Balance Druid DPS Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Balance Druid for each boss of the following raid: Sepulcher of the First Ones. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Fated Changes
During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.
With the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, all three raids will be available on Fated Mode at the same time. Given the state of the Pre-Patch, we recommend using the Venthyr Covenant for all content as it synergizes best with the new talent tree as well as the loss of the tier bonus which was much better for Night Fae.
Basic Recommendations
The Venthyr Covenant can be paired with
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar and
Unity. The following talents
are the framework of most talent layouts in this raid. Note that you can directly
import the trees below into the game with the following string:
These are the basic single target talents and general talents for most raid encounters. You can also go down the Restoration section of the tree for bosses that you can help healing on.
Remove Corruption, and
Cyclone can be used on situational bosses and should be grabbed if it
is a part of your strategy.
The following talents can be removed if you need multi-target talents:
Astral Communion
Waning Twilight
Umbral Embrace
Balance of All Things
These talents can be substituted in if you are prioritizing multi-target:
Wild Mushroom
Fungal Growth
Aetherial Kindling
Circle of Life and Death
Vigilant Guardian
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Vigilant Guardian.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
For this multi-target fight you will want to have Starfall up for
add waves but these will most likely die pretty quickly. Cooldowns can be used
on pull and on cooldown but save the final usage for
There is plenty of movement on this boss, use Stampeding Roar to help
your group get to safe zones spread around the boss arena.
Mythic Mode
On Mythic, the Vigilant Guardian starts as soon as you begin combat. That being said you will still be focusing down adds as your top priority as this is still the major mechanic of the fight.
On Mythic, Refracted Blast spawns a set of
Spike of Creation at the location of the blasts. These can be popped
by anyone, normally a ranged or a healer, and if you are the designated mine
detonator then use your
Stellar Drift mobility for minimal damage loss.
Barkskin for when you get extra stacks of the Spike of Creation
DoT as that is the only overly scary part of the fight.
For more information, please refer to our Vigilant Guardian guide.
Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
This is a purely single-target boss fight and one that you could use
Stellar Flare on.
Stellar Drift is really nice for the movement
required on this boss so it is a great quality of life feature here.
Balance Druids are good candidates for being out of range and taking
Dust Blast but be careful and use defensives when taking
Ravening Burrow as you will be taking more damage than most players
with your extra DoT stacks.
Mythic Mode
This boss works almost identically to the Heroic version, just dealing more
damage and having a moderately tight enrage timer. When baiting, always wait for
the third application of Ephemera Dust before returning back to the
stack group for the
Retch cast. Save
Barkskin for high
stacks of the DoT or for
Ravening Burrow.
You will only get two uses of Incarnation: Chosen of Elune on this boss
so try to find a good opportunity for your second use where you will not be
For more information, please refer to our Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener guide.
Artificer Xy'Mox
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Artificer Xy'mox.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
You will normally get two or three cooldown usages on this boss depending on your raid DPS. Judge how far you are into the fight before using your second cooldown as it may be better to save for the final phase.
When using Primordial Arcanic Pulsar make sure you get at least one
proc on each add phase by pooling Astral Power and Pulsar stacks before each
intermission. Look to
Solar Beam caster adds and focus down the
Xy Acolytes before they cast
Hyperlight Ascension.
Defensives are best used on Glyph of Relocation when you have the
raid DoT.
Wild Charge can be used to spread easily by negating the pull
in from Glyph of Relocation.
Soulshape and
Door of Shadows can
both be used to jump over the rings if you are in a tight spot.
Mythic Mode
Fight timings for this boss can be extremely volatile depending on how many
people are alive by the end of the fight. Given the difference in kill times,
it is best to use your cooldowns as they come up regardless of where you are in
the fight. Get a rough estimate of where you will be using Bloodlust
and save a cooldown set for that if you will not lose a usage over the course of
the fight.
Just like Heroic, play safe with the Glyph of Relocation, using
Barkskin liberally. You can easily dodge rings for higher uptime on the
boss especially when using cooldowns. Otherwise just dodge the additional
swirlies and lines and you will be fine.
Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
A single-target boss with some priority add focus, Balance Druids can use
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar procs on mechanics like
Domination Core and
Siphoned Barrier.
Use Barkskin to help soak
Staggering Barrage as often
as you can and use
Soulshape and
Door of Shadows to leap over
Disintegration Halo.
