Awakened Raids Guide in Dragonflight Season 4
Awakened Raids in Dragonflight Season 4 give players the opportunity to revisit the 3 Dragonflight raids for an additional challenge and better rewards.
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Awakened Raids in Dragonflight Season 4.
The following guide aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to understand and clear the raids effectively.
Understanding Awakened Raids
Every week, one of the three Dragonflight raid will be Awakened: Vault of the Incarnates, Aberrus, and Amirdrassil.
Enemies within Awakened Raids are stronger and drop upgraded loot with a higher item level.
Awakened Raids Item Levels
Here is the increased item level of loot in Awakened Raids:
Difficulty | Item Level Range | Unique Drops Item level |
Raid Finder | 480-489 | 496 |
Normal | 493-502 | 509 |
Heroic | 506-515 | 522 |
Mythic | 519-528 | 535 |
Reputation Buffs in Awakened Raids
A buff that increases reputation gains with Dragonflight factions will be active whenever a specific raid is Awakened:
- Vault of the Incarnates —
Sign of Awakened Storms — Dragonscale Expedition, Maruuk Centaur, Iskaara Tuskarr.
- Aberrus —
Sign of Awakened Embers — Loamm Niffen Reputation Guide, Soridormi, and Sabbelian/Wrathion.
- Amirdrassil —
Sign of Awakened Dreams — Dream Wardens, and Valdrakken Accord.
- All raids Awakened: All the above reputations are increased.
Awakened Raids Rotation
All raids are Awakened with the launch of the War Within Pre-Patch on July 23/24 until the expansion's launch on August 22/26.
Nas'zuro and Fyr'alath Upgrading in Dragonflight Season 4
Both Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy and
Fyr'alath the Dreamrender
can be upgraded in Season 4 to a base Item Level of 502 using
Scale of Awakening. Further upgrades are possible with crests
Awakened Raids Currency - Antique Bronze Bullion
If you played during Shadowlands Season 4, the dinar system is probably familiar
to you. The dinar currency for Dragonflight Season 4 is Antique Bronze Bullion.
You can hold a maximum of 12 bullions per character and use them to buy gear and cosmetics.
How to Farm Antique Bronze Bullions?
You can earn 1 Antique Bronze Bullion a week per character by defeating
Awakened bosses, with the cap rising by 1 each week.
Antique Bronze Bullion Catch-Up
If you miss a week, you will be able to catch up to the current weekly maximum.
Antique Bronze Bullion Vendors
The vendors can be found in the Parting Glass area in eastern Valdrakken. Exact entrance coordinates are 78 51 for those using TomTom.
Inside, you will find three vendors selling Awakened gear from the 3 Dragonflight raids.
The gear can be fully upgraded using crests and Flightstoness.
Iszinormi sells Amirdrassil gear for 2 Antique Bronze Bullions each.
The second vendor is also named Iszinormi and sells Vault of the Incarnates gear for 2 bullions each.
The third vendor is Iszy and sells Aberrus items.
You can also buy Scale of Awakening to upgrade your Legendary weapon
from the vendors for 2 bullions.
Standing to the left of the bookcase is Mirioszin, selling cosmetics (armor ensembles
and weapons) from all Dragonflight raids, including the Jigglesworth, Sr. mount from the
Fates of the Shadowlands Raids achievement, which costs 3 bullions.
Awakened Mark of Mastery Vendor
Next, we have Harrostrasza, selling class set pieces for Awakened Mark of Mastery,
obtained by earning the
Dragonflight Season 4 Master achievement. There are 3 ways
to earn the achievement — you can clear one of the 3 Awakened Raids on Heroic Difficulty,
or earn
Challenger II: Dragonflight Season 4 in PvP or earn
Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Four.
Once you have the mark, bring it to Harrostrasza to buy an Item level 502 (Champion 4/8) Awakened or Item Level 512 Awakened Heroic (Hero 3/6) class set piece.
Awakened Raids Omnitoken Vendor
Runaagos is the Awakened Omnitoken vendor for Season 4 and sells class sets for
Awakened Tempostone that drops from the final boss of an Awakened Raid.
The item level of the gear piece you can buy depends on the Awakened Raid difficulty of the omnitoken. The item levels are as follows:
- Raid Finder: Item Level 486;
- Normal Difficulty: Item Level 499;
- Heroic Difficulty: Item Level 512;
- Mythic Difficulty: Item Level 525.
Awakened Raids Rewards
Complete all Awakened Raids on Normal difficulty or higher in Season 4 to earn
the Awakening the Dragonflight Raids achievement and the
Voyaging Wilderling's Harness.
You will receive the Awakened Hero title upon completing all 3 Awakened
raids on Heroic difficulty, or higher ( Heroic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids.
Finally, you can clear all 3 Awakened Raids on Mythic difficulty to earn
Dragonflight raid teleports, namely Path of the Bitter Legacy,
Path of the Primal Prison,
Path of the Scorching Dream.
Awakened Raids Achievements
The following achievements are tied to Awakened raids but do not reward anything besides achievement points:
Awakened Flames — Defeat all bosses on Normal Difficulty while Amirdrassil is Awakened.
Heroic: Awakened Flames — Defeat all bosses on Heroic Difficulty while Amirdrassil is Awakened.
Mythic: Awakened Flames — Defeat all bosses on Mythic Difficulty while Amirdrassil is Awakened.
Awakened Shadows — Defeat all bosses on Normal Difficulty while Aberrus is Awakened.
Heroic: Awakened Shadows — Defeat all bosses on Heroic Difficulty while Aberrus is Awakened.
Mythic: Awakened Shadows — Defeat all bosses on Mythic Difficulty while Aberrus is Awakened.
Awakened Storms — — Defeat all bosses on Normal Difficulty while Vault of the Incarnates is Awakened.
Heroic: Awakened Storms — Defeat all bosses on Heroic Difficulty while Vault of the Incarnates is Awakened.
Mythic: Awakened Storms — Defeat all bosses on Mythic Difficulty while Vault of the Incarnates is Awakened.
Dragonflight Raid Guides
We have dedicated guides available for all three Dragonflight raids linked below.
- 17 Jul. 2024: Rotation updated for TWW pre-patch.
- 25 Apr. 2024: Rotation updated.
- 13 Apr. 2024: Guide added.
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