Archimonde Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included)
Table of Contents

This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.2.
Archimonde is the final boss of the Hellfire Citadel raid instance. This is an extremely long 3-phase encounter which will put your raid to the test. In particular, coordinated and reactive movement will be required for success.
This guide is written and maintained by Azortharion, a top Hunter with 6 years of raiding experience, who currently raids in Ðanish Terrace, a world top 20 guild.
General Information
LFR Difficulty
For the Looking for Raid version of the fight, we provide you with a special LFR guide. This will tell you everything you need to know in order to complete the encounter, in a quick and concise way.
Normal and Heroic Difficulty
This guide covers both the Normal and Heroic versions of the encounter, as far as mechanics and general strategy is concerned. The only difference between these two modes is found in the tuning, with Heroic being more difficult.
When we speak of extreme situations (such as the difficulty of a soft enrage timer, or damage from a certain source being too high to survive), we mostly refer to Heroic mode.
Enrage Timer
We do not currently know what the hard enrage timer for this encounter is.
Overview of the Fight
Archimonde is a 3-phase encounter during which your raid will face Archimonde, as well as a number of different adds.
Each phase has two separate parts. Because of this, Archimonde can almost be classified as being a 6-phase encounter. However, the differences between these phases within phases are rather small, and the overarching idea of each of the three phases is what is important to your raid.
Phase One starts when you pull Archimonde, and ends when Archimonde reaches 70% health. At 85% health, Archimonde gains an additional ability that he will use for the rest of Phase One.
Phase Two starts when Archimonde reaches 70% health, and lasts until he reaches 40% health. At 55% health, Archimonde gains an additional ability that he will use for the rest of Phase Two.
Phase Three starts when Archimonde reaches 40% health, and lasts until he dies. At 25% health, Archimonde gains an additional ability that he will use for the rest of the fight.
Summing Things Up
In this section, we will very briefly summarise what the players belonging to each of the three roles have to do during this fight. This is by no means meant to provide sufficient information to master the encounter, and it is only supposed to give you a very rough idea of what to watch out for.
- During Phases One and Two, use active mitigation to reduce the damage of
Death Brand, and perform a tank switch when it is cast on the tank.
- During Phase Three, perform a tank switch when a tank is sent to the
Twisting Nether via
Nether Banish.
- Inside the Nether Realm, tank the Shadowed Netherwalker.
Save healing cooldowns for Shadowfel Burst in Phase One,
Unleashed Torment in Phases Two and Three, and
Rain of Chaos/
Hellfire in Phase Three.
- DPS the targets that appear in the following priority:
- Doomfire Spirits;
- Hellfire Deathcaller;
- Living Shadows;
- Felborne Overfiends/Dreadstalkers;
- Infernal Doombringers;
- Archimonde.
- During Phase One
- Avoid standing in
Doomfire, and kite the fire away from the middle of the room.
- Move out of ground effects when
Allure of Flames is cast.
- Stand under those knocked up high by
Shadowfel Burst to split the fall damage.
- Spread
Light of the Naaru to as many raid members as possible by standing near golden orbs, and then walking into them.
- Spread 8 yards for Shadowfel Burst.
- Avoid standing in
- During Phase Two
- Break
Shackled Torment chains one raid member at a time by running 30 yards away from Shackled Souls.
- Move out of the raid to ensure that no one is unnecessarily struck by
Wrought Chaos.
- Interrupt Felborne Overfiends'
Flames of Argus.
- Avoid being in the ground effects created by Dreadstalkers'
Consume Magic when the cast finishes.
- Break
- During Phase Three
- Assign one healer, one melee DPS, and a number of powerful, single-target ranged DPS (based on raid size) to enter the
Nether Banish zone and handle the Twisting Nether.
- In the Twisting Nether
- Kite the Void Star if targeted by it.
- Interrupt
Touch of Shadows, cast by Shadowed Netherwalker.
- Avoid standing in
Nether Tear void zones. Move away from them to give Living Shadows more time to travel.