Mythic Mode
On Mythic, Disintegration Halos are much more dangerous and
should be skipped as often as possible. As Venthyr, it is quite easy
to skip at least one ring every set but you are otherwise more fragile to any
other residual damage. Night Fae is a tankier Covenant choice but can
skip fewer ring sets and must remain in
Soulshape for a longer period
of time resulting in downtime on this boss.
For three-minute cooldowns, those can be used on pull and with the second
Siphoned Barrier cast and then on cooldown thereafter.
Convoke the Spirits can be used on as many Domination Cores
as possible as those are a main priority in this encounter. If you are playing
Night Fae, it is best to use your
Soulshape for a quick skip
or before cooldowns to prevent too much downtime while in
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune.
Defensives can be used liberally in this encounter if you are tanking
Disintegration Halos.
Barkskin will always be up but
Bear Form,
Frenzied Regeneration, and
Heart of the Wild can
be used for additional defensive purposes and will all help save you from
rotting down.
For more information, please refer to our Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle guide.
Prototype Pantheon
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Prototype Pantheon.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
Use your first set of cooldowns to help clear the first set of adds from
the Necrotic Ritual. If your second set of cooldowns is coming up
late into the second phase, save them for the final phase burn.
Stampeding Roar can be helpful for the
Windswept Wings
forced movement in phase one and three and
Wild Charge can be used
Hand of Destruction to negate the pull in and help spread
further out in the arena.
Barkskin is also best used on this ability as
Mythic Mode
Cooldowns should be saved to burst down adds spawned by
Necrotic Ritual normally targeting the side or back adds and
single-targeting them down. Use
Starfall to navigate the platform
while still focusing down your single add or when moving through
Windswept Wings. You will only be using two cooldowns on this
fight in the first and the last phase. They will come up in Phase Two but you
should save them.
Night Hunter can and should be taken in
Bear Form, too,
as we can survive without anyone soaking in the chance no one is in your line.
For more information, please refer to our Prototype Pantheon guide.
Lihuvim, Principal Architect
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Lihuvim, Principal Architect.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
Cooldowns can be used at will on this fight as long as you have some form of
damage to put into each intermission add. Coordinate movement cooldowns and use
Stampeding Roar to help drop off
Unstable Motes and move
immediately or you will detonate them.
After you kill the selected intermission add, get to the center and focus
down the Defense Matrix Automa before dumping Astral Power into
Starfall as everything takes reduced damage while this add is alive.
If targeted with
Degenerate, use a personal to reduce the damage
Mythic Mode
Balance Druids should take Mass Entanglement on Mythic Mode as it
can be utilized to root the Acquisitions Automa. The first cooldown
is normally used on pull but you would save
Convoke the Spirits for the
intermission add. If playing Venthyr, save your first cooldown
for that add and use
Starfall to carry the damage over into the boss.
Second cooldowns are normally saved for the second intermission where the
double pack of Degeneration Automa spawn. Third cooldown is used
on cooldown or with Bloodlust toward the end of the boss if your
guild is burning the boss here.
Save Barkskin for each intermission phase as that is the highest
source of damage on this boss. You can negate the pushback and the pull from
Cosmic Shift using
Wild Charge either normally or turning
around quickly.
For more information, please refer to our Lihuvim, Principal Architect guide.
Halondrus the Reclaimer
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Halondrus the Reclaimer.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
It is preferred to use our cooldowns on pull and on the second
Reclaim but if you use your cooldowns on the first Reclaim, you
may end up saving your second set for the final phase burn. If you are using
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune with
Precise Alignment and
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar, you can pop your cooldowns much earlier before
Reclaim and they will carry into the shield phase.
Guardian Affinity is highly recommended on this
fight as Balance Druid is one of the prime candidates in playing goalie for the
Ephemeral Motes all throughout the fight.
Starfall can be
used on
Reclaim for added mobility and in phase three where you
have to be continuously rotating around the boss.
Barkskin can be used liberally as well as
Heart of the Wild
for bonus Stamina and just
Bear Form in general when soaking a large
amount of Ephemeral Motes.
Mythic Mode
For cooldowns on this boss, it depends on if you have a high damage
composition or a high healing composition. This boss can die in either two uses,
meaning you would use on pull and with Bloodlust at the end, or you
would use the first two on cooldown and get a third cooldown normally with only
a partial or no Bloodlust.
As a ranged, you will be on Volatile Charges duty. Always play
safe with this as you are taking increased damage. Be especially careful when
picking up or dropping the bomb during a mechanic as the damage will compound
and potentially be more than you may expect.
