Balance Druid DPS Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Balance Druid for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Balance Druid in Uldir
The Balance Druid toolkit in Battle for Azeroth is greatly suited to handle the mechanics in Uldir. A Balance Druid's main strengths would be strong priority target swapping, high burst with essential Azerite traits, powerful off-heals, and short cooldown/long duration defensives. Balance Druid multi-target is still strong, however it is not very necessary in this raid.
Talent Cheatsheet
More Taloc Guides on Icy Veins

Heroic and normal Taloc should be a very simple boss from the Balance Druid
perspective. The fight is comprised of two main mechanics,
Plasma Discharge and
Sanguine Static. Sanguine Static
targets a player in the raid and shoots 5 blood orbs at towards target. Be ready
to sidestep the projectiles when he finishes the cast.
A location to drop Plasma Discharge should be marked before the
fight begins. We would recommend using
Wild Charge to get the debuff out
quickly and place it in an optimal spot, away from the raid. If Taloc
has cast
Cudgel of Gore and his weapon remains on the ground, do not
stand between the boss and his weapon at any time in Phase One or Phase Three.
In Phase Two, you begin your descent into the raid. Taloc goes immune to all damage and begins to spawn two sets of adds. Coalesced Blood is the phase two exclusive add and must be prioritized over all other targets. Volatile Droplet will be soaked or burned down quickly as a secondary target. This add persists through to Phase Three. Volatile Droplets are rootable, knockable, and stunnable, so if possible, use your talents and spells to prevent the Droplets from colliding with a player that is not a tank. If the tank is not soaking these, focus them down before they reach their target.
Mythic Mode
Mythic Taloc is very similar to its Heroic counterpart. We would highly
recommend talenting Wild Charge, as the slow applied from
Hardened Arteries will reduce the effectiveness of movement speed
increases such as
Tiger Dash.
More M.O.T.H.E.R. Guides on Icy Veins

M.O.T.H.E.R. is another 3-phase fight, split into three rectangular boss rooms. Each room is on a timer based on when the boss enters. All players must pass through the barrier and reach the end to defeat M.O.T.H.E.R. before they are incinerated.
Each room has set mechanics. While the boss is in the first room, she will
cast Wind Tunnel and
Purifying Flame, and
once she enters the second room, she can cast
Uldir Defensive Beam.
Once she reaches the final room, she begins to take additional damage and the
fight ends quickly thereafter.
Wind Tunnel conjures a gust of wind in the room, which pushes you
towards zones of fire. It has about a 40-second cooldown and lasts for
Wild Charge will be the higher DPS choice, but can leave
you at risk of getting caught on the wrong side of the room. You can
Tiger Dash for almost every wind if you are concerned with getting
caught. Additionally, you can talent
Stellar Drift and place one
Starfall to assist with movement.
Purifying Flame creates
several void zones beneath players that must be moved from. Once she enters the
second room, she begins to cast
Uldir Defensive Beam. These create
either vertically or horizontally traveling beams that cover the whole room,
except for one safe spot.
The main fight mechanic revolves around Defense Grid. Everytime
players cross into the next room, the entire raid takes damage and adds spawn,
based on how many players crossed the threshold. If many players are crossing
over, make sure you preemptively cast
These adds are the top priority in this encounter. They must be stunned,
interrupted, and knocked back until they are dead. If their cast completes, the
raid will wipe. Balance Druids are not particularly adept at handling these
adds. While they do bring CC, they do not bring the burst required to kill
them quickly. If you must kill them, we would recommend talenting
Warrior of Elune and
Fury of Elune.
Mythic Mode
Mythic M.O.T.H.E.R. has two new add types and combines the vertical and
horizontal traveling beams at the same time. If your raid group is low on stuns
for the Healer add, you can talent Mighty Bash to single target stun
the disease cast. Save
Solar Beam for when it is called or for when adds
remain while the raid group runs to the safe spot for
Uldir Defensive Beam.
Depending on how your raid does this encounter, you can talent pure single
target using Stellar Flare, full multi-target in
Twin Moons, or
safe with
Stellar Drift. We always recommend keeping
Incarnation: Chosen of Elune and
Fury of Elune to make use of the
increased damage taken in the final chamber.
Fetid Devourer
More Fetid Devourer Guides on Icy Veins