- Move far away from
Rain of Chaos ground effects.
- Assign one healer, one melee DPS, and a number of powerful, single-target ranged DPS (based on raid size) to enter the
Phase One: The Defiler
Phase One lasts from the start of the fight until Archimonde reaches 70% health.
Throughout this phase, Archimonde uses several abilities against your raid.
- Roughly every 45 seconds, Archimonde causes a Doomfire Spirit add to spawn
near him. It cannot be tanked and instead fixates on a random raid member for
10 seconds, using
Doomfire Fixate to continuously create lines of fire that begin from itself and grow towards that player. Every 10 seconds, the Doomfire Spirit chooses a new target to fixate on. The fire lines persist until the end of the fight, and standing in them applies
Doomfire, a 8-second, stacking Fire damage DoT, to players.
Death Brand is an ability that Archimonde uses roughly every 45 seconds. It has a 3-second cast time, at the end of which it deals a massive amount of Shadow damage to his tank, and spawns a Hellfire Deathcaller add.
- Hellfire Deathcaller fixates on the tank that Death Brand was used
against. While alive, they regularly use a
single ability, called
Shadow Blast. It deals heavy Shadow damage to its tank and to a number of random raid members, increasing the Shadow damage taken by all affected players by 25% for 30 seconds. This effect stacks.
- Hellfire Deathcaller fixates on the tank that Death Brand was used
against. While alive, they regularly use a
single ability, called
Allure of Flames is an ability that Archimonde uses roughly every 45 seconds. It instantly relocates all the
Doomfire present on the ground to the locations of random raid members, indicated by green ground effects.
Shadowfel Burst is an ability that Archimonde uses roughly every minute. He targets a single raid member and knocks them and any allies in an 8-yard radius around them high up into the air. At the same time, a green ground effect marks an area underneath the targeted player. A few seconds later, players who were knocked up into the air will fall to the ground and take lethal fall damage split between all players located in the green ground effect.
Once Archimonde reaches 85% health, he begins using a new ability called
Desecrate. Archimonde uses this ability roughly every 30 seconds. It marks a
large area on the ground near the boss, and after a few seconds, a large, black
pillar spawns from it and deals massive Physical damage to any raid members
standing in the ground effect. After it has spawned, the entire raid takes
moderate Shadow damage every 3 seconds while the pillar is alive, through an
ability called
Desecration. The damage done by subsequent pillars'
Desecration is increased by 25% for each pillar that spawned before it during
the encounter.
The pillars cannot be attacked or killed by your raid. However,
shortly after each Desecrate pillar spawns, the friendly NPC
Yrel destroys it. This spawns a number of light, glowing
orbs around where the pillar was destroyed, which persist for up to 30 seconds.
If a player comes in contact with an orb, the orb is consumed and everyone
within 15 yards of it receives the
Light of the Naaru buff, which provides
immunity to Shadow damage and increases movement speed by 40% for 25 seconds.
Phase One is all about correctly prioritising targets and reacting quickly. Namely, the Doomfire Spirits must be killed extremely quickly, to reduce the amount of Doomfire they spawn, while raid members must be ready to move out of this fire.
Your goal is to bring Archimonde to 70% health as quickly as possible, all while handling all of the abilities used against you.
Tanking Concerns
We recommend continuously pulling the boss around the edges of the room in Phase One. Whenever a Doomfire Spirit leaves fire lines, the boss should be moved along the edge.
Active tank mitigation cooldowns should be used for Death Brand. The
ability's cast time makes it easy to time your abilities so that they are
active for when the damage hits.
The Hellfire Deathcaller that spawns when a tank is by Death Brand will remain fixated on that tank for as long as it lives. This means that once Death Brand has been used, a tank switch should be performed, so that the tank on whom the Deathcaller is fixated does not also tank Archimonde.
We recommend that the raid remains spread out at least 8 yards apart (to
avoid having more than one player knocked up by Shadowfel Burst, while
staying comfortably far away from Archimonde. Additionally, we recommend
staying close to the edge of the room, where Archimonde is also being
dragged along by your tanks.
