Augmentation Evoker DPS Spec, Builds, and Talents — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Saeldur 19 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find out the best talents for each tier for your Augmentation Evoker in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0). We also have default talent lists for various types of content, such as raiding or Mythic+. If you play with Warmode on, we have your PvP talents covered as well.


Best The War Within Talents for Augmentation Evoker

On this page, we cover all the talents you have access to, explaining how each one is to be used. Some of these talents, active or passive, can make a huge difference in how Augmentation Evokers is played, which is explained on our rotation page. Some talents however have a more versatile use in Mythic+ than in raids; if this is more your thing, we strongly recommend that you check the Mythic+ page.


Talent Cheat Sheet for Augmentation Evoker

Augmentation has two viable Hero Talent trees which pros and cons for each. Be sure to read below to see what we say about them!

Recommended Build Import Codes:

Universal Build - Scalecommander (Recommended Default)
Raid Build - Scalecommander
Mythic+/Delve Build - Scalecommander

Best War Within Talent Builds for Augmentation Evoker

Universal Build
Single-Target Build
Mythic+/Delve Build
Universal Build
Single-Target Build
Mythic+/Delve Build

Best Scalecommander Universal Build for Augmentation Evoker

We run the same Scalecommander Hero Talents for all content.

Universal Build - Scalecommander

Best Scalecommander Raid Build for Augmentation Evoker

We run the same Scalecommander Hero Talents for all content.

Our Raid build starts out with a generic talent setup that will work everywhere but not every boss will need you to have the reduced Quell Icon Quell cooldown from Imposing Presence Icon Imposing Presence if there are no interrupts and if the boss is only Single Target then you wont need Pupil of Alexstrasza Icon Pupil of Alexstrasza. If you are on a boss that does not need these we suggest moving them to other utility like Arcane Reach Icon Arcane Reach, Bestow Weyrnstone Icon Bestow Weyrnstone or Draconic Attunements Icon Draconic Attunements.

For pure Single Target you may opt to drop Rumbling Earth Icon Rumbling Earth and Interwoven Threads Icon Interwoven Threads for both Inferno's Blessing Icon Inferno's Blessing and Molten Embers Icon Molten Embers for increased DPS.

Raid Build - Scalecommander

Best Scalecommander Mythic+ Build for Augmentation Evoker

We run the same Scalecommander Hero Talents for all content.

For our Spec Tree in Mythic+ and Delve content we move two points from Innate Magic Icon Innate Magic to Sleep Walk Icon Sleep Walk and Terror of the Skies Icon Terror of the Skies as the additional crowd control is invaluable. We additionally move Unravel Icon Unravel to Oppressing Roar Icon Oppressing Roar as the CC duration increase is more generically useful. Unravel Icon Unravel is still useful in dungeons with absorb shields.

For our Class Tree in Mythic+ and Delve content, we move either Interwoven Threads Icon Interwoven Threads to Overlord Icon Overlord. Overlord Icon Overlord provides a significant amount of AOE dps as a Scalecommander so we take the single target hit to pick this up. You also have the option of changing your utility around if you would like to. We have left the point in Stretch Time Icon Stretch Time but you could move it to Timelessness Icon Timelessness or Bestow Weyrnstone Icon Bestow Weyrnstone if you feel like it would be more useful in the dungeon you are in. Additionally, you could move Power Nexus Icon Power Nexus to Regenerative Chitin Icon Regenerative Chitin for a smoother experience at the cost of a small amount of damage.

While this build is our suggested Delving build we do not recommend playing Delves solo as Augmentation Evoker. Playing Delves solo as an Augmentation Evoker significantly increases the difficulty of the content as well as making them take an incredibly long time. We strongly suggest playing Devastation Evoker instead or finding a group.

Mythic+ Build - Scalecommander

Best Chronowarden Universal Build for Augmentation Evoker

We usually run the same Chronowarden Hero Talents for all content. Running Time Convergence Icon Time Convergence over Double-time Icon Double-time is an option in Mythic+ where your Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might is weaker.

Universal Build - Chrono Warden

Best Chronowarden Raid Build for Augmentation Evoker

We run the same Chronowarden Hero Talents for all raiding content.