Fetid Devourer is a fight that Balance Druids should excel on.
There is priority target swapping and a vulnerability phase. During the
vulnerability phase, the boss will take increased damage from 50% onwards. If
the boss is close to 50%, save your cooldowns to burn the boss. If possible,
wear Azerite gear with Streaking Stars to increase your burst potential.
The main boss casts very few abilities. Rotting Regurgitation is a
cone ability targeted at a random player, which must be dodged or you will take
a large amount of damage and have
Malodorous Miasma applied to you. If
you are afflicted with Malodorus Miasma, be it random or through the breath, it
will evolve into
Putrid Paroxysm, which is another debuff which does
substantially more damage in a short duration. If you have this debuff,
consider casting
Barkskin, especially if it lines up with
Shockwave Stomp.
Shockwave Stomp (Heroic and up) is a raid-wide knockback, which
pushes you backwards a considerable distance. If you talent
Wild Charge, you can cancel the knockback by turning around and casting
Wild Charge in
Moonkin Form. This will keep you relatively still until
you must move to kill your add or avoid
Rotting Regurgitation.
Two adds will spawn from six waste disposal units at random. If possible,
DoT up one of the Corruption Corpuscles and move onto the second one.
Save small cooldowns, such as Force of Nature or
Warrior of Elune, to burst them down quickly and avoid letting the boss
consume them for Health and Energy.
Mythic Mode
Mythic Fetid Devourer is one of the tougher mythic boss inside of Uldir. It
is essential to take Wild Chargeand use it to negate and reposition
properly after each
Shockwave Stomp or risk spreading
Malodorous Miasma through the raid.
The adds that spawn are much more important that on other difficulties and
must be killed very quickly. Before each add wave, try to pool two
Starsurges worth of Astral Power as well as
Force of Nature and
Fury of Elune (which we would recommend be taken for this encounter due to
their burst potential) and quickly apply your DoTs and unload all of your Astral
Power and cooldowns on the Corruption Corpuscle. Afterwards, move in to
attack the large add that spawns while taking care to give plenty of room to
passing players.
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
More Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Guides on Icy Veins

This encounter was split into three phases on Heroic and Normal difficulties,
with a few basic mechanics that persist through the whole fight. The main
mechanic is Surging Darkness. This creates three zones of darkness
centering where the boss casted the ability. One zone will be safe for every
pulse. Pool Astral Power for movement during this mechanic.
Phase 1 spawns many Silithid Warriors that fixate a target and can
be stunned and burned down effortlessly. Moonfire them as they clump
up and then cast a
Sunfire and
Starfall on top of them.
During Phase One, players will be targeted with
Eye Beam at random.
Players fixated by C'Thun's gaze will have a small indicator below them that will
show if they are standing close enough to cleave another player. Always avoid
having other players in your circle while being fixated and use a personal.
Phase 2, is a priority damage phase. Three adds will spawn and will begin
casting on players. These casters can be interrupted, stunned, CC'd, but not moved.
Solar Beam is an incredible ability versus these adds, because the
8-second blanket silence remains after the original kick. Offer your Solar Beam
early on mobs that are not being focused down. The boss mechanic during this
phase casts
Roiling Deceit on a handful of players. These players
will take damage and then drop a cloud at their feet upon expiration. Get this
cloud out of the raid by running out before the debuff expires.
Phase Three is the final phase of the fight. There will be no more adds or
previous Old God mechanics during this phase. Instead, the boss will spawn
Orb of Corruptions around the boss room. These orbs must be soaked by
players. Players who soak the orb get a temporary damage increase and once the
buff times out, they will be mind controlled until killed. Mind controlled
targets must be silenced, stunned, or interrupted while they live.
You can talent and gear based on your role during this encounter. If your group is light on multi-target damage, consider talenting for multi-target. If you struggle to kill the caster adds quickly enough, swap to a more consistent damage build and sacrifice your multi-target slightly. If you are an assigned orb soaker in Phase Three, save your cooldowns and spec into burst abilities.
Mythic Mode
On mythic Zek'voz, phases 1 and 2 are combined into a single phase, and phase 3 begins at 40% instead of 30%. Additionally, phase 1 and 2 mechanics persist through to the final phase with the exception of the add spawns.
For this boss, players should take Warrior of Elune and
Fury of Elune to best kill the adds that spawn in the first 60% of the
encounter. Monitor the timer and make sure both cooldowns are ready for the adds
which spawn every 2-minutes. If your raid group has sufficient knockbacks,
Mighty Bash to help control the casters more easily. Generally,
save your
Solar Beam for the final add as it lines up with mechanics that
force melee off of the add.
As far as cooldown usage is concerned, there are two primary ways to cooldown this encounter. You can cooldown with the first add wave, the 3rd add wave and maybe once more at the end of the encounter. Or you can cooldown on pull, on the second add wave, and in the final phase. The first way is optimal for killing adds but weaker for final phase boss DPS. Use this if you are progressing and struggling with killing the adds fast enough. You should see a third cooldown usage by the end of the fight during progression. If your add DPS in raid is amazing, consider using your cooldowns the second way to maximize boss damage. If you kill the boss too quickly during farm, you should use your cooldowns like this to ensure three usages.
More Vectis Guides on Icy Veins