Handling the Mechanics
When Doomfire Spirits are created, all DPS players should switch to them
and kill them off as quickly as possible. Care must be taken to avoid acquiring
stacks from the Doomfire that it leaves on the ground.
When Archimonde casts Allure of Flames, raid members must move away from the
ground effects that indicate where the fire will land, as quickly as possible.
When Shadow Blast is cast on random raid members, healers must be aware of
the stacks applied to individual raid members, and heal these players
accordingly (possibly even using defensive cooldowns).
For Shadowfel Burst, have as many raid members as possible stack in the
ground effect to split the damage from the landing player(s).
Finally, when Archimonde begins using Desecrate at 85% health, move away
from the ground effect that indicates where the pillar will spawn. The passive
damage done by
Desecration must be healed through, but the raid can minimise
damage taken by ensuring that Phase One ends as quickly as possible.
When Desecrate pillars are destroyed, we recommend that raid members move
towards the orbs that result, while a single raid member walks into the orb to
apply the
Light of the Naaru buff to as many raid members as possible. It is
important for tanks to be in range to receive this buff, as they take a lot of
Shadow damage during this phase.
Phase Two: Hand of the Legion
Phase Two starts when Archimonde reaches 70% health, and it ends when he reaches 40% health.
In Phase Two, Archimonde stops summoning Doomfire Spirits, and he stops
using Shadowfel Burst and
Desecrate. As soon as the phase begins, Yrel
also casts
Purifying Light, destroying any remaining
pillars. Archimonde uses a number of abilities in Phase Two.
Allure of Flames and
Death Brand continue to be used, and they work exactly in the same way as during Phase One.
Shackled Torment is an ability that Archimonde uses roughly every 30 seconds. It tethers a number of random raid members (most often 3) to Shackled Souls (each player is tethered to their own soul) that spawn nearby. While tethered, raid members take low Shadow damage every second, which increases by 10% per tick. In order to break the chain and remove the effect, raid members must run at least 30 yards away from their Shackled Soul. When the
Shackled Torment debuff is removed, this triggers
Unleashed Torment, which deals heavy Shadow damage to the entire raid.
Wrought Chaos is an ability that Archimonde uses roughly once per minute. He targets a random raid member with 4 stacks of the
Wrought Chaos debuff, and another random raid member a debuff called
Focused Chaos.
- After 5 seconds, the raid member with
Wrought Chaos fires a beam at the raid member with
Focused Chaos, dealing massive Fire damage to anyone caught in the beam's path. A green arrow at the feet of the player debuffed by Wrought Chaos will indicate where the beam is going to fire.
- When the beam is fired, a stack of
Wrought Chaos is expended, and the debuff jumps to the raid member previously affected with
Focused Chaos. At the same time, a new Focused Chaos target is chosen. This repeats until all 4
Wrought Chaos stacks have been expended.
- After 5 seconds, the raid member with
When Archimonde reaches 55% health, he will begin to spawn 1 Felborne Overfiend and 3 Dreadstalker adds roughly every 30 seconds.
- Dreadstalkers cannot be tanked. They only have one ability, called
Consume Magic, that they constantly use. It is an uninterruptible 3-second cast that teleports them to the position of a random raid member, which is indicated by a purple ground effect. When the cast finishes, the Dreadstalker deals heavy Shadow damage in an 8-yard radius around the ground effect, interrupting the spellcasting of any affected players.
- Felborne Overfiend can be tanked. It only has one ability, which is
Flames of Argus. It can be interrupted and is cast every time the Felborne Overfiend's health is reduced by 25% (at 75%, 50%, and 25%). It deals heavy raid-wide Fire damage.
During Phase Two, the raid will face many similar challenges to Phase One. The overall goal remains the same, namely to bring Archimonde to the health required for the next phase, all while handling the abilities being used against you.
