Brann's Ultimate Companion Guide to Delves in the War Within Season 2

Last updated on Feb 22, 2025 at 21:15 by Stan 11 comments

Find out everything you need to know about Brann Bronzebeard, the trusty delve companion in the Season 2!



Brann Bronzebeard is your Delve companion in the War Within expansion. He will automatically join your run when you are alone or in a group of 4 players However, he will not join when you have a full party. Your companion grows in power and gains Experience as you clear more delves. You can set him up as a healer or a DPS.


What's New for Brann in Season 2?

Here is an overview of all the changes for Brann in Season 2.

  • Brann will retain his levels going into Season 2.
  • Brann's level cap has been raised to 80.
  • XP required to reach Level 60 has been drastically reduced.
  • Brann now has a Tank specialization with new abilities and curios.

Companion Role

When you interact with the Explorers' League Supplies at the beginning of each delve or at any checkpoint or bring up the Delves tab by pressing "H", you can set Brann's role to Damage Dealer, Healer, or Tank (new in Patch 11.1.0). Brann gains access to a different set of abilities in each role.


Damage Dealer Role

The Damage Dealer role focuses primarily on dealing damage. It is Brann's DPS specialization.

In the DPS role, Brann will gain access to the following abilities:

  • Steel Traps Icon Steel Traps — Brann hurls steel traps that snap shut on the first enemy that approaches, wounding them for moderate Physical damage instantly and additional Bleed damage over time. (25 second cooldown)
  • Gryphadin's Battle Harness Icon Gryphadin's Battle Harness — After any player uses a major cooldown ability, Brann summons his loyal gryphon companion to bombard nearby enemies for significant damage every 1 second for 10 seconds. Can only occur once every minute.
  • Trusty Whip Icon Trusty Whip — Brann uses his whip to lash the enemy, interrupting enemy spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 seconds.
  • Brann's Epic Egg Icon Brann's Epic Egg — Brann summons a devilsaur egg. Hopefully it hatches. (Instant, 1.5 minute recharge)
  • Gathering Tools Icon Gathering Tools — Brann uses his gathering tools to help players find additional gold, ore, herbs, fish, leathers, and treasures.
  • Ice Trap Icon Ice Trap — After 3 or more enemies attack a player, Brann will hurl an ice trap at them, reducing their movement speed by 50% and occasionally freezing them in place for 3 seconds. Trap lasts for 15 seconds. (Instant, 1 minute cooldown)
  • Kill Shot Icon Kill Shot — Brann will finish off wounded targets, executing enemies that have less than 30% health. The health threshold for this effect is reduced to 5% for boss creatures. (Instant, 1 minute cooldown)
  • Ancient Weapon Oil Icon Ancient Weapon Oil — Brann temporarily enchants a nearby player's weapon for 10 seconds, causing their spells and abilities to deal additional damage as fire, provided they remain in combat. When the enchantment is removed, the effect jumps to a nearby ally.
  • Monkey Leash Icon Monkey Leash — Your spells and abilities have a chance to call Brann's pet monkey, Glibb, to your side for 15 seconds, bananas in hand.
    • Aspect of the Monkey — Glibb's presence empowers you, increasing Speed, Avoidance, and Leech by 100.
    • Bad Monkey — Glibb throws a temper tantrum, inflicting tremendous Physical damage to nearby enemies with a chance to stun them for 3 seconds.
    • Explorer's Ammunition Journal Icon Explorer's Ammunition Journal (Paragon Ability) — Brann's combat mastery grants him 5% increased damage done by his spells and abilities.

Healer Role

The Healer role focuses primarily on healing, but Brann still deals some damage, but the output is not as high as in his Combat DPS role.

Brann gains access to the following abilities when in the Healing role:

  • Dwarven Medicine Icon Dwarven Medicine — Brann throws healing potions near injured players that restore a moderate amount of health upon walking through them. (Instant, 25 second cooldown)
  • Relic of Uldum Icon Relic of Uldum — Brann brandishes a powerful ancient relic that radiates Holy energy, healing allies for a tremendous amount every 1 second for 20 seconds.
  • Thirty Yards of Rope Icon Thirty Yards of Rope — Brann throws his rope to free players from stuns, bonds, and snares, and grants immunity to all such effects for 4 seconds. (Instant, 30 second cooldown)
  • Brann's Epic Egg Icon Brann's Epic Egg — Brann summons a devilsaur egg. Hopefully it hatches. (Instant, 1.5 minute recharge)
  • Gathering Tools Icon Gathering Tools — Brann uses his gathering tools to help players find additional gold, ore, herbs, fish, leathers, and treasures.
  • Cleansing Salve Icon Cleansing Salve — Brann cures an infected player, removing all Poison and Disease effects or purges an enemy target, removing 1 beneficial magic effect. (Instant, 1 minute cooldown)
  • Emergency Supplies Icon Emergency Supplies — When any player falls below 30% health, Brann will instantly heal them for 25% of their maximum health. Can only occur once every 3 minutes.
  • Aegis of Ironforge Icon Aegis of Ironforge — Brann hurls a shield at all players, reducing their damage taken by 20% and preventing loss of control effects for 12 seconds.
  • Aspect of the Monkey — Glibb's presence empowers you, increasing Speed, Avoidance, and Leech by 100.
  • Bad Monkey — Glibb throws a temper tantrum, inflicting tremendous Physical damage to nearby enemies with a chance to stun them for 3 seconds.
  • Explorer's Ammunition Journal Icon Explorer's Ammunition Journal — Brann's combat mastery grants him 5% increased damage done by his spells and abilities.
  • Explorer's Medical Journal Icon Explorer's Medical Journal (Paragon Ability) — Brann's combat mastery grants him 5% increased healing done by his spells and abilities.

