Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot
Welcome to our guide to the Brackenhide Hollow dungeon in the Dragonflight World of Warcraft expansion. This guide will cover everything you need to know about the dungeon, including how to get to it, its layout, the trash and boss mechanics within, and its loot.
Getting into Brackenhide Hollow
Brackenhide Hollow is a max-level dungeon in the The Azure Span zone on the Dragon Isles. The nearest flight point for Alliance and Horde players is Iskaara, Azure Span, just a few feet from the dungeon.

This guide will focus on an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital information
to complete it across all difficulties (Normal, Heroic,
Mythic). We will cover all 4 boss fights supported by the most
notable trash enemies in the
dungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the other
Dragonflight Dungeons or the upcoming Mythic+ season instead, please see our
overviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!
Brackenhide Hollow Layout
Unlock Unique Bonuses in Brackenhide Hollow
Throughout the entire dungeon, you will find several locations where
Decaying Cauldron is present. In order to activate it,
one of your party members must have at least 25 skill
in Dragon Isles Alchemy.
Below you can find more details on how to make the best use of it:
- Once you activate the Decaying Cauldron, you and each
of your party members can collect their
Cleansed Rot brew that can be used to clear one
Disease of your choice (using the extra action button to trigger it).
- Upon consumption, the
Cleansed Rot will disappear and the only way to get it again is if you get back to the Decaying Cauldron and collect it.
- Luckily, there are several locations where you can obtain the brew spread across the entire map of Brackenhide Hollow!
Lost Kanniak and Hackclaw's War-Band
Notable Trash Before Hackclaw's War-Band
Before we continue with the further details of the trash enemies in this dungeon, we have to mention that there is an extensive event that must be completed to be able to summon the first boss, Hackclaw's War-Band. The event consists of freeing 5 Tuskarr located in Meat Storage cages around the Lost Kanniak area. You can choose which cages to open and design your route and how it suits your taste. Just know that whichever cage you open is surrounded by packs of angry gnolls! Here is what you should know about them and their abilities:
- Claw Fighter will fixate on random players with
Vicious Clawmangle, in which case you can use crowd-control spells to stop it, kite them away or use combat-reset abilities to cancel the cast (such as a Rogue's
Vanish, for example).
- Bonecrusher has only to worry
Crushing Smash and it usually targets your tank, slowing their movement speed by 30% for 12 sec.
- ViciousHyena will reduce your tank's healing intake with its
Infected Bite cast. This, in combination with the rest of the "tank-buster" mobs, will make them difficult to heal, so watch out!
- Bonebolt Hunter will be one of the higher-priority targets not only
because of its unavoidable
Shoot damage on random targets but also because of its
Bone Bolt, dealing great initial damage to a random player and leaving a tough
Bleed effect afterward. Avoid triggering its
Toxic Trap at all costs.
- Interrupt TrickclawMystic's
Earth Bolt.
- Decay Speaker are the highest-priority target in the first area
of the dungeon due to its extremely dangerous
Withering Burst cast, which applies a follow-up
Disease effect. Any spare kick should go on the a single-target high damage
Decay Surge as it is not as important.
- Speaking about high-alert mobs, I would advise to be cautious when pulling
Bracken Warscourge with many mobs due to its
Pack Tactics aura. Interrupt
Hideous Cackle at all costs, as the AoE fear effect will send you shrieking in fear for a short period of time, which is likely to result in a wipe. In addition, step out of their
Ragestorm and do not ever stay in it.
Hackclaw's War-Band Boss Guide

You will be simultaneously fighting the 3 chief gnolls, Rira Hackclaw, Gashtooth, and Tricktotem, each of them having unique abilities under their belt. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the boss fight:
All Roles
Avoid being hit by Rira Hackclaw's
Bladestorm; she will be slowed by 70% during the cast, which will make dodging much easier.
- Interrupt
Greater Healing Rapids at all costs to prevent the bosses from healing.
- Any spare interrupts should go towards
Earth Bolt casts.
- Beware of
Bloodfrenzy; if one of the gnolls drops below 15% health, this will automatically trigger. You want to cleave them equally until they are all at 15% HP to prevent increasing the fight's difficulty. Another strategy here is to just zerg the Tricktotem caster, this way you don't have to deal with interrupts, which can be a better strategy if you play with classes that have a long cooldown on their stops.