Our Raid build starts out with a generic talent setup that will work everywhere. This build changes Plot the Future Icon Plot the Future and Interwoven Threads Icon Interwoven Threads to Inferno's Blessing Icon Inferno's Blessing and Molten Embers Icon Molten Embers when compared to the univeresal build which results in slightly more DPS but higher rotational complexity. Also, you may want to change the utility this tree takes as not every boss will need you to have the reduced Quell Icon Quell cooldown from Imposing Presence Icon Imposing Presence if there are no interrupts and if the boss is only Single Target then you wont need Pupil of Alexstrasza Icon Pupil of Alexstrasza. If you are on a boss that does not need these we suggest moving them to other utility like Arcane Reach Icon Arcane Reach, Bestow Weyrnstone Icon Bestow Weyrnstone or Draconic Attunements Icon Draconic Attunements.

Raiding Build - Chrono Warden

Best Chronowarden Mythic+ Build for Augmentation Evoker

In Mythic+ you have the option of running Time Convergence Icon Time Convergence over Double-time Icon Double-time. This is because in Mythic+, your Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might is weaker due to not buffing 4 DPS players. The default build linked below runs Double-time Icon Double-time as it will be the most commonly played, but if you would like to play Time Convergence Icon Time Convergence just swap the talent over.

For our Spec Tree in Mythic+ and Delve content we move two points from Innate Magic Icon Innate Magic to Sleep Walk Icon Sleep Walk and Terror of the Skies Icon Terror of the Skies as the additional crowd control is invaluable. We additionally move Unravel Icon Unravel to Oppressing Roar Icon Oppressing Roar as the CC duration increase is more generically useful. Unravel Icon Unravel is still useful in dungeons with absorb shields.

For our Class Tree in Mythic+ and Delve content we do not move any talents around although you have the options of changing your utility around if you would like to. You can opt to further specialise in AoE damage by moving the point from Plot the Future Icon Plot the Future to Overlord Icon Overlord but this will reduce your Single Target. We also set Stretch Time Icon Stretch Time as a good default but you could move the point to Timelessness Icon Timelessness or Bestow Weyrnstone Icon Bestow Weyrnstone if you feel like it would be more useful in the dungeon you are in. Additionally, you could move Power Nexus Icon Power Nexus to Regenerative Chitin Icon Regenerative Chitin for a smoother experience at the cost of a small amount of damage.

While this build is our suggested Delving build for Chronowarden we do not recommend playing Delves solo as Augmentation Evoker. Playing Delves solo as an Augmentation Evoker significantly increases the difficulty of the content as well as making them take an incredibly long time. We strongly suggest playing Devastation Evoker instead or finding a group.

Mythic+ Build - Chrono Warden

Augmentation Evoker Talents Explained

Due to the nature of The War Within's talent trees, almost every talent is meant to be viable or have a desirable niche where you may want to select it. As such, we will cover some of the more favored talents that you will want to prioritize most of the time from the top of each tree on down, followed by mentioning some of the more considerable niche talents that are likely only rarely useful. If you would like to see a list of every single talent's effect as well as the abbreviations they are often known by in the community, please consult our Spell List and Glossary section instead.