Tank Role

New in Patch 11.1.0 is Brann's tank role. Brann relies on his allies, scavenged advanced technology, and his trusty shogun to charge into the front lines.

While Brann is set up as Tank, he gains access to the following abilities:

  • Veteran of Ironforge: Brann wields a pistol and a shield that wears down in battle, providing damage reduction per stack. As the shields gets damaged, Brann’s survival instincts kick in, increasing his damage dealt, and when the shield gets worn-out, he switches to his trusty shotgun.
  • Bronzebeard's Brown Bear:Brann summons the family bear, which charges into battle, launching enemies up into the air. The bear then prepares for a series of massive stomps, dealing damage, forming an area that increases dodge chance, and increasing maximum health.
  • Electro-Charged Gadgets Icon Electro-Charged Gadgets: Brann’s equipment is enhanced with cutting-edge tech upgrades.
    • Electro-Charged Shield Icon Electro-Charged Shield: Effective healing done to Brann pulsates as Nature damage to nearby enemies.
    • Electro-Charged Pistol Icon Electro-Charged Pistol: Each shot discharges and electrical current, arcing through nearby enemies and reducing their attack speed. Healing Brann super-charges his pistol to deal more damage.
    • Electro-Charged Shotgun Icon Electro-Charged Shotgun: Each enemy hit has a chance to be knocked down. Healing Brann super-charges his shotgun to deal more damage.
  • Neat Rope Trick Icon Neat Rope Trick: When an enemy attacks a player, Brann throws his trusty lasso, pulling the enemy back to him. The same enemy cannot be lassoed more than once within 10 seconds.
  • Sentry Totem Icon Sentry Totem: Brann deploys an electrifying totem, nullifying up to 3 harmful spells and boosting combat capabilities of allies within the area.
  • Grand Brann Slam Icon Grand Brann Slam: Brann leaps into battle with concussive force, dealing damage and taunting enemies nearby.
  • Lightning Link Icon Lightning Link: Brann generates an electro link that transfers damage done to nearby allies to himself.
  • Explorer's Survival Journal Icon Explorer's Survival Journal (paragon Ability): Brann’s combat mastery grants him increased maximum health and healing received.

Delve Curios

Curios are special items looted from chests at the end of a delve run. They further improve Brann's combat capabilities.

Curios have four ranks, and you can improve the rank of a curio by looting the same curio of a higher rank at higher tiers.


Combat Curios in The War Within Season 2

The following Combat Curios are available in Season 2:

  • Automatic Footbomb Dispenser Icon Automatic Footbomb Dispenser: Brann's spells and abilities have a chance to drop 2 footbombs on the field for 10 sec. Running into a footbomb kicks it at your enemy target dealing significant Fire damage to all enemies in a 6-yard radius.
  • Goblomagnetic Bouncing Grenade Icon Goblomagnetic Bouncing Grenade: Brann has a chance during combat to toss a GMB grenade at an enemy target dealing moderate Nature damage with a 20% chance to stun for 1.5 sec. This has a 25% chance to bounce to a new target. The grenade can safely bounce on party members.
  • Impact Conversion Matrix Icon Impact Conversion Matrix: Upon entering combat, Brann activates the conversion matrix for 10 sec. A small percent of all party damage dealt during this time is converted to primary stat and split between party members. After the conversion matrix powers down, the primary stat buff persists for 10 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 2 min.
  • Mechasaur EZ-Build Kit Icon Mechasaur EZ-Build Kit: Brann's Epic Egg now houses 1 mechasaurs that taunt enemies for 4 sec while within the egg. Mechasaurs will periodically stomp in addition to their usual abilities, dealing moderate Fire damage split between nearby enemies. Affected enemies explode after 5 sec, taking moderate Fire damage.
  • Pinged Augment Chip Icon Pinged Augment Chip: Brann's maximum health is increased by 20% and his damage and healing done is increased by 20%. While in combat, Brann may become targeted by mechanical bots that fixate on him which can be destroyed or dispelled. If they reach Brann, he will suffer 30% of his maximum health in damage and be stunned for 5 sec.
  • Pocket Factory Icon Pocket Factory: Brann's spells and abilities have a chance to commission the Pocket Factory to build 1 turret to assist for 10 sec.
  • Reverse Engineered Goblin Death Bomb Icon Reverse Engineered Goblin Death Bomb: When any player's health falls below 50% during combat, Brann throws a giant bomb that explodes on impact. The explosion knocks back and slows surrounding enemies by 45% for 5 sec and heals nearby party members for 35% of their maximum health. Can only occur every 1.5 min.

