Blightbone Mythic Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Mythic difficulty Encounter Journal for Blightbone in The Necrotic Wake.
More Blightbone Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
Periodically, Blightbone will Heaving Retch towards a player, spewing up Carrion Worms. As Carrion Worms attack their target they grow larger, eventually exploding into a
Carrion Eruption.
- Avoid
Heaving Retch.
Fetid Gas pacifies and silences all players standing within it.
Crunch inflicts heavy damage to Blightbone's current target.
- Position
Heaving Retch to avoid hitting other players.
- Carrion Worms cast
Blood Gorge instead of melee attacking, eventually exploding in a
Carrion Eruption.
- Position
Heaving Retch to avoid hitting other players.
- Carrion Worms cast
Blood Gorge instead of melee attacking, eventually exploding in a
Carrion Eruption.

Blightbone hurls a toxic spew at all players in a cone in front of him, inflicting 6,639 Nature damage and an additional 1,104 Nature damage every 2 sec for 12 sec as Blightbone spews forth up to 3 Carrion Worms.
Carrion Worms hunger for blood, searching out random players to feast upon.

The Carrion Worm bites the target, inflicting 3,319 Physical damage.
Additionally, each successful Blood Gorge causes the worm to grow in size, permanently increasing its Physical damage done by 50%.
Upon reaching 3 applications, the worm explodes in a Carrion Eruption.

The Carrion Worm explodes, spraying all players with noxious goo that inflicts 2,766 Nature damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.

Unleashes a store of pent up gas that last for up to 120 sec. Standing within the area inflicts 1,770 Nature damage every 2 sec and prevents all actions and spell casting.

Unleashes a store of pent up gas that last for up to 120 sec. Standing within the area inflicts 1,770 Nature damage every 2 sec and prevents all actions and spell casting.

Blightbone smashes his current target, inflicting 14,384 Physical damage.
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