The War Within Augmentation Evoker Hero Talents



Talent Description/Effect
Mass Eruption Icon Mass Eruption Mass Eruption Icon Mass Eruption is a passive ability that procs after you use an Empower Spell (Upheaval Icon Upheaval or Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath). This makes Eruption Icon Eruption cleave towards up to 2 additional enemies. If additional enemies are missing then each Eruption deals 15% more damage per missing target. E.g. 1x Eruption at 130% damage, 2x Eruptions at 115% damage each or 3x eruptions at 100% damage each.
Might of the Black Dragonflight Icon Might of the Black Dragonflight Might of the Black Dragonflight Icon Might of the Black Dragonflight is a passive ability that boosts the damage of your black spells by 20%. This includes Bombardments Icon Bombardments and Maneuverability Icon Maneuverabilitys DoT.
Bombardments Icon Bombardments Bombardments Icon Bombardments is a passive ability that triggers on the main target of Eruption Icon Eruption when it is buffed by Mass Eruption Icon Mass Eruption. This debuff lasts for 6 seconds. During this debuff, you and your allies have a 30% chance to trigger a Bombardments Icon Bombardments hit, with a 2-second interval cooldown between successful triggers. This means that the more allies you have the closer you will proc this to the internal cooldown. Sadly, bombardments deal full split damage, so the AoE Scaling of this talent is weak.
Onslaught Icon Onslaught Onslaught Icon Onslaught is a passive ability that procs after you enter combat giving you a Burnout Icon Burnout buff. This has minimal impact on DPS but feels nice in open-world content or dungeons.
Melt Armor Icon Melt Armor Melt Armor Icon Melt Armor is a passive ability that makes Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons apply a 20% damage vulnerability for Bombardments Icon Bombardments and Eruption Icon Eruption for 12 seconds.
Wingleader Icon Wingleader Wingleader Icon Wingleader is a passive ability that gives from 1 second of Cooldown Reduction to Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons per target by Bombardments Icon Bombardments, up to a maximum of 3 targets. When paired with Interwoven Threads Icon Interwoven Threads and a decent amount of haste (15-20%) this can consistently provide enough Cooldown Reduction to make Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons effectively a 90 second cooldown. On AoE this provides even more and is powerful enough to just press on Cooldown due to other supporting talents Scalecommander builds take (Melt Armor Icon Melt Armor, Imminent Destruction Icon Imminent Destruction and Plot the Future Icon Plot the Future).
Unrelenting Siege Icon Unrelenting Siege Unrelenting Siege Icon Unrelenting Siege is a passive ability that grants a ramping damage increase to Azure Strike Icon Azure Strike, Living Flame Icon Living Flame and Eruption Icon Eruption. This ramps every 1 second up to a maximum of 15% damage after 15 seconds. The bonus is immediately lost upon leaving combat.
Hardened Scales Icon Hardened Scales Hardened Scales Icon Hardened Scales is a passive ability that increases the damage reduction of Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales by 10% (30%->40%). This is approximately equivalent to having 16.7% more EHP during Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales.
Menacing Presence Icon Menacing Presence Menacing Presence Icon Menacing Presence is a passive ability that reduces the damage of enemies you knock up or backward by 15% for 8 seconds.
Extended Battle Icon Extended Battle Extended Battle Icon Extended Battle is a passive ability that extends all active Bombardments Icon Bombardments debuffs by 1 second every time you cast an essence spell. Due to the short nature of Bombardments Icon Bombardments and the long empower cooldown Augmentation runs this always.
Diverted Power Icon Diverted Power Diverted Power Icon Diverted Power is a passive ability gives Bombardments Icon Bombardments a low chance to grant an Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst each time they deal damage. The chance to proc an essence burst is too low with Augmentations already poor Bombardments Icon Bombardments uptime to justify taking this talent.
Nimble Flyer Icon Nimble Flyer Nimble Flyer Icon Nimble Flyer is a passive ability that grants 10% reduced damage taken from AOE effects while Hover Icon Hover is active.
Slipstream Icon Slipstream Slipstream Icon Slipstream is a passive ability that gives you an additional charge of Hover Icon Hover each time you use Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons.
Maneuverability Icon Maneuverability Maneuverability Icon Maneuverability is a passive ability that lets you steer Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons. With this talent, you can adjust the direction of Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons steering it slightly, somewhat akin to dragonriding. Pressing the ability again will cause it to end early. This additionally adds bonus volcanic damage to Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons, dealing a large amount of damage.


