Augmentation Evoker PvP Rotation and Playstyle — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Mysticall 17 comments

PvP requires you to perform various actions during a duel, match, or battleground: interrupting/silencing enemies, healing your teammates and yourself, defending yourself, keeping yourself alive, etc. It is a game mode that fully utilizes your kit, especially spells that are rarely used in PvE. On this page, we go through all the spells you need to use in PvP as a Augmentation Evoker, how you should use them, and explain your playstyle.

This page is part of our Augmentation Evoker PvP Guide.


Playstyle for Augmentation Evokers

The main role of an Augmentation Evoker, besides dealing damage to the enemy team, is to enable your team to do more damage and help them land a kill by keeping your team offensive. You also want to use your mobility to avoid crowd control and stop enemy teams from targeting you.

To keep your team offensive, you will push in with them to get Sleep Walk Icon Sleep Walks on the enemy healer. After this, you will focus on dealing damage with spells like Living Flame Icon Living Flame, Upheaval Icon Upheaval, and Eruption Icon Eruption.

Taking advantage of your mobility is crucial. Augmentation Evokers can be hard to catch, but once they are stunned, you will quickly have to trade cooldowns to stay alive. Use spells like Hover Icon Hover and Rescue Icon Rescue to move around the map and reposition near a pillar. If a teammate is in trouble and needs to get away from the enemy team, use Rescue Icon Rescue to save them. With the talent Twin Guardian Icon Twin Guardian it will give you and your teammate a shield equal to 30% of your maximum health. If you are interested in learning more about crucial talents for Augmentation Evoker, refer to our dedicated page here:


Empowered Spells

Augmentation Evokers have a new mechanic for their spells: Empower Level. This makes it so the longer you channel a spell, the stronger the initial damage/healing is. Using the talent Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales makes it so your next empowered spell will be instant at its max empower level. Here are the 2 spells you can empower and how to use them:

  • Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath deals damage and puts a DoT on the target. The longer you channel it, the more initial damage it will deal. However, it will weaken the DoT. Ideally, you will channel this to rank 3 because the DoT is normally dispelled and will not deal much damage. Use Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales with this if you want to deal a large amount of damage to enemies that are grouped up. Note: This spell is normally used with Tip the Scales because of the PvP talent Scouring Flame Icon Scouring Flame. This will purge nearly all beneficial magic buffs that the enemy team has.
  • Upheaval Icon Upheaval deals damage and sends enemies into the air. It also increases the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might by 2 seconds. For each Empower level, it increased the radius of the explosion. You want to use this spell to extend the duration of Ebon Might, so do not worry about empowering Upheaval past 1 or 2 levels.

Healing and Damage Techniques

This section will tell you what spells to use in different situations.


Extending Ebon Might Rotation & Priority

Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might is the core part of Augmentation Evoker. This spell increases the stats of you and your teammates for 11 seconds. However, this buff can be extended by some of your spells. Being able to have high uptime with this buff is crucial if you want to find success with this specialization. Here are the talents and spells that interact with Ebon Might to extend its duration:

  • Eruption Icon Eruption and Upheaval Icon Upheaval both increase the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might. These spells will be part of your damage rotation and should be used almost instantly after using Ebon Might.
  • Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons is a strong 2-minute cooldown that deals damage, applies Temporal Wound Icon Temporal Wound, and increases the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might by 5 seconds. This should be used when your team is using their burst cooldowns. It will also stun any enemies that it hits if you are using the Terror of the Skies Icon Terror of the Skies talent.
  • Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom extends the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might by 1 second if you are using the Dream of Spring Icon Dream of Spring talent. This should be used when your other important damage spells are on cooldown.
  • Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst does not directly increase the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might, but when it is active, you can use either Eruption Icon Eruption or Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom to extend the duration of Ebon Might.
    • Note: Both of these spells increase the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might by 1 second, so it depends on the situation and which spells you should use. If your team is healthy, then use Eruption Icon Eruption to deal damage. If your team is falling behind, then use Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom.
  • Empowered spells like Upheaval Icon Upheaval and Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath both increase the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might by 2 seconds. Use these in your damage rotations to maximize your damage output.

How to Deal Damage

Augmentation Evoker is a very unique spec, as it will primarily be used to deal damage and boost the stats of its allies. Here is the damage rotation you should use when trying to land a kill:

