Box of Many Things Guide for Torghast
The Box of Many Things is a new Torghast progression system that allows you to upgrade your performance and potential rewards inside the tower.
The currency required by the box is gathered by running Torghast, creating a new progression system for people interested in running it often.
In this guide, we will go into detail on what the Box can do for you, how to assign points to it, and in which order.
Box of Many Things Best Talent Order
While we will discuss each individual talent in the next sections, the order we recommend for filling the Box of Many Things is:
- Blessing of the Ancients (20 TK)
- Blessing of the Ancients (80 TK)
- Freed from Torment (40 TK)
- Efficient Looter (60 TK)
- Empowered Perseverance (40 TK)
- Empowered Swiftness (20 TK)
- The Adamant Vaults (100 TK)
- Blessing of the Ancients (200 TK)
- Enduring Souls (50 TK)
- Freed from Torment (200 TK)
- Empowered Perseverance (100 TK)
- Empowered Swiftness (60 TK)
- Good Reflexes (30 TK)
- Elite Slayer (40 TK)
- Unflinching (20 TK)
- Elite Slayer (100 TK)
- Unflinching (40 TK)
- Anima Plunderer (50 TK)
- Unflinching (70 TK)
- Anima Plunderer (100 TK)
- Unflinching (100 TK)
- Unflinching (150 TK)
- Good Reflexes (80 TK)
- Inexplicable Power (20 TK)
- Inexplicable Power (40 TK)
- Anima Plunderer (200 TK)
- Meddle with Fate (40 TK)
- Empowered Nova (250 TK)
- Meddle with Fate (80 TK)
- Meddle with Fate (150 TK)
- Inexplicable Power (70 TK)
- Inexplicable Power (100 TK)
- Inexplicable Power (150 TK)
- Discovered Cache (20 TK)
- Discovered Cache (50 TK)
- Discovered Cache (80 TK)
- Undeterred (20 TK)
- Undeterred (40 TK)
- Undeterred (70 TK)
- Death Denied (20 TK)
- Death Denied (40 TK)
- Death Denied (70 TK)
- Undeterred (100 TK)
- Undeterred (150 TK)
Completing the whole tree will grant you the Many, Many Things achievement
and the Mord'al Eveningstar battle pet.
Shadowlands Torghast Box of Many Things Guide
You do not need this quest in order to find Ve'nish in Torghast, but in Patch 9.1, you can pick up the In Darkness, Found quest in Korthia, given by Xy'lonu at Keeper's Respite. This quest sends you to find Ve'nish in Torghast.
Whether you have the Korthia quest or not, you will find him in one of the first floors of any layer you enter, and he will give you the Box of Many Things, which you can place near the Runecarver in order to unlock a Torghast-specific talent tree.

Torghast Tower Knowledge

Tower Knowledge, or TK in short, is a new Torghast currency used to unlock the Box of Many Things talents. You get this currency upon the completion of any layer. You get more of it from higher layers, and from doing them with a better Score.
For example, doing a 3-star layer 9 would reward 60 TK, while doing the same layer 9 with 5 stars would reward 90 TK. Doing a layer 12 with 3 stars would award 100 TK and so on.
This currency has a weekly cap that increases every week for all characters, similar to Conquest points. This allows to easy catch up on alts, as long as you do the Torghast runs required in order to cap your TK.
Box of Many Things Talents and Powers
Blessing of the Ancients