Ability Description/Effect
Chrono Flame Icon Chrono Flame Chrono Flame Icon Chrono Flame replaces your Living Flame Icon Living Flame with an upgraded version that repeats 25% of the damage you dealt to the target in the last 5 seconds, up to a cap.
Warp Icon Warp Warp Icon Warp replaces your Hover Icon Hover with a blink and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds. This still grants you the cast while moving effect of Hover Icon Hover.
Temporal Burst Icon Temporal Burst Temporal Burst Icon Temporal Burst is a passive ability that triggers when you use Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales. This provides decaying haste, movement speed, and cooldown reduction. The buff starts at 30% and decays over 30 seconds by 1% per second.
Reverberations Icon Reverberations Reverberations Icon Reverberations is a passive ability that makes Upheaval Icon Upheaval deal 50% additional damage over 8 seconds.
Temporality Icon Temporality Temporality Icon Temporality is a passive ability that makes Warp Icon Warp grant 20% decaying damage reduction. The damage reduction decays over 3 seconds by 2% every 0.3 seconds.
Motes of Acceleration Icon Motes of Acceleration Motes of Acceleration Icon Motes of Acceleration is a passive ability that makes Warp Icon Warp leave 3 motes randomly placed around you that allies can collect to get 20% increased movement speed for 30 seconds.
Threads of Fate Icon Threads of Fate Threads of Fate Icon Threads of Fate is a passive ability that makes empower spells cast during Temporal Burst Icon Temporal Burst provide a thread of fate to an ally for 10 seconds. Threads of fate have a 33% chance to replicate 15% of damage and healing done. This prefers to go on players with your Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might.
Primacy Icon Primacy Primacy Icon Primacy is a passive ability that grants 3% haste each time the dot from Reverberations Icon Reverberations is applied, up to a maximum of 9% haste. Notably, Rumbling Earth Icon Rumbling Earth means you will get the maximum 9% haste on single target as well as AoE.
Double-time Icon Double-time Double-time Icon Double-time is a passive ability that grants a chance equal to your critical strike for Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might and Prescience Icon Prescience to grant 50% additional stats.
Time Convergence Icon Time Convergence Time Convergence Icon Time Convergence is a passive ability that causes non-defensive abilities with a 45-second or longer cooldown to grant 5% intellect for 15 seconds. Essence spells will extend this buff by 1 second per cast. Currently, the spells that will proc this for Augmentation are Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons, Fury of the Aspects Icon Fury of the Aspects, Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales, Time Spiral Icon Time Spiral, and Oppressing Roar Icon Oppressing Roar.
Master of Destiny Icon Master of Destiny Master of Destiny Icon Master of Destiny is a passive ability that makes casting essence spells extend all active Threads of Fate Icon Threads of Fate by 1 second.
Instability Matrix Icon Instability Matrix Instability Matrix Icon Instability Matrix is a passive ability that reduces the cooldown of your empowers by a random amount up to 6 seconds each time you cast them.
Golden Opportunity Icon Golden Opportunity Golden Opportunity Icon Golden Opportunity is a passive ability that gives Prescience Icon Prescience a 20% chance to give you a buff that makes your next Prescience Icon Prescience last 100% longer.
Afterimage Icon Afterimage Afterimage Icon Afterimage is a passive ability that makes your empower spells launch Chrono Flame Icon Chrono Flames at up to three targets hit. These Chrono Flame Icon Chrono Flames can proc essence bursts.