Tanking Concerns
The Felborne Overfiends that spawn must be tanked. Otherwise, the tanking
in Phase Two is the same as in Phase One. The boss will regularly need to be
moved due to Allure of Flames, and Hellfire Deathcallers will continue to
Similarly to Phase One, active tank mitigation cooldowns should be used for
Death Brand.
Tanks should help interrupt the Flames of Argus cast as much as possible.
For Phase Two, we recommend that the raid stacks up at a comfortable
distance from Archimonde, preferably near the edge of the room, while
continuing to move when needed for Allure of Flames. As
we will see, this positioning will help handle the
Shackled Torment and
Wrought Chaos/
Focused Chaos abilities.
Handling the Mechanics
Both Allure of Flames and
Death Brand must be handled similarly to
Phase One.
For Shackled Torment, have the affected raid members break their tether in
a staggered fashion. If three
Unleashed Torments go off at the same time due
to raid members parting with their Shackled Souls at the same time, that will
most likely result in a wipe. Thus, we recommend having the first raid member
break his shackle, healing the raid to full, the second raid member breaking
their shackle, and so on. For best results, the raid leader or a healer should
specifically call out the order in which shackled players should break their
tethers each time.
For Wrought Chaos, have the raid members debuffed with both Wrought Chaos
Focused Chaos move out of the raid to ensure that the beam does not
strike anyone else. Once the beam has gone off, the player who had the Wrought
Chaos debuff can move back into the raid, while the player who had Focused
Chaos should remain out (they now have the Wrought Chaos debuff). The player
who has the new Focused Chaos debuff, who is probably located inside the
stacked raid group, will have to move out, and so on.
When Dreadstalkers cast Consume Magic, raid members should move out of the ground effect that it spawns before the 3-second cast is
To deal with the Felborne Overfiends' Flames of Argus, interrupt the
cast as much as possible. In principle, none of the casts should be allowed to
go off.
Phase Three: The Twisting Nether
Phase Three starts when Archimonde reaches 40% health, and it lasts until he dies.
In Phase Three, Archimonde stops using Allure of Flames,
Death Brand,
and stops spawning any adds from the previous phases. Adds that are still
alive from previous phases do persist, however. Archimonde uses a number of
abilities in Phase Three.
Shackled Torment and
Wrought Chaos continue to be used, and they work exactly the same way as during Phase Two.
Nether Banish is an ability that Archimonde uses on his current tank roughly once per minute. It places a large, green rune on the floor at their feet. After 7 seconds, all raid members within this rune are teleported to the Twisting Nether, a unique room that we explain in detail further below. This ability also requires a tank switch.
Nether Tear is a void zone that is placed at the location where Archimonde's tank was when
Nether Banish was cast on them. It deals low Shadow damage to anyone standing in it every second, and persists for the rest of the fight. Nether Tears regularly spawn Living Shadow adds.
- Living Shadows cannot be tanked, and have rather low health. As soon as they
spawn, they each pick a random raid member and follow them. If they reach their
target, that target is affected by
Devour Life, reducing their healing received by 40% for 45 seconds. Additionally, the Living Shadow is instantly killed if this happens.
- Living Shadows cannot be tanked, and have rather low health. As soon as they
spawn, they each pick a random raid member and follow them. If they reach their
target, that target is affected by
Demonic Feedback is a passive ability that affects the entire raid in Phase Three. It deals heavy Shadow damage to all raid members every 20 seconds or so, and causes players to deal the same amount of Shadow damage to players within 6 yards of them as well.
When Archimonde reaches 25% health, he gains the Rain of Chaos ability.
This ability causes large meteors to fall every second for 10 seconds. The
locations where meteors will land are indicated by ground effects roughly 2
seconds beforehand. Landing meteors cause heavy Fire damage to all raid
members, with the damage reduced if raid members stand further away from impact
points. Meteor zones usually spawn near raid members.