Blessing of the Ancients allows your Torghast runs to begin with 1 (20 TK cost), 2 (80 TK cost), or 3 (200 TK cost) blessings.
These are randomly selected daily rotating buffs for each Cell Block, such as:
- Anima Hoarder gives you a free Anima power orb at the start of each floor.
- Armed grants you 4 Obleron Armaments at the start of your run, resulting in +3% Haste, Mastery, Versatility and Critical Strike.
- Diminishing Blows causes the first 3 elites you attack in your run to have 75% less health.
- Chaotic Concoctions spawns a box near you at the start of your run
that has multiples of three consumable items inside: Draught of Temporal Rush
(25% Speed and 35% Haste for 20 seconds), Draught of Leeching Strikes
(100% Leech for 20 seconds) and
Long Tail Dynarats. Long Tail Dynarats cause enemies to explode for 33% of their maximum health to other nearby enemies on death.
- Advantage causes bosses to deal 30% less damage, receive 30% less healing and have 30% less health.
- Cursed Souls makes your Soul Remnants increase your primary stat by 3% instead of 1% each, but also makes them decrease your Stamina by 1% each, unless you have the Enduring Souls Box trait, which will result in your Stamina being increased by 2% per soul freed.
- Resilient reduces your damage taken by 10% and also reduces the duration of Stun, Silence and Fear effects on you by 25%.
- Rampage makes each of your kills give you a Rampage buff for 20 seconds. These buffs reduce your power costs by 5% and increase your cooldown recovery rate by 20% per stack, up to a maximum of 10 stacks.
- Surging Power increases your movement speed out of combat and grants you 3 lightning orbs while in combat which do significant damage over time to all enemies near you.
- Shoplifter allows you to attack and kill the broker vendors in Torghast. They will be neutral, so make sure to buy any powers you want from them before killing them for free extra powers and consumables.
- Phantastic increases your movement speed and haste by 1% for each 50 Phantasma carried, up to a maximum of 20%.
- Challenge Slayer gives you a 40% chance to kill a non-boss elite instantly when you bring it under 40% health.

Empowered Swiftness

Empowered Swiftness causes your empowered state to increase your movement and haste by an additional 5% (20 TK cost) or 10% (60 TK cost). This is a minor buff to the extra power you gain while empowered, and is mostly forgettable as you will not be spending most of your run empowered in a regular run.
Efficient Looter

Efficient Looter (60 TK cost) allows you to never have to bother looting anything other than the end boss again. This is not necessarily an important power since you can easily area loot most things in a fraction of a second, but it provides a nice quality of life increase, once you get the cheapest throughput and speed increasing powers.
Freed from Torment

Freed from Torment reduces the amount of torments you face in your Torghast runs by 1 (40 TK cost) / 2 (200 TK cost). Because torments can make your runs slower and more dangerous, this is a strong power which should be prioritized early on.
Torments are randomly selected daily rotating debuffs for each Cell Block, such as:
- Unstable Phantasma makes some of your Phantasma reserves coalesce into a mob near you, which you need to kill in order to recover your Phantasma before it escapes, soon after coalescing. You can stun / disorient and displace the mob to interrupt the escape cast, but it cannot be interrupted directly.
- Raging makes non-boss enemies deal 50% increased damage when brought under 30% health. This effect cannot be removed with enrage dispelling abilities.
- Supernatural Power makes the Unnatural Power buff that stacks over time on elites and bosses much stronger.
- Hardened causes non-elite enemies to have +25% health.
- Lockdown causes your location to be bombarded periodically, causing damage and slowing you if you are hit.
- Twisted Strength causes physical damage dealt by enemies and players to be increased by 15%.
- Twisted Magic causes magic damage dealt by enemies and players to be increased by 15%.
- Avenger makes enemies grant other nearby enemies extra haste when they die.
- Volatile Doom causes enemies to leave orbs behind on death, which explode in a short radius shortly afterwards, dealing high damage to any players nearby and applying a damage over time effect.
- Claustrophobic causes enemies to deal 10% extra damage when there are 5 of them or more within 10 yards of you.
- Tricks and Traps causes traps to become more commonly found and deal even more damage than usual.
- Thanatophobia causes you to become horrified for 3 seconds when your health dips under 40%, but can only happen once every 2 minutes.
- Backup causes bosses to have a Mawsworn Doubtcaller nearby, which will slow you down and use damaging spells until interrupted or killed.
- Reinforced: Commanding makes elite enemies in Torghast grant nearby non-elite enemies extra health and reduced damage taken.
- Reinforced: Reflective causes elite enemies to periodically gain a reflective shield while in combat which reflects physical damage taken.
- Reinforced: Follower of Klontzas makes elite enemies in Torghast cast ground effects which cause permanent negative debuffs. Each time you are hit will cause you to lose 1% damage / health / speed, and these effects stack.
- Reinforced: Unstoppable gives elite enemies in Torghast a buff that stops the first interrupt or stun you use on them.
- Reinforced: Doom Conduits causes elites to periodically spawn orbs with rotating black beams of death, similar to the Arcane enchanted enemies in Diablo 3.