Rows 1-4 Class Talents for Augmentation Evokers


Noteworthy Talents

Talent Description/Effect
Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales One of your few defensive abilities as an Evoker. Needed for Aspects' Favor Icon Aspects' Favor. Allocated by default.
Expunge Icon Expunge Gives you the ability to dispel poisons.
Natural Convergence Icon Natural Convergence An easy-to-acquire cast speed increase for Eruption Icon Eruption.
Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace A very strong instant-cast heal. You can use it on yourself or another player. If used on another player, you will fly to them, which can be handy for mobility, too.
Scarlet Adaptation Icon Scarlet Adaptation This talent acts as one of the main drivers for letting your offhealing count for damage. The damage of your next Living Flame Icon Living Flame gets increased based on the amount of healing you have done. By itself, this does not make your offhealing spells a DPS increase, but when combined with Ancient Flame Icon Ancient Flame it makes using Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace and Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom a DPS increase in place of a Living Flame.
Obsidian Bulwark Icon Obsidian Bulwark A second charge of Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales. This is incredibly important to take as it synergizes with Aspects' Favor Icon Aspects' Favor while also being an extra charge of your own defensive.
Quell Icon Quell Your interrupt ability. This paths to Instinctive Arcana Icon Instinctive Arcana, which is a must-have, so even if you do not need the interrupt, you still need this.
Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might The core spell of Augmentation Evoker. Most of Augmentations talents and spells interact in some way with Ebon Might.
Eruption Icon Eruption This is your only spender unless you talent Dream of Spring Icon Dream of Spring to make Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom into a spender. Casting Eruption extends Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might via Sands of Time Icon Sands of Time.
Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst These allow Living Flame Icon Living Flame and Azure Strike Icon Azure Strike to trigger an Essence Burst. Essence Burst makes your next Essence-costing ability free. It also makes Eruption Icon Eruption cast faster with Ignition Rush Icon Ignition Rush.
Ricocheting Pyroclast Icon Ricocheting Pyroclast This makes Eruption Icon Eruption deal 30% more damage per target struck, up to 150% (5 targets). This adds the target scaling to Eruption as well as boosting its ST.
Essence Attunement Icon Essence Attunement This increases the maximum cap of Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst to 2. This is a big quality of life improvement.
Pupil of Alexstrasza Icon Pupil of Alexstrasza This makes Living Flame Icon Living Flame cleave to an additional target. This cleave can still proc Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst. With Leaping Flames Icon Leaping Flames, this will still always cleave one extra target. E.g., if you fought 4 enemies and had 3 stacks of Leaping Flame, the original cast will hit 4 targets, and the Pupil of Alexstrasza living flame will hit any target that isn't the primary.
Echoing Strike Icon Echoing Strike This makes Azure Strike Icon Azure Strike have a chance to hit again based on targets hit. This can chain proc from itself. All procs can trigger Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst. This talent is currently worse than Pupil of Alexstrasza Icon Pupil of Alexstrasza because Pupil has full value immediately from two targets. This can be used on pure Single Target for a slight DPS gain by improving the power of your Azure Strike Icon Azure Strike as a backup filler movement spell. Ideally, you do not need to cast Azure Strike, but it often happens in reality.
Upheaval Icon Upheaval Your second empowered Spell is one of your hardest-hitting spells. This will deal the same damage at all empowerment levels. Empowering this ability increases the radius. Casting Upheaval extends Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might via Sands of Time Icon Sands of Time.
Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons Breath of Eons is Augmentation's main cooldown. Only allies with Ebon Might contribute to Breath of Eons. You want to pair Breath of Eons with your allies' main DPS cooldowns. While optimal timings may change depending on encounters, a good default timing for using it is every 2 minutes, as a lot of classes have 2-minute cooldowns.
Defy Fate Icon Defy Fate This is a cheat death effect that also heals allies when it triggers. Incredibly potent.

Niche Talents

Talent When to Consider
Clobbering Sweep Icon Clobbering Sweep / Heavy Wingbeats Icon Heavy Wingbeats Dungeon scenarios if you need additional crowd control.
Forger of Mountains Icon Forger of Mountains --
Cauterizing Flame Icon Cauterizing Flame If your group needs additional dispels. Can remove Bleeds. Recommended in Mythic+.
Imposing Presence Icon Imposing Presence Lets you cast Quell Icon Quell more often. Useful if a fight needs more kicks or for Mythic+

