Assassination Rogue Torghast Guide and Best Anima Powers — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, we tell you all you need to know to prepare your Assassination Rogue before entering Torghast and then how to pick up the right Anima Powers once you are inside!
Assassination Rogue Torghast Guide
This page will guide you on your journey as you ascend Torghast, Tower of the Damned, on your Assassination Rogue. For more information about Torghast and its inner working, you can check out our comprehensive Torghast pages.
Best Assassination Rogue Talent Setup for Torghast, Tower of the Damned
You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:
Best Legendary Power for Torghast as Assassination Rogue
It is recommended to play Zoldyck Insignia or
Dashing Scoundrel
in Torghast. As using
Vanish might often reset enemies you are engaged
with, using
Mark of the Master Assassin is not ideal. At higher gear levels,
using Master Assassin can become the best choice however, as you will
quickly kill most regular enemies due to the high crit-rate, while switching to
a more single-target oriented legendary right before the boss fight. You can find
out more about which legendary powers are viable for Assassination Rogue in
general by following the link.
Best Soulbind for Torghast as Assassination Rogue
These are the recommended Soulbinds for Torghast, Tower of the Damned:
All Covenants are viable for all types of content for Assassination. If you are unsure yet which Covenant to pick, you can head over to our comprehensive Covenant overview to learn more about each individual Covenant and its strengths and weaknesses.
Playing Assassination Rogue in Torghast, Tower of the Damned
As you start to ascend the Tower of the Damned, you will quickly realize that Torghast plays very differently to Mythic+ or Raids. Most enemies stand still or patrol between packs, everything can be crowd controlled or kited, and each pack can be pulled individually. This allows you to use your full toolkit to give yourself an edge in braving the Jailers minions.
It is important to utilize your crowd control and utility abilities to their fullest to avoid getting swarmed by enemies. You have a lot of different tools at your disposal and using all of them will allow to ascend Torghast more swiftly and safely.
A few tricks to keep in mind as you venture further into Torghast:
Vanish allows you to drop combat with any enemy you are fighting. Use this when you are getting overwhelmed so you do not use up your limited resurrections. Some enemies can detect stealth, so it is advised to run away far enough from them in order to successfully vanish from sight.
Crippling Poison is very effective as it allows you to kite enemies, especially when talented into
Master Poisoner. As most of your damage is damage over time from your bleed and poison effects, you can whittle down groups of enemies by weaving in and out of the fight to re-apply your DoTs before going back to watching them bleed out from afar.
Kidney Shot is your highest damaging finisher when talented into
Internal Bleeding. It also generates extra Energy, and should be used on cooldown against any enemies you fight, to avoid taking too much damage.
- Almost all enemies are vulnerable to both
Sap and
Blind. Use these to isolate individual enemies, kill them, then
Vanish and wait for your cooldowns to recharge before initiating another combat.
Distract can be used to stop patrols from moving for a short period of time. This might allow you to set up the battlefield to your advantage.
Evasion allows you to not take any melee damage from most enemies. Use this at low health and when you have already used Kidney Shot once. This will allow you to leech your health back up while also resetting the diminishing return on Kidney Shot.
Taking it slow is a perfectly viable approach, and there is no shame in waiting out your defensive and offensive cooldowns before jumping into the next group of enemies. While being slow will lower your final score a bit, its is much less punishing than dying even once.
Best Assassination Rogue Anima Powers
Throughout Torghast you will find Anima Powers inside chests, puzzles, or after killing particularly dangerous enemies. You will oftentimes be presented with multiple choices, and while it is a lot of fun to try out different combinations and builds, some of these powers are simply too good to pass up.
In this section we will discuss some of the most powerful Anima Powers as well as highlight a few interesting combinations that can make your journey much easier when put together. Half the fun of Torghast is combining individual powers so do not feel limited to the selection of Anima Powers that are listed here. As there is no time-limit or entry-cost associated with Torghast, trying out different combinations and builds can make any run feel different and more enjoyable than the previous one. For a comprehensive list of all Rogue Anima Powers, you can check out our dedicated Anima Power page.