Empowered Perseverance

Empowered Perseverance increases your empowered state duration by 25% (40 TK cost) / 50% (100 TK cost). This gives you more uptime on empowerment, allowing for a better score and quicker / easier runs, and is a solid power, if not game-breaking.
Discovered Cache

Discovered Cache increases the amount and rarity of Anima Powers offered by the broker vendors. Rank 1 (20 TK cost) gives you two rare power options, Rank 2 (50 TK cost) gives you two rare consumable options and Rank 3 (80 TK cost) gives you two epic power options. The extra options are picked from a new set of powers which generally do not complement your existing builds, making this bonus less useful than it looks at a first glance.

Undeterred reduces the damage you take from bosses by 5% (20 TK cost) / 10% (40 TK cost) / 15% (70 TK cost) / 20% (100 TK cost) / 25% (150 TK cost). While generally unimpactful, it can be the difference between life and death against some of the tougher bosses.
The Adamant Vaults

The Adamant Vaults (100 TK cost) allows you to access two extra floors on layer 9
or above, if you finish your run with a 5-star Flawless Torghast Score.
These contain new enemies, layouts, traps, bosses, and can drop new unique cosmetics,
as well as the rare Death-Bound Shard item!
You can find a detailed guide for the Adamant Vaults below.
Inexplicable Power

Inexplicable Power increases your damage by 5% (20 TK cost) / 10% (40 TK cost) / 15% (70 TK cost) / 20% (100 TK cost) / 25% (150 TK cost) for 20 seconds after you engage a boss. Extra damage is always welcome, and killing bosses faster is very valuable, as they tend to be the most dangerous enemies.

You can also get a better score by killing the final boss in 20 (+20 score) or 40 (+10 score) seconds or less, for a Score bonus.
Enduring Souls

Enduring Souls (50 TP cost) makes Soul Remnants within Torghast also grant you 1% Stamina. This is a strong talent, which drastically increases your survivability for only 50 TK.
Good Reflexes

Good Reflexes causes traps to deal 20% (30 TK cost) / 40% (80 TK cost) less damage to you. Considering traps, such as fire pits, are one of the biggest sources of deaths, as their damage is often enough to one shot you, reducing their damage under one-shot territory is actually surprisingly valuable!
Death Denied

Death Denied causes your deaths to have a 5% (20 TP cost) / 10% (40 TP cost) / 15% (70 TP cost) chance not to count against your score at the end of your run. You really should try to avoid dying at all costs regardless, as each death grants a 20 score penalty, which is usually enough to bump you down a star.

Unflinching reduces the damage you take from elites by 5% (20 TP cost) / 10% (40 TP cost) / 15% (70 TP cost) / 20% (100 TP cost) / 25% (150 TP cost). This is a great survivability gain, as elites are by far the most dangerous enemies in Torghast, and also affected by many dangerous Torments.
Anima Plunderer

Anima Plunderer causes an Anima Power orb to drop after you kill 10 (50 TP cost) / 20 (100 TP cost) / 30 (200 TP cost) enemies. Because it can only drop up to 3 Anima Powers, and also due to its high cost, this is a mostly forgettable power in its current state.
Elite Slayer

Elite Slayer causes Elite enemies to award 20% (40 TP cost) / 40% (100 TP cost) additional value to the empowered bar. This talent increases the amount of time you can be empowered drastically, making it a strong contributor towards high score runs.
Meddle With Fate

Meddle With Fate allows you to get a new set of Anima Power choices 1 (40 TP cost) / 2 (80 TP cost) / 3 (150 TP cost) times per run. Because of the high amount of powers available, and very limited amount of rerolls, this is not quite as useful as it might seem.
Empowered Nova

Empowered Nova (250 TP cost) creates highly damaging explosions near your character whenever you use any ability while empowered. Since you also get higher score for kills while empowered, this is a great power that speeds up your runs while also boosting your score.
- 08 Sep. 2021: Added Week 11 recommendations, the final ones.
- 01 Sep. 2021: Added Week 10 recommendations.
- 25 Aug. 2021: Added Week 9 recommendations.
- 18 Aug. 2021: Added Week 8 recommendations.
- 11 Aug. 2021: Added Week 7 recommendations.
- 04 Aug. 2021: Added Week 6 recommendations.
- 28 Jul. 2021: Added Week 5 recommendations.
- 21 Jul. 2021: Added Week 4 recommendations.
- 15 Jul. 2021: Added Week 3 recommendations.
- 08 Jul. 2021: Moved the recommended talent order to the start of the guide.
- 03 Jul. 2021: Added more text on the Adamant Vaults talent explanation.
- 26 Jun. 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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