Black Rook Hold Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot

Last updated on Mar 19, 2024 at 15:00 by Petko 1 comment

Welcome to our guide to the Atal'Dazar dungeon in Season 3 of the Dragonflight World of Warcraft expansion. This guide will cover everything you need to know about the dungeon, including how to get to it, its layout, the trash and boss mechanics within, and its loot.


Short Introduction

This guide will focus on an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital information to increase your chance of completing the key. We will cover all 4 boss fights supported by the most notable trash enemies in the dungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the dungeons in Mythic+, please see our overviews linked below.


Getting into Black Rook Hold

Black Rook Hold is a max-level dungeon in Val'Sharah, Broken Isles. The dungeon is available in both MythicMythic and Mythic+ mode.


Black Rook Hold Layout


The Amalgam of Souls


Notable Trash Before The Amalgam of Souls

Right at the start of the dungeon, you will be presented with 2 choices, going left or right. While the difference between the non-boss-enemies is none, it is important to state that at the end of each corridor stands a different "mini-boss". To the left, you have Lord Etheldrin Ravencrest, and to the right - Lady Velandras Ravencrest. Pro tip: going left has a slightly more % trash count, so if you are planning to skip any other mobs later in the dungeon, be aware of that!

  • Interrupt Ghostly Councilor's Soul Blast Icon Soul Blast.
  • Upon fighting Ghostly Retainer, make sure to Dispel Soul Blade Icon Soul Blade on cooldown, as they will apply it occasionally on a random party member. Prot tip: if you have Priest, hold your Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel until there are multiple Soul Blade Icon Soul Blade debuffs out.
  • Make sure to focus Ghostly Protector especially when they cast Sacrifice Soul Icon Sacrifice Soul, since they take 200% more damage but gives any existing Ghostly Protector a 75% damage reduction.


  • When fighting Lady Velandras Ravencrest, the most important thing detail here is to stay spread to avoid being simultaneously cleave by Glaive Toss Icon Glaive Toss. In addition, your tank must pay attention to Strike Down Icon Strike Down front-load ability.
  • If you decide to take the left path, be ready to face - Lord Etheldrin Ravencrest. Ensure to interrupt his Spirit Blast Icon Spirit Blast and manage well Soul Echoes Icon Soul Echoes debuff, which the mini-boss will occasionally cast on a non-tank player. If you get targeted by the debuff, be within a safe space and leave the trace of echo behind you; avoid them at all costs , as they will have a follow-up detonation.

Amalgam of Souls Boss Guide

Amalgam of Souls consists of two phases - Phase one: The Amalgam of Souls and Phase two: The Call of Souls. During Phase 1 you need to avoid Swirling Scythe Icon Swirling Scythe (the more range you have between the boss, the easier to dodge) skill shot frontal and deal with Soul Echoes Icon Soul Echoes follow-up ground effect (targeting a random player). In addition to that, occasionally, the boss will cast Reap Soul Icon Reap Soul 180 degrees frontal; it is essential for your tank to position the boss to the corner to avoid any necessary deaths. Once the boss reaches 50% HP, Phase Two will begin , and with your priority shifts from boss damage to killing the 7 Restless Souls coming from the Call Souls Icon Call Souls cast. Make sure to defeat all of them before they reach Amalgam of Souls, as each of them will grant the boss with Soulgorge Icon Soulgorge stack, increasing the damage of Soul Burst Icon Soul Burst (happens once you defeat all 7 Restless Souls). After that, Phase 1 will re-appear until the boss is defeated. More details down below:


All Roles

  • Avoid the Swirling Scythe Icon Swirling Scythe frontal skill shot. The further you are from the boss, the easier it is to dodge due to the long travel time.
  • Beware of your positioning at all times to avoid being hit by the Reap Soul Icon Reap Soul 180 degrees frontal.
  • If you have the Soul Echoes Icon Soul Echoes debuff, walk slowly in a line to place the ground puddles in a way that doesn't interfere, nor affect the rest of your team members (they will trigger after a few seconds so you can stack multiple circles together to save space).
  • During Phase Two, you can use any form of crowd-control to help you kill the 7 incoming Restless Souls.
  • Use defensive cooldown when Amalgam of Souls is about to cast Soul Burst Icon Soul Burst, regardless if he has Soulgorge Icon Soulgorge stacks or not.


  • Beware of your positioning before the Reap Soul Icon Reap Soul 180-degree frontal cast. Being positioned at the corner will help your teammates dodge it easier.


  • If you have any external damage-reduction cooldown, use it before the Soul Burst Icon Soul Burst cast to help your team survive.