- Quickly nuke the
Hextrick Totem to prevent your teammates from being
- Be careful of how you position Rira Hackclaw, since her auto
Cleave all players in front of her within an 8-yard cone.
- Periodically, Rira Hackclaw will charge a random member of your
party with
Savage Charge. It is your responsibility to stay in front of the charge and soak the damage incoming damage, or else they will die. Unless your party member specifically instructs you not to do it because they have an immunity available, you should pay attention to this cast at all costs!
- Gashtooth will occasionally cast
Gash Frenzy, shadowstepping behind every player and applying a
Bleed effect for 15 sec, which you can remove if you heal your teammates above 90% health!
- Gashtooth will additionally cast
Marked for Butchery on one player; use your external defensive cooldowns on them and spot-heal!
- Dispel Gashtooth's
Decayed Senses as quickly as you can to prevent your team member from being crowd-controlled for 15 sec.
- During the entire boss fight, there will be a
Prey on the Weak aura that will empower each boss with the
Predatory Instincts stackable buff based on their missing health. It is your duty to keep everyone above 90% health at all times!
Gutshot Overlook and Gutshot
Notable Trash Before Gutshot

Once you have defeated Hackclaw's War-Band, the gate in front of you will open, leaving you with the choice of either going left toward Gutshot or going right toward Treemouth. Although a much common strategy is to go right side, for the sake of the guide, we will display all of the mobs that you will face should you go to the left side (much more dangerous). Here is what you should know on the way there:
- Fleshripper Vulture is the first trash mob you will be facing.
The only ability to watch out for is
Screech; interrupt it as soon as it casts it.
- Gutchewer Bear has slightly more health, with the only important
ability being
- For several reasons, Rotbow Ranger will be the hardest mob in this area. First, they will have
Pack Tactics aura buff that will empower all the enemies around them, followed by its
Shoot and
Bone Bolt abilities that can go on a random target from your party. Avoid their
Bone Bolt Volley frontal damage (it has a 40-yard range so you have to side-step it rather than out-range it). Finally, this mob will empower nearby Fleshripper Vultures and ViciousHyenas with
Rotten Meat to chase one random member of your party. Help your teammates with stuns, slows, and other disruption effects to prevent them from facing certain death.
As soon as you pass the first "room," more terrain will appear only to have the already-known Bracken Warscourge. It is a trap! There will be 6 stealthed Gutstabbers that will ambush you.
Gutshot Boss Guide

Right from the beginning of the boss fight Gutshot will have
2 Rotfang Hyenas next to her. They will attack only the
tank until Gutshot casts Meat Toss. Your highest priority
is to defeat them before she casts
Call Hyenas again, calling 2 more
of them. Finally, the boss has a
Huntleader's Tactics aura, further
empowering both Rotfang Hyenas, another reason why you should kill them
before the new ones are going to spawn, just make sure you do not lose out on too much
boss damage. Below you can find more information about the boss fight:
All Roles
- Cleave any existing Rotfang Hyenas while focusing the boss. Make sure,
they are dead before the new set of Rotfang Hyenas spawn.
They will attack the target debuffed by
Meat Toss.
- Speaking about
Meat Toss, it will be cast on a random target making them
Smell Like Meat. Kite away from the Rotfang Hyenas and never let them catch you.
- The Rotfang Hyenas will gain the
Feeding Frenzy
Enrage effect and, upon inflicting damage, will also apply a
Bleed effect from their
Crippling Bite ability.
- You should watch out for their
Bounding Leap ground animation; it does massive damage and stuns you if you get caught in it!
Dodge the
Ensnaring Trap on the ground. Note that you can kite the existing Rotfang Hyenas into them!. Upon the trap being triggered for the first time, it will rearm itself after 5.2 seconds!
- Gutshot will periodically cast
Master's Call, if it goes through, it will free any Rotfang Hyenas from
Ensnaring Trap and give them 15% movement speed for 5 sec. Once you see the boss casting it it is extremely important to interrupt it.
- Kite the Rotfang Hyena into the
Ensnaring Traps, if they do, are not chasing anyone with a
Smell Like Meat debuff on them.