Use heavy mobility to transfer the Volatile Charges a long
distance in the intermission as we have the toolkit to make frequent long
movements. Just be sure not to outrange your healers!
For more information, please refer to our Halondrus the Reclaimer guide.
Anduin Wrynn
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Anduin Wrynn.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
This is a boss where Venthyr has a great damage profile. Cooldowns
are best used on pull and each intermission phase as Venthyr. Starfall
obliterates Fiendish Souls and you can pump
Starsurge into
either the boss or the Monstrous Soul.
As Night Fae, you can cooldown on pull and then try to pool
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar and
Convoke the Spirits for
Kingsmourne Hungers. Position yourself to hit the appropriate add
you need to focus while downstairs. With two Legedaries you have much more
felxibility on using Convoke and cooldowns but before then you should use
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune on pull and on each intermission as well
despite having no Convoke available.
Balance Druid brings great utility to this boss. You can assist with healing
on Befouled Barriers or on Anduin's Hope.
Restoration Affinity provides additional healing and
Ursol's Vortex to help manage Fiendish Souls in each
Balance Druids are tanky and able to bait Soul Explosion from
killing adds in the intermission. Try to remain inside healing circles as long
as possible and use
Barkskin when needed or at high reduced healing
stacks. Calling for a Paladin's
Blessing of Protection especially when
Starfalling immediately can help reduce stacks of
Necrotic Claws.
Mythic Mode
On Mythic, one of the main differences in the fight is add control. When the
Kingsmourne Hungers group goes down, you have to control and
whittle down the adds spawned without killing them early. Be ready to utilize
Incapacitating Roar in a crowd control rotation or as an emergency. When
damaging these, you will have to play off of your composition. Some groups may
need more focus through DoTs and
Starfire, and other groups may only
Just as it is on Heroic, you use cooldowns on pull and normally on one of the two
Monstrous Souls each intermission phase. As always, plan to have a
Starfall toward the end of the ramp leading up to your
Starsurge dump so you can still build optimal stacks while you bait
Soul Explosion.
Mighty Bash and
Solar Beam can single-handedly control a
Grim Reflection in Phase Two for 12 seconds without ever having to
land an interrupt. Additionally,
Cyclone can be used on these adds in an
emergency or even to allow the tank to place
Kingsmourne Hungers on
a Grim Reflection without having to be focusing other crowd control into it.
For more information, please refer to our Anduin Wrynn guide.
Lords of Dread
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Lords of Dread.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
Swarm of Decay phases happen at around 1 minute, 3 minutes, 6 minutes, and 8 minutes
and last 20 seconds long so plan accordingly. For
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune
Ravenous Frenzy, you can send these on pull, second swarm phase, and
then on cooldown. If you are playing Night Fae,
Convoke the Spirits
can be saved for every
Swarm of Decay phase for the extra
Starfall. It is important to save
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
windows for these phases if you do not have Incarnation as the damage bonus
is quite powerful.
Defensively, Balance Druids are one of the stronger classes for tanking
Cloud of Carrions and staying out during
Swarm of Decay
Barkskin and even
Bear Form if necessary.
Mythic Mode
On Mythic, groups oftentimes Bloodlust on the first
Swarm of Decay. As a Venthyr you want to cooldown the second
that Bloodlust is cast so you can have an extended trinket use and also finish
your cooldown just as Swarm of Decay ends. After this, you will normally use
cooldowns as they come up so we get all of our three uses.
This is a hard fight for ranged damage dealers. If you ever get a
Cloud of Carrion immediately after a
Swarm of Decay, be
ready to use all emergency measures to survive.
Heart of the Wild can be
used for the extra Health and
Frenzied Regeneration charge to live in
these dire circumstances.
For more information, please refer to our Lords of Dread guide.
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Rygelon.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
How you play this boss will highly depend on your raid composition.
Collapsing Quasar is the main fight mechanic. They spawn spread
out around the room and need to be killed at the appropriate times to allow
those with Dark Eclipse to dispose of their debuffs and not kill the
Starfall is great at whittling down their Health but be careful
not to overkill them using cooldowns or you may end up causing a wipe.
Cooldowns can be used as they are needed. Most of the time you will save them for the normal phase to help burn down early Quasars but the fight only lasts slightly longer than six minutes so you will be hard-pressed to get more than two full cooldowns out so plan out a good usage of your second cooldown set.