Illysanna Ravencrest


Notable Trash Before Illysanna Ravencrest

  • While climbing up the stairs you will face Rook Spiderlings and Rook Spinner, both creatures applying Soul Venom Icon Soul Venom debuff with their auto-attacks. Make sure to group them up and use mass AoE stuns to prevent excess amount of stacks of Soul Venom Icon Soul Venom. Alternatively, you can always Dispel them once they reach a high number.
  • Side-step the Arrow Barrage Icon Arrow Barrage (they usually jump near a random party member) and be aware of their continued Shoot ability.
  • Interrupt Risen Arcanist's Arcane Blitz Icon Arcane Blitz cast.
  • Avoid Arcane Minion's Phased Explosion Icon Phased Explosion ground effect.
  • Important mob: Use disturb effects on Risen Scout's Knife Dance Icon Knife Dance before the cast has finished, avoiding taking massive AoE group-wide damage.
  • Avoid Soul-Torn Champion's Bonebreaking Strike Icon Bonebreaking Strike frontal damage. The frontal goes where the tank faces it.
  • When engaging Risen Companion, be sure to have between 10-12 yards range between each other to avoid having Bloodthirsty Leap Icon Bloodthirsty Leap on multiple people. This BleedBleed effect stacks.
  • Commander Shemdah'sohn is just a patchwork (dummy) mob that does Bonebreaking Strike Icon Bonebreaking Strike frontal and has a large amount of health.

Illysanna Ravencrest Boss Guide

Illysanna Ravencrest is another 2-phase boss encounter, with much more punishing mechanics if you are not paying attention. Phase one: Vengeance will last until the boss reaches maximum energy, after which it will trigger Phase two: Fury. During Phase 1, the whole party must pay attention to Brutal Glaive Icon Brutal Glaive, your tank to be aware of Vengeful Shear Icon Vengeful Shear frontal attack, and everyone needs to communicate during Dark Rush Icon Dark Rush dash. Once the boss reaches maximum energy, Phase 2 will begin, and with it, you have to deal with Soul-torn Vanguard and Risen Arcanist while simultaneously managing Eye Beams Icon Eye Beams fixates and boss damage. After a short period, the boss will resume Phase 1. More information, down below:


All Roles

  • When you get targeted by Brutal Glaive Icon Brutal Glaive, get to a position where there are no nearby allies next to you to avoid the extra bounce back of the BleedBleed effect.
  • If you are fixated by Dark Rush Icon Dark Rush, make sure there are no people in between the dashes to avoid excess damage taken. Preferably be near the corner to place the follow-up - Blazing Trail Icon Blazing Trail ground effect and save space.
  • If you get targeted by the Eye Beams Icon Eye Beams in Phase 2, try to "kite" the beam efficiently and minimize the excess amount of movement. Be aware that the beam will leave a Felblazed Ground Icon Felblazed Ground trail that you must avoid staying in.
  • Dodge Soul-torn Vanguard's Bonecrushing Strike Icon Bonecrushing Strike frontal ability and interrupt Risen Arcanist's Arcane Blitz Icon Arcane Blitz cast.


  • Consider using active mitigation during Vengeful Shear Icon Vengeful Shear tank ability.
  • Make sure to taunt Soul-torn Vanguard and Risen Arcanist adds when Illysanna Ravencrest enters Phase 2.


  • Be mindful of people with Brutal Glaive Icon Brutal Glaive BleedBleed effect.

Smashspite the Hateful


Notable Trash Before Smashspite the Hateful

Upon defeating Illysanna Ravencrest, you must climb up the stairs where you will face the second to last boss - Smashspite the Hateful. Please beware of the incoming Boulder Crush Icon Boulder Crush rocks; they will stun you and do near-lethal damage (depending on the key level). The first player to reach the top of the stairs will automatically cancel the Boulder Crush Icon Boulder Crush rocks. Pro Tip: There are in total of 2 Boulder Crush Icon Boulder Crush events.