- Beware of the
Gut Shot ability. It deals great damage and knocks you back, so be careful not to be caught in one of the
Ensnaring Traps on the ground!
- Focus on healing your teammates if they get caught by one of the Rotfang Hyenas; do your best to keep them away from your party!
Once you defeat Gutshot, this will be your new spawn point if you end up dying!
The Rotwood and Treemouth
Notable Trash Before Treemouth
A few new non-boss-enemies are on the path heading toward Treemouth, and the distance is relatively short if you do head left upon defeating Gutshot. Now keep in mind, if you decided to go from the right side through the river after defeating Hackclaw's War-Band, there are a few unique non-boss-enemies. Here is more about it:
Stinkbreath is the only "mini-boss" in this dungeon and he has has several abilities to watch out for:
Violent Whirlwind will deal Physical damage to all enemies within 6 yards and knock them back; get away from it immediately!
- He will occasionally cast Stinkbreath; if you are caught
in the frontal ability, you will become
Disoriented for 4 seconds so watch out!
If you choose the right path, here is what you should know about the trash mobs there:
- Interrupt Brackenhide Shaper's
Infuse Corruption.
- Watch out for Infected Lashers as they will randomly melee you
and apply a stackable
Bleed effect -
Treemouth Boss Guide
Treemouth will periodically regenerate its Energy. Upon reaching 100 Energy, it will cast
Grasping Vines, dragging all players towards it for 4 sec. There are several more abilities to watch out for in the fight:
6.2.1.All Roles
- Dodge the
Decay Spray frontal ability.
Immediately after
Decay Spray, Treemouth will spawn 4 Decaying Slimes that will cast
Gushing Ooze; use your interrupts to stop them!
- Upon defeating Decaying Slime they will cast
Burst, dealing damage to any players within 5 yards and leaving a pool of decay on the ground for 30 seconds. Standing in the pool will damage you due to
Withering Away!, so you better watch out!
- Once Treemouth begins its
Grasping Vines it will
Consume all players within 10 yards, dealing damage and creating an absorb shield. A common strategy here is to let the most durable member from your party (tank) be
Consumed or anyone with a magical immunity. If none of the players is close enough to be
Consume then the boss gets a permanent
Enrage through
Starving Frenzy.
- In addition, be mindful that if the same person gets
Consumed twice in a row due to the
Partially Digested debuff, it is better to alternate players and their defensive cooldowns.
- Once you break the shield, the player that was
Consumed will be spat out and continue the fight. Even if you are being
Consumed, you can still use your abilities!
- Dodge the
Vine Whip is a frontal ability that will follow your direction until the end of the cast. Be careful how you aim it; you do not want to endanger the life of your teammates!
- Spot-heal the player that is being
Den of Decay and Decatriarch Wratheye
Notable Trash Before Decatriarch Wratheye
Once you defeat Treemouth, head to the right, where you will find one of the roads leading toward the Den of Decay, where you will find the last boss of the dungeon, Decatriarch Wratheye. However, there are several trash mobs to watch out for:
- Filth Caller is going to be the first trash mob you have to
deal with. Interrupt its
Decay Surge cast and beware of
Rotting Surge toxins on the ground.
- Pay attention to Disease Slasher's
Decay Claws and
Bloody Bite, as it will endanger the life of your tank!
- Fetid Rotsinger will be one of the hardest enemies in
this area. They will have the
Pack Tactics aura and an important cast to interrupt called
Burst of Decay. However, as soon as it casts
Summon Totem, swap to the totem and nuke it immediately to prevent your group from taking the
Disease effect.
- Vile Rothexer is another caster that spreads
Disease effects. Maintain at least 5 yards of distance between each other to prevent
Withering Contagion from spreading and do your best to prevent them from empowering with
Siphon Decay by standing further than 30 yards away before they finish their cast.
- Wither Biter will also be included in every pack. Even though
they are non-elite mobs, they can apply
Bloody Bite to your tank!