Mythic Mode
Mythic Rygelon is about control and survival. Cooldowns can be used on pull,
right as you go down for the second time, and then at the end of the fight.
Avoid overkilling Quasars with Starfall and you make a huge difference
single-targeting these down when they specifically need to die. The first
spawns every phase are the tightest checks of the fight.
The Quasars in each phase are broken down into three kill groups. Kill the
closest four Quasars in the first set and control the back two. When the next
Quasar set spawns, the back two from the previous set should be in melee and
you once again kill the closest four to the boss. Finally you kill the remaining
four and you enter the intermission. Typhoon is a good solution for
getting the last set of Quasars in a good formation by knocking the two middle
ones inwards or slightly backwards.
When in the intermission, a good place to use Barkskin is when you
have a 5-stack of
Stellar Decay on the first orb or as you get to
the second orb as that is where the damage begins to heavily ramp. When leaving
the intermission, put damage and DoTs into
Unstable Antimatter as
you can only target this while in the down phase through the intermission or
through taking a Quasar portal. This extra damage will help you make the damage
check on these during the normal phases.
For more information, please refer to our Rygelon guide.
The Jailer
We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Jailer.
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar
Cooldowns go as normal on this boss. The first two phases are relatively timed allowing you to use cooldowns on pull and immediately into Phase Two or right after the first mind controls. The last cooldown can be used on a set of torment adds or whenever you would like. The fight can allow for four cooldown sets but only on slow kills as the fight does not normally extend far past 9 minutes.
Rune of Damnation requires you to jump in a hole in the last
one or two seconds of the debuff to avoid damaging the whole raid. Balance Druids
can use Bear, Cat, or Human Form
Wild Charge or
(if playing Night Fae) to get back down to the platform immediately.
Additionally, you can also use
Flap while going down the hole to avoid
dying if you entered too early.
When dealing with Phase Two's Rune of Compulsion,
Travel Form's
Wild Charge will leap you forward and you can shift midair to avoid
being speed boosted once the mind control takes effect.
Phase Three is the easier of the phases of this fight. Bait
Defile and
Decimator away from the raid and always
mind your step. It is easy to both control and damage
Incarnation of Torments using
Solar Beam and
Incapacitating Roar. Try to get these closer to the boss as not everyone
has a 40-yard range
Mythic Mode
The Jailer on Mythic difficulty is a fast-paced boss with many variables that
require play adjustment. Learning how to handle each
Rune of Damnation position and how you get to each one and how to get
stacked for each
Rune of Compulsion are some of the bigger learning
curves for Mythic Mode. A good way to approach this boss is that you rarely need
to use your mobility for anything other than these mechanics.
Wild Charge
Travel and Human form are both incredible for getting back to your group or
skipping over the holes in the room to get to where you need to be.
Defensively, Balance Druids have copious options to choose from and can
always fall back on Bear Form and
Frenzied Regeneration. As a ranged,
you will be assigned to chain
Blood of Azeroth to Azeroth herself.
Since we will be off the group and oftentimes proccing this damage event
immediately after other mechanics or even during, this is extremely dangerous.
Barkskin can be used liberally here and if there is every any doubt of
Cosmic Healing Potion, and even
Heart of the Wild in
Guardian Affinity can be
used in emergencies.
For cooldowns, at this stage of progression we will only get three full uses unless the kill is slower than average. You can get a partial fourth use only if you immediately use in Phase Two which can be dangerous as we will explain further.
First cooldown can be used on pull and Night Fae will be using
Convoke the Spirits on cooldown (with
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar)
when they are able to as there are plenty of line-of-sight issues in this
phase. For second cooldowns, wait until the first
Rune of Compulsion.
This is especially important for Venthyr who rely heavily on their
damage in this window. If you get the first mind control, just wait until you
are broken out and in position before using cooldowns. The final cooldown is
used on the
Incarnation of Torments. Venthyr Druids should pre-ramp
some stacks of
Ravenous Frenzy before these spawn to get a juiced
Starfall and hit the boss. This requires you to do the whole sequence
of dodging
Expelled Corruption, baiting
taking the lock gate, and then dropping
Torment correctly. This
can be a difficult mechanical challenge but comes with a rewarding payoff.
For more information, please refer to our The Jailer guide.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This was written by Borabank, a Balance Druid theorycrafter and raider in Muscle Memory. You can watch him on his Twitch channel or in the Dreamgrove Discord server.
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