Assassination Rogue DPS Macros and Addons — The War Within (11.1.0)
On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Assassination Rogue in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Rogue addons and macros.
Macros for Assassination Rogue
You can use modifiers in case some abilities are "exclusive" to one another without having to change your hotkeys or drag abilities into your hotkey bars all the time. The syntax for these is as follows:
- [known:SPELLNAME] or [known:SPELLID]
- [noknown:SPELLNAME] or [noknown:SPELLID]
Shiv and
Thistle Tea Macro.
For almost all scenarios, it is recommended to simply macro these two
abilities together, so you will always be using a charge of Thistle Tea
- #showtooltip Shiv
- /cast Shiv
- /castsequence reset=5 Thistle Tea, null
With the Castsequence modifier, you will avoid accidentally using multiple charges of Thistle Tea when spamming the button.
Cold Blood Macro.
For optimal Cold Blood usage when playing Fatebound, you can simply macro it
into your Kingsbane ability to always be used alongside it.
- #showtooltip Kingsbane
- /cast ColdBlood
- /cast Kingsbane
Generic Macros for Rogues
Tricks of the Trade
- #showtooltip
- /cast [@mouseover] Tricks of the Trade
This macro will cast Tricks of the Trade on your mouse over target.
- #showtooltip
- /cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade
This macro will cast Tricks of the Trade at your focus. This can be useful if
you prefer this over the mouseover option.
- #showtooltip
- /cast [@mouseover, help] [@focus, help] [@targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
This macro combines the two macros from above. Also, if you have no mouseover target
and no focus, then it casts Tricks of the Trade on your target's target (who is
most likely going to be the tank if you are targeting the boss).
- /cast [target="Tank's Name"] Tricks of the Trade
Finally, this is a simple macro if you are usually casting Tricks on the same tank before or during each pull.
Addons for Assassination Rogue
Generic Addons for Rogues
ElvUI is a complete replacement for the default User Interface. Not only is this a popular AddOn among top players, but we here at Icy Veins use it for all our characters. ElvUI eliminates most of the inefficiencies of the Blizzard interface, which are many and varied. It is extremely user friendly, and takes very little time to set up and master. It also comes already furnished with almost everything you need; unit frames, raid frames, minimap, buffs and debuffs, and much more. You can easily unlock and drag all the components around so your UI will look exactly the way you want it to. ElvUI is clean, easy to use, and a great starting point for your UI.
For a quick configuration guide, you can check out Pandacho's guide.
Weak Auras
Weak Auras is the most important AddOn for players seeking to master their class and take their gameplay to new heights. If you aspire to do any Mythic raiding, this is the most powerful tool in your kit. Weak Auras allows you to display helpful visuals cues anywhere on your screen, which enable you to play better. Most players use it to track their trinket procs, highlight on screen displays of their most important cooldowns, or track the timers of boss mechanics. It is highly customisable and makes keeping track of your procs and cooldowns effortless. The drawback of Weak Auras is that is has a bit of a learning curve and is not the most user friendly. Weak Auras allows you to import other players data directly into their UI, however, and most players choose to simply import other people's Weak Auras rather than make their own. Weak Auras can be used to create just about anything you can imagine, as it is a LUA scripting tool (essentially an AddOn that creates other AddOns, in-game). This is by far the most essential AddOn for players looking to step into Mythic raiding.
Boss Mods
Boss Mods are helpful pre-made timers that allow you to keep track of the noteworthy mechanics in any given encounter. Usually they come equipped with helpful prompts, visuals, and sounds to ensure you do not miss anything important.
BigWigs Bossmods
BigWigs is the best boss mod available currently. It is extremely customizable, allowing you to change what is displayed on an individual boss level and how boldly you want each alert customized. BigWigs is typically the most accurate and periodically updated of the available Boss Mods. It does not require any setup at all, though there are a dizzying array of options and customizations should you wish to personalize your setup.
LittleWigs Bossmods
This is really just BigWigs, but for dungeons. It has the same customization options, and allows you to prepare as best as you can for all mechanics that will be thrown at you in regular or Mythic+ dungeons.
Deadly Boss Mods
Deadly Boss Mods is an alternative to BigWigs, though it usually is not as accurate early in the patch. Most of the alerts are loud and flashy by default, making this a potentially good choice for players who have very little experience in a raid environment.
Name Plates
Nameplates are essential for allowing you to easily keep track of basic debuffs and quickly select new targets in combat. While ElvUI nameplates do come standard with the AddOn, they are a little limited and occasionally buggy. Listed below are some good alternatives.
Plater Nameplates
Plater offers the highest degree of customization and accuracy. For example, you can easily configure the nameplates to enlarge and change color when a target reaches a certain percentage of health, which can be very helpful for classes with executes. They always correctly display your debuffs, and their click box is very accurate. Some setup is required, although it is very simple and straightforward.
TidyPlates are not quite as customizable or accurate as KUI, but they are an improvement over the default UI or the ElvUI nameplates. They are also great out of the box, requiring little to no setup at all, which is a plus for some players.
Details is a more heavyweight damage meter, taking up quite a bit of memory. It offers extensive in-game analysis tools compared to Skada, however, allowing you to break down your data in depth without leaving the game. This is the recommended damage meter if you do not log your raid data.
Extra AddOns
These AddOns are just small trimmings that might make your life a little easier.
Mik's Scrolling Battle Text
If you not not satisfied with the default combat text, this AddOn is an alternative that allows you to heavily customize your scrolling combat text. Quite a bit of setup is required.
Death Note
Death Note displays the last several deaths for each of your party or raid members. For 30 seconds prior to their death, a complete timestamp of their combat log is displayed, showing their current health, what heals they received, what buffs and debuffs they had, whether they used their personal cooldowns, etc. This AddOn is helpful for breaking down your own death as well as finding out whether that guy really did use his healthstone.
Doom CooldownPulse
Whenever one of your abilities comes off cooldown, this AddOn flashes a large transparent version of the ability in the center of your screen, alerting you that it is off cooldown. You can easily configure what is displayed, or use it by default.
Angry Assignments
This AddOn allows you to set up text assignments that are displayed to everyone else in the raid group that have the AddOn. Extremely beneficial for raiding guilds, particularly when assigning jobs like interrupt orders, or what players are soaking in what quadrants of the room, etc.
Specific Addons for Assassination Rogues
Currently, we feel that there is no need for additional addons to play an Assassination Rogue to its full potential.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Page has been reviewed and updated for TWW Patch 11.1.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Page has been reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Page reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Page has been reviewed and updated for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 21 Mar. 2024: Page has been reviewed for Patch 10.2.6, no changes were necessary.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Page has been reviewed and updated for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Page updated for the Patch 10.2 Rogue rework.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Page was reviewed for Patch 10.1.7 and no changes were necessary.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Page was reviewed for Patch 10.1.5 and no changes were necessary as Assassination received no changes for the Patch.
- 29 Apr. 2023: Patch 10.1 required no changes to this page.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Rogue Guides
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This guide has been written and reviewed by Seliathan, who has been playing Rogue since the first day of Classic. He currently raids in Familiar with Drama, and is one of the foremost Mythic+ Rogue players. You can often find him streaming on Twitch, or follow him on his personal Discord server.
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