Decatriarch Wratheye Boss Guide

The final boss of the dungeon, Decatriarch Wratheye, will
have Energy as her resource. Upon reaching maximum Energy (100)
she will cast Decaying Strength, empowering herself and applying
Withered Eruption to your entire party. Here is more about the fight:
All Roles
Avoid being hit by
Choking Rotcloud; it will deal damage and silence you if you stay in the cloud. Getting hit by the cloud will apply a stackable
Withering Rot damage-over-time effect on you, inflicting damage and reducing your damage done.
Withering Rot does not expire until Decatriarch Wratheye absorbs it with
Decaying Strength or the encounter ends.
- Swap to the
Rotburst Totem as soon as the boss is about to spawn it, if the cast goes through, your entire party will have
Withering Rot debuff.
- Once the boss casts
Decaying Strength, she will apply
Withered Eruption to everyone on your team. The more application of
Withering Rot you have, the larger the size of the effect will be, so make sure to spread accordingly!
- Use active mitigation when the boss applies
Decaystrike on you. Be careful; this stacks!
- Move Decatriarch Wratheye close to the
Rotburst Totem to allow your party to cleave both targets simultaneously.
- Heal up the
Decaystrike from your tank as quickly as possible.
- Use healing cooldowns if your whole party has
Withering Rot as it will deal constant damage until its removed.
Brackenhide Hollow Loot Table
Hackclaw's War-Band
Type | Item | Stats |
2H Mace | ![]() |
Mastery/Haste |
Ring | ![]() |
Mastery/Vers |
Trinket | ![]() |
Agi/Str |
Polearm | ![]() |
Agi, Crit/Haste |
Cloth Feet | ![]() |
Vers/Haste |
Type | Item | Stats |
Cloth Shoulder | ![]() |
Vers/Haste |
Leather Wrist | ![]() |
Vers/Crit |
Crossbow | ![]() |
Mastery/Haste |
Plate Waist | ![]() |
Haste/Vers |
Necl | ![]() |
Crit/Vers |
Type | Item | Stats |
Leather Feet | ![]() |
Crit/Mastery |
Plate Wrist | ![]() |
Vers/Haste |
2H Mace | ![]() |
Mastery/Crit |
Cloth Head | ![]() |
Vers/Mastery |
Mail Shoulder | ![]() |
Haste/Vers |
Mail Waist | ![]() |
Crit/Haste |
Trinket | ![]() |
Agi/Str |
Decatriarch Wratheye
Type | Item | Stats |
Leather Hands | ![]() |
Crit/Haste |
1H Mace | ![]() |
Int, Mastery/Crit |
Plate Head | ![]() |
Vers/Haste |
Trinket | ![]() |
Agi/Int |
Dagger | ![]() |
Agi, Crit/Vers |
Mail Legs | ![]() |
Mastery/Vers |
Bracken Hollow Achievements
There are 10 total achievements to obtain in Brackenhide Hollow:
Achievement | Criteria |
![]() |
Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye in Brackenhide Hollow. |
![]() |
Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye in
Brackenhide Hollow on ![]() |
![]() |
Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye in
Brackenhide Hollow on ![]() |
![]() |
Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye in
Brackenhide Hollow on ![]() |
![]() |
Complete Brackenhide Hollow at ![]() |
![]() |
Defeat Treemouth after every player
has been consumed at least once in Brackenhide Hollow
on ![]() |
![]() |
Defeat Hackclaw's War Band after freeing Chief Softpaw,
equipping her with a spear and shield and making sure she
survives in Brackenhide Hollow on ![]() |
![]() |
Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye after finding and
planting three Resilient Mushrooms, then destroying them with
Decaystrike in Brackenhide Hollow on ![]() |
![]() |
Learn five hyena facts from Gwybod in a single
visit to Brackenhide Hollow on ![]() |
- 23 Apr. 2024: Guide updated for Season 4.
- 04 Sep. 2023: No further changes required for 10.1.7 Patch.
- 10 Jul. 2023: No further changes required for the 10.1.5 Patch.
- 18 Apr. 2023: Updated for Season 2.
- 25 Nov. 2022: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Petko, one of the top Mythic players of all time. He has accomplished several Europe- and World #1 Team and Solo Seasonal rankings with multiple specialization and classes. Moreover, he competes in the MDI and streams his runs live on Twitch, and shares his personal opinions on YouTube and Twitter.
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