Balance Druid DPS The Eternal Palace Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Balance Druid for each boss of the following raid: The Eternal Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Balance Druid in The Eternal Palace
Balance Druid is looking to be one of the strongest ranged classes in the coming raid tier. It provides great utility, amazing single target, and has strong DoTs for cleave bosses. This could change in Heroic week.
Visions vrs. Condensed Life-Force
The power of each of these Essence depends on fight length and cooldown usage. If you are looking to do guaranteed burst damage in a certain window such as fights like Orgozoa phase 1 and Ashvane shield/vuln phases. Condensed will be more beneficial for progression.
On farm, fight durations get shorter and damage checks in some of the tougher phases of fights become more underwhelming. In these situations, Vision proc randomness can lead to sometimes even significant damage increases over the alternative in Condensed Life-Force.
That being said, all recommendations are given with progression in mind and not farm.
Also note that, until you have Rank 3
Condensed Life-Force, you can use Rank 1 and
Rank 2
Vision of Perfection in its place on these
Essence recommendations.
Talent and Essence Cheatsheet
Abyssal Commander Sivara
We advise you to use the following essences against Abyssal Commander Sivara.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
Focused Energy
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
A very straight-forward single-target fight. While afflicted with
Frost Mark, make sure to stutter step between
Starsurge and
DoT casts to avoid being
Frozen. Be sure to use your superior quick
movement with
Wild Charge disengage to help soak others targeted with
Dodge Frostshock Bolts by maintaining a reasonable distance between
yourself and the boss, and sidestep any incoming bolts to avoid generating
additional stacks of your mark or triggering
Unstable Mixture.
For more information, please refer to our Abyssal Commander Sivara strategy guide.
Mythic Mode
This fight does not change for Balance Druids on Mythic Mode. Just put more emphasis on the above mentioned fight mechanics and assist with off-healing when possible.
Blackwater Behemoth
We advise you to use the following essences against Blackwater Behemoth.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
Focused Energy
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
Warcraft's very first underwater boss is very easy for all Druids. Burst down
the first Shimmerskin Pufferfish and apply your DoTs to the second fish
to lower its Health and kill it quickly when needed. Pool for every
Shock Pulse to negate the downsides of the pushback and stay spread for
Bioelectric Feelers. If you are ever debuffed with the
Darkest Depths debuff and are taking incoming damage, use
Use Aquatic Form Wild Charge to swim quickly through or over the
Darkwater Jellyfish every intermission.
For more information, please refer to our Blackwater Behemoth strategy guide.
Mythic Mode
Use your increased mobility via Wild Charge to spread far and still
help soak
Piercing Barb.
Radiance of Azshara
We advise you to use the following essences against Radiance of Azshara.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
Focused Energy
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
A split single-target fight with some priority add focus during the
intermissions. If you are focusing on multi-target damage, drop the
Essence of the Focusing Iris minor for
Blood of the Enemy.
During the intermission, focus the bulk of your damage on the
Stormwraith and use Solar Beam to silence the Stormlings.
Wild Charge to negate the knockback of
Gale Buffet.
For more information, please refer to our Radiance of Azshara strategy guide.
Mythic Mode
This fight differs little from its other versions. During the intermission,
cast Barkskin on the second
Gale Buffet cast to mitigate any
additional incoming damage.
Lady Ashvane
We advise you to use the following essences against Lady Ashvane.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
Focused Energy
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
On Lady Ashvane, you will want to use your cooldowns on pull and save for the second non-shielded phase. If you are lusting on the first non-shield phase, consider saving your first cooldown usage for that.
Wild Charge finds a good amount of use as a short-duration movement
cooldown. Use it to meet up with your other
Briny Bubble members, to
Upsurge off the global, or bring your end of the
Arcing Azerite line out to a far
Coral Growth. You can use the
following macro to leave Moonkin Form and cast the human version of Wild Charge
to meet up with other Briny Bubbles, if disengage will not get you far enough.
- /cancelaura Moonkin Form
- /cast [@mouseover] Wild Charge
It will take two button presses to activate it.
For more information, please refer to our Lady Ashvane strategy guide.
Mythic Mode
There are several ways to use your cooldown on this fight. First we will
talk about Condensed Life-Force. If using Condensed Life-Force, you have
two options. You can either cooldown at 0/3/6 or at 1/4/7. Cooldowning using the
first order gives you additional burst to break the third shield with Bloodlust.
Cooldowning using the second order helps you burst the boss down into execute
range for some classes during the vulnerable phase and then help finish the
boss off in the final phase.
If you use Vision of Perfection, you cooldown 1/3.5/6. This cooldown
option is very comp versatile and offers some of both worlds. It does a decent
amount of vulnerable health damage as well as having
Celestial Alignment
up for Bloodlust.
If you soak an early Rippling Wave, you will need to watch your Health
extra closely. Learn the timings well and try to set yourself up with a rotation
of Defensives, Potions, and self-healing. Towards the end you will find yourself
low often and needing to top yourself if there are any additional incoming waves.
