Beast Mastery Hunter DPS Easy Mode — The War Within (11.0.7)

Last updated on Dec 15, 2024 at 16:00 by Azortharion 146 comments
General Information

On this page, we explain how to easily play Beast Mastery Hunter in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7), using the simplest rotation, talent tree, stat priority, gear setup, etc., without sacrificing performance.


Beginner's Guide to Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

This section is intended for players who are new to the game or class, have no intentions of raiding Mythic difficulty, or simply want a more straightforward way to play their specialization without being overwhelmed by the numerous priorities and active abilities that need to be taken into consideration for optimal play.


The Basics of Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

Beast Mastery is quite simple in its execution and it is an ideal spec for someone new to raiding, or just WoW in general. It is one of the most popular specs in the game, and has seen use in many World First kills.

If you are completely new to Beast Mastery and need more information on the abilities available to you, you can check out our Spell Summary page.


Best Beginner Beast Mastery Hunter Talents in The War Within

Single-Target Talents Mythic+ Talents Raid AoE Talents Rotation Defensives Best Pets

Best Pack Leader Single-Target Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

This build is by far the strongest single-target build that we have, used for bosses like Sikran, Nexus Princess Ky'veza, and other fights that have a single, important target that needs to die.


Wild Instincts Icon Wild Instincts vs Bloody Frenzy Icon Bloody Frenzy

Note that for single-target fights with relevant add spawns, you can simply swap Wild Instincts Icon Wild Instincts for Bloody Frenzy Icon Bloody Frenzy at a negligible single-target DPS loss (less than 0.5% for most characters), and gain some AoE as a result.

If you are receiving Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion, Wild Instincts Icon Wild Instincts extends its advantage by upwards of 0.5%.

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Best Dark Ranger Mythic+ Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

Dark Ranger offers superior AoE and only slightly inferior single-target and priority-target damage to Pack Leader, on top of a stronger defensive profile.

The build is highly optimized for a good blend of single-target and AoE. You can sacrifice one to gain the other, but you would always be sacrificing more than you are gaining in the other department, so I do not recommend deviating from this build, at least as far as the Spec Tree goes. The only change worth considering would be swapping Master Handler Icon Master Handler to Training Expert Icon Training Expert for a small loss of AoE, but less emphasis on multidotting/cycling Barbed Shot Icon Barbed Shots between different targets.

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Best Dark Ranger Raid AoE Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

This build offers the best blend of single-target and AoE damage for single-target raid encounters with add spawns or intermittent AoE of any kind. Fortunately, we can get quite a bit of AoE with only a modest single-target loss.

For persistent AoE fights, like Silken Court, swap Training Expert Icon Training Expert for Master Handler Icon Master Handler and Killer Cobra Icon Killer Cobra for Brutal Companion Icon Brutal Companion, but only if you are comfortable multidotting Barbed Shot Icon Barbed Shot.

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!


Beginner Beast Mastery Hunter DPS Rotation

The goal of Beast Mastery is simply to cast as many Kill Command Icon Kill Commands as possible. To do this, you need to cast it on cooldown, and you also need to keep your Focus above 30 so that you have enough Focus to cast it on cooldown. In short, if you can press Kill Command, you always should!

Your second core ability is Barbed Shot Icon Barbed Shot. It applies a hefty DoT that gives you some Focus over time, and it increases your pet attack speed by 30% (35% with the tier set bonus!), stacking up to 3 times, for 10 seconds. It also has a solid chance of generating Kill Command Icon Kill Commands via the War Orders Icon War Orders talent.

You will generate Focus mostly passively, with extra Focus infusions from abilities like Dire Beast Icon Dire Beast, but it is important that you never reach 100 Focus! To prevent this, use Cobra Shot Icon Cobra Shot to "dump" and manage your Focus. It will also reduce the remaining cooldown of Kill Command Icon Kill Command. Make sure not to press Cobra Shot if you could be casting Kill Command instead!

On top of all this, our Dark Ranger Hero Talent also introduces Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow, a replacement for your otherwise seldom- used Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot button. As a Dark Ranger, this button will do solid damage on its own, and apply a DoT that feeds effects like Basilisk Collar Icon Basilisk Collar, Shadow Hounds Icon Shadow Hounds, and more. When Black Arrow procs, simply use it!

Aside from these 3-4 buttons, Beast Mastery simply presses its other buttons on cooldown. Note that most of the abilities below are opt-in via talents, so do not be put off by the length of this list!

  • Call of the Wild Icon Call of the Wild — One of your two primary cooldowns that summons a "zoo" of pets and lets you cast far more Kill Command Icon Kill Commands and Barbed Shot Icon Barbed Shots.
  • Bloodshed Icon Bloodshed — One of your two primary cooldowns that vastly increases your pet's damage on a single target. Not necessarily used in all Talent Builds, so if you cannot find it, don't worry!
  • Bestial Wrath Icon Bestial Wrath — A powerful mini-cooldown that improves all your damage by 25%, and your pet's critical strike bonus damage by 35%.
  • Explosive Shot Icon Explosive Shot — A Hunter staple that deals hefty damage on a 30-second cooldown.
  • Dire Beast Icon Dire Beast — An additional pet summon that also generates Focus.
  • Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot — A strong single-target button. Normally only usable on enemies below 20% HP. As a Dark Ranger, it becomes Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow instead.