  1. Maintain Prescience Icon Prescience on your teammates. This is crucial for multiple reasons:
    • Prescience Icon Prescience increases the critical strike chance of your teammate and can occasionally copy their damage and healing spells at 15% power.
    • Has a chance to give you a Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst proc. This is great for increasing your damage output.
    • Gives you stacks of Trembling Earth Icon Trembling Earth, making your Eruption trigger a smaller Eruption. This stacks up to three times and will help with your burst damage.
  2. Use Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might to increase you and your teammates stats.
  3. Use Eruption Icon Eruption to deal damage and increase the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might.
  4. If the enemy team has multiple magic buffs, use Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath with Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales to dispel them if you are using the Scouring Flame Icon Scouring Flame PvP talent.
    • With the Molten Embers Icon Molten Embers talent, Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath also causes enemies to take up 40% increased damage from your black spells. Use Fire Breath before using Upheaval Icon Upheaval or Eruption Icon Eruption.
  5. Use Upheaval Icon Upheaval to deal more damage to the enemy team and increase the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might.
  6. Use Living Flame Icon Living Flame as a filler to try to get Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst. This will make it so Eruption Icon Eruption costs no Essences.
  7. Use Eruption Icon Eruption if you get an Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst proc.
  8. Use Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons if you can hit multiple people with it. This will apply Temporal Wound Icon Temporal Wound to any enemies hit and increase the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might.
    • Note: Use Landslide Icon Landslide if you want to root the enemy team in place before using Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons.
  9. Azure Strike Icon Azure Strike does not deal the most damage, but it is instant and is perfect for killing Shaman totems and gives you a chance to get an Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst proc.

Burst Damage Rotation

Although you will primarily be focusing on supporting your team, Augmentation Evokers do have a burst rotation they can do to help land a kill.

  • Maintain Prescience Icon Prescience on your teammates. This is crucial for multiple reason:
    • Prescience Icon Prescience increases the critical strike chance of your teammate and can occasionally copy their damage and healing spells at 15% power.
    • Has a chance to give you a Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst proc. This is great for increasing your damage output.
    • Gives you stacks of Trembling Earth Icon Trembling Earth, making your Eruption trigger a smaller Eruption. This stacks up to three times and will help with your burst damage.
  • Make sure you have multiple stacks of Unrelenting Siege Icon Unrelenting Siege stacks.
  • Cast Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might.
  • Channel Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath. Ideally, this will be empowered to level 3 or 4.
  • Use Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons.
  • Use Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales.
  • Use Upheaval Icon Upheaval.
  • Use Eruption Icon Eruption when you have 2 Essences or Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst.

Healing Rotation and Notable Spells

Although Augmentation Evoker is a damage specialization, it still has some healing and utility that can be used to help teammates:

  • Cauterizing Flame Icon Cauterizing Flame is a 1-minute cooldown that removes all Bleed, Poison, Curse, and Disease effects. This should be used when any of those are active on yourself or a teammate.
  • Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom should be used when your team is falling behind. It also extends the duration of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might.
  • Living Flame Icon Living Flame should be used on a teammate or ally when your team is falling behind.
  • Use Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace to heal yourself or an ally and reposition around the map.
  • Bestow Weyrnstone Icon Bestow Weyrnstone is a niche spell if you are using it. This conjures two portals that can be used by yourself or a teammate. This can help with kiting enemies when they are being targeted.
  • Blistering Scales Icon Blistering Scales is a great talent versus melee. Use this on a teammate that is being targeted to increase their armor and deal damage at the same time.


  • Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales is one of your primary defensives. This reduces the damage you take by 30%. If you use the Obsidian Mettle Icon Obsidian Mettle PvP talent, it will also make you immune to interrupts, silences, and pushbacks.
  • Renewing Blaze Icon Renewing Blaze is another defensive you will want to Rotate with your Obsidian Scales Icon Obsidian Scales. This will heal 100% of any damage you take while it is up over 8 seconds. It is important to use this right before you start taking damage and not after or the heal will not be strong.
  • Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons deals a large amount of damage to the team and can be used to do damage. However, it is great for avoiding crowd control when the enemy team is pushing toward you. For example, you will want to use this to avoid a Priest's Psychic Scream Icon Psychic Scream when they run towards you.
  • Augmentation Evoker's mobility is an incredibly important defensive. Here are some spells that you should master to help keep your team alive:
    • Hover Icon Hover launches you forward and increases your movement speed. It also makes you immune to slows with the PvP Talent Unburdened Flight Icon Unburdened Flight.
    • Rescue Icon Rescue swoops you to an ally and allows you to bring them to a location. Use this to help your teammate reposition and get away from the enemy team. With Twin Guardian Icon Twin Guardian talent, Rescue Icon Rescue will also put a shield on you and your ally for 30% of your max health.
    • Wing Buffet Icon Wing Buffet/Tail Swipe Icon Tail Swipe are the Dracthyr racials that will help you get away from the enemy team targeting you.
  • Cauterizing Flame Icon Cauterizing Flame removes all bleeds, points, curses, and diseases from a teammate. This is a crucial spell when you play against specializations like Feral Druids, Assassination, Rogues, or Warlocks.


It is advised to use Macros to use abilities on enemies or allies without having to target them. For this reason, we have a page dedicated to them.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Reviewed for Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 01 Dec. 2024: Updated all damage rotations.
    • Updated damage rotation.
    • Added burst rotation.
    • Updated healing rotation.
    • Updated defensives section.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 30 Aug. 2024: Updated Defensives.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Page created.
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