Vectis will begin the fight casting Omega Vector on
a few party members. This debuff does not expire and will bounce from target to
target the entire fight. Everytime the debuff bounces, the player contracts one
stack of
Lingering Infection, which increases all nature damage taken.
While Omega Vector deals shadow damage, other fight mechanics deal nature damage.
During the "up phase", the boss will cast two abilities.
Contagion is a raid wide nature damage explosion and
Gestate stuns the target dealing shadow damage to all players
around the target and spawns an add. This add must be burned down immediately
or the healing absorb debuff it casts on the raid will be too much for your
Vectis submerges and spawns Plague Bombs, which must be
soaked by players. During this phase, Vectis will also send out waves of blood
that must be sidestepped or the player will take a stack of
Lingering Infection.
Mythic Mode
Mythic Vectis is also similar to its Heroic counterpart with more emphasis on add damage and personal survival. Adds spawn more quickly and apply a larger absorb shield on the raid. Pool Astral Power for every add to ensure maximum damage output.
Talent Restoration Affinity and
Renewal for access to quick
instant heals that allow you to remain healthy through dangerous portions of
this fight.
On mythic, at 6 and 12 stacks of Lingering Infection,
Contagion casts interact differently with the player. At 6-stacks,
you must spread for every Contagion cast as you will emanate
Bursting Lesions which will damage and increase the stacks of players
too close to you. At 12-stacks, every Contagion cast will spawn a parasite which
will damage your raid and must be killed or healed through.
Zul, Reborn
More Zul, Reborn Guides on Icy Veins

Zul, Reborn is a pretty complex boss, but as Balance Druids, we get to just mindlessly mash multi-target abilities for most of the fight.
The main mechanic that Balance Druid can handle is
Pool of Darkness (Heroic and up). With our innate damage reduction via
Guardian Affinity and our ability to reach the zones quickly by
Tiger Dash, we are one of the prime candidates to soak
the pools during their duration.
There are three sets of adds that spawn in Phase One.
Nazmani Bloodhexer spawn in packs of two and must remain separated.
Focus these first and kill them quickly. The second Bloodhexer may possibly cast
Congeal Blood and the add that spawns from this cast is the only
target that takes priority over the two Bloodhexers. Bloodhexer's can be hard
CC'd, knocked back, stunned, and silenced as well as the add that they spawn.
Nazmani Crusher is your second priority and Bloodthirsty Crawg are normally just burned down through passive cleave. The Crushers will spawn one at a time and the Crawgs will spawn four at a time. When there are no Nazmani Bloodhexers active, target the Crusher and cleave off of him.
In Phase One and Two, there is large raid-wide damage through
Dark Revelation and
Deathwish. If either of these
abilities line up while you are soaking a
Pool of Darkness, be sure
to use
Barkskin. Also use Barkskin when targeted by these
abilities as well.
Mythic Mode
On mythic Zul, players will primarily burn only the boss and when called, the Nazmani Crusher. Take all single target talents for this encounter and do not perform your multi-target rotation or multi-DoT Bloodthirsty Crawgs intentionally.
Mythrax the Unraveler
More Mythrax the Unraveler Guides on Icy Veins

Mythrax is another fight with some Balance Druid
interaction. Occasionally, players will be targeted with
Oblivion Sphere and become mind controlled. These players can be
knocked out of the mind control if you cast
Typhoon on them. If
Typhoon is on cooldown, make sure you damage them out using
This fight consists of a boss phase and an intermission phase. During the
boss phase, just be aware of any Annihilation stacks you have. Clear
them if they get too high or if you are called to clear them using
Existence Fragments. You can limit the number of stacks you receive
by avoiding casts of
Obliteration Blast, which targets a random player
and shoots a laser at them and its intermission counterpart,
Obliteration Beam.
During the intermission, two large N'raqi Destroyers spawn and must
stay separated and burned down. Additionally, several players will be targeted
with Visions of Madness. Try to stay grouped so players can cleave
them down easily. DoT and silence any adds that are out of the main group and if
the adds live long enough, be sure to fully DoT up all adds.
Damage timings are very announced during this fight. Raid wide damage is
dealt after every mind control break, at the beginning of every intermission,
and also when Imminent Ruin expires. If any mechanics line up or you
are afflicted with Imminent Ruin, be sure to use your personal cooldowns.
Mythic Mode
For mythic Mythrax, we would suggest talenting Warrior of Elune and
Fury of Elune to best kill adds throughout the encounter. Make sure you
have both cooldowns for every living weapon spawn as they provide burst
for each add. Before the living weapon returns at 50%, reapply both DoTs to
the add.
During the intermission, pool Astral Power for every set of
Visions of Madness and apply both DoTs to all targets while moving. Use
Wild Charge to quickly move away from the
Obliteration Beam bait
spot while slowed by the adds cast.
More G'huun Guides on Icy Veins