  • Wrathguard Bladelord will exclusively do damage to your tank damage with Brutal Assault Icon Brutal Assault. If you do have Enrage Dispel, you can use it once the mob has Enrage buff. Pro tip: If you are quick enough, you can stun the Brutal Assault Icon Brutal Assault channel cast.
  • Although harmless mob that only does auto-attacks, beware of Wyrmtongue Scavenger's Drink Ancient Potion Icon "Drink" Ancient Potion. The spell can trigger one of the following abilities - Indigestion Icon Indigestion (frontal-fire damage cone) or Dizzy Icon Dizzy (Wyrmtongue Scavenger will initially receive Hyperactive, spinning uncontrollably and doing damage to any player that gets in contact with, after awhile the mob will get stunned for 3 sec). In addition, beware of Throw Priceless Artifact Icon Throw Priceless Artifact ground puddles.
  • Wyrmtongue Trickster is only auto-attacking the highest threat target (your tank).
  • Bloodscent Felhound is only auto-attacking the highest threat target (your tank).
  • Pay attention to Felspite Dominator's Fel Frenzy Icon Fel Frenzy as it must be interrupted at all times. The buff can also go on any other non-boss and boss enemies, so if you have multiple Felspite Dominators, set a kick rotation. In addition, the mob will be surrounded by Fel Bat Pups and will occasionally cast Sic Bats! Icon Sic Bats!, here is a good place to use stun and disturb effects to help the targeted target survive. Pro tip: If you go on top of the stairs, you will stop the random Fel Bat Pup from spawning (otherwise handful of them will come every ~10 sec).

Smashspite the Hateful Boss Guide

Smashspite the Hateful is a relatively easy boss fight, if you manage Hateful Gaze Icon Hateful Gaze and its follow-up effect - Hateful Charge Icon Hateful Charge properly. The boss will have a Rage bar that will slowly fill thanks to Brutality Icon Brutality; once he reaches 100 Rage, he will cast Brutal Haymaker Icon Brutal Haymaker to your tank. In addition to this, your Healer must constantly pay attention to Earthshaking Stomp Icon Earthshaking Stomp AoE group-wide damage and knockback effect. At last, throughout the whole fight, a player will randomly be selected by a Fel Bat casting Fel Vomit Icon Fel Vomit on them with a follow-up ground effect - Fel Vomitus Icon Fel Vomitus (hence why positioning matters); as the fight progresses, the frequency of the Fel Vomitus Icon Fel Vomitus casts will increase. More information down below:


All Roles

  • Pay attention to your positioning at all times to avoid overlapping damage taken from Earthshaking Stomp Icon Earthshaking Stomp + Fel Vomitus Icon Fel Vomitus. This is a good place to use your defensive cooldowns if you are in low health.
  • Avoid staying in Fel Vomitus Icon Fel Vomitus.
  • Don't take more than 1 stack of Hateful Charge Icon Hateful Charge. The best way to handle the Hateful Gaze Icon Hateful Gaze and its follow-up effect - Hateful Charge Icon Hateful Charge is to rotate people that do not have stacks or let your tank soak multiple debuffs.


  • Be a backup soak of Hateful Charge Icon Hateful Charge in case the rotation of the soakers gets disrupted.
  • Use major defensive cooldowns during Brutal Haymaker Icon Brutal Haymaker cast.


  • Help your tank during Brutal Haymaker Icon Brutal Haymaker cast.
  • Top-up people before the Earthshaking Stomp Icon Earthshaking Stomp cast.

Lord Kur'Talos Ravencrest


Notable Trash Before Lord Kur'Talos Ravencrest

  • Risen Swordsman will exclusively deal tank damage with its Coup de Grace Icon Coup de Grace special attack. Use defensive cooldowns when appropriate.
  • Avoid getting hit by Risen Lancer's Raven's Dive Icon Raven's Dive ground effect.

Lord Kur'Talos Ravencrest Boss Guide

Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest is a two-phase boss encounter consisting of Stage One: Lord of the Keep and Stage Two: Vengeance of the Ancients. During Phase 1, you will be facing Latosius; avoid its Whirling Blade Icon Whirling Blade frontal skill shot while your tank is dealing with Unerring Shear Icon Unerring Shear tank-buster spell. In addition to that, throughout this phase, Latosius will hit a random enemy with Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt (every ~25 sec) and cast Dark Blast Icon Dark Blast ground animation, up until the boss reaches 20% HP, which will end Phase 1 and trigger Phase 2. The second phase is the hardest one, as you will be dealing with Dantalionax while having the Legacy of the Ravencrest Icon Legacy of the Ravencrest. During this phase, Dantalionax will occasionally cast Shadow Bolt Volley Icon Shadow Bolt Volley, doing AoE damage to the whole party, and focus one random party member with Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm (this is the priority to kill during this phase). At last, they will cast Dreadlord's Guile Icon Dreadlord's Guile entering a minor inter-phase, during which you must avoid getting hit by Dark Obliteration Icon Dark Obliteration and Cloud of Hypnosis Icon Cloud of Hypnosis. More information down below:


All Roles

  • Avoid the Whirling Blade Icon Whirling Blade frontal skill shot.
  • Avoid being hit by the Dark Blast Icon Dark Blast.
  • During the Dreadlord's Guile Icon Dreadlord's Guile inter-phase, use any movement-speed bonus effect to avoid dying to Dark Obliteration Icon Dark Obliteration.
  • Avoid any Cloud of Hypnosis Icon Cloud of Hypnosis ground puddles.
  • Pro tip: During the very first Shadow Bolt Volley Icon Shadow Bolt Volley cast, use your personal defensive as you will not be having Legacy of the Ravencrest Icon Legacy of the Ravencrest buff.