Best Individual Anima Powers for Assassination Rogue
Most of these powers are very powerful by themselves, and should be picked up whenever you are given the choice. For a complete list of all Anima Powers available to Rogues, please refer to the pages linked below.
Occasionally you will find Anima Powers that give you a large amount of Phantasma at once or increase your Phantasma gain for the rest of your run. You should generally pick these if you find them within the first 2 Floors, and skip these if you have already visited Broker Veken on Floor 3.
Distracting Charges applies a debuff to each enemy affected by your
distract, that explodes for massive damage once it expires while also stunning
each target for 3 seconds. This will one-shot most enemies with low health and
will significantly damage elite enemies. As you cannot use distract on
enemies that are already engaged in combat you can only use this once per pack,
and once picked up you will no longer be able to distract patrols without also
engaging them in combat.
Red Ink is particularly powerful for Assassination Rogues, as it
increases your bleed and poison damage.
Unceasing Chain Link will boost the damage of your Combo Point
generators by 150% after using a finisher. This buff stays on you until you use
a builder and is very potent when talented into
Subterfuge for massive
damage from your
Garrote. When running multiple of these you will want
to use low-CP finishers instead of always building to 4 or more Combo Points.
Vein Rippers consumes all your bleeds and poisons when you
to deal their damage instantly. Using
Mark of the Master Assassin and
Pouch of Soul-Ash with Vein Rippers can provide very regular and powerful
burst. Do not use this on bosses however, as they tend to reset when Vanish is
being used.
First Steps increases the damage of your next finishing move after
Shadowstep. This damage bonus applies to all enemies around your
target and combining this with
Crimson Tempest will lead to some
incredible AoE damage. You can easily start kiting enemies and watch them bleed
out as you wait for your next Shadowstep to repeat this process. Combining this
The Last Blade will further boost your Envenom damage, especially
when stacked with
Vendetta and
Secret Spices increases your health by 2% whenever you kill a Mawrat.
These low-health enemies can be found multiple times on each floor, and while
the health increase might not seem like a lot at first, it will stack up quickly
and drastically improve your survivability.
Terror-laden Slumbersand allows you to deal 50% of your regular damage
to targets affected by
Blind and
Sap. This allows you to
dispatch of elite enemies without ever having to face them, by controlling them
and then fighting a less threatening larger group of enemies, as half your AoE
damage will be transferred to the controlled enemies.
You will oftentimes be able to access an additional talent. If these are from Tier 1, 2 or 3 you should always pick these. Refer to the top of this page for good optional picks.
Best Covenant Anima Powers for Assassination Rogue
Reverberating Strike changes your
Echoing Reprimand to instead
function as if your finishing ability was used with 20 Combo Points. This can
lead to some massive burst damage when combined with other Anima Powers that
also improve the damage of your finishers like
First Steps or
The Last Blade.
Spiked Lashes is the best Anima Power for
Flagellation. With
this Power you will gain twice the amount of Haste from your Flagellation.
Due to our increased Combo Point generation on AoE we will quickly gain the full
benefit of an extra 30% Haste.
Boiling Poison Sores and
Backup Poison Injectors are two very
strong upgrades for
Sepsis. They are especially powerful when pulling
multiple elite enemies at once.
Poisoned Rush on the other hand allows
for 40 seconds of Vendetta, and will make killing the final boss incredibly
easy when you also have
Jack of All Trades.
All of the Necrolord powers, like Fractured Bone Shards and
Hollow Bones, are fairly weak compared to Anima Powers of the same rarity.
Feel free to pick them when all other choices are of a lower rarity, however.
The only powerful Necrolord Anima Power is
Volatile Flesh. Stacking any
powers that provide you with more health will also increase the damage of the
shield, and can often be powerful enough to kill even Elite enemies instantly.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written and reviewed by Seliathan, who has been playing Rogue since the first day of Classic. He currently raids in Familiar with Drama, and is one of the foremost Mythic+ Rogue players. You can often find him streaming on Twitch, or follow him on his personal Discord server.
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