is simply not good enough.
Arcane Familiar Icon Arcane Familiar Decent talent on its own, but mostly picked to be able to path to other parts of the tree.
Arcing Cleave Icon Arcing Cleave Required to pick up Intuition Icon Intuition, while being a strong node on its own.
Intuition Icon Intuition Large DPS boost in all situations.
Arcane Surge Icon Arcane Surge Incredibly powerful offensive cooldown for all situations.

Optional / flexible talents

There are no optional talents as we pick up every single talent in Tier 1.


Tier 2 (Rows 5-7) Arcane Mage Talents


Talents for all situations

Talent Reason for taking
Arcane Tempo Icon Arcane Tempo Required to pick up many of the other nodes and decent DPS increase.
Slipstream Icon Slipstream Very strong mobility tool. It can be skipped for more DPS talents, but generally, we recommend picking it due to its incredible quality of life.
Evocation Icon Evocation Large DPS boost.
Touch of the Magi Icon Touch of the Magi Very strong DPS boost.
Dematerialize Icon Dematerialize Strong DPS boost on both single-target and AoE. Also required to unlock various other important nodes.
Impetus Icon Impetus Decent boost for single-target, and smaller for AoE. On its own, it is a relatively good node, but generally always taken because it is required to pick Illuminated Thoughts Icon Illuminated Thoughts.
Illuminated Thoughts Icon Illuminated Thoughts Strong DPS boost on both single-target and AoE.
Improved Touch of the Magi Icon Improved Touch of the Magi Strong DPS boost on both single-target and AoE.
Eureka Icon Eureka Decent DPS boost in all situations.

Optional / flexible talents

Talent Reason for taking
Energized Familiar Icon Energized Familiar Taken on single target but skipped in AoE scenarios.
Consortium's Bauble Icon Consortium's Bauble Taken on single target but skipped in AoE scenarios.
Resonance Icon Resonance Taken for AoE situations but skipped on single target.
Charged Orb Icon Charged Orb Taken for AoE situations but skipped on single target.
Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind Does not really provide any DPS at all, and if used incorrectly, can even be a DPS loss. However, it is good for mobility. If you feel like you are moving too much with nothing good to cast, you can take Presence of Mind to help with this.

Tier 3 (Rows 8-10) Arcane Mage Talents


Talents For All Situations

Below, we list the talents you should always take, regardless of build.

Talent Reason for taking
Arcane Debilitation Icon Arcane Debilitation (2x) Strong DPS increase on single-target, while also taken in AoE due to being required for Aether Attunement Icon Aether Attunement.
Arcane Echo Icon Arcane Echo Strong DPS boost in all situations.
Aether Attunement Icon Aether Attunement Srong DPS boost in all situations.
Enlightened Icon Enlightened Very strong DPS boost.
Arcane Bombardment Icon Arcane Bombardment Very strong DPS boost.
Arcane Harmony Icon Arcane Harmony Strong DPS boost.
Magi's Spark Icon Magi's Spark Strong DPS boost.

Optional / flexible talents

Talent Reason for taking
Orb Barrage Icon Orb Barrage As Spellslinger it is always picked. For Sunfury it is only picked in AoE scenarios.
Time Loop Icon Time Loop Picked as Spellslinger on single target, but skipped as Sunfury.

Hero Talents for Arcane Mage

This page is about picking the standard Arcane Mage Talents. For an overview of the Hero Talent Trees and which tree to play when, check out the page below.


How To Use Arcane Mage Talents

Multiple talents require a change to your rotation to use them optimally. You can find more information on how your rotation will look after selecting your talents on our rotation page below.

If you are looking for in-depth explanations of what each talent does, we suggest reading through the spell summary page.


PvP Talents (War Mode)

Since Battle for Azeroth, there is the option to enable "War Mode." Enabling War Mode grants the following benefits:

  • PvP talents enabled in the outdoor world.
  • 10% increase in World Quest rewards at max level.
  • 10% more experience gained while leveling.
  • Earn Conquest Points, which can reward gear every week.

With the benefits of enabling War Mode for leveling and PvE content, it is recommended enabling the feature to maximize your leveling and rewards at max level. However, doing so will enable PvP combat and the possibility of being attacked by members of the opposite faction while leveling or doing World Quests exists.


Arcane Mage War Mode Talents

In this section, we will rank the War Mode talents for leveling and outdoor content.

  1. Temporal Shield Icon Temporal Shield is off the Global Cooldown, so it can be used without sacrificing any damage and is very strong for when you know damage is incoming. You can simply tank the damage and heal back to full Health when the shield ends.
  2. Ring of Fire Icon Ring of Fire is a great tool for AoE damage in the open world, especially on high-health targets.
  3. Chrono Shift Icon Chrono Shift is an incredible open-world kiting and mobility tool.


  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated best talents for 11.1: New optimal trees for the new reworked talent trees, and switched overall recommended talents for Spellslinger.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated page layout to split the different Hero Talents into their own sections, and added recommended tags to more quickly spot the best builds.
  • 30 Oct. 2024: Updated sunfury talents to pick Lessons in Debilitation instead of Gravity Lapse.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Updated talents based on last minute nerfs. Added single-target spellslinger build.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated best talents for 11.0.5. Added multiple AoE builds for Spellslinger and Sunfury.
  • 14 Sep. 2024: Updated Delve talents to do slightly more AoE damage.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Removed pre-season talents.
  • 05 Sep. 2024: Small improvements to aoe/cleave talents.
  • 02 Sep. 2024: Fixed a missing point in the Delve hero tree.
  • 24 Aug. 2024: Added Delve Talent Tree.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 24 Jul. 2024: Updated suggested talents due to Illuminated Thoughts being fixed on live servers, causing it to be significantly better than on beta & ptr.
  • 24 Jul. 2024: Minor update to suggested talents based on bugs on live servers.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated optimal talents for 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Changed talent layout to be easier to navigate.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated suggested talents for after the 10.1.5 Arcane rework.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 16 Jan. 2022: Added information about the mana gem build and when to pick Harmony or Mana gem builds.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Minor change to the suggested talent trees to split them more into raiding vs dungeons instead of single target vs aoe.
  • 30 Nov. 2022: Updated Temporal Warp vs Time Anomaly description to be more informative.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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