Balance Druid DPS Battle of Dazar'alor Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Balance Druid for each boss of the following raid: Battle of Dazar'alor. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Balance Druid in Battle of Dazar'alor
Battle of Dazar'alor is an instance packed full of multi-target fights where Balance Druid DoTs can help skyrocket the class into a top tier DPS position. The fights in conjunction with recent Balance single target buffs, leads veteran players to believe this will be a strong Balance Druid tier.
Talent Cheatsheet
Champion of the Light
A stationary fight made up of 2 distinct phases, an add DPS phase and a
single-target boss phase. We recommend taking talents that can push both boss
damage and add damage. Due to the damage pattern on this fight being limited to
small random hits and very few large hits over the fight,
Guardian Affinity can grant extra survivability and
adds a little bonus safety if you are ever low.
If you are extra comfortable with the rotation, this can be a fight where
Starlord can be a minor increase in your DPS.
Mythic Tips
In Mythic mode, Balance Druids can make use of their extended range to cast
Solar Beam on the adds casting
Angelic Renewal.
A single-target boss with strong add focus, we recommend taking full single
target talents with the exception of Force of Nature and
Fury of Elune, if there is an issue with killing the adds in time.
Due to the immense damage dealt by Grong to both the raid and the tanks, we
suggest using both Swiftmend and
Wild Growth when needed and if
the damage is too high, also take
Mythic Mode
There are two adds that spawn on Mythic mode. Make use of Solar Beam to
kick the adds that are far away from the melee. If you are holding the
debuff the add leaves behind, find a partner and stand away from the large
majority of your raid to reduce potentially lethal extra damage.
Jadefire Masters
Jadefire Masters is a two-target fight with periodic add spawns. The
Spirits of Xuens that spawn and fixate targets are stunable, thus we
recommend talenting
Mighty Bash.
There is a moderate amount of movement required, as well as the knock-up
effect from the Magma Traps that spawn throughout the fight. If you were
to soak one, use Wild Charge to mitigate the fall damage.
Mythic Mode
On Mythic, all players must perform the Multi-Sided Strike. The order
is generally Blue > Green > Red > Green > Blue. Make sure to talent
Twin Moons to maximize damage dealt on the wall spawned during team
attack two.
Phase 1 splits the raid into two groups to fight two mini bosses. We
recommend asking for the lightning add as he is more caster friendly than the
flame add. If you are on the add that casts Flames of Punishment, be sure to stack
on the hand opposite of his cast direction and run clockwise.
The bosses progress through rooms at certain health thresholds and each room has its own additional mechanic or special effect. The order for both sides goes as follows: No abilities > Flame Jets > Laser Line > Stacking debuff > Laser Line > Flame Jets > Gems > Empowered abilities. Save defensive cooldowns for the fourth room and burn the boss out of that phase as quickly as possible.
The second phase is a DPS check with add spawns roughly one minute apart. Add spawns are top priority so that players can return to the boss quickly. You only get one set of cooldowns in this phase, so plan accordingly.
For gem choices, Opal of Unleashed Rage is strongest if you get two
add waves.
Emerald of Earthen Roots is good if you can stay still and only
get one add wave.
Topaz of Brilliant Sunlight is the utility option, which
can be strong on Balance Druids due to their tankiness, while not needing to be
in the raid heals. This will increase the Critical Strike of your raid when
fully stacked. Attempt to have a fully stacked Topaz that lines up with add
Mythic Mode
Phase 1 receives an additional trap mechanic which swaps your position with someone on the opposing add. This means you will very likely have to perform both side's mechanics. Generally, most deaths happen when being swapped to the fire side. After being swapped, you have 10-seconds of immunity, as long as you remain still.
In Phase 2, place all Liquid Golds in the hallways leading to the
boss and save the center room for later in the fight. Beware of dropping liquid
gold while the boss is casting
Surging Gold, which may leave you trapped.
For Mythic, we would suggest using Opal of Unleashed Rage for maximum
damage or
Topaz of Brilliant Sunlight for raid utility.
Conclave of the Chosen
Conclave of the Chosen is primarily a single target focused fights with
intermittent add spawns and short periods of heavy movement and damage. Be sure
to be positioned to fully DoT up all adds that spawn in opposite sections of the
room and use either Mighty Bash or
Typhoon to slow their
movement towards their target. Be careful knocking them too close to each other
as it will buff the adds.
Damage intake patterns show up during every Pa'ku special, every boss death (heroic), and occasionally a targeted bleed or Akunda special. These abilities alone will not kill you, but when combined, be sure to help heal yourself or others.
Mythic Mode
On Mythic, add focus is a higher priority and you will have to help the raid
by dispelling players with Bwonsamdi's Wrath during raid damage mechanics
or when they are low. The spell has a long travel time after being dispelled and
can normally be dispelled partway through a Pa'ku special or boss death, and they
will not reapply until afterwards.
King Rastakhan
This four phase fight is part add cleave and part single target with an occasional high priority target. Talent choice is dependent on what you believe your raid group lacks the most.
Totem spawns are the highest threat mob that spawns. Be sure to monitor the spawn timers and pool Astral Power for each totem.
If assigned to position close to Bwonswamdi in phase three, you will be sucked into his realm. Maintain your distance to minimize movement and ration your defensive cooldowns and healing well to spread out the raid damage caused by exiting his realm. The longer you remain in his realm without clearing, the more damage you will take.