Utility Curios in The War Within Season 2

The following Utility Curios are available in Season 2:

  • Biofuel Rocket Gear Icon Biofuel Rocket Gear: Party members are equipped with Biofuel Rocket Gear. Biofuel: Each enemy slain fuels the Biofuel Rocket Gear increasing Movement Speed by 2% and Haste by 2% for 10 sec, stacking up to 10 times.
  • Comically Large Magnet Icon Comically Large Magnet: When Brann uses Gathering Tools, there is a 100% chance to magnetize Discarded Plating to party members granting them 5% of their maximum health as a shield that regenerates out of combat.
  • Kaja'Cola Carrier Icon Kaja'Cola Carrier: Mislaid Curiosities now have a 35% chance to contain 1 Kaja'Cola and once per delve Brann now summons a Kaja'6-Pack when creating campfires. here are various Kaja'Cola flavors, and each one has its own effect that applies when collected.
  • L00T RAID-R Icon L00T RAID-R: Every 60 sec or 5 sec after entering combat, scan the environment highlighting Mislaid Curiosities and making enemies below 95% health take 4% more damage for 10 sec.
  • Overdrive Pylon Icon Overdrive Pylon: After 30 sec of combat, party members and Brann deal 5% more damage and healing for 20 sec. Can only occur once per combat.
  • Pacifist Rig Icon Pacifist Rig: During combat a pilot is designated over 8 sec before airdropping the Pacifist Rig MK-1 at their location, equipping them with it for 20 sec, and knocking back nearby enemies.
  • Three Dimensional Bioprinter Icon Three Dimensional Bioprinter: Damaging an Elite creature below 40% health creates an imperfect copy of it at 50% power to fight by your side. Only 1 copy can exist at the same time. The device may malfunction creating imperfect copies of your companion.

Best Curio Combinations for Each Role

Here are the best curio combinations for Brann's roles:

  • DPS Role (focuses on the highest damage output): Pinged Augment Chip Icon Pinged Augment Chip (Combat Curio) + Biofuel Rocket Gear Icon Biofuel Rocket Gear (Utility Curio).
  • Healer Role (focuses on highest healing output): Pinged Augment Chip Icon Pinged Augment Chip (Combat Curio) + Overdrive Pylon Icon Overdrive Pylon (Utility Curio)
  • Tank Role (focuses on survivability and crowd control): Mechasaur EZ-Build Kit Icon Mechasaur EZ-Build Kit (Combat Curio) + Pacifist Rig Icon Pacifist Rig (Utility Curio)

Improving Brann's DPS/Healing in Delves

When doing Delves, maximizing Brann's DPS is essential to efficiently killing enemies. Below are some steps to help you improve Brann's effectiveness in combat.


Step 1: Increase Brann's Power with Higher Item Levels

Brann's strength scales directly with your item level. Players have noticed a significant boost in Brann's power when reaching an item level of around 595 in Season 1, and given that item levels increased by 39 in Season 2, we expect a similar behavior upon reaching item level 634 in Season 2.


Step 2: Optimize Brann's Curios for Maximum DPS

The following section will be updated with powerful curio combos when we figure them out!


Step 3: Track Brann's Interrupt with WeakAura

In addition to maximizing DPS, timing interrupts is key to maintaining control during fights. Therefore, tracking Brann's interrupt is crucial and helps you avoid wasting your own. You can find it here .


Step 4: Master Potion Staggering

Download the Dwarven Medicine Tracker to ensure 100% uptime on Dwarven Medicine Icon Dwarven Medicine to build stacks indefinitely.


How to Effectively Deal with Unconscious Tank Brann

If Brann’s health drops to 0 in his Tank Role, he will become Unconscious, taking 50% reduced healing. It is crucial to bring him back quickly. On higher difficulties, reviving him can be challenging. When he becomes Unconscious, turn around and head back immediately. Brann will eventually respawn nearby, giving you a brief window to revive him before enemy mobs close in.


Learn More About Delves!

Check out what's new for Delves in Season 2 in our general guide.



  • 22 Feb. 2025: Updated for Season 2 with latest changes and tank spec.
  • 04 Dec. 2024: Fixed typo.
  • 24 Nov. 2024: Updated with potion stagger addon.
  • 15 Sep. 2024: Added tips on how to optimize Brann.
  • 20 Aug. 2024: Guide added.
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