Bastion Zone Overview and Guide
This page goes over the information currently available about Bastion, one of the new zones in the Shadowlands, and will be updated as more information becomes available.
The Kyrian Covenant in Bastion
The Kyrian covenant are the protectors of order in Bastion and seek to ensure the safety of their lands.
You can find more about them in our Kyrian overview, including each of the abilities available to classes when selecting them as your chosen Covenant.
Covenant Sanctum in Bastion
The Covenant Sanctum for the Kyrians in Bastion is located in Elysian Hold, to the north-east of the main landmass of Bastion. You will be sent there during the progression of the questline and can unlock the flight path then.

Reputations in Bastion
The Ascended are the main reputation found within Bastion. You can read more about them below in our guide.
Map of Bastion

The Kyrian Covenant—who are the forebears of the Val'kyr and the Spirit Healers—rule over Bastion. They are messengers, couriers, and some of the purest souls in the Shadowlands.
Bastion is ordered and purposeful. Souls naturally drawn to service are sent here by the Arbiter to examine their lives, cleanse themselves of their burdens, and work toward a state of virtue so they might ascend to serve the Shadowlands.
One such soul that has taken up within Bastion's vaunted halls is Uther the Lightbringer, whom players will encounter through their journeys.
Questing Sections in Bastion
Eternity's Call
As you arrived in Bastion you met Kleia, who helped you make contact with the ascended Kalisthene. You were instructed to "follow the path" of the kyrian as if you were an aspirant. After saving Kleia's soulbind, Pelagos, from a meditation gone awry, you made your way to Aspirant's Crucible.
The following special events can be found during this section of questing:
- Herculon (rare)
The Aspirant's Crucible
In the Crucible you viewed your deeds in life and trained alongside kyrian aspirants, helping fight against the anima drought in the process. After confronting your own burdens from life you successfully earned the favor of Kalisthene - and access to a portion of Bastion's power.
The following special events can be found during this section of questing:
- Beasts of Bastion (rare event)
- Vesper Repair (rare event)
The Temple of Purity
Pelagos joined you in the nearby Temple of Purity, where the number of kyrian falling into a darkened state has increase dramatically during the anima drought. Though you tried to save all you could, the fallen have organized into a group known as the Forsworn. The Forsworn launched a surprise attack on the temple that you helped push back. In your confrontation with Lysonia, leader of the assault on Purity, you were able to obtain a fragment of her essence with the Paragon of Purity's aid.
The following special events can be found during this section of questing:
- Hostile Recollection (bonus objective)
- Vesper of Virtues (rare event)
- Fallen Acolyte (rare NPC)
Chasing a Memory
You took Lysonia's fragment to The Mnemonic Locus, where the Forgelite Prime Mikanikos helped you uncover an incoming second Forsworn attack somewhere in Bastion.
There are no rare events currently in this questing section.
By the Archon's Will
In order to warn the Archon of the imminent attack you traveled to Hero's Rest. You were granted a steward companion of your choosing, who helped you activated the beacon to summon Polemarch Adrestes, herald of the Archon. You entered Elysian Hold, home of the ascended, and finally met with the Archon. She had you inspect the wards protecting Bastion's five temples, where you came upon a Forsworn Uther the Lightbringer. Uther disable the ward for the Temple of Courage, leaving it vulnerable to attack.
There are no rare events currently in this questing section.
The Temple of Courage
As you, Kleia, and Pelagos, flew to meet Mikanikos at the Temple of Courage you saw a Maldraxxian Necropolis enter the sky above and begin sieging the area. You helped push back the Maldraxxus assault, but at the loss of the Hand of Courage, Thanikos. Xandria, the Paragon of Courage, chased after the necromancer Amarth the Reanimator and his allies deeper within the Necrotic Wake. You were tasked both with aiding her, and informing Oribos of Maldraxxus' betrayal.
There are no rare events currently in this questing section.
Races in Bastion
Despite being a zone of purity, Bastion is home to both pure and impure creatures.

- Kyrians — these are the members of the covenant that rule over Bastion. They act as shepherds of the souls of the dead, ensuring that they reach judgement before moving on to their final destination. When a soul first arrives in Bastion, they become an Aspirant, destined to train until they can join the Ascended.
- Stewards — these owl-like creatures are known as the keepers of Bastion,
ensuring that it not only runs smoothly, but maintains that pristine look. They
are the ones that built the Centurions.
- Centurions — these anima-fueled constructs act as guards of Bastion, keeping the peace and helping to train the new Aspirants. There are three main types of Centurion: the Praetors, those that train the Aspirants, Goliaths, those that keep the peace in Bastion, and Colossi, those that have defended Bastion from any threats.
- The Forsworn — when an Aspirant fails to complete their trials, they lose their way and wander Bastion in sorrow. If left to their own devices, these lost souls can quickly cause unrest in Bastion.
- Memories — these are physical manifestations of the torment of the Kyrians.
Instances in Bastion
There are two instances in Bastion, the Spires of Ascension and The Necrotic Wake.
Achievements in Bastion
Bastion has the following achievements available to be completed:
- Quests
The Path to Ascension
Kyrian Campaign
- Exploration
- [PH] Bastion Zone Achievement
Explore Bastion
Adventurer of Bastion
Treasures of Bastion
Shard Labor
- PvP
Tour of Duty: Bastion
- Reputation
The Ascended
As more testing is done on the Beta, we will add a page detailing how to
obtain the more difficult achievements listed above, such as Shard Labor
and the [PH] achievement.
Rare Drops in Bastion
As the locations and availability of the more notable rares in Bastion are found on the Beta, we will add timers and spawn locations for any that drop notable items for players.
- 04 Dec. 2020: Added link to zone reputation guide.
- 12 Aug. 2020: Added link to Spires of Ascension guide.
- 10 Aug. 2020: Updated images.
- 03 Aug. 2020: Added achievements section.
- 21 Jul. 2020: Added new structure to the guide.
- 01 May 2020: Updated with more information from Alpha testing.
- 10 Apr. 2020: Updated page with information from Alpha testing.
- 03 Nov. 2019: Added link to Kyrian overview.
- 02 Nov. 2019: Page added.
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