Rows 5-7 Class Talents for Augmentation Evoker


Noteworthy Talents

Talent Description/Effect
Ancient Flame Icon Ancient Flame Increases cast speed of Living Flame Icon Living Flame after casting Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom or Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace. When combined with Scarlet Adaptation Icon Scarlet Adaptation, it makes using Emerald Blossom or Verdant Embrace a DPS gain.
Instinctive Arcana Icon Instinctive Arcana An easy-to-obtain damage boost for all abilities.
Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales This makes your next Empowered Spell an instant cast and at the maximum empowerment level. Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales is also not on the GCD.
Rockfall Icon Rockfall Rockfall Icon Rockfall makes Upheaval Icon Upheaval empower faster and gives you a 60% chance to get an Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst when you use it. This will not give Essence Burst Icon Essence Bursts from Rumbling Earth Icon Rumbling Earth.
Inherent Resistance Icon Inherent Resistance 4% Magic damage reduction for 2 points. Very good talent.
Draconic Legacy Icon Draconic Legacy An extra 6% stamina. Always take this talent! It is a huge survivability boost.
Extended Flight Icon Extended Flight Increases the duration of Hover Icon Hover. Extremely good talent.
Blast Furnace Icon Blast Furnace Increases the duration of your Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath DoT. This is an efficient damage node.
Panacea Icon Panacea This boosts the healing of Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom and Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace making them stronger self heals.
Volcanism Icon Volcanism Reduces the essence cost of Eruption Icon Eruption.
Chrono Ward Icon Chrono Ward Gives a shield to allies that dealt damage during Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons based on the damage it deals for that player. This shield is capped at 30% of their maximum health. This provides a helpful amount of sustain to your grip after their cooldowns.
Blistering Scales Icon Blistering Scales Blistering Scales Icon Blistering Scales gives armor to an ally based on 20% of your own. Additionally, attacks against that ally proc an explosion that deals a small amount of damage. This increases your main tank's survivability against physical damage and provides a small amount of damage. Try to maintain on the main tank. Outside of AOE, this talent does not contribute much damage.
Draconic Attunements Icon Draconic Attunements This is an incredibly powerful effect that provides you and your 4 nearest allies either Black Attunement Icon Black Attunement or Bronze Attunement Icon Bronze Attunement. You will usually want to have this on Black Attunement for the maximum health to improve survivability. You can swap Attunements off GCD. This is further enhanced by Aspects' Favor Icon Aspects' Favor.
Prescience Icon Prescience Another Buff Augmentation can Provide. This increases an allies Critical strike chance by 3%. Additionally, Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might prefers to go on targets with Prescience.
Fate Mirror Icon Fate Mirror This talent makes Prescience Icon Prescience have a damage proc effect that acts as another damage amplifier on the target with Prescience.
Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze This is a fairly essential talent due to Evokers not having many defensive abilities. Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze will heal you for the damage you receive over 8 seconds.
Tectonic Locus Icon Tectonic Locus This makes Upheaval Icon Upheaval deal 50% more damage to the primary target giving a nice single-target boost.
Molten Blood Icon Molten Blood This makes Blistering Scales Icon Blistering Scales provide an absorb shield to the target. This shield starts at 40% of the maximum at full hp and linearly scales to 100% of maximum at 20% hp. This effectively adds passive tank sustain which is not very valuable currently.
Font of Magic Icon Font of Magic This makes you cast your empower spells faster, providing a small damage gain. Additionally, the extra maximum rank of Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath gives you an additional Leaping Flames Icon Leaping Flames cleave. This is also a small damage gain. This is worth taking because damage nodes are rare, although it can be dropped for more utility if you desire.

Niche Talents

Talent When to Consider
Sleep Walk Icon Sleep Walk Very strong CC spell for Mythic+ as this is a true CC that does not put you or your allies in combat if you walk near the monster, which is good for skipping trash mobs.
Bountiful Bloom Icon Bountiful Bloom Increases the healing of Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom by letting it hit 5 targets. Take this if you are playing Dream of Spring Icon Dream of Spring.
Exuberance Icon Exuberance Increased movement speed when you are above 75%. Useful for some transmog farm content.
Stretch Time Icon Stretch Time Gives a 50% Time Dilation Icon Time Dilation effect during Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons or Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath. This is nice if you want extra safety for using Breath of Eons as it can often feel risky in hectic fights.
Bestow Weyrnstone Icon Bestow Weyrnstone Grants you and another ally a Weyrnstone Icon Weyrnstone that lets you teleport to each other. Niche pick that may make some fights easier.
Aspects' Favor Icon Aspects' Favor This talent is now significantly weaker after being nerfed to 1% Maximum Health increase per point. This may still see niche play at the highest level of content where you absolutely need every last drop of survivability.