After a number of meteors have landed (we are not yet sure how many), 3
Infernal Doombringer adds will spawn from the ground where meteors have
landed. The Infernal Doombringers spawn roughly 5 seconds apart. They can
be tanked and have two abilities: Eternal Flame and
Eternal Flame is an aura that Infernal Doombringers always have. It causes them to heal other Infernal Doombringers within 15 yards for 8% of their health every second.
Hellfire is cast by Infernal Doombringers once their Energy bar reaches 100 (the Energy bar fills up slowly over time and serves no other purpose than to indicate when Hellfire will be cast). It deals moderate Fire damage to all raid members every second. Infernals continue casting Hellfire until they are killed.
The Twisting Nether
The Twisting Nether is an alternative realm where the raid members who stood
in the Nether Banish zone are teleported to. It is a medium-sized platform
within which players must face adds and handle a few abilities.
Nether Corruption is applied to all raid members within the Twisting Nether as soon as they enter it. It deals low Shadow damage every 5 seconds, but its damage done increases by 8% every time it ticks. Nether Corruption lasts for 1 minute.
Nether Storm are green void zones that randomly appear around the platform within the Twisting Nether. Anyone standing in them takes heavy Fire damage every second.
- Shadowed Netherwalker is an add found within the Twisting Nether realm.
When it dies, raid members can click on a portal on its corpse and be
teleported back to the general encounter area. The Shadowed Netherwalker can be
tanked, and it has a single ability called
Touch of Shadows, which is regularly cast and can be interrupted. It deals heavy Shadow damage to all raid members within the Twisting Nether.
- Void Star is a second add that spawns within the Twisting Nether realm.
It cannot be tanked. The Void Star
Fixates on the nearest raid member, and follows them. The Void star is buffed with
Dark Pursuit, increasing its movement speed by 50% every 5 seconds. If the Void Star reaches its target, all raid members within 8 yards are knocked far back, and off the platform to their deaths.
During Phase Three, your raid will have to strike a balance between quickly killing Archimonde (especially once he reaches 25% health and unlocks his final ability) while still correctly handling all of the abilities and killing all the adds with a higher priority than Archimonde himself.
Tanking Concerns
A tank switch must be performed whenever a tank is affected with Nether Banish.
The boss must then be pulled away to avoid unwanted raid members
standing in
Nether Banish.
Inside the Twisting Nether, the Shadowed Netherwalkers must be tanked.
In Phase Three, we recommend the same general positioning as during Phase
Two. However, the raid must remain spread 6 yards apart to avoid taking
unnecessary splash damage from Demonic Feedback. The raid should remain
relatively far away from Archimonde, except for the raid members who are
chosen to go to the Twisting Nether, as we will explain further below.
Handling the Mechanics
Shackled Torment and
Wrought Chaos should be handled in the same manner as in Phase Two.
For Nether Banish, we recommend sending a number of raid members based on
the raid size into the Twisting Nether. Besides the tank who will always enter,
we recommend at least one healer, one melee DPS, and ranged DPS with
powerful single-target damage (against targets that will not live for very
long). The assigned players will have to stack up with the tank
targeted by Nether Banish to enter the Twisting Nether. Due to
Nether Corruption's
one minute duration (the damage of which would cause a player
already affected by it to die if they were to re-enter the Twisting
Nether), two groups must be created that alternate entering the
Twisting Nether. We explain what to do in the Twisting Nether below.
For Nether Tear, avoid standing in the void zone. Additionally, stand as
far away from the void zone as possible in order to give Living Shadow adds a
further way to travel. Ranged DPS players will have to focus down and kill
these adds as quickly as possible, before they reach their intended
Due to Demonic Feedback, you must remain spread 6 yards apart to avoid taking splash damage.
For Rain of Chaos, use movement speed cooldowns on the entire raid to move
from falling meteors in a timely fashion, and also take as little damage as
For the Infernal Doombringers, we recommend having a second tank tank them together. From this pile, individual Infernals are to be taunted out by other raid members to stop them from healing, and allow them to be killed as quickly as possible. When only one tank is available (due to the other being inside the Twisting Nether), a single tank will have to handle all the Infernals. It may also be possible to have melee DPS players each tank an Infernal.