G'huun is the final boss of the raid. The encounter consists of an upstairs minigame portion as well as three downstairs phases.
Phase One is the add phase. Your focus in this phase is to cleave down all
units, but have at least one target ready to be focused down. The priority is
Blightspreader Tendril (Heroic and up), then
Cyclopean Terror, and finally Dark Young. Make sure all
casts during this phase are kicked. The Dark Young add will cast an ability
called Dark Bargain in a circle around itself. If you take one stack,
you deal increased damage and healing but also take increased damage. If you get
a second stack, you will be mind controlled. During this phase, G'huun will also
Explosive Corruption on one random player. This player should
move to the edges of the room so they do not infect any other members. This
ability will persist through the fight.
When G'huun is forced from his lair, he stops stops spawning the
adds from the previous phase and brings new mechanics to the fight. Be sure to
spread to reduce stacks of Putrid Blood contracted from the
Wave of Corruption. A player will be targeted with
Blood Feast and be rooted to the ground. Stack up on that player to
remove all stacks of Putrid Blood. He will spawn a Gibbering Horror,
whose strength is increased by the amount of Putrid Blood stacks that were
removed. Focus this down when it is active and avoid being interrupted by
Mind-Numbing Chatter.
The upstairs phase is a minigame separate from the rest of the boss encounter.
Players must run through a gauntlet to deposit a Power Matrix. After
5-seconds of holding the Power Matrix, you will become rooted to the ground and
have to throw it to another player using your extra action button. The power
matrix is not the only thing to slow you down while traversing the upper
The path is covered in Amorphous Cyst that will slow you
considerably. When damaged, they are forced to shrink. Abilities such as DoTs
and Starfall are best for shrinking the cysts. The best mobility
talent for this job is
Tiger Dash, but since this can only be done by
a player every 7 minutes, Tiger Dash is more of a recommendation and not a
requirement, as other mechanics of the fight are easier dealt with using
Wild Charge.
When three Power Matrix are deposited, Phase One will end. If
three are deposited in Phase Two, the boss and any boss adds will be stunned
and take 100% additional damage for 24-seconds. Be sure to save cooldowns for
these vulnerability phases, as well as defensive cooldowns because players are
taking damage as well.
At 20%, the final phase begins. The upstairs mechanics end and the raid takes
a large amount of damage. Only two new mechanics are added to the phase, but you
are no longer able to remove Putrid Blood, so spreading is very
Malignant Growth (Heroic and up) must be moved away from
if they spawn nearby and G'huun will also be casting
Gaze of G'huun, which will fear you if you face him and that should
never happen.
Mythic Mode
There are three major changes to the G'huun on mythic difficulty. Each time
an add is slain, they split into Spawns of G'huun which chase players in an
effort to infest them. The second change is the introduction of
Bursting Boils from phase Two onwards. Finally, for every
Power Matrix deposit, both sides must dunk within 3-seconds of each
For mythic difficulty, you should talent Warrior of Elune for add
cleave and either
New Moon for phase 3 damage or
Shooting Stars
for phase 1 and phase 2 damage. Take
Typhoon to displace the Spawns of
G'huun that spawn throughout the fight.
Wild Charge is best suited for
this encounter as it provides quick movement towards boil soaks as well as
allows Druids to teleport to the balcony using the human form wild charge in
conjunction with a pet or Monk statue being placed on the ledge.
Cooldown usage on mythic is very straight forward. You must use your
cooldown within the first 40-seconds of the encounter, on the second beam which
happens at roughly ~3:40 and once more in phase 3. After you use your cooldown
in phase 3, try to assist healers by using Restoration Affinity to cast
Wild Growth and
Swiftmend as often as possible.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 23 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of Patch 8.2.
- 16 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 13 Jan. 2019: Updated some talent recommendations.
- 10 Dec. 2018: Updated for Patch 8.1.
- 12 Oct. 2018: Added Mythic Mode sections.
- 04 Oct. 2018: Updated talent recommendations.
- 03 Sep. 2018: Added talents.
- 13 Aug. 2018: Added page.
More Druid Guides
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This was written by Borabank, a Balance Druid theorycrafter and raider in Muscle Memory. You can watch him on his Twitch channel or in the Dreamgrove Discord server.
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