You can also burst the boss in two vulnerability phases. In cases like this,
Condensed Life-Force is most definitely the choice to guarantee you make
the checks to the best of your ability instead of relying on
Vision of Perfection randomness.
We advise you to use the following essences against Orgozoa.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Worldvein Resonance — Rank 3:
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Worldvein Resonance — Rank 3:
Orgozoa is a single-target encounter with a steady flow of adds that spawn throughout the encounter. Make sure to use your second cooldown on-cooldown if you lust on pull. If you lust in Phase 2, save your second cooldown usage for that.
The add spawn timings do not line up well enough to use Fury of Elune,
so we do recommend
Shooting Stars instead. Pool for the add spawns and
burn them down. Make sure to keep DoTs applied to all targets. In Phase 2, make
sure to focus down the Azshari Witch first and interrupt
Conductive Pulse. Prioritize the Dreadcoil Hulk over the
Zan'jir Myrmidon and use
Barkskin when targeted by abilities or
soaking smashes.
In the intermission, if you take a tumble, use Wild Charge and pray
you can land back on the platform.
For more information, please refer to our Orgozoa strategy guide.
Mythic Mode
This is not a particularly strong Balance Druid fight but we can still find
use in our single-target damage. The choice between Twin Moons and
Stellar Flare is dependent on your add damage. If your group has low
add damage, you can fully DoT all Zoatroids with both DoTs. If you have
high add damage, just
Sunfire them. If you are looking for add damage
you can take
Purification Protocol as a minor for a small damage boost.
Balance Druid can help provide good bursts of off-healing on every
Arcing Current as
Swiftmend is available for each cast.
Using it on yourself, if you do not have
Barkskin available or on another
raid member if you do can help save them from the DoT ticks following every
Arcing Current.
The Queen's Court
We advise you to use the following essences against The Queen's Court.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
During Repeat Performance, you can just maintain an alternating spell cast
rotation. This mechanic follows all the same rules that
Streaking Stars
does. Beware of
Moonfire, which does not
count in your spell sequence — meaning that if you cast a spell, then cast Moonfire,
and then the same spell again, you would "fail" the decree and be silenced.
Keep your DoTs applied to both targets at all times and only to two of the
three Potent Sparks, while focusing down whichever spark was called by
your raid leader. Use
Barkskin when targeted with the
Frenetic Charge and
Violent Outbursts, especially when
overlapping with Potent Spark explosions. When under the effects of
Deferred Sentence, stutter step your debuff off during
Starsurge and DoT casts.
For more information, please refer to our The Queen's Court strategy guide.
Mythic Mode
This fight is also largely similar to the other difficulties but all the
damage is turned up to 10. Barkskin can be used during any damaging
mechanic that overlaps with a
Potent Spark explosion. Use the extra
durability from
Bear Form to help soak
Frenetic Charge when
Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha
We advise you to use the following essences against Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Purification Protocol — Rank 3:
Purification Protocol
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Purification Protocol — Rank 3:
This is a great Balance Druid fight in all phases. We have strong multi-DoT spells, good self-healing, and great burst, all of which is desired on this encounter.
In the normal phase, your main focus is single-target damage and killing
Horrific Visions. In the Fear Realm, you focus on killing
Horrific Summoners and Horrific Visions. In the final phase, swap to the
boss during every
Dark Pulse cast to prevent massive raid damage,
regardless of what your main priorities are.
In the Delirium Realm, focus on single-targeting down the boss at all
times and self-healing when needed. If you multi-DoT the
Horrific Visions in this realm, they will most likely chase you and
force you out of the realm more quickly.
Typhoon them away, kite them,
or just focus on hitting the boss. When deciding when you want to leave, judge
your stacks and either stop healing yourself or run into a mechanic and force
yourself back up to the normal realm. Call for a dispel and maybe an external,
depending on how many
Hysteria stacks you have accrued.
For more information, please refer to our Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha strategy guide.
Mythic Mode
The first thing to do for this Mythic boss encounter is to swap to
Vision of Perfection. Your cooldown usage on this fight is important and
you need the cooldown reduction from the minor trait to meet the timing checks.
For cooldowns, you use Celestial Alignment during the first
Punctured Darkness. This means you cannot use it early on, as damage
on the opener of this fight is largely irrelevant. The first cooldown of the
fight is done to maximize boss damage. Your next casts are on cooldown to make
sure you get two more uses throughout the encounter.
After Phase 3 is over, you then can choose to shift your damage to either
boss or add damage as add control is very important in the final phase. If you
have a big meat grinder under the boss, you may just be able to tag them inward
and focus the boss unless otherwise called. If not you might be forced to spend
Astral Power and Empowerment charges to kill them quickly while they are at high
stacks. As you will most likely be in the Fear Realm, your damage on the
add spawned by
Psychotic Split is not particularly important but do not
ignore it.
You should stay under the boss in all phases for predictable add
movement and more efficient healing. Every Dread cast should be
Barkskined and that will keep you healthy if you have a single
Ursoc's Endurance but you will need to be topped after.
