Blood Death Knight Tank Mythic+ Tips — The War Within (11.1.0)
In this guide, you will find tips and advice to tackle Mythic+ dungeons with your Blood Death Knight in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).
Blood Death Knight Mythic+ Guide for The War Within Season 2
In this guide, we will talk about getting the most out of your Death Knight in Mythic+ dungeons, including the best way to set up your character, how your rotation may change, and tips and tricks for using your abilities most optimally.
If you are unfamiliar with Mythic+ and its associated general mechanics, you can read more about it on our dedicated Mythic+ page below.
To learn more about the Mythic+ Meta, check out our Mythic+ Tier List below.
Blood Death Knight in The War Within Mythic+
Blood Death Knight is a versatile tank packed to the brim with a wide array of abilities that can be used to control enemies in Mythic+, all while being largely self-sufficient when in expert hands. This combination makes us both a great choice at almost any key level, and a spec that is both easy to get into and actually fun to see results with.
Best Mythic+ Talents for Blood Death Knight in The War Within
For a more general overview of Talents for Blood Death Knight, please visit our dedicated Talents page.
Best Mythic+ Talent Builds for Blood Death Knight
Mythic+ Utility for Blood Death Knight in The War Within Season 2
This section talks mostly about the uses of different spells. For in-depth explanations of all Blood Death Knight Abilities and Talents, including these, check out our Spells page.
Utility of Blood Death Knight in The War Within
Interrupts, Stuns and Stops
Mind Freeze is your kick; it is a talented ability, has a 15-yard range
and is on a standard melee cooldown. You can choose to spec into
to reduce this to 12 seconds if you manage to successfully interrupt a spec, but we
generally recommend against it; in Season 1, no notable enemy has a 12-second
recast time on a dangerous ability.
You should use a macro similar to the one below in order to be able to easily transition between kicking your focus or your current target if you do not have a focus target set. This generally allows you to pre-identify what you will kick, even if it is not your current target:
- /cast [@focus,exists,nodead] [] Mind Freeze
Make sure that your UI shows your Focus Target's casts clearly so that you are always able to kick it on cooldown or in coordination with the rest of your group.
Other Group Stops
Asphyxiate is available on the class tree; it is a relatively long cooldown (45s),
ranged stun, and costs an entire GCD to cast. When used, your target is stunned for 4 seconds.
Blinding Sleet disorients all targets in front of you until they take a small amount
of damage, or for 5 seconds. When the disorient breaks, they are slowed by 50% for 6 seconds.
Death Grip's primary utility is as a soft stop on casts; with two charges on a rolling
15-second recharge timer with
Death's Echo, and only costing 1/3 of a GCD, it is very
useful to force certain enemies to restart their cast. Unfortunately for us, in The War Within,
the default behavior of most spells is to just attempt to recast if stopped, and as a result, this
only buys you a short amount of time.
Abomination Limb can technically be considered a stop, as it will reliably pull the
furthest target further than 8 yards from you to your position, and this check + grip can occur
up to once per second and up to once every 4 seconds per mob.
Finally, Gorefiend's Grasp can be picked on the spec tree; it functions as a targeted
AoE displacement tool. It requires a target to cast, and when used, all hostile targets within 15
yards of the target are pulled to the center of that target's hitbox. This is incredibly
dangerous to cast on yourself; you should always cast on somebody (or something) else. It is also
worth noting that the target you cast it on is not moved, and thus, no cast is stopped if they were
You can augment Gorefiend's Grasp with a 3-second silence on anything it gripped, including
its main target, by talenting into
Tightening Grasp.
Other Utility
Death and Decay, when paired with the
Grip of the Dead
talent becomes a highly effective tool for starting to kite as you head to the
next pack. As with
Bone Shield, be sure that Death and Decay is
available to use when you are ready to move on to the next pack.