Mythic Mode
On Mythic, all ranged will normally be sent down to push Bwonswamdi to 50%
when entering Phase 3. This means you will have to hold your second cooldown
usage until then. Be sure to place Phase 2 Death's Doors on the markers
by the door.
We suggest Incarnation: Chosen of Elune on Mythic to maximize the damage
dealt during the downstairs phase. Incarnation will be stronger over the
short duration than
Starlord will be.
High Tinker Mekkatorque
Mekkatorque is a completely single target encounter with no damageable add
spawns. There is plenty of movement required and Druids will also be using
either Entangling Roots,
Mass Entanglement, or both to keep the
annoying damage immune stunning adds stationary.
If the movement is too intense, talent Tiger Dash for a short
cooldown sprint which will allow you to take
Gigavolt Charge out of the
raid without leaving a chance for you to hit your raid.
Mythic Mode
The changes to this boss on Mythic do not affect the Balance playstyle. Be on top
of your roots and make sure you have your Cooldowns for the 40% burn. While
behind pillars, be sure to heal yourself as best as you can using
Restoration Affinity.
Save Wild Charge for any time you get knocked into the air. Use it
immediately if you can, or wait to fall a bit and then use it to
mitigate fall damage. If you believe you are going to take too much fall damage,
shift into Cat form or cast Flap to slow your descent.
Stormwall Blockade
Phase One begins after splitting the raid onto two boats with separate mini
bosses. Sister Katherine is the dangerous boat, casting
Voltaic Flash often. Electric orbs slide quickly across the boat in
varying patterns and should be dodged by moving to the first safe spot and then
back towards where the orbs just passed over. On the opposite boat, avoid swirls
on the ground and pool for every Tempting Siren.
The second phase is a DPS race to defeat the boss before his energy reaches
100 and he wipes the raid. Focus the adds down before they reach the boss and
help your party members soak Ire of the Deep. If you are soaking alone or
with very few people, be sure to pop
Barkskin and possibly even shift
Bear Form.
Mythic Mode
Be sure to keep all adds dotted during the fight, especially on the main
platform. Pool Astral Power for Tempting Sirens and use
Wild Charge to leap back onto the platform, if you are thrown off. If
you lack space during Phase 1 and get targeted with
Sea Storm, you can
jump off the boat at the last second and Wild Charge back on to negate the
mechanic. Just make sure not to mess up.
In Phase 1, use all defensives and healing items / spells to stay alive, as the bulk of the damage comes from this phase.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Another single target fight with add spawns in Phases 1 and 3. The adds should be cleaved down alongside Jaina and will die quickly.
Attempt to save your cooldown for the end of phase two where you will meet a DPS check while attempting to break down Jaina's Ice Wall.
Mythic Mode
Mythic Lady Jaina Proudmoore is the final boss in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid. It requires strong positioning, good DPS, and a strong class familiarity. We will take this boss phase by phase.
Phase 1 can be rather chaotic and unpredictable. The first mechanic you
are introduced to is Freezing Blood. Any time you leave the group, you
will be frozen within 6-seconds. When handling mechanics that force you away
from your raid, do not use movement abilities to get out. Save
Wild Charge
Dash to return to the group and save your portal use for the more
sketchy overlaps. As in Heroic, shift out of roots or dip into fire at the last second
to negate the effects. During this phase, you can only use your Cooldown once.
At 62%, start pooling Astral Power for the intermission. Remain with your
group and equip your lantern if you can (be sure to swap back after this ends).
As you pass adds, Starsurge and apply DoTs as you run past. Avoid
Solar Beam if possible, as it interacts poorly with the reduced
At the start of the second phase, you can use your Cooldown again. Use
Barkskin when you have high stacks,
Broadside, or
Siegebreaker Blast. Druids are one of the few classes that can make
it out to break far Unexploded Ordnances. Use
Dash to run out
Wild Charge to return to the boss or call for a
Leap of Faith.
When baiting
Glacial Ray, be sure to run opposite of the player carrying
the Siegebreaker Blast or you can be knocked into the ray cast. At 35%, start to
plan out your
Arcanic Pulsar stacks and Astral Power to have both high
stacks and a full reserve of resource for the intermission.
Hit whichever target you are assigned to during this phase. You should be
able to dump all of your resource into that target and plan to build back up
a pool for Nathanos. You will most likely only be able to cast 3 to 4
Starsurges on the target before you have to rebuild for the Ice Block
You can use your Cooldown in the final phase whenever you are most
comfortable. Save Barkskin for if you get the first
or later in the fight, when the
Siegebreaker Blast connects on the raid.
If you get the Siegebreaker, you can taunt the water elemental to kill yourself
and this will prevent the damage on the raid. When baiting the double
Glacial Ray in this phase, be sure to move immediately. Have a
Dash or
Wild Charge ready in case you are further out with
Heart of Frost.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 23 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of Patch 8.2.
- 12 May 2019: Changed some talent recommendations.
- 16 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 26 Mar. 2019: Updated Mythic Mekkatorque.
- 13 Mar. 2019: Finished the Mythic Mode sections.
- 07 Feb. 2019: Fixed some errors and added some Mythic Mode entries.
- 21 Jan. 2019: Page Added.
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This was written by Borabank, a Balance Druid theorycrafter and raider in Muscle Memory. You can watch him on his Twitch channel or in the Dreamgrove Discord server.
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