Queen Azshara
We advise you to use the following essences against Queen Azshara.
- Major Slot
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Guardian of Azeroth +
Condensed Life-Force
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
Focused Energy
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Essence of the Focusing Iris — Rank 3:
In Phase 1, focus on keeping your DoTs applied to both bosses. When the Overzealous Hulk spawns, be sure to swap to it immediately and try to have a pool of resources before it spawns to burst it down quickly.
In the first intermission, help off-heal anyone soaking Arcane Orbs.
Follow your decree to avoid taking additional damage.
Phase 2 begins and you will start fighting Queen Azshara herself. Maintain
max range during all Beckon casts and help soak depleting Ancient Wards
or energizing Wards of Power. Generally, it is safe to take 5-7 stacks of
Drained Soul as a Balance Druid in Phase 2. If you are targeted with
Arcane Burst or are in line of sight of a dispelled Arcane Burst and you
have over 5 stacks, press
Barkskin and enter
Bear Form to
survive the hit.
In Phase 2, you can chose to use your cooldown immediately and have it up at the beginning of the final phase, or save it for the adds in Phase 3 and at the end of the final phase.
There are two sets of adds in Phase 2. Azshara's Devoted spawn in
three groups of four and make their way towards the center rune. These should be
crowd controlled when they reach the center and you should apply DoTs and
Starfall when they converge.
Typhoon them off the rune to
interrupt their casts if they are not being crowd controlled otherwise. If your
group has very low multi-target burst damage, you can use
Essence of the Focusing Iris
as a Major to burn down the targets quickly in one big burst. The second add is
Azshara's Indomitable, which must be burst down similarly to the add in
Phase 1.
In the second intermission, follow your given decree and continue to hit the
boss. At this point in the fight, any soaking you do should not be above 5-stacks
as raid damage increases significantly from here on out. After the decrees are out,
shift your focus to the first Tidemistress. If you have chosen to save your
cooldowns for this phase, use it on the first Tidemistress. If targeted with
Charged Spear, move in-line with the shielded Tidemistress.
In the final phase, clean up the leftover adds and start focusing on boss
damage. Bait the Nether Portals towards the edge of the room and dodge away
from the
Piercing Gaze. You want to avoid taking additional damage or
additional minus Health stacks in this phase, as there is consistent bursts of
damage while depleting the console of energy. In the event that you get the
Essence of Azeroth buff from the console, burst the boss as hard as
possible. When you have 10 seconds remaining on the buff, run into a rune and
stand in it until you die when the buff expires to most optimally abuse the
For more information, please refer to our Queen Azshara strategy guide.
Mythic Mode
You will need to swap to Vision of Perfection to line your cooldowns
up better on this fight. You will normally use cooldowns in your opener, at the
start of Phase 2, on the second add of Phase 3, and on cooldown in the Final
Phase. If you do not need those cooldown timings or are possibly looking to do
a harder burn in Phase 2 and Phase 4, you can run
Condensed Life-Force.
As on Normal and Heroic, Balance Druid is very durable and can take 5 stacks
in Phases 2 & 3, and then even 6 stacks in Phase 4. The damage on this fight is
very scripted. Assuming you line of sight every shield break in Phase 3 and
have removed your stacks of Arcane Vulnerability before getting you Arcane
Burst dispelled, you should not die to anything. In the event you are
targeted with Charged Spear in Phase 3, you should use a personal and even
Bear Form. Keep in mind the Charged Spear damage happens 2-seconds
after the cast, not instantly.
When managing your Arcane Vulnerability, keep in mind the more that you drop your stacks, the less damage you will deal. In Phase 2, you can hold off from clearing your stacks until the Arcane Detonation or if you need to be dispelled. In Phase 3, you generally wont be in line-of-sight of the boss but you should keep your DoTs up on the boss. In the Final Phase, drop your stacks before every console explosion as it will buff that damage as well as during every Nether Portal bait.
In terms of improving your output, you must learn your limitations in various parts of the fight. Knowing that you can survive not lining a shield break in Phase 3 or when run out to apply your DoTs to the boss on the opposite side of the pillar. In Phase 4, knowing if you need to stand behind a console for a set of clicks or if you can eat arcane missiles with a defensive. Azshara tends to be about all the little things you can do to push out that bit of extra damage.
- 06 Nov. 2019: Updated some sections & added a section on Major Essence choice.
- 26 Aug. 2019: Added Mythic Zaqul and Queen Azshara.
- 29 Jul. 2019: Added Mythic mode notes for the first six bosses.
- 16 Jul. 2019: Changed some Essence recommendations.
- 16 Jul. 2019: Added tips for Queen Azshara.
- 10 Jul. 2019: Added tips for the first 7 bosses.
- 07 Jul. 2019: Page Added.
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This was written by Borabank, a Balance Druid theorycrafter and raider in Muscle Memory. You can watch him on his Twitch channel or in the Dreamgrove Discord server.
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