In the Twisting Nether
Inside the Twisting Nether, things are quite straightforward. Your goal is to kill the Shadowed Netherwalker in order to return to the normal realm. That said, you have a few tasks to complete.
The constant damage from Nether Corruption must be healed through.
All players must avoid standing in Nether Storm void zones.
The Shadowed Netherwalker's Touch of Shadows must be interrupted as much as possible.
The Void Star must be kited and killed off with high priority. If the Void
Star somehow reaches its target, you will have to attempt to remain on the
platform by using abilities such as Disengage,
Blink, and Displacer Beast.
When to use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
We recommend using Heroism/
Time Warp when Archimonde
reaches 25% health, as the fight gets extremely difficult at this point.
When to use the Legendary Ring
We recommend that DPS players use the Legendary Ring as often as possible when non-Archimonde targets are up that must be killed, especially Doomfire Spirits, Hellfire Deathcallers, and Infernal Doombringers. We also recommend saving a usage for the end of Phase Three, to combine with Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp and finish the fight as quickly as possible. It is possible that ring usage in the Twisting Nether and back on Draenor is separate, which would allow raid members inside the Twisting Nether to use their ring for the Shadowed Netherwalker.
We recommend that healers use their Legendary Ring when Shadowfel Bursts
are released in Phase One,
Unleashed Torment goes off in Phase Two and Three,
as well as during
Rain of Chaos and
Hellfire in Phase Three.
Finally, we recommend that tanks use their Legendary Ring in conjunction
with Death Brand in Phases One and Two, as well as towards the end of
Phase Three.
Learning the Fight
Archimonde is a long, complex encounter that will challenge your raid's ability to handle multiple things at one time, especially as the fight intensifies towards Phase Three. DPS players and healers will be tested on their ability to deliver throughput when needed.
Right from the start of the long encounter, there are abilities that can very easily kill an inattentive raid member. Wasting combat resurrections this early in the fight will be a large roadblock to progressing through the encounter. All new abilities that are introduced during the fight have a rather steep learning curve, and it will take all raid members numerous tries to be able to execute them all without fail. None of the three phases are simple in execution, and it only gets more difficult towards the end.
In this section, you will find the loot table for Archimonde. The section is divided in 3 subsections: armor, weapons, and the rest (neck, back, finger, and trinket items).
In addition to all the items listed below, Archimonde drops a
mount, Felsteel Annihilator, in Mythic mode.
Item Name | Armor | Slot | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
Cloth | Head |
![]() |
Cloth | Head |
![]() |
Cloth | Shoulders |
![]() |
Cloth | Chest |
![]() |
Cloth | Waist |
![]() |
Leather | Chest |
![]() |
Leather | Hands |
![]() |
Leather | Waist |
![]() |
Leather | Legs |
![]() |
Chest |
![]() |
Hands |
![]() |
Hands |
![]() |
Plate | Shoulders |
![]() |
Plate | Chest |
![]() |
Plate | Feet |
![]() |
Plate | Feet |
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
1H Mace | Intellect |
![]() |
Staff | Intellect |
![]() |
Staff | Intellect |
![]() |
2H Sword | Strength |
![]() |
2H Sword | Strength |
Amulets, Cloaks, Rings, and Trinkets
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
Amulet | Agility |
![]() |
Amulet |
![]() |
Cloak | Strength |
![]() |
Trinket |
Multistrike |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
Trinket |
Multistrike |
![]() |
Trinket |
Critical Strike |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket | ||
![]() |
Trinket |
Concluding Remarks
This concludes our raid guide for Archimonde. We hope you have found it helpful. Please do not hesitate to post any feedback you may have on our forums.
- 28 Aug. 2015: Added a link to the LFR guide.
- 24 Jun. 2015: Fixed two errors in the guide. The guide now correctly states that Consume Magic cannot be interrupted, and that the Hellfire Deathcallers fixate on the tank that was hit by Death Brand.
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