AoE Rotation for Beast Mastery Hunter

There is only one extra thing you need to worry about for Beast Mastery on AoE, and that is Beast Cleave Icon Beast Cleave. This is a pet buff activated by Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot that causes all of its attacks to do AoE damage. Even if there are only 2 targets up, you should try to keep this buff up 100% of the time by casting Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot regularly. You can generally fit 3 spells between Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shots. Make sure most of those are Kill Command Icon Kill Command as it will also do AoE damage via Kill Cleave Icon Kill Cleave!

As a Dark Ranger, you also want to ensure that all of your Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow casts are happening under the effects of Beast Cleave Icon Beast Cleave. Since we recommend this Hero Talent for Mythic+, this is important to keep in mind every time Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow procs!

I recommend using this WeakAura to keep track of Beast Cleave!


Defensive Spells for Beast Mastery Hunter

Exhilaration Icon Exhilaration is your primary self-heal and it has a rather short cooldown thanks to the Natural Mending Icon Natural Mending Talent. Use this when you drop below 50% HP to help out your Healer!

Aspect of the Turtle Icon Aspect of the Turtle is your immunity. It can be used to completely negate the damage and effects of most spells targeted on you. Use it if you are assigned to, or in a pinch if you worry that an upcoming mechanic will kill you!

Survival of the Fittest Icon Survival of the Fittest is our most powerful defensive besides Turtle, a 30% damage reduction with 2 charges on a 1.5-minute cooldown each. Use it to reduce damage taken from hard-hitting mechanics. Optimal use of this ability entails using it proactively, before heavy incoming damage.

Fortitude of the Bear Icon Fortitude of the Bear is an extra defensive that comes from using a Tenacity Pet (more on that in the Pets section!). It increases max health by 20% and heals you for that amount too. This defensive can be used after heavy damage, or to survive things that might one-shot you.

Feign Death Icon Feign Death is a very unique Hunter ability. It can be used to drop aggro and combat, and it can also be used to stop casts on you — mobs will usually stop casting mid-cast if you appear to be dead! It will also dispel all Poison and Disease effects from you.

This is just some of the key utility of Beast Mastery Hunter. We highly recommend checking out the fully detailed Spell Glossary page below to see everything explained in detail.


Best Pets for Beast Mastery Hunter

The most important thing to say about Pets is that they all deal the same DPS. The only difference is in utility and defensive capabilities!

First of all, you need to find out if you need to be using Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust/Heroism Icon Heroism in your group. Only Hunters, Mages, Evokers, and Shamans can use Bloodlust, so if there is no one else of those classes in your group, then it is on you!

If you do need to Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, you need to use any Ferocity Pet, since these come with the Primal Rage Icon Primal Rage Bloodlust Ability. Use this website to find a cool Ferocity Pet for Lusting purposes!

If you do not need to Bloodlust, then the best Pet is a Spirit Beast, as these come with the Fortitude of the Bear Icon Fortitude of the Bear Defensive Ability (from Tenacity), and Spirit Mend Icon Spirit Mend which is unique to Spirit Beasts.

With that said, Spirit Mend Icon Spirit Mend is a pretty small bonus and if you do not need to Bloodlust, you can basically use any kind of pet that you want. Tenacity is ideal for its defensive ability.


Best Min-Max Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

This is the Easy Mode page which presents things in a simplified manner with simplified builds. For our detailed, fully-fledged Talent and Rotation guides, click below!


Stat Priority for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

The general stat priority for a Beast Mastery Hunter is seen below. This is very much a rough guideline, and is designed for players who do not wish to sim their character. If you are simming your character, please disregard this stat priority completely and follow your sim!

Item Level tends to beat out better secondary stats on gear.



If you are primarily a Raiding Hunter, try to stick with this priority.

  1. Crit;
  2. Haste;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Versatility.


If you are primarily a Mythic+-playing Hunter, try to stick with this priority.

  1. Haste;
  2. Crit;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Versatility.

This stat priority is specifically based on the builds on this page, which is why it can differ from our regular Stats page linked below.



  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 30 Oct. 2024: Updated for the latest hotfixes.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 08 Oct. 2024: Updated Talent Builds for the October 8th Hotfixes.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Preliminary update for The War Within Season 1.
  • 30 Aug. 2024: Preliminary update pass in preparation for Season 1.
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Dec. 2023: Updated the Mythic+ build.
  • 04 Dec. 2023: Updated with new builds accounting for recent changes.
  • 18 Nov. 2023: Small update to the AoE/Mythic+ Build. Same DPS, but nicer to play.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7
  • 16 Aug. 2023: Restructured the page.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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