Raise Ally is the Death Knight combat resurrection spell. While
in a raid environment, you would not normally want to rely on the tank for
combat resurrection, in a Mythic+ dungeon, you may be the only player to bring
this utility. Additionally, the instant-cast nature of
Raise Ally will make it
preferable to other combat resurrections in some circumstances, even considering
its steep Runic Power cost. If you need to resurrect an ally, be sure to consider
both timing and positioning — avoid placing the newly resurrected player
in the path of a dangerous boss cleave or immediately before a dungeon-wide
damage event.
Anti-Magic Zone provides
Death Knights with a way to help the group survive large bursts of magic
damage. Its range and duration are limited, but mostly sufficient in Mythic+.
Its cooldown can be brought down to 90 seconds with
Assimilation, but
much like
Coldthirst, we recommend evaluating whether this is a
concrete gain for you instead of just blindly picking it and never leveraging it.
Control Undead can potentially see play in Theater of Pain in order
to trivialize the hardest pull in the dungeon. When the season launches, this and many
other tips will be shown at the bottom of this page. Stay tuned!
Dungeon Tips and Tricks for Blood Death Knight for The War Within Season 2
Before getting into dungeon-specific tips, one very important detail about
starting a key as a Blood Death Knight needs to be mentioned. You can pre-stack
Bone Shield stacks before the key starts, and you have a very strong
incentive to do so, as this frees you from having to rapidly gather the first
pull of a dungeon while also having to worry about it.
You can do so by just stacking it up before the key starts; just bear in mind that the stacks last 30 seconds.
Mythic+ Tips for Blood Death Knight in The War Within Season 2
This section will be updated when Season 2 launches. Stay tuned!
Affix Tips, Tricks and Management for Blood Death Knight in The War Within Season 2
This section has Blood Death Knight-specific tips for dealing with the various affixes of Mythic+. If you want general guides for each of our Dungeons or Mythic+ in general, check out our dedicated page below.
Affix Guide for Blood Death Knight in The War Within
Ascendant Affix Management for Blood Death Knight
Our default builds already include Blinding Sleet and
Mind Freeze.
Be aware of the orb spawn timer, and position yourself so you can stop multiple with sleet!
Pulsar Affix Management for Blood Death Knight
Periodically, a large blue orb will spawn around all players and slowly orbit them. Another player needs to come in contact with it to remove it, granting 4% mastery and 2% leech per stack.
Failure to do this within 15 seconds buffs all mobs within 100 yards, granting them 10% damage and 20% damage reduction per stack.
There is nothing to do about this from a talent or spec perspective - just help soak the orbs!
Voidbound Affix Management for Blood Death Knight
Voidbound emissaries are a straightforward DPS check. If you are playing Deathbringer, we
recommend trying to save either an
Exterminate stack or two to assist in dealing with it.
They have 1% health and a large shield, making them ideal targets for Soul Reaper.
Devour Affix Management for Blood Death Knight
You can pre-emptively Anti-Magic Shell this affix, but this costs your entire team damage. Instead,
you should simply
Death Strike it away!
- 24 Feb. 2025: Prepared for Patch 11.1.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: The tips are in!
- 09 Sep. 2024: Preparing for TWW S1 launch. Everything except dungeon tips are in place.
- 19 Aug. 2024: Updated talent tree for The War Within Launch.
- 24 Jul. 2024: Correcting talent hashes.
- 18 Jul. 2024: Adjusted builds for TWW pre-patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Clarified pre-key, pre-pull, between-pull tips, affix tips, sorted out builds and added routing tips. Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Swapped a season 2 reference.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
- 01 May 2023: Removed thundering, added info about new affixes and how Blood has no way to help with them.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Clarified talents.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Prepared for the initial release of Mythic+. In-depth, expanded spell information will follow after launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Death Knight Guides
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This guide has been written by Mandl and Panthea.
Mandl is one of Acherus' Useful Minions and Blood Death Knight theorycrafter.
Panthea raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a "Useful Minion" for the Acherus Death Knight Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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