Rows 8-10 Class Talents for Augmentation Evoker


Noteworthy Talents

Talent Description/Effect
Potent Mana Icon Potent Mana This talent means your Source of Magic Icon Source of Magic target deals 3% additional healing.
Rescue Icon Rescue Allows you to pick up a friendly player and fly them to a location you select. Quite useful for getting group members out of danger quickly or assisting a player behind the group.
Source of Magic Icon Source of Magic Provides decent passive mana to healers. More importantly, Potent Mana Icon Potent Mana requires this to be taken.
Twin Guardian Icon Twin Guardian This adds an additional powerful defensive and external to Rescue Icon Rescue. We always suggest having this talent as it is extremely strong. It is very useful for mitigating large AoE damage on both yourself and another squishy party member.
Zephyr Icon Zephyr Zephyr provides damage reduction against area of effect abilities to you and 4 nearest allies. This is another nice defensive utility.
Anachronism Icon Anachronism This talent makes Prescience Icon Prescience have a chance to generate Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst
Time Skip Icon Time Skip Time Skip is a channeled spell that increases the cooldown recovery rate of all your skills by 1000% for 2 seconds. 3 seconds with Tomorrow, Today Icon Tomorrow, Today.
Motes of Possibility Icon Motes of Possibility Motes of Possibility Icon Motes of Possibility is a talent that gives you a chance to proc floating balls when you use Eruption Icon Eruption. Walking into these balls grants one of three buffs: Shifting Sands Icon Shifting Sands, Symbiotic Bloom Icon Symbiotic Bloom or Inferno's Blessing Icon Inferno's Blessing. The only buff that matters is Shifting Sands Icon Shifting Sands and is the reason we take this talent. This talent results in a significant increase in Shifting Sands Icon Shifting Sands uptime and excels with high Haste and Mastery. You can always walk into the balls safely if you are optimising purely for damage as Shifting Sands Icon Shifting Sands will prefer to go on another player over you, if there is someone else nearby without the buff.
Spatial Paradox Icon Spatial Paradox This is a 3-minute cooldown that increases the cast range of you and a healer by 100% and lets you both cast while moving. This is going to be incredibly useful for progression raid encounters where it can let healers free cast during heavy movement periods.
Accretion Icon Accretion This talent makes Eruption Icon Eruption reduce the cooldown of Upheaval Icon Upheaval by 1 second per cast.
Rumbling Earth Icon Rumbling Earth This talent makes Upheaval Icon Upheaval repeat 2 additional times in the same location at 30% effectiveness. This does not trigger Shifting Sands Icon Shifting Sands, nor extend Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might and does not give Essence Burst Icon Essence Bursts from Rockfall Icon Rockfall. This is a 60% boost to Upheaval Icon Upheaval damage and is incredible, especially on AoE.
Molten Embers Icon Molten Embers This talent increases damage enemies take from black spells (Eruption Icon Eruption, Upheaval Icon Upheaval, and Deep Breath Icon Deep Breath) on targets with Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath by an amount varying by the empower rank used. With Blast Furnace Icon Blast Furnace this is 10% (R1), 13% (R2), 20% (R3), 40% (R4, from Font of Magic Icon Font of Magic). Without Blast Furnace Icon Blast Furnace this is 12% (R1), 17% (R2), 30% (R3), 40% (R4, from Font of Magic Icon Font of Magic). This is effectively dividing a 240% increase over the duration of the Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath based on its empower level, capped at a 40% increase.

Niche Talents

Talent When to Consider
Unravel Icon Unravel If you are going to fight enemies with absorb shields. Unravel Icon Unravel is your hardest-hitting Spell, but it comes with the condition that it only deals damage to absorb shields.
Protracted Talons Icon Protracted Talons 3+ Target scenarios.
Overawe Icon Overawe This is used in dungeons that have important enrages to dispel.
Terror of the Skies Icon Terror of the Skies When you need additional stuns such as in Mythic+.

PvP Talents (War Mode)

Opting into War Mode makes you eligible for open-world PvP but also grants you the following benefits:

  • World Quests at maximum level have 10% increased rewards (30% if you are Alliance).
  • You gain 10% increased Experience while leveling (30% if you are Alliance).
  • Allows you to earn Conquest Points towards weekly gear rewards.
  • Grants you to use PvP talents in the open-world.

With the benefits of enabling War Mode for leveling and PvE content, it is recommended that you enable the feature to maximize your leveling and rewards at maximum level. However, you will make yourself eligible for open-world PvP, and the possibility of being "ganked" while leveling or doing World Quests exists.


PvP Talents for Augmentation Evokers

There are no PvP talents for Evokers that increase your total damage output. Therefore, the PvP talents you choose are entirely down to personal preference.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 24 Feb. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.1 for the new talent changes.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5 with new class trees due to changes.
  • 04 Oct. 2024: Update default Scalecommander M+ Build based on hotfixes.
  • 21 Sep. 2024: Update for new Scalecommander builds and change to Molten Embers.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Update incorrect talent links and add information about Time Convergence in Mythic+
  • 27 Aug. 2024: Add comments about Delve
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Correct M+ Talent Build (Was missing Oppressing Roar and Sleep walk)
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Fix incorrect Spell Links
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within Launch adding Hero Talents.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Fixed Mythic+ Talent Tree.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Prepatch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated and Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 19 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6
  • 08 Mar. 2024: Default builds updated.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 09 Aug. 2023: Builds updated for this weeks changes.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Page added.
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