  • Watch out for the Unerring Shear Icon Unerring Shear cast.


  • Top-up your party to avoid lethal damage coming from Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt.
  • Spot-heal the target that gets Stinging Swarm Icon Stinging Swarm.
  • Make sure people are close to being max health during Shadow Bolt Volley Icon Shadow Bolt Volley AoE cast.

Black Rook Hold Loot Table


The Amalgam of Souls

Type Item Stats
Polearm Howling Echoes Crit/Haste
Mail Shoulder Shadow Archer's Spaulders Icon Shadow Archer's Spaulders Mastery/Vers
Back Shadowfeather Shawl Icon Shadowfeather Shawl Haste/Vers
Plate Chest Etheldrin's Breastplate Icon Etheldrin's Breastplate Mastery/Haste
Cloth Chest Ravencourt Formal Robes Icon Ravencourt Formal Robes Mastery/Crit
Leather Hands Raven's Veil Gloves Icon Raven's Veil Gloves Mastery/Crit
Trinket Amalgam's Seventh Spine Icon Amalgam's Seventh Spine Int

Illysanna Ravencrest

Type Item Stats
Leather Head Soulstarve Hood Icon Soulstarve Hood Haste/Crit
Plate Hands Ravencrest Bonecrush Gauntlets Icon Ravencrest Bonecrush Gauntlets Crit/Mastery
Mail Waist Soul-Torn Fury Cinch Icon Soul-Torn Fury Cinch Mastery/Crit
Cloth Boots Slippers of Heedless Sacrifice Icon Slippers of Heedless Sacrifice Crit/Haste
Finger Ring of Contempt Icon Ring of Contempt Haste/Vers
Trinket Ember of Nullification Icon Ember of Nullification Agi

Smashspite the Hateful

Type Item Stats
Cloth Head Collar of Raking Claws Icon Collar of Raking Claws Haste/Mastery
Mail Legs Fel-Hammered Greaves Icon Fel-Hammered Greaves Mastery/Crit
Ring Band of Callous Dominance Icon Band of Callous Dominance Crit/Haste
Trinket Spiked Counterweight Icon Spiked Counterweight Haste

Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest

Type Item Stats
2H Sword Ravencrest's Wrath Icon Ravencrest's Wrath Haste/Vers
Mail Head Shadow Archer's Helm Icon Shadow Archer's Helm Crit/Haste
Neck Raven Filigree Pendant Icon Raven Filigree Pendant Vers/Mastery
Cloth Hands Latosius's Blasting Gloves Icon Latosius's Blasting Gloves Mastery/Crit
Leather Legs Legguards of Endless Horrors Icon Legguards of Endless Horrors Haste/Vers
Plate Legs Rook Footman's Legplates Icon Rook Footman's Legplates Mastery/Crit
Trinket Caged Horror Icon Caged Horror Mastery

Black Rook Hold Achievements

There are 7 total achievements to obtain in Black Rook Hold:

Achievement Criteria
Black Rook Hold Icon Black Rook Hold Defeat Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest in Black Rook Hold.
Heroic: Black Rook Hold Icon Heroic: Black Rook Hold Defeat Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest in Black Rook Hold on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: Black Rook Hold Icon Mythic: Black Rook Hold Defeat Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest in Black Rook Hold on MythicMythic difficulty.
Keystone Hero: Black Rook Hold Icon Keystone Hero: Black Rook Hold Complete Black Rook Hold at MythicMythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit.
Adds? More Like Bads Icon Adds? More Like Bads Defeat Illysanna Ravencrest without killing any of her allies in Black Rook Hold on MythicMythic difficulty.
Black Rook Moan Icon Black Rook Moan Defeat Amalgam of Souls after killing a Frustrated Soul in Black Rook Hold on MythicMythic difficulty.
You Used to Scrawl Me In Your Fel Tome Icon You Used to Scrawl Me In Your Fel Tome Find all entries of Illysanna Ravencrest's diary in Black Rook Hold.


  • 19 Mar. 2024: No further changes required for 10.2.6 Patch.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: No further changes required for 10.2.5 Patch.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
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