Beast Mastery Hunter Leveling Guide from 1 to 80 — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Azortharion 146 comments

On this page, you will find our Level by Level Beast Mastery Hunter leveling guide for The War Within. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. For more general leveling information, please refer to our Hunter leveling guide.


Beast Mastery Hunter Leveling Guide for The War Within


Beast Mastery Hunter Leveling Playstyle

Beast Mastery Hunter, thanks to being able to use its pet as a tank, is an excellent questing leveler, able to do large pulls regularly like a tank thanks to Misdirection Icon Misdirection/No Hard Feelings Icon No Hard Feelings, while doing much more damage than a tank.

Grab a Ferocity pet and Misdirection Icon Misdirection, and activate it before tagging as many mobs as possible, usually with Cobra Shot Icon Cobra Shot, Barbed Shot Icon Barbed Shot, and later on, Barrage Icon Barrage, and watch the mobs flock to your pet. Activate Beast Cleave Icon Beast Cleave with Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot and get to cleaving. The more damage your pet does — meaning the more targets you hit, the more your pet will heal itself for!


Best Leveling Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

The Leveling Build assumes that you are mostly going to fight mobs that die pretty quickly. This is why we pick Pack Leader over Dark Ranger. The Pack Leader tree does a far better job of being effective when quickly transitioning from mob to mob, which leveling demands, even in Leveling Dungeons.

This is my recommended Leveling Build for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within. Be sure to click the "Talents by Level" option in the bottom right.


Best Leveling Gear for Beast Mastery Hunter

When leveling up, always choose the piece of loot with the highest item level. The only exception to this rule is if you have a Ring or Necklace with a slightly lower item level, but 2 secondary stats on it instead of 1.


Leveling Rotation for Beast Mastery Hunter

To keep things simple while leveling and learning the spec, use the slider to select your level, and watch as the leveling rotation grows with each level!

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 70
  1. Use Barrage Icon Barrage combined with a Misdirection Icon Misdirection (Level 46) on your pet to gather a ton of mobs to your pet quickly. This also activates Beast Cleave Icon Beast Cleave.
  2. Use Mend Pet Icon Mend Pet for large pulls to keep your pet healthy.
  3. On AoE, use Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot to maintain Beast Cleave Icon Beast Cleave on your pet.
  4. Use Bestial Wrath Icon Bestial Wrath on pulls and mobs that will survive most of its duration.
  5. Use Kill Command Icon Kill Command on cooldown.
  6. Use Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot on targets below 20% health.
  7. Use Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shot on cooldown, but only when there are multiple targets up.
  8. Use Barbed Shot Icon Barbed Shot to keep it from hitting 2 charges, and to maintain the Frenzy Icon Frenzy buff on your pet.
  9. Use Cobra Shot Icon Cobra Shot as a filler.
  10. Spam Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot.
  11. Use Steady Shot Icon Steady Shot as a filler.

Best Leveling Pet for Beast Mastery Hunter

All pets do the same damage, but they vary in their utility and special abilities. The absolute best Leveling Pet is a Clefthoof. They both take less Physical damage, and receive more healing, than any other pet. I recommend you keep their spec set as Ferocity to fully leverage this extra healing. Any Clefthoof will do, and there are tons available from when you reach Level 10, so check out the link, find your favourite, and get hunting!

For more detailed information on Pets, especially in the endgame, check out our Pets page.


Level 80: Congratulations!

Congratulations on reaching Level 80! Now that you have hit Level 80, we recommend looking at our Easy mode page, Talents section, and Rotation section to learn how to play at max level.



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 30 Oct. 2024: Updated for October 29 Hotfixes.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
  • 30 Aug. 2024: Preliminary update pass in preparation for Season 1.
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
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