Arms Warrior DPS Sanctum of Domination Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Arms Warrior for each boss of the following raid: Sanctum of Domination. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.
On this page, you will find Arms Warrior specific information to deal with each boss in the Sanctum of Domination raid.
This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Arms Warrior and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.
While the normal single-target talents can be used for most bosses,
Fated Power: Chaotic Essence twists this by adding a significant
multitarget component which Warriors are well suited to engaging. As affixes
are random each week, these guidelines do not consider it, but you should
talent into at least
Warbreaker and
Bladestorm, along
with the
Signet of Tormented Kings legendary for whichever bosses the
affix is active on.
Talent and Legendary Cheatsheet
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
The Tarragrue
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Tarragrue.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
- This boss is quite unique, granting you Anima Powers similar to those found in Torghast, which can greatly enhance damage as well as survivability throughout the encounter.
- For DPS,
Elethium Weights,
Huddled Carvings,
Potent Acid Gland, and all Obleron-type powers are good choices. Defensively,
Oddly Intangible Key can be very useful for surviving
Annihilating Smash.
- However,
Lumbering Form,
Twisted Samophlange, and
Ten of Towers should be avoided, as they all have negative effects on the rest of the raid group.
For more information, please refer to our The Tarragrue guide.
The Eye of the Jailer
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Eye of the Jailer.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
Anger Management is a good pick for helping align
Recklessness with both boss and add phases.
Heroic Leap will not dodge
Annihilating Glare, though
Door of Shadows can with careful timing.
Spell Reflection can counter
Piercing Lens, one tick of
Spreading Misery, and one stack of
Immediate Extermination.
For more information, please refer to our The Eye of the Jailer guide.
The Nine
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Nine.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
Heroic Leap,
Charge, and
Intervene can all be used to avoid
Wings of Rage and
Reverberating Refrain.
Bladestorm outperforms
Dragon Roar at 3 targets, though single-target is better in the last phase.
Spell Reflection can reflect
Soulful Blast and
Fragments of Destiny.
For more information, please refer to our The Nine guide.
Remnant of Ner'zhul
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Remnant of Ner'zhul.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
Heroic Leap,
Charge, and
Intervene will help avoid getting knocked away by
Sweeping Strikes and
Bladestorm should be used whenever bosses are stacked up in earlier parts of the encounter.
Spell Reflection will also help reduce the damage done by
For more information, please refer to our Remnant of Ner'zhul guide.
Soulrender Dormazain
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Soulrender Dormazain.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
Anger Management can be used to help
Bladestorm line up with waves of adds.
Heroic Leap can easily avoid
Torment, as well as quickly break
Warmonger Shackles chains.
- If targeted by
Brand of Torment, try to envelop Mawsworn with it.
- Use
Pummel to interrupt Mawsworn.
For more information, please refer to our Soulrender Dormazain guide.
Painsmith Raznal
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Painsmith Raznal.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
Heroic Leap will not avoid damage from
Spiked Balls or Walls.
Spiked Balls should be destroyed as the priority target, though
Sweeping Strikes can be used to hit others at the same time.
For more information, please refer to our Painsmith Raznal guide.
Guardian of the First Ones
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Guardian of the First Ones.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
- Always ensure
Threat Neutralization is placed on Energy Cores.
- Save defensive cooldowns for high stacks of
Purging Protocol.
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Fatescribe Roh-Kalo.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
Bladestorm should be saved for packs of smaller adds.
Sweeping Strikes can be timed to hit every set of bigger adds during the intermission.
Spell Reflection can deflect
Diviner's Probe and prevent
Twist Fate.
- Do not use
Spell Reflection during
Call of Eternity! Although it will reflect the debuff onto the boss, it will still deal damage to the raid when it explodes, dealing significant damage to melee and tanks.
For more information, please refer to our Fatescribe Roh-Kalo guide.
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Kel'Thuzad.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
- Warriors should focus adds during phase changes rather than the Phylactery,
Signet of Tormented Kings a strong choice, although
Nature's Fury or
Elysian Might can be used as alternatives for Night Fae or Kyrian respectively.
- Use
Heroic Leap to help run
Oblivion's Echo away from the raid. If not used to silence
Piercing Wail, it should be interrupted with
- Glacial Spikes should not be destroyed too quickly, so be wary of uncontrolled AoE.
Spell Reflection will deflect
Shadow Pool and
Howling Blizzard.
For more information, please refer to our Kel'Thuzad guide.
Sylvanas Windrunner
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Sylvanas Windrunner.
Nature's Fury
Enduring Blow
- The encounter ends at 45%, heavily devaluing Execute, but there are numerous adds throughout the first two phases, making Arms decent for overall damage, but only mediocre for actually finishing the fight.
Domination Chains target the closest players, so a good tactic is to purposefully stick close to a set, then use
Heroic Leap and
Charge to quickly move to the other, giving you targets to hit while avoiding the pull of your own arrow.
- In Phase One, save cooldowns on Domination Chains to kill them quickly.
- In Phase Two, save cooldowns for groups of adds until reaching the third and final platform, as the last set of adds will automatically despawn when she phases.
- In Phase Three, use cooldowns freely, aligning with Heroism/Bloodlust at the end of the fight as able.
- The silence inflicted by
Wailing Arrow does not stop most Warrior spells, but the attack itself can deal a lot of damage, so consider saving defensives.
For more information, please refer to our Sylvanas Windrunner guide.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Archimtiros, Warrior class theorycrafter and SimulationCraft developer who has been writing class guides for more than a decade. You can follow him on Twitter or see more of his day to day work in Skyhold, the Warrior Discord.
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